IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Hi long time didn't come in. Last weekend brought bb to Malaysia for a day trip. So far so good, she slept throught the journey.

My girl has the same habit as panda bb. She only like warm milk, water as well as puree.. All must be warm. A bit cold don't one leow

The constipation problem came back even though i gave pear puree daiily. What other method I can try? Last record is 5 days no poo.

Rose ur gal ate so many vege in 1 meal!? Wow!! I m feeling guilty now. Today vege purée is pumpkin. I only feed 2 or 3 types of vege/fruits per day. Wanted to wake up early to make sweet potato purée for her teabreak but I was too tired to drag myself outta bed. So today she only had pumpkin purée and avocado plus porridg cooked in the vege stock I made last nite
Me too... I only gave 2 vege puree with porridge plus fish and a fruit puree a day... Sometimes only 1 vege puree...
I brush my girls teeth 2 times a day during bath time..
They aldry has two teeth each on the upper and lower gums..
I bot gerber toothpaste with brush.. I wana practise good brushing habit frm young...
baby, how u tahan baby crying? i cant take it even for 10 secs! thts y until now still carry, and pat bbs to zzzz everynight n during day naps. have read quite abit on CIO and not comfortable to do it. i feel eventually bb will outgrow n learn to sleep on their own...

ru, try sweet potato mix w pear..
i also just tried the CIO method last wk, seems to be working, just crossing my fingers tat it will continue to work :p

for me, CIO was challenging coz its really heartpain to see bb cry so badly esp when he cant speak yet. but my boy was waking up every 2 hrs at nite to be carried, put down cry again. very tiring.
i hide in the room to monitor my boy when i started CIO, hubby will come in every 3-5 mins to console him. first nite of CIO, after he finally cried till sleep, i also cry, very heartpain. now after few days, it is getting better. both us parents and baby also get a better longer night sleep, so we console ourselves that it is good for baby coz he can get a longer undisturbed sleep

but daytime, i still nurse him to sleep.
hi mummies

sorry i know u r all talking abit food... but can i ask about poo. my baby's poo texture these days are like playdoh. is this normal? when he poo, can see his face all red trying to push. is this considered constipated or nearly there?
Its tough... But my hb and i feels we should give it a try to hopefully achieve good sleeping habits for my elder girl.. So everyone gets a good night sleep.. In long run, will benefit whole family..
Else my elder girl keeps cry for us to rock her bk to sleep whenever she wakes up in the middle of night.. Its not healthy for her as well as for us... It makes us sleep deprieved...

So far we have been trying for a few nights... Its starting to show results.. She manage to sleep thru for the first time yday night.. Only cry one time and we just pat her bk to sleep.. No need to carry and rock her..
Even daytime im practising cio... Just now two naps she fall asleep on her own aft crying for some time... But maybe i will forsake the daytime cio.. Just do cio for the nighttime...
For us with more than a bb, i feel got to find ways to make us have more time and rest... Else will feel breathless at times..

Trust me, its really not easy to hear yr bbs cry but i wana give it shot... Hope i will achieve it... If it really works.. Then i feel the initial crying far outweighs the long term benefits..
HAha so qiao.. Both of us trying cio at the same time.. Hopefully we will both achieve the good night sleep soon!

Play doh poo means yr bb poo is abit dry.. Try giving more water.. My small girl sometimes has this kind of poo.. When i give more water her poo will get better...
my girl woke up 9pm, 11pm, 1am, 3am, 5am, 6.30am n finally 7.30am.
today still lug both kids went to watch movie
hahah ya. but my boy still wakes up couple of times, i managed to pat him back to zzz or give some water. still not yet achieve zzz thru the nite yet. he has the habit of waking up at 4am, very awake, no way can pat him to zzz, so no choice i need to give some milk coz i also not sure if he is hungry coz his last feed is 9pm.

re the poo-okie will try to give more water, but he no take plain water. i add some gripe water, but not sure if gripe water in long run is good or not.

