IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

yes its quite easy to get. my hb always gets from boots which is their local chain of drugstore. alternatively u can order from boots online and get yr bil to just pick up from the boots outlet of his choice.
it's abt half the price here, even less when they have sale, like now

for wider variety of organix stuff u can order online from organix directly. there is free locsl delivery with min $$

the other place u can ask yr bil to check out is Whole Foods Market. It's a chain of supermarkets selling lots of natural organic stuff. also very big in UK, he shd be able to find one
grumpus, u make me feel like going there to shop myself! haiz... think it will be a while before i can travel w the 3 of them....
Panda how do u make the blueberry puree? I saw peaches at CS but dunno how to choose which is ripe leh. My gal doesn't like banana too.
All the berries are considered high allergy food. When u intro to yr girl be careful.

very fun hor. I myself never been there, only rely on hb. Yah think it will be awhile before u can travel unless u bring yr parents along with u
The clearspring packaging v nice mann... Looks so refined and yummy... Is it exp? Which gwc shop u went to?
Gwc alot bb tins to shop? Maybe i can bring my girls there too...
wow, panda, your bbs are soooo cute! Ur gal hello kitty lantern same as my gal one, oso bot by yeye nainai. LOLX.

Btw, can bb eat pomelo? since mooncake festival is ard d corner...
anyone brought ur baby for pneumoccocal jab yet? my boy took his on sat. next day kena red spots on hAnds n legs. anyone experienced the same?
Hi, hope to have some advices from you ladies... ... I'm on natural FET, today having 2nd scan and my folic & lining did not increase since last scan. Nurse advise may have to abort this cycle if the 3rd scan result is the same.

Can anyone advise anything I can do or eat to help increase of the folic & lining? I'm on natural FET.

Baby, sorry miss out ur earlier qns. There is an organic shop at basement 2 great world. Only one such shop there. Sells quite a variety of organic baby foods.

Rose, thks! Tht hk lantern v cute hor...

Grumpus, u get free air tix right?? My 3 so young even if my parents go w us, oso difficult to shop when there. Yesterday go GWC. My sil + bf + bil + pil. I brought one helper along. I oso can't shop. Zoom in n out of shop coz bbs fussing.. There is a book fair there too..wanted to browse but my gal screamig n my mil struggling w her...in the end just grab 2 bb books n ask bil go help me pay n quickly go settle my gal.
Thts my life until they know how to talk n tell me what they want instead of screaming the mall down.
Yes I get free tix

My elder girl first travelled when she was 12 mths old. Jus me n hb brought her to HK.
Next yr we're bringing both kids to Sydney.
Rose n panda whee do u buy the hello kitty lantern? I saw at plaza sing but oh dear the music played was some cheesy adult music! So I didn't buy.

Noy I ate red bean soup to increase my lining during my medicated FET. Most impt rest rest rest n no stress! Coz my lining only grew when I finally took leave!

Baby I add pear purée to the plain yogurt. My gal loves it! One of the rare food that she will keep asking for more!
Thanks Gan2973! No wonder the nurse asked me whether I'm being stress... ... I'll try the red bean soup, and hope for the best.

my il bot fr neighbour shophses, think 5.90. ya, d music wanna faint, i stil cant figure out wat d song about. sounds like thai. lolx. but my gal likes d blue light n d spinnin wind mill. with bb, festival seems so much fun... cant wait for xmas to come... party, gifts, xmas tree!!! n for some of u, wil b baby 1st birthday! time flies.
Gan, my mil bought from amk Blk 409. This supermarket call hong Mao.

Grumpus, so nice! I k only dream of hols until bbs r older. Just a 2-3hrs outing now is so tiring....
Lately my gal has been waking up at shorter intervals for milk a night. But when I try to gv her more solids she keeps screaming n refused to open her mouth! Gv her foods to self feed she play more than eat. She cant self feed enuff to b considered a meal. It's driving me crazy!
My girl too, she doesn't eat much solids, most of the time refuse to open mouth. Self feed only certain foods. With my elder girl n now my younger I resort to hand feed. I literally just stuff cubes of food into their mouth by hand instead of waiting for them to self feed or to open mouth for the spoon.

I currently still feed my younger girl milk every 2-3 hrs round the clock.
Panda n Grumpus my gal is also not keen on solids ... She will boo after a few mouthful. Kinda worrying Coz her weight gain slows down alot. She wakes up
More at night for mill but no increase in vol per feed. Really tiring when I work due to lack of sleep.

Panda ur younger boy is very tall? He seems taller than gor gor
Grumpus ..round the clock?? Wow..u really super mummy! Hand feeding food sounds ...mayb I shld try tht too. My mum ask me to try bread soak w milk w my gal. Today she scream my hse down when I tried to gv her bf n teabreak w spoon. The organic soft rusk she dun like! Take one bite throw away. I put it in her hands again, she will repeat the same action. Faint....

