IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

My girl's IFC started giving her porridge since early this month. So far ok. She loves eating. They will give her cereal for bf, the porridge for lunch and cereal with my puree for teabreak.

Thanks for the info on Organix. Nowadays, food are so unsafe for consumption. Must be really careful when giving to baby.

Wow, youa re making so much puree. Did u steam the cherry or u just blend? I just made beetroot for my girl but I can predict that she wont like it cos by smelling it, I also think it doesnt taste good. Its quite tasteless thou its red in colour. Shall see what the teacher say later in the evening. Haha! Maybe need to add some apples or carrots to enhance the taste. Last night I made, Beetroot, avocadoes and honeydew.

My girl also has constipation problem. You can try papaya. Dun give banana. Cos banana will worsen constipation. See the below link for food you can introduce. Pear and prunes helps too.

When u see that she doesnt poo for ard 2 days, can start giving liao.

my girl also dun like pumpkin. Haha! Cos i think so sticky le. Maybe try to add in some carrots? So it cbecomes more watery? That time I make pumpkin and she make those vomit sound too. ended up my elder girl ate all the pumpkin puree.
wow, saw your cherry receipe. A lot of work man.. Great job mummy!

Just faith,
The intervals are bf (8-9am) plain cereal, lunch (12-1pm) porridge, teabreak (4-ish) cereal with my homemade puree
U use slow cooker arh? So u bought a small slow cooker just for cooking porridge is it? Mine is the big one thou. So kind of difficult to cook small portion. My friend taught me to either use thermal pot or steam the porridge like we steaming fish like that. But I yet to try out.
Yah I bought the smallest size slow cooker just for porridge. Since my elder girls time. I dun hv any other slow cooker cos I dun cook with slow cooker....haha
Erm, ok, maybe I'll go get 1. My elder girl's time I cook over the stove and my maid will really stand there for like 30mins stirring the porridge. I feel a bit waste time. Think I'll just get slow cooker.
Arh.. okok.. Thanks ladies...
Hmm.. I have no problem on my scar.. Not icthy also.. I didnt apply dr f cream liao.. In fact i only apply less than a mth.. Too lazy to apply...
For keloid i thk its individual.. Nothing to do with cream or dr f skill... Some pple tends to develop keloid more easily than others...

Did u try emailing to dr f to ask him abt it? Maybe he can give u other cream for the icth..
u so lucky, no problem with keloid. ya u r rite, its the individual skin condition. oh r u going back to see dr f? he last asked me to see him 6mths after delivery... altho i also not sure see him for what leh..hahhah
The scar can repair, u intend to have another bb right ? Repair later, if not c-sect again, they will cut the same site anyway.

U very on with making baby puree. My bb keeps eating the same food over and over again...haha.

thanks. wil not touch on bananas...


did u grind d rice when u cook with slowcooker? how long is needed to cook porridge?
i use normal white rice to cook porridge. never grind before cooking. i bring to boil the water and rice over the stove first then transfer to the slow cooker to continue cooking.
takes abt 2hrs to cook.
happyhippo, i m using the avent steam n blend. hardly any wastage at all.

tickles, i "cook" the cherry over stove leh. hmm..i read this from a baby cookbook.. it din say to blend.. i almost bought beetroot at ntuc just now! haha..but din coz i cant even eat it myself :p

just faith, i hv no idea which part of the ribs! my mil does the marketing for me. i hardly hv time to zzz..not to mention go marketing..

bubblybear, my PD told us try to expose bbs to more tastes n foods before they turn 1yo..tht way they will be less fussy eaters next time. but as of now my bbs already fussy leh! i try to rotate the foods everyday and also introduce a new food each week.. so i need variety..i wish my bbs can guai guai eat plain cereal!
Everytime how much solids u prepare for yr bbs? Usually will finish or will be leftovers?

Usually for my elder girl... She will finish whatever i give her.. But my small girl always have leftovers.. I feel so wasteful.. Today i found a good tactic on how to feed my small girl.. Wait till she wake up from her nap.. Near to feeding time.. Then she will open her mouth for the food! She finish near to a cup of cereal today!

U mention two of yr bbs can only take a few spoons of solids.. Then means alot goes to waste? Few spoons is really little leh.. I will be so discouraged.. U are such a determined mummy!
Prayhard can buy from th first few years, TAKA, Robinson , isetan etc. Recently saw isetan selling the evenflo megasplash at $169 during their baby sales. Think first few years was selling that at $199
Surprisingly, the teacher told me that my girl loves beetroot. She say she enjoys it so much she keep licking her lips. But hor, last night when she poo, its the beetroot colour, a bit purplish. Scare me for a while when I see the colour. Then I rem its beetroot.
Re: cherry puree

Cherry is a superfood but it is also one of the "dirty dozen". It is one of the 12 foods that contain the most pesticides. Thus organic ones maybe better. Can also try blueberries. Healthy food too and it is not a true berry so less concerns with allergies

Oh ya. Root veggies will also contain the most pesticides. Fyi

Hey tickles
How u prepare beetroot for your gal? I want to try too.
Sorry marvliz is also my login. I use it for shopping. And my nov Mtb thread. Sorry

Happy hippo
I brought baby out on bus during none peak. Easier to use baby carrier. Handsfree.
Tickles, saw yr breakfast, lunch, tea menu. In between, how many times u give milk n how much milk is she drinking in a day now? When u give the bf, lunch n tea, u won't give milk during those times?

