IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Really not easy on giving solids... So discouraged when yr little one is not eating the food u spent so much effort in preparing... When they do eat.. Its such a joy!

Panda, dont be discouraged ok.. Im sure one day yr little ones will improve in their solids!! Maybe they are teething so they dont like the spoon to touch their sensitive gums.. Or they are trying to mimic what u adults are doing... Using spoon to feed ourslvs..

baby, i wun be discouraged. just need to do it a different way. like grumpus surrender the slow cooker n blender! hahaah...

i discussed w my hb n we both felt tht we shld try BLW... teach the kids to eat independently from young. plus easier when the bbs are happier!

one mummy i know who did BLW, her gal before 12 mths old can self feed w spoon. another mummy her boy now 8.5 mths can hold n eat a drumstick! hearing from them makes me more inspired to try it w my bbs....
Wat I do is not true BLW cos I still feed. In fact when I did this with my elder 3 yrs ago there wasn't even such a thing as BLW!
When I intro new foods I still like to hand feed a bit cos waiting for her to explore n eventually put into her mouth takes too long :p
So usually I will pluck off a small bit n offer to her by hand. I will tell her "nom nom" and she will open her mouth unlike with spoon. After she has tasted it n finds it yummy, she'll start trying to feed herself. So it sort of speeds up the process.

Yup my fish fingers r homemade. Cut strips of cod or thread fin. Toast some bread n crush up into fine bits, add grated cheese if u want. Coat the fish, pan fry or bake.
My girls seems to prefer salmon over threadfin fish... Personally i also prefer salmon taste... The threadfin has a stronger fishy smell...
Salmon and cod fish has higher omega.. I feel threadfin is only the popular fish cos it has lesser bone.. Safer to give bbs.. And also its pass down from tradition that bbs take ngo ge...

Not sure if im guessing correct not... Heee...

Btw, does cs or ntuc sell cod fish fillet? I went to compass pt cs to buy salmon.. But didnt see cod fish..
Your bbs have cool attitude man, but still such a joy otherwise parenting very boring without challenges.

Did u see Babybel cheese ? This is good to try too. Sold in small round pieces in a bunch, good as finger food.
Why can't give del monte to baby ? I always give and its the most common type of banana here, the only issue I have is I can't give the whole thing, cos our del monte here is simple huge. The best is those sold in spore, the small monkey bananas, size just right.
Cos i rem some mummies here say del monte bananas not suitable for bbs... Too liang or something..
So means can give to 9mths old bb right?

Babybel is the brand? What color is the packaging? Sell in cs or ntuc? Found at the yogurt cheese section?
Any mummies planning to do FET or have done FET, can share your experience?

My bb is now 14m CA and I'm planning to do FET in Dec. Needs some info on the cycle.
Gan: Yesterday my girl had her final injection, thereafter is 1 yr old. I asked about Frisco. The PD said Frisco Confort can help. I wonder you give Frisco Confort or normal Frisco gold?
Most imoportant did you see any improvement?
Ru I gave normal friso n no improvement... In fact since Monday she poo alittle poo each time., few times a day. Took urgent leave this afternoon to bring her see pd. Dr gave me something to insert ... Which I dun think I will do now... Will continue to give papaya, peach to see

R u changing fm?
Gan: Yes, the pd gave me the frisco comfort and told me can mix with other brand FM is fine. So I started give her yesterday (only once). The PD also gave me medicine standby. He said if no poo 2 days can give medicine no need to wait..

I gave her peach yesterday, no sure whether because of peach or the FM, she did poo (alot) in the even.

This morning made the peach and brought to IFC for her. See whether she poo or not.

So I will continue to let her have one (mix frisco confort with Enfalac) and see how. If situation no improve will slowly increase more and see.
baby, bubblybear,

del monte is not a good banana for woman n bb, its indeed liang. i used to eat alot, end up spoilt my "body". old ppl ever said woman dun eat del monte esp during menses or plannin for baby. i stopped buyin many years liao. now either buy indian banana, 24 jiao or pang jiao. just fyi.

hav u try beetroot? it has a mild laxative effect. i fed my ger tat day, poo till diaper leaked...big one!
Rose: we need to steam first and thereafter blend it? So the poo is red color Lo !

Btw, any mummies try honeydew ? Her IFC ask me ok to give her honeydew so far didn't know any mummies try it. Ok for 7 mth old bb?
Rose have not tried that, maybe will try this weekend. My gal poo big time after the pd visit. I didn't even use the med the doc gave me. I gave her papaya n yogurt for dinner n she managed to poo after that. So happy to see her poo!

There is a toy fair at taka now, mummies can o shop shop. The v tech first walker is $69.90 , good buy! I bot mine last month $89.95 from toy r us!!!
ru n gan,

remove d stalk when put in fridge. when u wanna steam, just wash d skin n steam with d skin, when its done, leave it cool a bit to peel off d skin or if not just use knife to remove d skin. beetroot can mixed with potato n apple. d color is red, be careful coz will stain.
Babybel is the brand, can be red or orange in color, but mostly I see red ones, can be found in the normal cold area. My baby eats most things, but Rose mention Del Monte is 'liang', guess its up to u, for me everything in moderation.

