IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Gan: oic, need to steam ah. Ok will do for her tomorrow. Last Sat, I started cook some porridge add in carrot and sweet potato puree in her porridge, she opened her mouth and ate happily. But she is a small eater so majority is finished up by me :>

Grumpus and bubbybear: I bought them few month back and loss the receipt. So think very hard to sell and exchnage.

Bubbybear: I totally breastfeed her up to 5mth+. In these 5 mths, she had 2-3 times didn't poo for 2-3days. After slowly shift to FM, see her condition (constipation) became worse. Current record, the logest is 5 days. Now, every week there are few days no poo one. When you mention,
dried prunes, you meant normal adult eat one ah? I tried papay and pear. Papaya she didn't like it so see no result. Pear, she likes it but didn't improve a lot as the problem still exist.

Is ok. Will let u know when's the next one I'm hosting. Hopefully u can join us

The next time u come back we can meet up even if it's just us
Ru if ur gal constipated, avoid giving apple purée, read that applesauce will cause constipation but can give apple juice.
U can call Friso to ask for sample. They will deliver a 900g tin to you. Yes giving her Friso Gold. My gf also mentioned that Friso less heaty, that's why I decided to change though less DHA compared to enfapro. Maybe Enfapro too bu.
hello ladies..not sure u if ladies can remember me

finally decided to come in here to read the posts and kpo a little....

how is every one's babies?

Gan: RE ENFA milk powder
i think also depends on bb's health type..cos my boy can take enfalac and no issues with poop from birth ...(touch wood first)....

RU: try pear puree?

I was told by my friend who is a nurse that all high fiber foods are double edged swords...meaning if you take high fiber food and drink loads of water...NO CONSTIPATION

if you take high fiber food and dont drink much water...WILL CAUSE CONSTIPATION

i gave my ger beetroot+potato+carrot+apple puree n she pooed big time in d evenin. purple color stool, of course. may not be givin again coz d color looks yucky...red.

i havent try cod fish yet...soon.

natural cheese wat brand? i saw at finest bukit timah so many diff types of cheese....blur liao coz i seldom eat cheese de.
Gan: Noted with thanks.

nm: yes, tried pear puree but still not strong enough because she didn't poo even eating pear puree daily.
For natural cheeses, think NTUC finest or the bigger CS. Sometimes they are at the supermarket with a Deli section. There are lots and any brand will do. If you can find Australian, go for it, not cos I live here but they are very strict when it comes to agricultural produce. Try Cheddar or Colby cheese, these are mild cheese without smelling like sour milk. Even my parents who don't like cheese don't mind taking them. I think u can ask for a sampling before buying. If u don't like strong smelling cheese, aviod Parmesan but its a good cheese too.

Aiyo, how nice can poo look ? haha... Should continue to give beetroot once a while, its good. As u can see, natural color from veg comes out unlike the artificial coloring added to alot of processed food.

For dried prunes, yes for adults but just scrape the inside and give to baby, I did not give the skin. If baby not taking solids yet, try the prune juice diluted. Maybe if really is FM, then chg it temporarily and try giving enfa next time when the baby's system is more mature.

On...It will be next year, I think. Have you been to Polliwogs in East Coast ? Weekday quite good, one entry unlimited playtime and free parking too. Good exercise for toddlers and young children.
yes i've been to polliwogs. good deal on weekdays and not too crowded.
we can go there when u come back. good for us since we hv 2 kids each we need to find entertainment for them so we can sit down and relax :p
The cheese packaging will state Natural Cheese on it? Cos im not into cheese so seldom buy... Natural cheese no added salt is it?

Or are u refering those cheese that are sold by weight? Those inside the fridge display kind?
Yup.. Thats the one.. The normal hulu shape green pear...
Im sure yr bb will love it.. Both my girls love pear! Its v yummy...
Today i tried giving porridge to my small girl... I choose a different timing... I gave her aft her nap.. 4hrs since last feed.. She eats! I give her plain porridge with pumpkin and apple puree... Thou she didnt really eat alot.. At most 10 over spoons.. But thats an improvement... I guess she dont really like or not used to it.. But she has no choice cos hungry! Haha...

I also trick her.. Giving her cauliflower hide in rice cereal.. She eats too! I tasted it myself.. Yucks!
Baby, I took a break today din cook. Then afternoon tried to gv bottled food. Instead of feeding on highchair, I put all three on a picnic mat n I sat in the middle feed all together. Amazingly my eldest who refused to open his mouth to eat for days wanted to eat! My mum says coz he see me feed the other two he oso wants! Haha..so funny....I will try giv him cerEal tmr morning the same way n see if he eats.....
i'm amazed u can put all 3 on the mat and feed.
mine only one and i'm already chasing her all over cos she will crawl away!!
We really need a break some time.. Some days i have no energy at all to prepare puree..

My hands never stop till the bbs are asleep at night.. Morning got to prepare their bath time.. Then prepare their morning bfast... When they nap.. Got to cook my small girl lunch.. Then afternoon need to prepare their teabreak.. Evening need to cook elder girl porridge...