My two babies have taken a break from solids cuz they fell sick. Poor gal got RSV, bad cough n cold. Had to stay hospital on drips cuz refuse to drink milk. Sigh... Hope they recover soon n then I have to slowly start back the solids again.
For beetroot, I just cut away the skin and all and left the flesh only. I cut the flesh into smaller sizes then put into the steamer and steam for 15mins. After that I blend.

Working wife,
In between, the teachers still give 2x milk feed in the day. She will ask for milk after like 1.5hrs after cereals. She drinks 150ml now. Oh no, your 2 babies hospitalised? Must be very tiring for u. U take care ya..
baby, i usually prepare 1 half cup of cereal and veg puree and another 2/3cup of cereal and fruit puree. then i feed all three. most of it eaten by my eldest boy. no wastage.. coz since the other two dun eat much, i am not making separate portions for them yet.

today my gal refused her milk for 1 whole hour... no choice, i make 1/3 cup of fruit puree and cereal, she almost finished it. an accomplishment from eating a few spoons..keke..

no bbs know how to eat 1 cup from day 1 mah...all progress from small amounts..so i just keep trying n letting them "learn" how to eat...
My shears cot base one wooden plank broke! Anyone has any idea whether is there any warranty? I tried to search for contact no from plamax where they distribute the cot.. I bought frm ck tangs..
Working wife
Oh dear.. U must be worried.. Hope they are well.. Dont worry too much ok..
Btw what is RSV? Rotavirus? Did yr bbs took the vaccination?

Im gg to start bk on making vege and fruit puree.. I will also start my elder girl on porridge since she is taking solids well.. Will move on to meat too... Means more work for mummy! Hee...
Thanks Tickles. Ya, both babies hospitalized. Girl on drips cuz refused to drink milk. But today she started drinking so hopefully can be discharged tomorrow.

Boy drinking milk but hospitalised because he had some wheezing. Both of them need to do nebulizer 4-5 times a day.

Baby - it's Respitory Synctial Virus, basically a nasty cough n cold virus. Takes longer than normal cold to recover ie. 7 days to 2 weeks. They have nasty thick phlegm and stuffed nose causing them difficulty to drink milk. And when they cough, they dun know how to spit out the phlegm so they keep coughing and gagging until sometimes vomit. According to Internet, almost all children will get RSV at some point or other but severity of symptoms may vary. It's like the common cough n cold so sometimes u don't even realize it's RSV. Actually no need tohospitlise, it's just they not drinking milk so have to be on drips.
baby, i also dun giv fresh food puree all the time. for varied tastes..smtimes in a meal, i will giv a fresh veg puree plus bottled fruit puree or vice versa.. on days that i m running low on fresh puree before i hv time to make again, i also use bottled ones...

i just bought a shuttle chef for making porridge.. the last 2x, i woke up at 430am to cook!

do u have fixed time to feed ur elder gal?? i.e. breakfast at 8am everyday?

my ones wake up different timing for each bb n everyday also varied timing... v challenging to wanna feed all together ...i wonder if there will b more consistency in their timing as they grow older...:S
Working wife
Oh dear.. U must be worried.. Hope they are well.. Dont worry too much ok..
Btw what is RSV? Rotavirus? Did yr bbs took the vaccination?

Im gg to start bk on making vege and fruit puree.. I will also start my elder girl on porridge since she is taking solids well.. Will move on to meat too... Means more work for mummy! Hee...
Alamak double post...

Working wife
I see.. Yr bbs sure feel v uncomfy. My elder girl got a cough when she is just 2mths old.. So poor thing.. She her cough and cough.. Nose blocked.. Tough to drink milk...

Hope yr bbs get well soon!

I just went ntuc and bought the healthy times brown rice, mixed grain and barley..
My stock from agape runs low.. Cos i feed twice each day so the cereal runs pretty fast..

I have fixed timing for feeding solids... I will feed a bfast usually around 9am.. After their bath and nap.. Then dnr at abt 5pm... Will give last feed milk at abt 8plus before their sleep.. But for my small girl... If bfast she is too sleepy.. I will usually give milk then cereal at noon... So it depends on hows her mood.. Cos she wont eat if she is sleepy..
What is a shuttle chef?
I use slow cooker to cook their porridge.. I notice also need to stir occasionally so cant cook during the late night.. So i thk i will cook in the noon time so will ready for their dnr time..
I bout yellow zucchhi.. Will try to give my elder girl.. Hee.. U bought this also?

