IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Su yana,
i breastfed my elder girl for one yr thro exclusively pumping. my younger girl is 8mths now and still 100% bf.

milk supply is all abt supply and demand. if there's demand then there's supply. no easy way abt it. either latch on everytime yr bb is hungry and dun supplement with FM. or religiously pump every 3hrs. or if u're super hardworking, latch AND pump

jia you! it can be done!

haha, that trick i also use before. my girls love to drink water from their mag mags so i will wave it in front of them. when they open mouth to suck, in goes the spoon. but i only manage to use that trick for abt 1tbs of porridge. after tat mouth clamp tight even for water already.
my younger girl has a sweet tooth, loves fruits so i feed her some fruits in between to make her open her mouth, then in between cheat her with other food.

last time my elder girl easier to bluff. my younger girl is much more stubborn and vocal. when she realise that i've cheated her and stuff food in her mouth she will look and me and complain!

my girls tanks also very small. my elder girl all the time eat a small portion of solids cannot eat fruit already. that's partly the reason why her constipation was so bad. my younger now i give fruits all day long. that's why she's on one solid meal a day only. in between is fruits and some snack only.

errrr i dun think u want to intro yr gal to my gals. think she will pick up more feeding nonsense!! :p
Can relate yr tiredness... Hai... Really not easy to be a mother huh... Esp with more than one bb...

I also prepare all my bb food... Cant trust maid.. Thats y i usually prepare the puree at night aft bbs asleep.. And got to use slow cooker to cook porridge else really no time to watch fire during the daytime..
Half cup avent marcorni use two cube cheese will it be too strong cheese taste? So far i hvt intro cheese yet.. Its still lying inside my fridge.. Also bot the pasta star but hvt intro also...
Baby my gal eats 1/2 of the yogurt..I take it out for 10 mins like that n feed her. Even fruit puree I dun warm but feed at room temp. Not sure ok like that. So far she ate 2 plain n 4 flavored
So u bot the flavoured yogurt? Which flavour u bot?
I also feed puree at rm temp.. Only slightly warm if i heat up.. Those bottled food i also feed without warming..

Yr girl take porridge well? U intro meat liao?
baby i bot the same as pandawife, pear and pea flavour.
my gal ok with porridge but so far i cook plain porridge and add vege puree. used vege stock a couple times. tried fish twice, just mash, think the texture too coarse, my gal takes 1 mouthful and starts to boo.
my gal has a small tank, so the solids she eats not alot.
today tried peach puree, she likes it though.
going to make some spinach puree now.
Maybe u can try using yr finger to mash the fish.. Thats what i do.. It will make it into smaller bits.. At the same time can also check whether got fine bones not..
U feed spinach puree directly? If its for porridge u just need to cut the leaves into fine bits then throw into the porridge to cook.. So far i only tried spinach once... Most times i use broccoli..
Baby, ok leh. The plain cheese quite light. My gal can eat one cube of cheese by itself. Thts y I add two into the macaroni. Her milk intake low, so I supplement w cheese n yogurt.
U feed the cheese cube by itself? Im thinking can i just feed the cheese directly without mixing any other food..
Ohhh i see.. Then maybe i will try feeding them tml.. Cos im lazy to think what food to mix it with... Aldry too shag out today preparing their usual pumpkin and pear puree.. They love pear so much.. I cooked 3 pears each time.. They can finish up within a week!
I also hvt try avocado and banana yet... Prune and peach also hvt try...So many food i hvt try... So guilty..
cheese can mix w potato, cauliflower, pasta, or even fish... u can also just spread on bread n feed them.

this week i only gav apples, pears and apricots. no time to make other fruits.. bought a box of prunes, but no time to make puree...end up just peel the skin let them eat it as finger foods...veg also running low. just now bbs sleep i zoom out to cold storage buy broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potato n pumpkin.....
Gan, think no need to make spinach puree. Just cut the leaves into small pieces (like laksa leaves) then add into porridge before serving. I dun remember making any spinach puree before.

Baby, I hand feed my girl the cheese. One cube not enough, she will always ask for another cube. I dun mix with other food. At the most, bread bah. I usually steam one pear or apple per day. I will give it to her in two meals since I dun hv habit of storing puree in the fridge.

I already gave her meat. Haven't intro chicken though.
Congrats Su!

I bf my eldest boy till he was about 22 months, twins 13.5 months and 14 months.

Like Grumpus mentioned, u got to work very hard especially in the initial weeks. I pump/ latch for 20 mins each breast every 3 hours. I drank a lot of plain water even during confinement. No special diet or supplement.