I saw a lady on fb who did BLW. It seems like a breeze from the photos! But it's not easy w my gal. I will try to feed her rice n pasta again.
I need a strategy for feeding 3. I can't feed all at the same time n I can't let my helpers feed solids. They hv no common sense. Will just keep stuffing food blindly. Even when there r lumps of undissolve cereal or foods, they oso can't see. V scary.. I hv been struggling every morning trying to feed all 3 bf. I usually end up w 3 crying bbs...Haiz....
It's so hard to find good help. Smtmes I wonder w the teachers at IFC will do a better job than me...
Gan, all my 3 weight gain slow down alot too. I think it's normal. If still like the initial mths they will b obese v soon! U r good leh, k tell my yOunger boy is taller from photos. Yeah..gor gor shorter. My younger boys walker gor gor sit, feet is hanging in the air cannot touch the floor !
Gan, think it's common for babies to slow down aft 6mths. When I told my PD my gal weight gain slow, she says ok cause babies r growing talller, not horizontally. As long as baby not losing weight, can Liao. My girl's height is 70cm. Dunno tall or short for her age.
Just faith, how often do u bring ur gal for PD review now? still monthly?

mine last one was 6 mths. next one will b the 9th mth vision check.

ur gal looks like a little young lady! all grown up and pretty.. yesterday my hb saw me looking at the pics n ask me who is this cute little gal
Pandawife can tell didi is taller from the sleeping pics. He has long legs! Actually he looks more gor gor coz ur elder boy more baby face.

Just faith I think ur gal height ok leh for her age, I refer to the growth chart it's 75% for 8 mths. My gal's next pd visit is at 1 year old for injection. Hmmm no vision check leh.
Gan, yeah..his legs very long compared to gor gor. he looks like my hb.. the other 2 bbs look like me. more bb face.. heheh...

strangely, gor gor has a big bro behaviour leh.. he is v independent.. di di super duper manja boy. little bit will whine n cry for mummy...
i dunno whats the vision check for too. my PD just told me hv to do in sept... so we just go. n also let him check them for review since we are going there.
What is BLW?

Looks like alot here struggling to feed solids.. Im not spared either... My small girl also dont take solids well compared to my elder girl... Luckily she is improving...
I fed her payaya, yogurt to her today for the first time.. She loves it! I believe cos both is cold... I tasted the yogurt myself.. Yucks mann! So sour... Gosh.. My hb even say it smells like vomit... Haha...

I let both my girls share one pot...

Gan, i shall put pear puree in it next time... Make it tastier..

Btw panda, the laughing cow cheese cube no need to put freezer right? Just normal fridge can liao right?

That time u say u put cheese, potato and milk... And what else har?
Talking abt good help... I totally agree with u. So difficult to get good help.. I also cant entrust my maid to feed solids.. I feed myself everytime.. So i wont feed at the same time.. My elder girl will take her bfast after her morning bath.. My small girl will take it after her morning nap.. If together i sure faint..
Yeah my girl will hv her last feed between 8-9pm, then it's 12-1am then 3-4am n 6-7am. I latch so it's easier, at least I dun hv to crawl out of bed to prepare milk. During the day is 2-3hr intervals.
I think feeding girls is not easy. Both my girls r not easy to feed at all!

Hmmm, I'm sure u'll find a way to feed all 3 soon. When I first started my younger girl on solids I had a hard time too cos I need to cook my elder girl's food too plus she eats really slowly n I need to sit beside her otherwise she won't eat at all. Then end up mei mei always dun get to eat cos by the time I get to her she's sleepy n in no mood for solids.

But now I get the hang of it n manage to prepare both meals together n feed both together. Admittedly my older one is a lot older n I only hv 2
In IFC they also feed bbs staggered n there's also a lot of crying bbs. U're doing a very good job already, I'm sure u'll figure something out soon
U mention before yr bbs dont like payaya.. Maybe not sweet? Alot payaya not nice.. No taste and not sweet..
I bot payaya frm cs.. From philipine.. $3.90 for one.. V exp.. But its so yummy.. Its not those normal long type. This one is smaller in size.. Can give it a try..

Today i add apple puree into my elder girl porridge.. She loves it... I add carrot, apple puree and fish... The apple really helps to cover the fishy taste..
U prepare meat and vege stock.. To cook porridge? Then u still put vege puree? If u still put, why need the stock?
So far i didnt use any stock.. I only cook plain porridge and add in vege puree and fish... Its already tasty on its own..
baby, i bought those small hawaii papaya..v fragrant n sweet..but they all yucks it! haha...

i use stock on wkends.. easier ...coz i no time to handle the meat, veg n etc. just throw in the stock n rice.. cook to boil n pop it into the shuttle chef. only wkdays i will use fresh meats n veg.... if i cook porridge, i dun use purees... purees are for days i dun make porridge.

