IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

I always have dificulty in making carrot puree... Always not soft enough.. I steam for half hr also not soft.. Then i cook in water also not soft.. Hmm... Maybe its due to im using organic mini carrots... Should just use normal carrot??

U need to cut the carrots into smaller pieces. I usually cut it into smaller pieces (equal sizes) then put into the steamer and steam 15mins. I also use baby carrots.
Baby I used organic carrots too. SteAm 15mins ok leh

Mummies how do u heat up the frozen purée? I will defrost in fridge n then put the food cube in hot water to warm ... Is that ok? I feed my bb room temp, no need heat thoroughly the frozen purée right ?? Scared I have been feeding her wrongly
To look for anyone of you who experienced bleeding after just discovered a positive pregnancy will still deliver baby safely in end, pls share your experience. Thank you
Aiyo.. I didnt cut the mini carrots.. Cos i tot its aldry mini sizes so i didnt cut... No wonder so difficult to soften..
Hi miracle baby, I had bleeding during my 1st trimester... N was even hospitalized for 3 days, delivered a healthy gal last dec.
Did u go see ur gynae? If bleeding shld be given support med n proluton jab. Rest n minimize movement. I was on 3 weeks HL from my 5 to 8 week
Miracle baby, i had spotting on the day of my BT, and few days later bleeding and was hospitalised. thereafter spotting and another fresh blood flow (blood that just flew down my legs when i stand)...the spotting didn't stop till around 8 weeks.
was a very stressful period. If u have spotting/bleeding, should go see doc ASAP. I was going in and out of kkh 24 hrs a few times. the last fresh blood was so much that Dr Loh told me i can only hope for the best.
Miracle baby,
I too had bleeding n spotting thruout my pregnancy. I think I started spotting ard 6/7 weeks. Then at ard 11 weeks I had threatened miscarriage. The blood simply cannot stop flowing. I was given polutron n was on hospitalization leave for 1m. Need to preserve, dun walk too much, dun drink cold drink or liang stuff. Mist impt is take your jabs n med on time n lie down as much as possible. Do see your doc immediately when u experience spotting or bleeding.
Hi mummies after starting solids and on fm, how does ur bb poo looks like? Still creamy like pumpkin soup... Same as bf?
How do I tell if got diarrhea ?? Thks
not yet. i did call them few wks back, d lady told me end of aug. i told her d receipt fadin, she asked if i called to leave my number before, i said yes. she den checked her computer n asked me to take note of my four digits number in d queue. said when collection, said tat number will do.


anyone of u during last stage of pregnancy, dr got ask u do blood test? seems like some rare blood test, drew five syringe of blood. one of d test is called lupus.

can share if u noe anything about it? helpin others to ask.
Hello mommies

My 7 weeks baby keep stretching her limbs when she is sleeping at night and making a lot of noises, is tis normal? It seems this action is disturbing her and she can't sleep well. It doesn't happen during her day naps thou.

Also, we have challenges feeding her. She always seem drinking very eagerly n eventually keeping pushing away the bottle. I have changed avent teat to nuk but it seems doesn't feed avent bottles.

Mommies, pls advise if u have similar experiences.


it is normal. my bb oso keeps stretching her hands n legs at night, like automated robot, very fast movement. n it looks silly to us that bb is wakin herself up. it will go off as bb grows older. or u can swaddle ur bb if u wish, i didnt coz my bb will kicks d blanket.

as for drinkin milk, it could be many reasons:
bb posture shld b slightly upright to make drinking smoother
blurp ur bb, bb may have swallow air when drinkin

most likely bb has air, try to blurp often
U mean just take note of the 4 digit receipt no will do?
Dont understand they need to take this long to replenish the stock.. Sianz..

not d receipt no., its their own serial number when u called in n leave down ur name n contact. they checked their sys n told me my queue number. its four digits. imagine d number of ppl in d queue...up to four digits.
Hi Rose

Thanks for e advice! At least I noe there's nothing wrong wif my bb!
Harlow everyone!

Has not been logging in as I am real real bz with my 2 boys...after my cl left, I lose my weights real real fast...poo and eat also must see timings...haiz..

Wld like to check recently my boys has been v fussy and crying when comes to drinking their milk...it is especially towards the end of the drinking like 20ml and they will start to cry bitterly and using their hands to push the bottle away...we are v sure they are still hungry...hv tried burpuing them, using Dr Brown's, NUK and Avent bottles but no use...even chg the teats for NUK, no. 1 and 2...also useless...haiz...

But when my dh feeds them there is no problem..,wonders whether it is me or my babies plms...