wow how u managed movie with 2 kids? they didnt make noise inside cinema?
grumpus, ur gal up for feed or just crying? last night my 2 younger ones take turns to wake up n cry.. every hour i m carrying a crying bb....feel like i m going to die soon.....

my gal i tink teething...cry like in pain everytime she wakes up.... got to carry n soothe her back to zzzz.....

the younger boy as usual... cry in his zzzz... n refused to let me put him back onto the bed until he is back to deep zzzz..... but i do notice that the frequency of his crying has reduced..no longer every hour now. smtimes 2 hrs.... i hope it continues to get better.....

baby, i also discussed w my PD on CIO.. he is not for it... told us there is no need to let bb cry out for extended periods.. if cry we shld pick them up..pat..then before bb goes into full zzz..put back onto bed again.... keep trying until bb gets the hang of it.. rather than leave bb there to cry....
usually my girl wakes up twice for feed since i started co-sleeping. dunno y yest back to every 2 hrs. she wake up n cry n cry, kick leg n throw head backwards i also dunno y :p

i'm with u on CIO, refuse to do it. somemore this wk sch hols, everyday got activities planned for my elder girl, so enuff sleep or not i still hv to drag myself out.

we went to watch movie under GV mums n babes promo http://www.gv.com.sg/promodetails/gv_promotions_4662.jsp
somemore got free goody bag with gerber puff n gerber juice
Same like panda I bu ren xin let my gal cry so I can only ren now Coz really tiring during the day in office. Like just now rushing a report but I m so tired kept yawning n a few times eyes uncontrolable closed.

Grumpus my gal wakes up for milk , daytime I tried feeding more but she will auto stopped drinking once reach 140. Wonder when can Kick off mid night drinking habit .
grumpus, sounds exactly like my younger boy! PD says nightmare wor... then me n hb also puzzled.. coz everynight have nightmare and smtimes more than once?? haiz.. only bb themselves will know.

can understand how u feel.. same here.. enuff zzz anot i hv to carry on during the day to take care of them .. just now zoom out to buy groceries so tht i can make purees coz running low on apples n pear... bought a box of the bellamy macaroni for 10mth+. wanna let my gal try to self feed tht.. the little stars are too small for her to hold n eat..n if i use spoon, she wun open her mouth.

oh, tht day when i was at the GWC shop, i forgot about the sauce! as usual.. zoom in n out..blur blur grab n go pay.. no time to think......

how was ur younger gal in the cinema??? ok?? u make me wonder if there is hope tht i can go catch a show w the 3 of them! its been ages since i step into the cinema...
Seems like only Happyhippo and me ren xi to use cio... Definitely not easy on us... Else we wont wait till bbs are 9mths old before we try out cio.. Hopefully utimately we can achieve good night sleep for whole family!

Gan, sometimes bb wake up mid nite crying may not necessary hungry... Bb may not know how to soothe herself bk to sleep thats y bb cry..
Previously i always feed my elder girl milk when she cry at night but i realise she wants the bottle to fall asleep.. So i wana kick off this habit... I rock her bk to sleep without giving bottle... Now i change to without rocking... Step by step i hope to let her sleep thru the night.. Like what i achieve for my small girl...
Gan, how abt feeding her more frequently during the day? Since each time she drink less. My elder girl last time always drink 100ml only regardless of interval, so I feed more frequently.
Give more solid feeds too? Since she dun eat much each time, gotta feed more frequently too. I used to feed my elder girl every 2 hrs, either milk or solids. So she's practically eating all day. I'm trying to do tat with my younger now.
Ya, pd also say nightmare etc. But cannot be every night nightmare n always at the same time.

My younger girl slept thro the first hr of the movie :p I koala her so she'll sleep properly. My elder got her own seat. This is our 3rd movie already
n we always get the back row seats so if bb fuss can at least stand up n rock her a little. since I latch direct, also easy for me to feed in the cinema. But because of my elder girl I can only watch kid friendly movies

Oh, why dun u get regular elbow or spiral pasta? Bigger pc, easier for bb to hold. Just boil a little longer to get it softer. Last time I feed my elder girl plain boiled pasta, never even make sauce :p
Happyhippo: My girl also doesn't want to drink water. I also recently add gripe water to her. After I added gripe water, surprisely her milk intake increase (not sure whether due to this or not).