BLW is baby led weaning. let bb self feed to eat.. instead of us spoon feeding. n no purees.. bbs eat foods steamed or cooked as it is..

yup, cheese just put in chiller.. no need freezer.

cheese, potato, milk, butter and zucchini.

my bbs dun like cold yogurt leh. i tried n all make weird faces n refused to eat.

my eldest n youngest has a habit, they only take warm milk or water. anything room temp they dun like! smtimes the milk not v warm.. drink half way cold liao, they dun want! i warm it abit, they will finish up. after meals also must gv warm water.. room temp plain water nobody will drink...:S

grumpus, i tink instead of trying to kill myself over feeding 3 together, tmr i will try staggered. gor gor at bf, mei mei at lunch and didi at tea break! wish me luck!
Panda wife I think staggering is an option coz I can't imagine feeding 3 together especially if all hungry unless u have 6 pairs of hands! maybe u can let mei mei self feed or play with food when u feed ur elder n younger boy since she prefers self feeding. Have ur helper watch over her to make sure she doesn't choke. So she eats more frequently though not a lot.

I also bot those Hawaii papaya but my gal didn't like too
gan, already tried.. hehe.. mei mei's food ends up mostly on the floor..hahaha... just short of the plate also on the floor..
Baby led weaning... Chim mann...

Yr bbs dont like cold yogurt? So u warm it?
Today i gave the yogurt cold to them... I took it out frm fridge abt less than 10mins before feeding them..
Payaya i also took it out frm fridge and mash it with fork and serve cold... Dont knw the cold food will hurt their stomach not..
My small girl seems to like cold stuffs.. If i give her milk that is abit too warm.. She will refuse to drink.. When i give her water at rm temp she will drink alot. Warm water she sips only..
Today gave her cold yogurt and payaya.. She likes..
Warm puree she dont like... Hmm..
actually i feel very bad leh.. when my eldest boy first started solids, i put in alot of effort to feed and prepare foods.. now i cant seem to do the same for the other 2! i know they are different and i need to find other kinds of foods and ways to feed them, but really cant keep up the energy for it... haiz...

the cold yogurt i leave it outside until room temp leh... tht was the time they all ate it so happily. when cold, all dont like. yogurt cannot warm i tink.....

tmr will make pasta stars for my gal again.. n try to feed... keeping my fingers crossed.... just read up some recipes.. tmr will go buy ingredients to make some finger foods for her later in the week ....
Panda from what I read I think u r equally putting a lot of effort to prepare the food leh. U came up with a lot of interesting ideas to make them eat which I dun do. Maybe coz ur elder boy takes solid better so u felt u have done a better job. But every mouthful our bb takes is a pat on our shoulder since they just started this eating business after spending 6 mths drinking milk only.

I bot the pasta stars too but my gal doesn't seem to chew well so my mum doesn't allow me to feed her that. U mixing the pasta with puree?
Gan, I spend timing making alot purees. Only the boys eat. Charlotte hates it.

The last time I cook pasta I add carrot puree only. This time I will try to make a decent sauce to go w it. Y don't u try porridge first? Pasta k wait.

I just did smthing really silly. The pasta stars takes awhile to cook to b v soft. I thought mayb I soak it overnight ...I only put in water for 15mins all dissolved!!!! Lol!
U can cook the stars the night before n keep in the fridge. When ready to eat toss together with hot pasta sauce.
Hey, since u went to the organic shop at GWC, didn't think of getting those bottled bb pasta sauce for yr gal to try? More tasty
Panda wife my gal has been taking porridge these 2 weeks. Nothing fanciful just plain porridge with vege puree. I tried brown rice for her last weekend but I think too coarse, she didn't like. So sunday I blend the rice before cooking, she took t better. Last night made a simple vege stock with carrot and onion for her porridge today.
U are not alone...

I too make alot of effort for my elder girl... Now when its my small girl turns to take solid.. Im not as enthu as before.. I also didnt follow the 4 day rule wait... I will give whatever my elder girl is having that day and let her try...

Im giving training to my elder girl now.. Want her to sleep on her own.. Im using cry it out method.. Let her cry till fall asleep... But will go check on her now and then to ensure her... Hai... So pitiful..
It seems to be working... Now the crying is shorter and shorter till she fall asleep during the daytime... Yday night she sleep thru.. Only cry one time and we pat her bk to sleep.. We didnt carry her.. If we continue.. I believe she can sleep on her own when we put her on the bed when she is sleepy..
Thats what my small girl does.. When we see her sleepy.. We put her on her cot.. Give her pacifier and pillow.. She will soothe herself to sleep... Thats what i wana achieve for my elder girl now... Wish me luck! Hee..


how do u brush ur bb teeth? my gal just got two!

whats in ur veg puree? today i blend cauliflower, brocolli, carrot, pumpkin, sweet corn, zuchinni n add to d porridge with threadfin. quite nice. d veg puree before blend is a mountain , one rice bowl size. oso added two dry scallops. my gal finishes up ard one third rice bowl size.
