IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Usually if bb start to take long time to finish the milk or seem to suck very hard but dun get much then it's time to upsize. Otherwise not necessary to change. My 3yr old gal still using 6mth+ avent teat.
I think if u find the need to change then look for other brand to change too lor otherwise no pt changing now.
U can train bb to hold their own bottle even with regular teat. Of cos with supervision until they r steady.

Oh I use those bottle brush to clean the teats, together with a bit of bottle cleanser

Happy hippo,
#2 r usually faster. My #1 didn't crawl until 9mth+, walk at 12.5mth and talk at 20mths

so fast got waiting list? looks like cherie hearts is quite expensive. I guess at 18mths, the curriculum is not so crucial hor? our junior schoolhouse uses letterland but cant recall what cherie hearts use.
I was thinking just choose for convenience, ie can walk to childcare, so minimum travelling for baby.

just curious, your no 1 got go childcare when reach 18 mths? if yes, which school? btw is it hard to get into marymount kindergarten? must register how much in advance huh?
Happy what is letterland? The principal did mention abt the method thet base on but I can't remember. Cambridge is convenient coz it's like 3 mins walk for me.
Happy hippo,
I'm a SAHM so I didn't send my gal to cc. But I sent her for parent accompanied enrichment classes after 18mths.
Marymount is very popular but I wouldn't say it's very difficult to get it. U hv to register abt one yr in advance. They will open up for registration ard mar the yr before yr bb is due to enter. On the first day of registration the queue is very long due to all those kiasu parents :p
For my girl we didn't register on the first day but still managed to get a place for her.
Grumpus: Thanks. Yesterday when to buy a NUK bottle and Teat to let her try. Last time when she was young she suck few then stop. Now immediately I put in her mouth she rejected. No choice will continue to let her use her medela M size and hopefully later stage no need bottle.

She again 2 days no poo...maybe after finish up enfaclac will try to change other formula.
Ru same my gal these 2 days constipated again. She poo very little paste like poo... A few times aday. Can see she is straining when poo. Gave pears also no use. My mum fed her papaya today. I m thinking of changing to nan. Will so the switch slowly now. My gfs advised me to change and see if it helps
Wow Grumpus, your girl can call Mama already! So good

I tried giving apple slices to my babies today... think they are not ready lah. Both gag, and the girl puked her milk :s My boy kept gagging for about 2-3 mins even after stop eating. I think they managed to bite off a small piece of apple, and swallowed it, and found it stuck in the throat. So scary... he only started felt better after I gave him water. Will hold on to feeding them finger food first.

Wow, Just Faith, very good ah... you just sayang your girl then she can sleep back. My girl can sleep thru and can fall asleep back on her own. but my boy will wake up 2-3 times a night and must carry back to sleep. Sigh....

Baby, Just Faith, Grumpus,
I saw all your feeding schedules look similar to mine. Just that I find it hard to fit in the dinner porridge. Cuz my babies go to bed around 7pm, sometimes even 6.45pm when they are very sleepy and sleep till 6-7 am the next day. I noticed most of you have last feed at 8-9pm, that way you can feed them dinner around 5-6pm. How should I do it? Now their schedule something like this:

6.30am Milk
8.00am Cereal breakfast
9.30am Milk
11.30-12 noon Lunch porridge
3pm Milk
5pm Cereal/puree/light snack
7pm Milk before bedtime

If I feed porridge at 5pm, don't think they will eat much cuz 3pm milk and then 7pm milk again. Unless i reduce the milk feed... but I still try to ensure they drink at least 700ml of milk a day. Is my schedule ok? Maybe until they are older and can go to bed later around 8pm.
working wife, my bbs also zzz ard 7plus. i feed my eldest porridge at 5 or 530pm. after tht 7-730 milk. usually the last milk feed he dun finish coz might still b full from the porridge. but i will still giv n let him drink whichever amount he needs .... aft tht he can zzz til next morning.

my problem is lunch..hehe.. usually tht feed is they wanna nap.. n by the time they wake up its 2-3pm.......

u can giv the organix puff first..thts alot easier to handle than fruits... my younger boy also cant handle fruits.. tht day giv the eldest n youngest prune.. n gav him puff.. he cry n cry coz he wants the same food. in the end no choice gave him one too.... he ate v happily...but 15mins later gag n threw up his milk too.....
Ru/Gan, talking abt changing formula, just like to share with u aft changing from enfa to friso, my girl poo regularly. Even if one day no poo, nx day sure poo two times. Last time I give her more fruits puree, nowadays lesser. But her poo very shun chang and explosive!!!