Bo gay can still eat fish and meat. My big boy only started teething at 9.5 months old. When I stopped bf him, he got 18 teeth in his mouth!
Bb Bo gay can eat meat but for pork n chicken will hv to be finely pureed.
Actually the first teeth that erupt r all the front teeth, bb dun get molars for chewing until 1-2 yrs old.
Cannot be we dun give meat until then right? So somehow they find a way to chew wi their gums only
Just gave my girls cheese for the first time... They love it!
Each had one cube... Its so little.. They finish up within mins..
Next time got to give each two cubes... Haha..
I gave the cheese by itself.. Didnt mix with anytin.. Followed by some bread.. Thats their teabreak..
The pasta stars frm bellamy brand.. I bot from agape online.. I saw selling at cs also..
I hvt give my girls yet so cant advise u... But i thk can add carrot puree.. Cheese also can.. Can put any puree for variety.. For first try maybe can put those puree yr bb love so bb will be more receptive on the pasta..

So far i hvt try cos scare my girls not ready to chew pasta yet.. Maybe i will try it tml... See how..
Rose, I saw star pasta in cold storage. Compass point

Pandawife, my girl still Bo-gay but still eat meat. But cut into real small pcs.
Can't find plain yobaby yogurt at great world CS. Bot another brand danone plain yogurt for baby to try. Made in France for baby 6 mths up.
Yogait brand has 6mths up? I only saw for 1yr plus...
Quite hard to find baby yogurt.. Didnt see any in ntuc.. Only cs has..
thx baby n just faith.

Just faith,

Ur girl eat wat meat? Chicken or pork? If chicken, its breast or thigh? How u cook d chicken? Put in porridge? Tx.

So far my girl only eating threadfin porridge with veg puree, no stock. Taste quite nice.

Btw, any mummies noe beetroot can make puree or into porridge? I just bot one. Is beetroot nice? I myself seldom eat beetroot...
Me too.. So far i didnt use vege or meat stock for porridge.. Just add meat and vege puree...

Beetroot not much taste.. I dont like it myself but its a healthy vege... I hvt intro this to my bbs...
That time i mention can try a finger food munchies.. Is it the Happy bellies munchies? The cheddar cheese munchies?
U tried before?

The corn rings hor.. Its so flaky.. My girls hold it and mash it on the high chair table.. One bang.. Its all gone.. No chance for them to eat at all unless i feed them.. Then its defeat the purpose of self feeding hor... Hmm.
Btw u manage to check out the baby bites biscuit?
rose, the pasta stars are brown rice pasta.. i tried once..seems to get bb full v fast and after tht dun want milk at all..... now i giv baby macaroni, also bellamy brand from cold storage. but its bigger pieces, u can try if u gal is chewing well.... suppose to be for 10 mths bb...

baby, yup..i bought the cheddar chesse munchnies.. its similar to the corn rings in texture but in smaller pieces...

huh.. ur gal bang so hard? so far mine ok..the minute they get hold of it, they stuff it into their mouth..eheheh. no chance of losing it to the floor....

i din check out baby bites coz stock up alot of organix snacks already....

thanks mummies for the info.. will try to puree pork for my gal to eat w her pasta....

i tried carrot tomato salmon today..blend it...very tasty...but my bbs hate it.. they both gag when i tried to feed....haiz.........
Reall ah.. The pasta stars v filling ah.. I hvt try thou..
I give happy brown rice cereal.. Didnt find it filling.. Just like the normal white rice.. But i read wholegrains is harder to digest so makes bb more filling..

Ya lor my girls bang the ring on the table.. All gone..
The first time round, both didnt bang.. All finished.. Even had a 2nd ring.. But after that.. All failed.. Didnt eat at all cos all mashed up..
I just finished up the pack myself hahaha.. Still have one pack left and the carrot stick...

Both yr bbs gag on yr hard work ah.. Didnt let yr elder boy have it instead?

These two evenings im so lazy.. Didnt give faciful porridge for my elder girl.. Lazy to prepare fish.. In the end only give pumpkin porridge yday and today carrot porridge...
Hai.. Losing energy day by day..