So usually wkends i will not cook... Will just give cereals in the morning...Then bring the girls out walk walk.. Take a

Yr bbs hvt crawl yet? How u manage to let 3 sit properly during feeding?? My ones will start to crawl all over when i put them on the mat...
Just finish w feeding bf n bathing them. My eldest ate on the mat again. But lately he doesn't wanna eat alot. Aft he refuse to eat he cries for milk. I hv to gv him another 140ml milk aft 5 tablespoon of healthy times cereal n 2 half cup of fruit n veg puree....
5 tablespoons of cereal and 2 half cups of puree is alot! Yr boy still can stomach 140ml of milk! Wow!

Usually i only give 75ml milk mix with 4 enfa scoops of cereal... And 1/3 cup of puree for a meal...
Then their usual milk 3 and a half hrs later...
baby, u just reminded me, i used 60ml of milk to mix w the 5 tablespoon of cereal! i used to giv more cereal..then he dun need milk tht feed. but lately he start to fuss after eating part of it...so i mix lesser cereal now so tht wun waste.... n aft bf n bath he will cry for his milk. he is back to 5 milk feeds a day n one solid feed....

my gal start to reject the bottle....bring it to her sight she will turn her hea away! just now i managed to feed her 100ml. v strange, she suck a few mouths push the teat out....aft tht open her mouth wanna suck again....this went on for like many times until she finished the bottle....dunno if its gum irritation??
The cheese packaging will have Cheddar cheese written on it, sometimes Natural Cheddar cheese they are the same. They are usually sold in blocks and will feel quite hard unlike processed cheese. May also say 'Mild', 'Tasty', 'Vintage' etc. I usually use 'Mild' or 'Tasty', these are young cheese, for 'Vintage' the cheese is left to age for at least 12 mths or so. If u can't find on the normal cold shelves, they will be in the fridge storage in big blocks sold by weight. All cheese have salt, just processed cheese have lots of extra salt added. Salt is found in most things, very hard to aviod, even baby milk have salt.

Nothing wrong with your girl's teeth. My boy has teeth since 4 mths, now he has 8 at 8 mths. The earlier they have teeth the better, less likely to reject solids.
bubblybear i suspect its teething too..coz i changed her FM n she did the same thing too.... she has been very grouchy n waking up very frequent at night crying for the past few nights... but so far dun see any teeth yet.... dunno how long this will go on....
This is exactly what happen to my small girl...
She will turn her head away when she sees the bottle.. But when i manage to put the teat in.. She will suck hungrily a few mouths then cry again... Awhile later she will open her mouth wanting to drink then reject again... Super hard to feed her.. Must give lots of distraction then can feed... Even after a whole night without milk... First milk in the morning also like that... She looks hungry but still reject bottle.. That time i tot she dont like the fm taste.. Tot of switching to another fm but reluntant to switch cos i prefer enfa so i persisted...
Its teething for my girl... This thing lasted for 2-3 weeks then i saw her teeth cut thru... Aft which feeding is alot easier thou
also need some distraction but not as bad... So its definitely not due to the fm for my girl case..

Now the problem went away.. No more rejection...
Went to compass pt cs to buy yobaby yogurt again... Its all gone! Not even one left one shelf... Cant find other brand also.. Saw yoplaint but its for 1yr plus...

Which cs can i try?

Bot salmon fillet... Gg to add to my elder girl porridge..

Also bot one peach.. V exp mann.. One peach cost $2.90!
How to make puree? Steam how long?
Realise yellow zucchhi also not cheap.. Two for almost $5...
Went cs to look for alternative cheese to laughing cow... So many types.. Se until blur... Most is hard cheese... Looks difficult to handle and prepare.. So in the end didnt buy any...

So mummies, do u still continue to give the laughing cow cheese?
Baby I remove the skin of the peach. I finished all the laughing cow cheese myself coz yummy, will look for other cheese to try for my gal. U can try great world CS. They have a few flavors of yobaby but didn't see the plain ones last sunday
Baby, I will check w my pd regarding the cheese when my bbs go for their vision check next week.

I peel the skin of the peach n steam for 5mins. V yummy n sweet. My bbs love it. I oso mix peach w apple n apricot. Delicious!

My gal has been waking up to cry every 30mins since 11pm. Now I no choice koala her...my younger boy oso in my room. Keeping my fingers crossed he guai guai zzzz....lately at 2-3am he will always cry n refused to zzz in his bed. I hv to put him on my bed share my pillow than he wanna sleep!! From tht time I no need sleep Liao coz he keeps moving n knocking his head w mine! Most amazing part is knock v hard many times he still k zzzzz....
My elder girl hv major milk rejection before. Her record is 30ml for the whole day. N tat 30ml she drank only cos I soak bread in cold ebm. Every feed she will fuss n push the bottle away or refuse to suck.
She ate bread n drank water only the entire day.
Lasted for abt 1-2 days then dunno y somehow she slowly start drinking again.