Working wife, she co-sleep with us since young. So it's really easy to coax her when she fuss at night. Best part is, when it's time to sleep, she will crawl to me or her daddy... And make eh-eh sound... So we reckon she wants to sleep. Like pandawife, I will give milk (as early as 1hr aft evening porridge). Same amt of milk somemore. But sometimes will hv leftovers. Sometimes will finish all her milk. My girl used to sleep at 7pm+. Now abit later at abt 8pm+. But when we have day outing, she can sleep from evening 5pm till nx morning 4am then milk. lol
Just faith I think I will give a try. I was comparing nan and friso the nutrients are plus and minus but can say enfapro has the highest dha , maybe that's why more pd recommend. But see my gal so constipated super xin tong Coz she was screaming n crying when she poo just now. Her anus is all red, think she is in pain when poo.

Why u choose friso?
Working wife, I used to think that my Girl can't finish her porridge since she had milk at 3pm... But many times I was proven wrong. She still can eat her evening porridge when I feed her between 545pm to 6pm. Have u tried giving evening porridge? Nowadays I dun use slow cooker. I use gas stove to steam her porridge for abt an hr. Done Liao. I am so good in making porridge for her these day.
Working wife
Same same.. My small girl can sleep thru the night.. But my elder girl will wake up a few times a night crying and need to carry bk to sleep... I guess with twins.. Surely got one bb easier to handle and the other more difficult..

Actually u can feed porridge abt an hr plus after yr 3 pm milk...
I usually feed milk at 430pm then porridge at 530-6pm.. Last
feed milk at 8pm.

Just faith
Aiyo yr girl so sweet and good! Will crawl to u all when she wana sleep.. So cute..
Best part is no need to carry to sleep... I wish my elder girl can do that.. Just like my small girl.. When i see she is sleepy.. I just put her in her cot.. Give her pacifier and pillow she will fall asleep on her own...

Seems like enfa giving bbs hard poo.. Mine also abit.. The poo will be like play doh kind.. I have friso and mamil gold sample to try but hvt do so.. Cos i read the nutrients content, enfa still the best... Friso v low in dha.. Thats y im still sticking to enfa.. Trying to give more water and fruits to tackle the hard poo... So far still ok... Some days creamy some days play doh..
Just faith
Steam porridge? U mean u dont direct cook the rice? Just steam an hr can finish cooking the porridge?

Ya lor enfa has the highest dha.. Tats y im still sticking to it and reluntant to change.. My elder girl is taking porridge with vege puree so its helping her poo... My small girl taking cereal has harder poo.. So i need to ensure they have enough water..
Gan, maybe let yr gal try to "squat".... To help her open up her anus and poo faster. It works for my girl then. Cause her poo was so hard (like Fishball size) and was stuck half way in her anus. I made her sit in potty cannot. She finally poo when I made her squat. Dun let her constipation drag for one more day. She will feel lagi painful. Hv u tried giving her those bottled prunes?  It also works for my gal too. Gave in the morning, evening see her poo Liao. 

I also chose enfalac cause of high nutrients. I assumed it's the best milk around. When she was 6mths, I changed to enfapro. Constipation start Liao. She was on enfapro for abt two months. We noticed she dun finish her milk. Appetite no good. Worst is, she reject enfa around mid aug last month. Consecutively abt 5days. During those 5days, I tried to spoon feed her. Also made her drink from straw. Her milk intake very pathetic. Sometimes abt 30ml per day. I tried to give more porridge and snacks. But I see her losing more weight everyday. Smaller face. Weighed only 7.8kg!  She was 8.7kg the previous month.  Her poo also dry. Cause no milk intake.  

I had friso sample at home. So I tried to mix milk on 5th day of milk strike. Gave her toy when feeding her.... Distract her. I finally put her on 100% friso. She is gaining back her weight now. She was really ok when on enfalac. But ever since changed to enfapro, gave me so much problem. Btw, her milk used to be greenish when on enfapro. Now pasty colour when on friso. 

She really like friso now. I changed from enfapro to friso 2 on 24 aug. During these 16 days, she already finished 3 tins of friso 2. Now on the 4th tin.
Baby, ya. She very sweet de. My girl doesn't know to sleep on pillow. I already bought 5 pillows for her. But she's using 1 only. Her beansprout one.