Tml die die must cook potato with cheese to let them try..
U always have lots of idea on their food hor.. I dont have yr patient and energy leh.. Guilty me..
Panda u used the avent blender to blend the fish? I let my bb tried the laughing cow cheese with cauliflower purée. She likes it but I find the cheese abit saltish . U bot the laughing cow cheese spread in cube form right?
Saltish ah? I didnt try it myself.. I also give the laughing cheese cube.. The plain flavour.. Blue packaging..
Worst still.. I give the cheese directly.. Even more salty..
Hmm.. Next time must mix with some vege puree..
Gan, yeah..i use the avent blender ... the fish comes out in a nice puree...

blue packaging small cube... u saw in my fb pic?

baby, my eldest n youngest gag on the fish... i din attempt to feed my younger boy.. he can only eat stage 1 bottled food.. even cereal made v watery he gags one.. he is true blue milk baby.... one day drink more than 1 litres of milk....

yeah, the pasta stars v filling. aft tht my gal dun want milk until 4 hrs later. when i gav macaroni, she can stil drink her milk 1 hr later....

i made lentils, pumpkin n apple porridge today. very yummy.. ate it myself too...but as usual, bbs dont like it... haiz...
All cheese contain salt. The laughing cow one is the least salty already. Otherwise u can consider mixing unsalted butter with potato or cauliflower puree instead of cheese
Panda looks similar to that u bot. U have a lot of yummy recipe. Think I should venture out of my boring puree soon.

Grumpus, I tot cheese more healthy compared to butter, so more keen to give cheese. After mixing with cauliflower I dun taste the cheese actually but in it's own, saltish.
u r right about peach! My gal poo a lot today and the last one was actually like diarrhea ... Hmmm now I not sure is that due to the yogurt or friso or peach. I started the switch today. Replace 1 feed with friso.
hi grumpus
thks for the info re marymount kinddy

did u read today's article on Sunday Times abt preschool. aiyo.. very stressful hor.. so young already so pressurising for them. last time before having baby, i tell myself next time my baby will be super laid-back type, no need stress with all kinds of enrichment/development etc.
but now with baby, plus reading abt how competitive schools are, even though i wish to be more laid-back, it seems like it is not possible in reality. as parents, if we laid-back, does it mean our kid will suffer next time if we didnt prep them enuf?

today i let my baby swim in the mambo swim tub after a break of 3mths. he screamed & screamed nonstop the minute i put him in,no choice but to take him out immediately. i was so so surprised coz he used to love it.
suddenly i realised that my boy has grown alot in the last 3 mths and did i miss out letting him do alot of things?
it just striked me that he is growing at such a fast pace that i cannot afford to be so lazy/relax, i really need to expose him to all kinds of experience, do more thgs, learn more thgs, also meet more pple coz he crys when he sees strangers. at least for working mummies can say no time, but for me a sahm, really no excuses leh... sighh... feel like a lousy mummy
Actually for bb, both cheese n butter is good for them
just like egg yolk is v good for them but for adults we worry abt high cholesterol :p

Unlikely it is the Friso cos u only replaced one feed, most likely the yoghurt and/or peach.
Happy hippo,
Yes I read the article n yes it is tat competitive nowadays, even if u dun plan to send yr kid to those 'famous' schs. Neighborhood schs r equally competitive nowadays.

My friend shared with me before tat she was one of those laid back parents, tot tat kindergarten is the time for the child to play. When her daughter went to pri 1, one of the first things the sch did was to give her a book and ask her to read. Her child having had a laid back kindergarten life couldn't really read. In the end she was assigned to one of the lowest classs. Imagine that! 'streaming' at pri 1 level! In the end, with her 2nd son, she have no choice but to push him at an early age.

I guess it's all abt balance. How do let yr child still hv a childhood but at the same time ensure they're ready for sch. Definitely not an easy task!

Eh, when yr boy last went swimming he was only a few mths old. Now he is older he knows how to be scared already and he can't remember his time swimming 3mths ago. So u need to reintroduce swimming to him like a new thing all over again. Show him the pool, let him dunk just his feet in the water first etc etc.

Children grow and develop really fast in the first few years. Every week it's a new thing

Where do u stay? I always hv regular play dates here n there. If u want to join in, just drop me a PM
Happy could be ur boy didn't like the neck float? My gal enjoyed the swim at the baby spa when she was 3 months plus, then we stopped for 2 months I think coz we bring her to gymboree on Sunday. When she was 6 months plus I brought her to the baby spa, she screamed after 1 min in the tub, the lady there changed her to the sit type of float, she actually likes that. When we bring her to swim in the pool, w..e use the seat float too.
I sold the unused neck float away.=p

I agree with grumpus, baby grows very fast! Sometimes i found that my gal has acquired a new skill while I was working... So pretty amazing. U must enjoy the time when u had with ur boy as a SAHM, try different activities with him, coz when u r back to rat race, u find u dun have much time. Weekend always pass so fast for me. Without doing much, it's over.