Last time she didn't wake up to drink at night. Now every 12am and 4am will cry for milk. Sometime very dilemma, when she doesn't want to drink hope she can wake up and drink. Now she wake up twice and feel tire recently.

Panda: thanks for your info. Will try this weekend.

Btw, any mummies whose bb doesn't poo did you constantly give medicine? Last time I collected a bottle for constipation, it stated once per day to maintenance.??

Very soon I think I need to learn on how to make more food menu from you all as I will be out of job soon.

Grumpus: Wow, with 2 babies you can went out by yourself? Wonderful. If I out of job, not sure whether I can go out without hb. If not very bore at home everyday.
I dun hv 2 bbs. I hv a 3 yr old child n 1 bb
. It's a big diff cos my elder girl can walk, talk n eat by herself so it's much easier to go out with 2.

Oh, sorry to hear u will be out of job. No plans to look for another one? If u become SAHM, I'm sure u'll find a way to bring bb out. Otherwise really very boring n cooped up.
thks for the mv link. sounds interestg. can daddy go or only mum can go? r u going for the next show?

ya I know cio is very heartpain. I guess is really individual choice. we were very against it too. but after 8 mths of disturbed sleep for me and hubby, coz he gets so sleepy at work. we decided to give it a try. its ok not to adopt cio if not comfortable coz I m sure baby will grow out of the cry to carry phase eventually.
like they always say there will be many more years tat baby dont want to be carried, compared to the few years tat they want us to carry :p the same goes for sleeping in same room as parents.

for teething, my friend recommended me to try 'ba feng san' from eu yan sang. sorry dont knw how to write chinese characters.
grumpus, exactly! everytime like alarm ring.. same time the pattern will start leh..... mine always very peaceful from 730-11+..after tht like cinderella, the clock strikes midnght, my nightmare starts! :S

babies can eat regular pasta?? if can than easy! i tried to hand feed my gal bread w yogurt.. she scream the house down again....haiz.....
daddies can go too
not planning to go to the next movie. not interested in it :p

yup bb can eat regular pasta, y not? just boil longer to get softer since it's in bigger pcs.
Let my girls tried the corn rings.. They ate so fast.. Within mins they aldry ate 2 rings.. I tasted it myself.. Its really like our titbits.. Like super rings... V yummy..
Gg to let them try the carrot sticks soon... If nice.. Will try the tomato also... These 3 different flavours and shapes are similar texture.. All puffy.. Just diff in flavour and shape.
Baby u can get the happy munchies from agape too. Similar puff kind in can form.

Today my eldest boy start to self feed bread too n seems to enjoy it v much! Finally I see him starting to chew! The bbs seems to b learning from each other ...he always see mei mei self feed n want her food...I kept giving him until he learnt how to eat it himself ...

since u wil b sahm soon, u can try spoon feed or add some grapes juice into d water for ur bb. once a day i wil fed my gal with juices squeeze out fr 4 grapes n top up water to make to 50-60ml. once she finishes, i wil spoon fed her with water ard 10-20ml, oso to avoid tooth decay. den usually durin solid feed, wil give her few spoonful of water durin d meal. an hr aft milk feed oso give water...aft bathin oso give water...so tat other den grapes water she oso learn to take plain water. its a chore but no choice.
hi mummies
for 9months baby, how many ml of formula milk should we be giving per day. i'm giving around 500ml in total, wondering if too little.

how many ml of water do you give your gals per day?
re cio - does ur girl fall asleep straight from drinking her last feed? my boy does, so he falls asleep after drinking milk. so cio not counted as achieved yet :p
but during the nite, he still wakes up 2 or 3 times, i try giving water and pat him back to sleep. still wondering why he cant sleep thru....sighhhh
Grumpus: Pei Fu ni, even though you mentioned your elder is 3 yr old. But I know it is still very difficult to maintain. Because my younger sis has one coming 3yr old boy. When we went out, he keeps asking his mum can he goes there and asking many many questions. My sis always very busy to attend to him.