Yes, steam the porridge. But must ask my maid to watch the fire and remind me to turn off the gas. Aft 1hr, I will add fish meat/veg or whatever and steam another 5-10mins. Nowadays I will cook her porridge when she's napping. Abt 1030am to 11am, and still in time for lunch.
). Steady hor?
Just faith
Steam one hr the porridge can be v lan?
So fast ah? Im still using slow cooker.. Need a few hrs.. Thats y im giving porridge in the evening instead of lunch..
I dont give solids at lunch time.. Only cereal in the morning and porridge in the evening.. In between give puree or yogurt or finger food.
grumpus, i m thinking of letting my gal try eating cakes... is there any type tht is suitable since i hv not started her on eggs?? or i shld bake my own???
Wow cakes, very ambitious. Errm cakes contain sugar also lei. Of cos u can find egg free, minimal sugar recipes for kids but a lot of work n there's usually some sort of sugar substitute. U sure u wanna try? Y not stick with bread but expand to like raisin bread, banana bread etc.
Maybe u intro egg first n if u're ok with a bit of sugar aft 1 yr old, can consider baking yr own muffins. Much easier than cakes n lots of healthy recipes like zucchini muffin, carrot muffin, cheese, banana/blueberry etc
My elder is now on Friso. She still has semi constipation prob but tat's cos hers is very bad.
On enfa n nan, she dun poo at all for 4-5days.
On mamil n Friso she will poo daily but the texture is quite hard still.
Grumpus my gal poo like 8 times today ! Each time a little paste like poo. The one she had 8pm she was screaming n crying when she poo. Fed her pear n papaya no help. N my dad is blaming feeding her solids , said I should just let her drink milk
Grumpus I dunno wat to feed my gal ..she doesn't seem to b interested in most foods. Eat abit then dun want... I oso dunno coz she dun like solids or dun like that food or dun wanna eat due to teething..... Gv her the bb macaroni today cooked in veg n pork stock. She ate 6 pcs thts handfed. Aft tht cry Liao. Her milk intake like stock mkt. Some feeds ok some feeds only drink 50ml aft 3 hrs. Morning she ate one cube of cheese n a small little piece of banana aft she rejected her milk.
GAN my eldest boy oso poo many times a day. Today was 5x. Average 4x. SOme of the poos r dough like n some r creamy. If dough like usually bb cry not coz of pain. I wil always press the poo to check make sure not hard poo. Bbs sntimes cry during poo to help them get the poo out coz they do not hv the physical ability to control the poo. This one I check w my pd before. Of coz best is hv creamy stools...gv more water or dilute the milk slightly by 10ml per feed.
Gan, yr girl's poo sound like mine las time. Think 6 or 7 poo all very little..... And dry somemore. We also had arguments and finger pointing. Nah! Dun think it's because giving solids. U also gave her fruits mah.... Think best now is to keep giving water (add a little gripe water if she is not drinking water at all). When her poo is gone, her milk intake will go up too.

Pandawife, it has been months since I hear u giving solids to her babies. Y dun you just keep trying to give her simple porridge. Like porridge and pumpkin. Keep improving on the texture, rather than giving diff variety everyday. Initially, my girl keep rejecting cod fish porridge. I tried everyday for abt 4 days until she finally accept the taste. Just keep trying. Cause I think cod fish is nutritious, I dun want her to miss good food like cod fish.
wow u up so early also hahhah.
me ahhh... baby waki 2am +, after tat i cant zzz liao :p

my boy also poo many time a day, he poo at every meal time. always feed halfway, see his face all red pushing. then hv to stop feedg and go change. best part is always a small hard peeble size of poo. sometimes i can just take out the poo and reuse diaper coz its still clean...hahahah... then continue feedg.. aiya later after feed then shower and change diaper loh

I am now at hard rock hotel. Woke up to make milk. Then 3 of us can't get back to sleep.

My DD was knocked out after her swim. Will bring her go swimming again later. You also Jia-lud. Especially night time. So many times I hear u can't get back to sleep aft waking up at 2/3am.
Haha I dunno. I assume bread does not contain sugar n raisin bread is simply white bread with raisins in it :p
I totally understand how difficult it is to feed yr gal. My gals r like tat. U saw the pic I posted before on wat my elder ate at 9mths? Abt one level tbs of cooked soft rice, half an egg yolk, one small pc of fish n one broccoli floret. And this is after one mth of hand feeding. From 8-9mths I hand fed her all her meals. When I was hand feeding, she would eat abt 5pc elbow macaroni, small cube of fish n either some cubes of carrot/pumpkin or cauliflower/broccoli.

