IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Baby, ok thanks! I was with PD last abt two weeks when she asked me about baby's diet. So told her what I gave her. Then I also told her before I gave her ikan billis, I will soak in water first before boiling soup. Then she say can do the same for dried scallops. She wants me to start giving meat to my gal. At first I thought she cant handle small piece of meat. But so far, she okay leh.

baby, the avent cup is the blue cap ones. i dunno got different sizes.. yeah..can replace 1 feed leh.. honestly i dunno how much i shld b feeding her. i will giv until she refused to eat, then i take it she is full n she doesnt cry for milk afterwards.

apple, spinach pork porridge is very yummy! i started to add quinoa to their porridge too..
read from a forum tht apple added to fish porridge can remove the fishy smell. i havent started my bbs on fish yet, so i thought mayb add to the pork porridge n try....

i gv my gal the organix finger biscuits this morning, she loves it! hahaha... i just realised she has learnt to hold small pieces of foods to eat liao. she uses her thumb n 2nd finger to pick n hold the food to put in her mouth.. no longer grab w the whole hand n cant put it into her mouth when the food is too small..

just faith, yeah.. both scallop n ikan bilis has salt.. some PDs recommend giving after bb is 1yo. i will only giv fish,pork n chicken w veg n fruits for now.
Yup im refering to the blue cap avent cup.. It has two sizes i thk.. One normal cup size. The other is taller bigger..

I shall try putting apple puree into fish porridge for my elder girl later for her dnr.. So far i hvt intro pork yet..

My girls still hvt master the pincer grasp yet leh..
U can try giving small puffs for yr girl liao since she can pick it up herself..
i tink the one i use is the normal size one.

i din use puree.. i slice the apples n cook together w the pork.. spinach i add puree after porridge is cooked.

today i m making leek potato pork porridge. i might start fish next week... or maybe chicken..

making pork stock later so tht wkend use it to make porridge easier.. wkends my parents not here, i cannot slowly cook in the kitchen.. hv to zoom in n out v fast...
i bought the puffs already..but hv not given yet. only my gal eating, open the bottle liao will take a while to eat. i try not to open too many snacks at one time. stil hv 1/4 pack of corn rings and rice cakes. must finish first..:p

hv u given ur gal yogurt melts before? its melt in the mouth.... i bought also..but not yet try...

later will giv the yobaby pear and green bean yogurt for tea break..
U put apple slices in the porridge so u took out the apple when its done? Or u blend all together?
I didnt blend porridge at all so far for my elder girl.. So i shall put in the apple puree..

The happy puffs alot mann! Sure take super long to finish.. It write finish within one week for optimal freshness.. Even got 3 bbs also cant finish in one week lor..
After sometime the puffs loses its puffiness..

I bout the melts but hvt let my girls try yet.. Cos since they still cant really handle puffs yet.. I wana wait later..
For snacks i usually open a few to let them try.. So alot unfinish lying ard haha..

For chicken, use breast meat or thigh meat har? Breast meat harder.. Thigh meat more fat.. Hmm..

Talking abt Puffs, I also cannot finish. Sometimes I give my 5yr old niece when she's here. She help me to eat. But still left alot. Hahaha.
Baby, for my boy I blend the apple. For my gal I use spoon cut the apple into bit sizes n feed her as it is w the porridge.

I just let my gal try the yogurt melt. She knows how to hold it n suck suck like she eating sweet..

Gan, I blend the pork w the porridge for my boy. My gal no teeth so can't giv her the meat to chew.

Baby, if just for flavor I think breast meat healthier. Unless u wanna let bb eat the meat....
mummies who went through the c-sect,
will they give fleet enema to clear bowel for us before c-sect? i'm afraid i will be constipated after c-sect.
Panda the zucchini do we need to remove the seeds or just steam everything then blend?

For c sect stool softener will be given, so no worries abt constipation
No wonder I always have wry little purée Coz I cut away the flesh with seeds !! So ok for bb to eat hot, the seeds .

Bot yobaby plain yogurt from TAKA CS. Ex!! $11.30
I steam with flesh and seed.. I remove the skin thou cos i didnt buy organic so dont want bbs to eat the skin..

Yobaby yogurt so exp ah! Its in one big tub or few small tubs?

Stools softener will be given.. If not u can request..
I had it aft my c sect.. But i regret it.. Cos it make me pass loose stool many many times a day.. I cant even rest properly..
gan, compassvale CS sells them for $10.90.
baby, its 4 small single serving pots.

the nutrients of zucchini is all in the skin. if dun gv the skin, then its almost zero nutrients...
Really ahh... The flesh no nutrients at all ah..
Hmmm... Then i shall steam with the skin on next time..

Difficult to find organic yellow zucchhi hor?
I bot the sukaru purple brinjal... It state no pesticide.. Shall blend with the skin..

So how to serve yogurt? Serve it frm the fridge or let it stay outside for 10mins before giving bbs?
aiyo, i oso peel off d skin. cannot find organic zucchini at ntuc finest... buttetsquash is wat huh? in mandarin? i tried to find buttersquash at ntuc oso cannot find?
butternut looks like pumpkin. at ntuc they label as butternut pumpkin. but recently i notice ntuc finest also dun hv. maybe seasonal
Hi All. I am now 12 wks via FET and was given Duphaston once I BFP. Any idea if I can stop the Duphason now or do I finish what was given? I emailed Dr Loh but he's not replying. Problem is that it's giving me very bad heartburn to the extent that I have to vomit out the gastric juices to stop the burning sensation.
Gan/ panda
Just bot yobaby plain yogurt, laughing cow chesse cube frm cs just now.. Will let my girls try soon!
I also bot huggies swim diaper.. V exp mann... $16 for 10pcs.. Cant find other brand leh
gan n grumpus

thx! ion... hmm... abit far. wil open eyes big big next time i go supermarket.

my pd oso recommend eat cheese, u sayin laughin cow? got salt? good?
baby, i bought reusable swim diapers from mothercare. disposable ones very costly! imagine mine x3 and 2 trips a week.

today i let my gal try watermelon pieces. she had fun with it.. seems to like it quite abit.. maybe coz very sweet n red in color..hee...
Yes i took it for easier to pass poo... But in the end it make me have v loose stools.. I still mgt to go to toilet with my c sect.. But thats 2 days after my delivery...