It is sometime quite hard to find a perfect job to suit my current condition. As no others help, hb or myself must pick up my girl before 7pm if she is in the IFC. So if change new job where can go back so early one...

Rose: what type of grapes you give, red or green? Do you use any tool to squeeze out the water? she has a habit of drinking milk while she is sleeping so also concern tooth decay issue. Last night, she waked up 3 times for milk and managed to feed her 50ml with gripe water added (no choice)

i now usin green seedless organic grapes, but my gal doesnt seem to like it as much as d taiwan kyoho grapes. d taiwan kyoho grapes is juicy n sweet. but i changed so tat she can hav variety of grapes.

i use fork to press n squeeze out d juice on a saucer n pour into her bottle n continue pressin til no more juice. i wil eat d remainin. 4 grapes only make up ard 5ml dependin on d grapes, but its more den sufficient to make her drink. i used to give her gripe water but oso worry long term not so gd. so now every week buy one packet of grapes for her.

mayb for u, u can try sweeter grapes first if constipation is ur concern. my gal today oso stool hard, yst nvr make her drink enuff water...tis mornin spoonfed her water, hopefully by noon she wil poo softer stool...her bowel habit is everyday once, but yst nvr poo n tis mornin only a bit but hard...like hardened playdoh.
500ml seems abit little.. Do u count in the milk u use for cereal? My pd says 500ml is the min requirement.. Anytin less than that bb will get dehydrated and not enough nutrients unlesss u are giving more soilds..

My girls can take abt 100ml of plain water a day... I will just put their water bottle around.. As and when just feed them water... I feed at rm temp..

My elder girl also still hvt sleep thru yet.. Yday she wake up 2 times.. Inconsolable.. In e end i give milk... Then pat her bk to sleep...

Today i give the yogurt with pear puree.. They both love it! They shared one pot.. Its still cold when i feed them...
Next time i will try the pear and green bean flavour...
Baby I read the ingredients of the yogurt with pear and pea, actually contains sugar. Thinking of buying just plain ones only in future and add my own fruit puree. But plain ones not all CS sell.

Rose my baby loves the Taiwan grapes too! My mum also gave her some grape juice to drink.

Ru same problem as u, Coz sending my gal to Childcare next June , I can't change job even though will have higher pay Coz dun think the néw likes me to leave on dot daily so that I can pick up my baby
Rose: Many thanks for your info. Ya, at first my hb doesn't allow me to give gripe water but I told him no choice as I went to medical hall to ask for help. They told me barley is too liang for bb and adviced me to give gripe water. So just tried last week. Initially gave her 5ml and spoonfed her she would scream and cried. Last 2 nights she asked for milk around 5am so instead of milk I gave her gripe water and make up to 40-60ml. Yesterday few sucks and stop drinking. Today maybe too hungry finished the whole bottle. In fact, last time I bought pear juice and mix with water and gave to her. She also rejected. Anyway, will try out your method this weekend. Hopefully work well for her. Otherwise, everyday when I pick her from IFC, the first question to ask is whether she poo or not :>
Gan: Yes very stress one if boss is not understanding. If you see your girl is the last one to leave the IFC, your heart will feel pain.

Btw, you all talk about yourt, does it help for constipation prblem. Where to get the yogurt (normal adult one or specially for bb??)
Ru I think the yogurt helps my gal in her constipation . We r talking abt this yogurt for baby called yobaby. Sold at cold storage, u can go check out. I dun dareto give yogurt for adults to my gal
i've stopped giving cereal coz of constipation. i only add 2 scopes to milk for his last feed.
do u know how many ml of FM is comfortable amount baby must have per day?
i give porridge twice a day - lunch and dinner.