Errm wat I'm going to say now prob goes against everything books and pd tell u :p u dun hv to follow or agree with me, I'm just sharing my experience n opinion.
My girl stopped eating in high chair since 8mths when I started hand feeding, cos she is not the type tat loves food (other than snack aka junk food). So she has no patience to sit in the chair n finish the entire meal. She will eat abt 4-5 mouthful only.
Initially I also tot, never mind, if she dun want to eat dun eat. Just drink milk. But then I realize she was very fussy and cannot sleep properly prob cos she was still hungry. Then her milk intake is also not a lot cos her tank is small. And she can't sleep thro the night. So I started feeding her outside of the high chair. She will crawl ard and play, pull herself up to stand etc and in between when she is distracted I just push food into her mouth and she can eat so much more tat way. I know the books always say must feed in the high chair, cultivate good eating habits etc but there comes a pt where u just want yr child to eat. Once I got her to eat consistently, at least I could then start slowly increasing the amt n make sure she gets enuff to last her thro the day/night.
Eventually she got over her spoon rejection n tat's when I started her on rice. But I still feed her while she's on the go. Slowly, much later then I train her to sit in the chair n finish her meal. When she can understand instructions n understand tat she's not getting out until she finishes her food. Now u force her to stay in the chair also no use, she dun understand n refuse to eat means refuse to eat lor.
Just faith,
It's tough to offer the same porridge everyday when yr bb refuses to open her mouth at all. See the spoon only mouth clamp tight.
Panda I also press n see if the poo is hard.. It,s not but it's form shape... Her skin around the anus is super red and tore abit. She screamed and cried so loud, which is unusual . Just made peach puree coz read helps constipation.

Just faith. Booked the 3d2n MasterCard special for rws? How do u sterilize the baby's stuff?

Grumpus when u said hand feed, u meant let baby eat from hand?
peach is good. dun overdo. my elder pooed 4x when she took peach the first time. but it was good. really cleared out her system :p

yes, hand feed means i use hand to hold the food n feed to bb cos she refuse to open mouth when she the spoon. actually it's quite common for bb to reject spoon ard 8-10mths. the soln is actually to let them self feed. but i dun hv the time nor the energy to clean up after her. so i still feed her :p
My small girl also reject any kind of solids when she is teething... Even reject milk.. After a week of teething, i saw her teeth cut thru.. Then she begin to enjoy feeding time..
Now both my girls has a 5th tooth cut thru! I tot less than a yr old will only have 4 teeth.. But lately we saw their 5th tooth..
Hi Mummies,

I had just given birth on the 26th of August.
LIfe has changed for the better for me

Just being curious, how long does mummies here breast feed your babies? THough its been only 12 days, i find my milk supply is like going down. Hope to have more supply for my bb
Suyana congrats ! Life definitely change for the better though I could do with more sleep!

U can buy papaya and cook fish soup n drink daily, find that helps me in my milk supply. Are u pumping or latching ? If pump, do it frequently like every 3 hrs till ur supply build up. A
lot of gurus here like singapoh n grumpus. They can advise u more n breastfeeding. =) in gave breast milk to my gal till she
is about 4.5 mths... Didn't continue as I was back to work n almost impossible to pump due to work schedule,
Gan, you asked a good question. Dun mean to exaggerate. But we brought 3 bagfuls of baby stuff, including her inflated swimming float and stroller. DH and I squeezed our clothings and toiletries into one medium size messenger bag. All the stuff are about hers!!!! Re : sterilizing of bottles. We brought 3 milk bottles and travelling size baby detergent. I boiled hot water and sterilize the bottles. It's a small kettle. Good for one wash.. Then I use the mixer tap (hot water) to wash away the detergent. Then boil water second time to sterilize again.
Gan, no. Not 3D2N. Stay 2D1N. Paid $180 for one night with twin sharing. No breakfast. We booked under a friend's friend name who is a Gold card member here. He used his points and i pay him cash in return. Abit lay chey as need his name to check in. We put two beds side by side and more my gal has more crawling space. She has been napping since her morning swim. We will chk out at 12pm later. And btw, she slept well last nite. Fed her milkaty 10pm+. Woke up at 5am+. U can chk her pics in the same fb link I gave u.
How much yobaby yogurt u feed yr girl each time? How much pear u mix?
I let my girls share one pot.. I mix abt 3 heaps of teaspoon of pear with half pot..
I serve when its still cold.. Just stand in rm temp for abt 10mins... How abt u?
So far they aldry ate 3 pots.. Left one pot in the fridge..
U mention other flavour contain sugar.. Think i may just buy plain ones and add fruit puree myself..
Hearing u guys talk abt hotel stay with bb... I also feel like bringing my girls to resort... Not sure if its v lay chey to bring them now.. Or wait till they can walk.. If most time is spending feeding and rocking them to nap... Then waste time hor.. Wont get to enjoy and relax.
Just faith, yes. It's not about texture. It's the spoon. Her mouth just refused to open when she see the spoon. I handfeed still got chance. My gal same as grumpus gals. V challenging to feed.