Grumpus, I didn't know butter is good for baby. Hmm ok will try ome recipes from annabel mar el next weekend.
grumpus, gan
thks for the replies.
will hv to slowly intro my boy to swimming again. think i will start off going into the water with him together. i starting to think the neck float is not so good for baby, coz it looks quite uncomfortable. think will try one more time if dont work then switch to the sitting float. except the sitting float he doesnt get his body into the water?

yes wkends really pass very fast. i always look forward to wkends coz will hv hubby to help out so that i can at do stuff ard the house and bring bb out.

the reality of how competitive schoolg in sg is really scary. its really worrying, got to worry abt whether we are doing enuf for them or not.

really dont look forward to going back to work next yr, ya must really treasure the time now with baby.

grumpus, will pm you soon. would love to join some playdates. gan, join also leh. more the merrier
Gan: So coincident I also gave my girl try peach last Sat, but she doesn't seem like it. So didn't give her yesterday. Btw, how did you make peach puree? Do we need to steam the peach before put in to blender?

I still have 2 big tin of enfalac so no sure whether should I start to change the formula now... She didn't poo yesterday. Same as your girl last weekend, she cried so bad when her poo out, her anus also red. So I applied olive oil more on her part.
just curious, u rembr those similac bottles that the hospital gave? after using up the milk, did u keep the glass bottles? did u use the glass bottles after cleaning it?
I didnt reuse the bottle leh.. I throw all away..

My girls also using the sitting float.. They nvr use neck float before.. The sitting float will make their bottom and legs in the water... U can carry yr bb if u want yr bb body to be in the water... Let bb get used to the water first sitting on the float.. Let them play for awhile before carrying them into the water..
I let their whole body in the water including their shoulder.. Only their head is on top...
if u think the FM is causing the constipation then pls change. the 2 big tins of enfalac u can always try to sell off.

with my elder girl i collected so many of those empty glass bottles and used them to store ebm

i just sterilize in the sterilizer together with the milk bottles.
Happy the seat float my gal has, she is actually immerse in water till her chest. Wld like to join in the playdates! If I know the date early, cld see if I can apply leave !

Ru I steam the peaches for 5 mins n blend. The purée taste and smells nice. My Chinese colleague advised to feed the baby porridge water when constipated. Maybe u can try too. I apply Vaseline at the anus nd it helps
Grumpus these 2 weeksare bad for me... In fact supposed to be on leave today to spend first mid autumn festival with myprincess but cancel leave due to work. Sianz. Let me know the next one at ur place since we stay near each other! Thanks

Just make a trip down to th 4 seasons organic market to buy the clearspring fruit purée panda recommend. Hope my gal likes it!
Happy, I also didn't give neck float. I always think my girl has big head, she feel so uncomfy with the neck float. I use seat float for her. She was a little tense at first. Aft that, ok liao. Can see her kicking in the water.

Ru, u can bring the two tins of enfa to the same shop n xchange other brands. Usually ok de. I din keep receipt.

Rose, for meat, since I m buying from market, I will ask the butcher to give me 软肉 for babies. If just put meat to make the porridge tastier, I will use boneless loin meat but I dun feed this to baby as i find it hard aft steaming for so long. I hvnt intro chicken. But I will give drumstick/thigh meat. But must remove those fats. I find chicken breast hard and dry.... Dun think my girl will like it. U tried cod fish already? Today is the 5th or 6th time I am giving her. Now she can finish all the porridge. I added scallop n spinach!
Haven't been in here for a while. Both the kids are sick, one after another, as usual with the big one bringing all the germs back from cc. I'm so tired can barely function, the baby only slept better last night.

I have some opinion about laughing cow cheese, it is not really suitable for babies. It is very processed, cos, real cheese is not this salty and the texture is different. A small little cube is enough cos it is salty enough to flavour the dish, no good to let babies eat it straight. If u can, try to use natural cheese.

How long have your girl been having the FM before the constipation set in ? Cos it can be due to solids or some food that she take. Have u tried to give dried prunes or diluted prune juice to your baby ? If too sour can also mix some apple juice with it. Can help with constipation also.

A new study reported that eggs don't cause high cholestrol, but only need to cut if the person has high cholestrol. So can happily take it.

Love to join you for playdates, too bad didn't get to meet u on my last trip, being school holidays too everywhere is so crowded.

Beetroot is nice, has a bit of sweet taste. Alot of usage, but just steam it first. For baby, can puree and add to porridge. For adults, just cut into cubes and add to fresh salad or slice it up and add to sandwich.
The peach puree sounds yummy... Gonna try to give my girls too..

Just gave them potato mix with cheese for their teabreak.. Both seems to like it.. Must think of more ideas for their daily teabreak... Prefer to give food rather than biscuit.. I usually give biscuit only give we dine out..

Better go buy the annebel recipe book for ideas liao...

What is the title of the book?

Where to get natural cheese? Any brand to recommend?
I also find the laughing cow cheese abit salty... I tasted it myself.. Indeed salty..