i read somewhere that banana is not good for constipation. although i alway thot i helps.
Gan: Thanks.
Rose: Good to hear that ya. Today when pick up my girl has to ask the teacher whether she poo or not. Because this morning I gave her gripe water and she finished it. She ate papaya that I gave it to her last week. So I requested her IFC to give and when I checked yesterday as usual they will say she doesn't really like. Many times I check whether she likes to eat or drink, their answer always is "she doesn't know how to eat/ "Hong Sim" want to play and doesn't want to eat. Until yesterday I still concern whether should i change her school. Now no choice, because if SAHM without sub is very ex. So I will consider to enroll her in PAP IFC for half day so that I will not be so stressful because I am planning to go for FET in the year end.
Just Faith: Are you the one recently went for natural FET? May I know the procedure? what medication given to you prior or after the FET. thanks
Sigh! Sigh! Sigh! My AF report Liao. My FET didn't make it! Need to do fresh cycle as I hv used up all my embbies.

The good news is.... My girl knows how to clap and wave her hands "bye bye".... Am so pleased.
Ru, sorry. I was on medicated FET. Not natural. :p

Happyhippp, my mum says too much will cause bloatedness. I observed very closely aft I gave her once. My girl's tummy was so hard and crying at night.. Like colic. I quickly rub ruyi oil an she went back to sleep. I dun dare to give again. Alamak.
Hi mommies, hope everyone is fine and good!

My boy is turning 6 months in a few days time and he started on solids at ard 5mths... took solids well and finished everything I gave...from cereal to puree...

Recently I increased to 2 servings of puree and found that his milk intake dropped.
Also, these few nights, he slept soundly thru from 9pm to almost 9am... without tossing and turning...he also rejected my attempt to dream feed... I was even waiting for him to cry for milk but he did...

I saw the weaning guide from Mead Johnson that milk intake shd be ard 700-800ml per day with 2 servings of puree... is that right?

Would appreciate any advice! Thanks!
Just faith
Jiayou! Things happen for a reason.. Maybe god wants u to put yr attention on yr girl now..

Egg yolk will cause bloatedness ah... Im thinking to give..

Since yr bb is having two solids a day... 500ml milk should be fine.. If u worried abt milk intake.. Maybe replace one porridge meal with milk instead? Or u can give cereal with milk instead of porridge... If scare of constipation.. Can try Happy bellies cereal... Or add fruit puree in the cereal..

Is yr two younger ones taking porridge with meat?
My small girl still taking cereal and puree now.. Still dont like porridge... I also hvt start her on meat yet since she dont like porridge... She aldry 9mths old.. Scare im late to intro meat to her... She take cereal well now.. Can easily take 75ml of milk with cereal.. Also self feed finger biscuits well... But just dont like porridge...
baby, all my 3 dun like porridge. i m still trying... its ok lah.. my PD says have up to they are 1 yo to feed solids..

my younger boy still hv to eat those stage 1 bottle foods..otherwise he gags n puke
baby, thanks what my mum says. Then same night, my girl was crying so badly until I rub the oil. Dun think I will gv egg again.

Happyhippo, my girl also on two solids, she takes avg of 650ml milk. In between, I also give fruit puree, puffs, cheese, bread and not forgetting her teething rusks! Btw, for her Porridge, I cook two times a day. I dun give her cereals or Pastas! R u still looking for new toy? Recently, I bought this tricycle for my gal. Will take her to park after her evening porridge. Kinda reward her for being good. Good gal = drink milk, pee, poo and being sweet.

Baby, your gals very cute hor. Both different patterns. As long as she's eating well, think it's ok to introduce porridge later. Ask u something hor, thought yr gals sleep in separate room from you, how come you still use CID method? Then how you handle previously? Just like grumpus, I let my girl sleep with us. If my cry, I will pat her to sleep. Or simply just sayang her tummy, then she will go back to sleep. Since born, I dun carry and rock. At the most, I will carry her on our bed, and she will koala sleep.

So all of them hvt eat meat yet?

How old are yr bbs now? My small girl initially also cant take stage 2 food.. Can only take smooth cereal.. If give grainy cereal like oats she will gag... But now she can take oats.. Now she can take stage 2 food..

So for now u hvt give porridge yet? Only give cereal?