Grumpus, I tried feeding her outside of highchair before. In walker n in play yard. Yes, slight better..but v time consuming n I can't feed the other two. I guess no win win situation. I hv to get my helper to feed one of them eventually. Now I m still feeding all 3 myself. This is smthing I need to do myself until they can eat well ...
Totally agree... V challenging to feed more than one bb esp when they are not cooperating!
So i try not to feed them at the same time.. But now so far better.. My elder girl has always been cooperating.. Now my small girl getting more receptive on solids.. So i will feed one after another... If they like the food.. They will finish up in less than 10mins..

Dont worry ya. Im sure yr ones will get better soon just like my small girl... Im gg to intro her porridge later in the evening.. Wonder will she like it...
grumpus, i m still very for self feeding..i try to let my gal self feed while i sneak foods into her mouth... i hope she can learn n in time to come eat herself. my eldest start to reject puree, cereals..n still dont like porridge... i have been giving porridge again 3 days in a row.. 1st day he ate half n refused...2nd n 3rd day he scream n scream when i try to feed..i m trying again today... if he still dont like i hv to feed other kinds of food liao. he also show signs of wanting to self feed... happily wanna hold the food n eat himself.

tmr morning i m going to try make banana milk french toast for them to try......

baby, i hv to resign to fate that my bbs are not going to be easy to feed solids.....maybe its a test of my patience! haha....

i just sent my 2nd maid back to agency today. now hv to wait for replacement..meanwhile got to manage w just one helper .....
Yr elder reject cereal and puree? Maybe he is teething?
My small girl eat depends on her mood.. If she like she eats.. If she dont like.. She scream and scream.. Got to feed on her mood... Unlike my elder.. Feed what eat what..
Im getting abit shag preparing their food... Hai... I guess too many sleepless nights..

What happen to yr 2nd maid? Cannot make it ah?
Does yr maid prepare yr bb food? Im still preparing on my own... Cant trust my maid..
baby, he dont like the spoon too! but giv him a piece of food to eat himself, he v happy, smile n smile at me! faint.......

my 2nd maid is a blur sotong. dirty n unhygenic. she is suppose to b v experienced...ex sg 2 contracts n ex hk contract, all handling bbs from nb until child care age. but come here blur n lost everyday. cant even carry bb properly...say my bbs too big n fat! for the past 1 mth she only do housework.. n also cant make it... ask her to clean like din clean..still dirty. n 2 nights ago i found her using gif to wash my cupp! she says the cup is oily...i think she is trying to poison me! n she can go dig for things in the rubbish bin after tht never wash hands wanna go take toys play w my bbs! everyday giv me alot of frustrations... until yesterday i buay tahan... i found the railing of my bb cot has a layer of dust!! suppose to wipe everyday... i qn her, she told me she just wipe the day before! n insist she did...... which i knew she was lying... so i decided to send her back...

i prepare all my own... never never the maids... even the basic washing n peeling all i DIY... cant trust them at all.....
i m also v tired.. at night not enuff sleep, day time hv to handle fussing bbs whole day.. i hv been down w flu last few days..until now cant recover coz not enuff rest.

my younger boy v manja.. whole day can fuss n fuss..hv to keep going ard w him w the different toys to find out what he wants...otherwise he will keep whining n crying.. once i giv him the correct toy or thing tht he wants, he will happily play for 10-15mins..aft tht the cycle starts again!!
With my elder I was very pushy. I keep force feeding her :p only snack time I let her self feed.
With my younger gal I'm doing wat u're doing, let her self feed while I sneak food in between. That's y I'm still feeding her milk every 2-3hr round the clock!

grumpus, i just managed to feed my gal half a avent cup of cooked macaroni w 2 cubes of cheese n bottled vege stew! found a new way...just dangle a piece of snack near her mouth, she will open her mouth big big, then my spoon goes in! hahaha.... but i doubt she will fall for this trick all the time....

my gal is also still on 7 feeds a day...coz of her small tank. the boys are doing 5 feeds. aft she finish the macaroni, she cant stomach fruits already.. i hv to giv fruits during snack time...

i tink our gals can be good frens! exchange tips on how to torture their mummies during mealtimes!