Both my girls like to zz with me on my pillow or on my arm. Now with 2 sometimes I literally hv one on each arm. I haven't had a proper night sleep in 3 yrs :p even on the rare occasions when I get the entire night off, I still wake up at the standard times tat my girls wake!
What kind of apricot u give? Dried ones? Where u get it frm?

I give the peach puree to my girls just now... My elder girl likes it but my small girl dont seems to fancy it...
Just prepare yellow zucchhi puree to store... Also steaming pear and salmon... Later mix these two together to trick my small girl since she love pear so much... Hide salmon in it... Must start to intro meat into her diet as she dont like porridge so got to put meat in some puree or cereal... Not sure if she will like it...

Wish me luck! Hee..
Its a success! My girl finish up the pear puree with mashed salmon! Its her first meat! Im gg to do the same tonight...
Hide zucchhi in her rice cereal for her dnr...
Wonder when will she like porridge...

Mummies, porridge is better than rice cereal is it? Cos rice is more natural whereas cereal is processed food...

For a start, perhaps u can blend a bit of porridge in ur puree, rather than putting puree in a lot of porridge.

I started blending porridge with puree, it still looks puree, but less sweet. Eventually I use slowcooker make porridge and put fish and puree in it. My ger can finish half a rice bowl of porridge. Think she likes, though she doesnt appear that eager to eat porridge than puree.


Keep us informed of wat ur PD say about d cheese. Thx!
Baby, yes dried apricots. My sil help me buy from marketplace. Watch for the ingredients. Make sure no sulphur or sulphate contents. I cook over stove w water n blend.

I hv also been hiding cereals in my eldest boy fruit or veg purees. He doesn't like to eat cereals. Same problem for porridge. I wanna surrender soon.
I hv surrendered already. Feeding my girl rice n steamed cubes now.
But on a side note, do u use a lot of rice for porridge? When I cook porridge it's only one tsp of rice n lots of vege. Tat makes half a bowl of porridge. Juz wondering cos my friend claims her girl loves the porridge I cook more than the porridge she cooks so we were juz comparing the difference.
Luck is with me today! I fed my small girl zuccchhi porridge.. She eats! Thats the first time she open her mouth for more porridge!... I heed rose advise.. Mix small amt of porridge with more puree... I also make the porridge slightly thinner...
She had abt 2 tablespoons of porridge after her milk... Thats quite an achievement!
grumpus i think i m going to giv BLW a try. no more spoon feeding or cereals or porridge. going to steam n cook adult foods n let them play n self feed eventually... i cant imagine having to feed 3 of them for the next many months down the road. its better to let them learn to b independent.....

today i tried to gv cereal n fruits puree.. my boy refused to open his mouth n turn his head away when i put the spoon in front of him!! same pattern as my gal! i gv him a piece of biscuit he happily took it n ate himself....faint........
grumpus, sounds exactly like my boy. when i tried to feed him the puree just now, he looked so miserable! then i got fed up n gave him the spoon n the whole cup of puree...immediately he smile at me and happily proceed to mess ard n lick the foods off the spoon...

my only problem is my parents super anti BLW. they kept complaining tht its a waste of foods n tht many kids in 3rd world countries are starving.... plus they cant stand the mess!
haha that's why i keep a dog. he finishes up everything that drops on the floor :p

it's tough with parents cos they're very traditional plus they will compare why other bbs can eat porridge quietly and why yr bbs can't blah blah....just hv to keep showing them that actually yr bbs are eating better by themselves, and if they refuse to open mouth there's no pt in u trying to feed them too right?
grumpus hehe.. they arent exactly eating now.. until the day they can really eat by themselves, then i can say "i told u so"...haha.... tried explaining but they dont get it.

anyway.. will stop making purees n porridge liao..its a bigger waste when bbs dont wanna eat n not happy to be fed. my mum always force feed them...they cry n cry she still attempts to put the spoon in their mouth. i cannot tahan when they cry.. once they cry i will stop feeding....

i cant manage 3bbs 2 helpers already.. dun talk about a dog! hahaha....i m the dog...those drop liao, i eat lor... :p
I hv kept my slow cooker away already...hehe
It's sooooo much easier n faster to just steam pcs of food.

How yr mum force feed them. My girl close her mouth so tight u can't even squeeze the spoon in. She's much happier these few days when she can chew n chew to her hearts content.
Easier for me too since she's eating the same brown rice n veges as my elder girl. I just steam all together
My mum distract them w our eating plates n bowls ! Then make them laugh by spinning small plates in the table...push the spoon in then they cry...

U handfeed ur gal the rice n veg??
I hand feed my gal n she feed herself too cos I still want her to eat more :p
So meal time is play time for both mummy n bb....haha
Those small bits tat break off I will pick up n feed to her
Tom I'm gonna start on fish fingers

Sounds fun! I m like back to basic day 1. Now hv to let them try all the veg n fruits one by one again! Until the day they k eat n handle the foods then replace milk feed.

Fish fingers r home made ??