Yes i bot the brand laughing cheese cube original flavour recommended by the mummies here.. I didnt read the ingredients leh.. But i believe there is salt content..

How much u buy the reuable swim diaper frm mothercare?

Watermelon ah.. Sounds yummy wor..
U give rm temp or cold? Sure v mesy right... Hee
Baby, u cant remember the price. But if frequent use definitely cheaper de. I gv the watermelon from fridge. Every meal here is messy, with or without watermelon! Now my eldest boy oso start to wanna self feed. Spoon feed him he scream n scream. So no choice hv to let them learn n mess...
Mummies, anyone here on friso 2 for their babies? I bought friso 2 @ $32 900gms. Anyone can get cheaper than this price?
Haha nvrm la since u have two maids.. Let them clear up the mess!
I didnt let my girls self feed leh.. Only when they are eating finger biscuits then i let them munch on their own..
For spoon feeding i refuse to let them hold the spoon.. I scare messy lah.. But its good to let them learn self feeding... I will start soon... Hee...

The reusable swim diaper is like a swimming trunk? Got size? If buy will outgrown v fast? I bot swimming suit frm cotton on sale.. Cost less than $9 each! So cheap and nice!

If let them wear normal diaper what will happen huh??
Or let them go bareless below??
its organix finger biscuits. it does taste like digestive.
Just Faith,
my elder girl is on Friso. Friso always hv offer, like buy 5 get 1 free etc plus free home delivery.
Like now recently there's offer for 3 and 4. sonetimes friso 2 also included.
look out n stock up when offer
Thats the biscuits i gave my girls.. My small girl gag on it and vomit milk out... I tasted it myself.. It does taste like digestive biscuit.. And it breaks easily.. Thats y my girl gag on it when small bits of it break off...

I shall go check out the reusable diaper!
Ehh.. Cant view yr other photos ah? Wana see yr bbs in pool also leh.. Hee.. Aiya dont hv fb acc v jialat hor... Really v lazy to open one le...

Yr girl also not much hair hor.. My girls also leh.. People always say they are boy boy... Wear pink also no use hahaha
Grumpus, thanks! Oh ya hor. U just reminded me. I think I saw some ads outside 7-11 before. Provides home delivery! Thanks! I just bought the last two tins of friso 2 @ $32.
I see i see... Totally understand...

I went paragon to bot the corn rings frm vita kids today.. Bot 2 pkts.. And 1 pkt of carrot stick puff too... I thk the corn rings v sellable.. Its empty on the shelf and the staff just happen to replenish when i enquire abt it...

Bot alot of new tins for my girls to try.. Yobaby yogurt, cheese cube, corn rings, carrot sticks puff...

Good leh!!! I totally no new ideas on bbs food.. Must learn frm u hahaha..
Saw yr fb photo.. Yr bbs love the yogurt pear and green bean ah... Alamak.. I bot plain yogurt leh.. Should have bot the pear bean flavour... Yr bbs tried the plain one? They like it also?

U really have lots of idea in making their food!!! Make me so guilty.. I always repeat their food... These few days lagi worst.. Only feed them cereal.. Didnt even give any puree..
Porridge also didnt cook cos brought them out v often lately..
Where u got all these baby food ideas?? Got it frm book? Which book u can recommend me?
For porridge i only add different vege combi and fish..
Potato, carrot, pumpkin, cauliflower, broccoli, brinjal, zuccchi, sweet potato... So far thats all i tried...
For fruits, i keep repeating apple and pear cos both of girls love them... Didnt try any other fruits...
Bot payaya but hvt ripe yet... Banana scare they will be constipated...
I cant find the plain one! Bought the apple n sweet potato, peach n squash instead.

The carrot puffs v big n fat! I got a shock when I open it. But my gal likes it. I oso tried happy munchies from agape. Bbs love them too.

I hv no choice. If I gv plain cereal nobody will eat leh. So I headache hv to try so many kinds of foods. But oso wanna expose them to different tastes...
I use annabel karmel's new complete baby n toddler meal planner. N i google too..everynight bb zzz I read up recipes n make notes.
organix has 2 types of carrot puffs. one is organix finger foods crunchy carrot sticks. the other is organix goodies carrot stix.
the finger food range is for younger bbs 7mths+, the goodies range is for 12mths+
fruits ah..i giv apple, pear, peach, prunes, avocado, dried apricots, banana, mango, watermelon, blueberries. some i giv bottled ones .... got some very nice ones from an organic shop at great world today. this brand clearspring. u can see the item from my link below.


i tried papaya, but nobody likes. make puking action. banana given in moderation is ok. u can mix w avocado. avocado v good for bbs.. left over mummy can use as face mask..:p
grumpus, got difference ah! haha.. i dunno leh..hmmm..the one i bought is puff one.. i tink shld b for 7mths +. the other one is thinner sticks..

u r really guru ..keke..
it's ok. as long as bb can handle, it doesn't matter whether it's for 7m or 12m!
i love organix stuff, plus it's really cheap in UK. i always hb to stock up when he goes

grumpus, is it easy to buy organix stuff from UK? as in most supermarkets hv?? if v cheap mayb i can get my bil to buy when he goes there...