I read that shuttle chef is thermal cooking? Whats d diff between that and slow cooker huh? Thermal pot good to use? Better than slow cooker?
How much you bought and fr where huh?

Hehe, sorry, so many qns.
ohh i didnt see - need to spend $60 to participate... chey so "unfriendly". i dont like this kind of terms, want people to participate yet force pple to spend to make your project work.
working wife,
My girl also kena RSV during CNY that time. Stayed in the hospital for 8 days. Need neubiliser and need to do therapy to pat the phelgm out. Its really tiring. But will get better de. Dun worry k. But think after that they will give you flexotide inhaler and ventolin inhaler as preventive measure. Till now my girl still using it everyday.
The healthy times really is like Happy cereal? Cos its very light and flaky.. Need to add alot to make a thick cereal... Is it right? Cos unlike bellamy.. V easy to make a thick cereal..

yeah...its thermal cooking. more convenient coz just need to boil over stove, then put into the container, the porridge will continue to self cook. esp good if going out ..

rose, i bought 1.5l for $90 from a online seller from FB.

baby, healthy times is even lighter than happy cereal. need to use much more than happy cereal to make thick cereal! hahaha.. healthy times the flakes are bigger n lighter...if fan blowing the flakes will fly everywhere!

i gv both yellow and green zucchini before. suppose to be blended w skin ...thts where all the nutrients are. i m making cauliflower puree today... new flavour of the week..

my bro's maid now park at my house coz my sil not yet pop... so i hv extra pair of hands to help bbsit..can mass production puree today...
tickles, thanks for the note! later i drain away the water before i blend..

i think next week i will try beet root

today i m making cauliflower, pear, butternut squash, sweet potato to stock up... still have apple n cherries..but not enuff ice tray to make so many types....

saw ur fb post.. hope ur little princess is alright.. now i see all the recent accidents, i very careful liao.. cannot leave bbs alone at all.. always must hv at least one adult w them.. esp now they v active in walkers...know how to move ard to grab n pull things....
today finally used baby carrier. the weight is on shoulder & waist. was thinking if the weight is on waist, is it bad for our tummy/uterus after delivery? coz was thinking all those post-delivery was supposed to help push up the uterus. not sure if i'm making sense.

you really motivate me to go buy a blender/steamer leh. do you blend then steam or steam then blend? tks
Ya, upset that she fell off the bed.. Feeling so guilty.. So far, teacher never call, so should be alright.

Just note that when u give beetroot, the poo that comes out is also purplish hor.. Dun be shocked if u see the colour of the poo.

Butternut squash.. erm.. I never make that before. Maybe can try..
Is it sweet? Must go google and see how it looks like first.

I find the avent blender useful.. U can try that. Very easy to use.
ya i need to go find a blender. okie wil go chk out avent. u must be using it. u cook lots for ur baby also?

taka got baby sale, any mummies going?
need to shop for high chair, any recommendations for a sturdy one? so tat baby do topple it.
The brand u bout is call shuttle chef?
How does it take for the porridge to be cooked to baby like texture? U mean we can bring the whole pot and put maybe in the car for it to continue cooking till maybe dnr time for them to eat? Sounds like a good idea... But the pot preferably small in size so more handy to bring it out..

Im now cooking porridge in slow cooker for my elder girl dnr later.. Made pumpkin puree yday to store.. So will add one cube of it to the porridge later for her..

Hmm.. U give me an idea to make cauliflower puree.. Hvt try it before.. I hvt even touch broccoli yet lo... So lazy hor.. Hee

Hope yr girl is ok... My girl also fell down recently..
I am using the avent one. I find it quite good. Easy to use and clean. I make puree every weekend. For high chair, I'm using mamalove brand. Its quite sturdy. Bought it during my elder girl's time. Now my younger one using. Can even dismantle and become table and chair when they grow older.

Cauliflower is not bad. My girl loves it. Just that I make it too watery. Last weekend I made honeydew. also took watery, blend too long. haha!
happyhippo, steam first then blend. v easy to use n just the right size for bb food portions.

tickles, squash is similar to pumpkin, orange flesh n sweet. the shape is hu lu de.. most supermarkets will have

Cannot view le..

Now im steaming carrots.. Bbs sleeping so quickly go make puree and store.. Else daytime too busy to make..

Just now i feed my elder girl porridge with pumpkin puree.. She finish 3/4 bowl... A good start... Tml will try adding carrots.. But scare carrots not sweet enough.. And i have used up my pumpkin supply... Hmm...