FET very simple, its either medicated or natural. For natural cycle, just monitor and ET will be on 'X' days after ovulation depending on which days the embies are frozen. For medicated, just take additional meds to control your cycle and everything else will be the same as a natural cycle.

U can try and give a little to see how bb takes it first. My bb have tried it and I give it fresh, I rarely puree anything nowadays.
Ru, I tried blending honey dew melon once. Without steam. It's v watery n became like juice. My bbs din like the taste. Make puking actions. I hv given watermelon though. Just just pieces n let them eat n play

Gan, the price at toy r us increase. I bought my set there too at $65!
Hi, am silent reader here and hope to have some advices on the stroller... anybody using Quinny Zapp Xtra or Zapp... care to share comments on the product?

Noy I m using Quinny zapp extra. It's good and stable but to assemble n dismantle the seat each use is ma fan to me.=)
Hi Gan2973, you mean we have to dismantle it after each use... it can't fold & keep in car boot like the other stroller? Thx!
The older model zapp can fold like other stroller but can't recline so not suitable for newborn. The extra u have to remove the seat from the frame before putting in boot.
Went to bot the clearspring puree... Bot the apple/apricot and apple/strawberry... Also bot the nectarine frm cs.. I tried one myself.. Quite tasteless.. Not sweet.. Not sure bbs will like not...

How is yr baby self feeding? They like?

I too bot the yobaby green bean and pear frm gwc.. Didnt see plain ones...
Btw panda, u tried butternut squash right? Does it taste v similar to pumpkin? I bot half bnut squash frm cs today also.. My freezer still have pumpkin stock so if it taste v same then i will hold on to the bnut first...
Baby strawberry is one of the high allergy fruits, be careful when u feed ur gals.

I bot the clear spring apple n mango.
Yup i know... My girls tried strawberry before... No problem..
I gave the apple/strawberry from organix before... I bot this combi cos i didnt buy fresh strawberry to make puree... For mango.. I have fresh mango in my fridge.. May make puree for them...
Mini babybel. Seen at NTUC finest and Cold Storage.

Thanks bubbybear for the recommendation!


Grumpus which ntuc finest or cs you went? I went Thomson plaza ntuc finest but didn't see the cheese. Saw the clear spring purée though.
tx, grumpus!


i believe that mini mini type is called 40天蕉, the skin will stick to d banana fresh when too ripe. d fresh is more yellowish type. i personally dun like coz of d skin n taste.

you can ask d fruit stall owner "gei leng jio" (indian banana), 24蕉 or "pang jio"

so far, i dun give my bb too much banana, coz everytime she eats, she will delay one day den poo. her usual is daily.
I went to Thomson plaza. It's in a standalone chiller with all sorts other wedge n gourmet cheese. Juz opposite the deli.
I saw babybel at gwc cs...

Is this a processed cheese like laughing cow or is it a natural cheese? I saw salt content in this babybel...

So many types of banana ah.. So confusing...
Those selling at ntuc and cs is all del monte type.. Mus buy frm fruit stall then have right..

Ya the small ones is the one u talking abt.. I also dont like the taste.. I prefer del monte taste heee..
All cheese hv salt. If u see my pic it says natural cheese, the texture n taste is very different from the laughing cow cubes. It's less processed I feel, taste more like those gourmet cheese tat eat with wine n crackers
I see! I went to babybel website to check it out.. So many types of babybel cheese...
Shall go buy one to let my girls try... Ya i thk all cheese has salt.. Tasty cheddar nice is it?

Gave my girls nectarine puree.. Both like it.. Surprising it taste sweeter aft steaming.. Taste like peach...
Also gave them the yobaby pear and bean yogurt.. Both also like it.. This flavour packaging didnt state its for 6mos and above.. It put its for babies and toddlers... 3in1 meal.. Is it the one u bot?

Gwc only has this flavour and the sweet potato...
I saw yobaby plain yoghurt at taka CS. But only one pkt left. N it's so ex, $11+ gosh!
Think I'll just wait till one to give my gal yoghurt :p
Rose: we need to steam first and thereafter blend it? So the poo is red color Lo !

Btw, any mummies try honeydew ? Her IFC ask me ok to give her honeydew so far didn't know any mummies try it. Ok for 7 mth old bb?
Sorry the previous message kept in my iPhone so didn't notice and post again. Pls igone.

Thks mummies for the info. This weekend extremely busy. Rearrange my whole tiny house for preparation this year end fet. So nothing new experiment for my bb girl. She has to left alone the whole day.
hi mummies,

i hav a qns n wld appreciate anyone who can answer.
my sis just delivered two weeks back n she got lots of breastmilk, so much tat she wishes to dump for those expressed out. my qns is, can my bb ger who is now comin to 8mths old take d milk? i noe tat d nutrients required by her is now diff fr a newborn, what i meant is take d breastmilk for makin cereal or other solid puree mix? any comments?

Thanks for the advise. Sounds easy, just wonder if the success rate is good? Also, will they thaw the embryos only if the lining is good?

Do you know where I can get Bel Paese Cream cheese here? Thanks