I am so worn out by everything...and I still need to squeeze time out to pump...I am really really exhausted!!!

My boys are now 7 weeks+ and their weights are about 4.2 and 4.3kg...they are tking abt 6-8 feeds per day at abt 120ml each feed but PD says I hv been overfeeding them...but even with 120ml, they will cry for more soon even we hv chg their diapers, burp them again...supplement with another 50ml of fm then they are willing to sleep..

I am really at my wits end...so tired!

May I kw by when will they wean off their night feeds?

Do I feed them 3hrly now or shall I demand feed?

I really sayang them but I really detest and irritated by their cryings...

I just read yr post...my boys are the same as yours..I find it v challenging too..

And yes, they can stretch their limbs anytime of the day and makes lots of noise...I hv to separate my twins to stop them from disturbing each other. Sometimes I am so overwhelmed tt I left them with my helper...haiz...

My PD prescribed them probiotics and he says this is 3 mths colic and will eventually goes away after 3 mths..which means I still hv abt 1mth plus to go with no guarantee..

Do u feed on demand now or every 3hrly u will him up for feed? Hw much is yr bb drinking now and weight?
120ml for 6-8 feeds is a lot. Sometimes bb too full, bloated, uncomfortable also will fuss. Did u try pacifier?

Actually now u can start to feed them 3hrly in the day n demand feed at night. Meaning if at night they dun wake u dun feed. At 7wks they shd be waking abt 1-2 times at night only.

2-3 mths is the fussiest. Hang in there it will be over soon.
The stretching of limbs and making noise when sleeping is a sign of gas/reflux. Young bbs tend to do tat a lot. They'll slowly outgrow it and sleep better.

According to calculation, they shd b drinking only 90ml but sometimes after they finish 120ml, they will cry for more, I did try pacifier, but they can't sleep well too cos they will b stretching n making noises thru out their slp.. Its only when I separate them up then they can sleep better at night.

I tink I will starting feeding them 90ml of ebm from d next feed onwards n will supplement with fm if not enuff.. In this way will reduce gas maybe..

Really hope things will improve else I will go berserk soon.

I can tk up to an hr to feed one baby cos unable to get a burp in btw d feeds.. Burping part really tks up alot of time n taxing to me n my helper..
how r u burping the bbs? i find the best way for me is the rotation burp where u gently rotate bb at the waist. changing burping positions frequently helps too. rather than trying to burp in one position for 10-15mins, i usually change positions every few mins, from sitting on the lap to over the shoulder to rotating and back to on the lap and so on.

i find that when bbs r too full, it gets very difficult to burp them too. so try to control the feeds. if they cry after finishing 90ml maybe try to carry and pat etc for awhile see if they'll settle down. if really cannot maybe just give another 10-20ml more.

if bb is a bit refluxy, can try to let bb sleep a bit inclined so that they are not as uncomfortable and won't stretch as much.
Rostrum, wow, you have given birth to your darlings.. Congrats.

Mummies, how many weeks were you when you gave birth,
did dr wait till 40weeks?
I'm 36weeks n wondering if I'll deliver early or late.
Do you breast feed fully?

Sorry many questions.
How r u ? ;) Havent been checking the thread for quite sometime. Guess u must be realllyyyy shacked out with ur twinnies. I have been induced n delivered to my boy natural forceps delivery on 22july. Am back home with baby for abt a 5days and days just snapped passed v. Quickly. Am still cup feeding my boy n he Always wrestles with us. I m also struggling with bf too ;((( supply just pathetic...

I m finding it challenging to burp my boy at times too. I normally put him on a seated upright position n support his head n burp him from behind. But it doesnt work at times n he landed up throwing out the milk. U mentioned about gently rotating bb's waist ? Isit where by i will just change the seating position of the bb (from right to left) ?

My dr induced me on 39wk5d due to my hi bp & GD. If not of these conditions, he will let me hold on to the bb till Wk41. So it all depends on ur gynea. As long as ur bb is 37wks n bb weight is ok u can deliver anytime.
Nope, rotation burp is where bb is seated on yr lap n u r supporting his head. Instead of rubbing yr hand up n down his back to burp, u support the back of his neck/back with yr hand n gently rotate bb at the waist. So bbs waist is sort of going round in a circle.

Here's a video
hihi, hugs!
your boys sound likde mine just a while back...
im referring to the noisy/restless sleeping. i used to be too hyped up to sleep as he made lots of grunting noises...and whimpered like he had disturbed sleep/nightmares! that was due to his reflux condition.

may i suggest propping up their mattresses (i assume they zzz on cots) to some 20 degree using towels...this gentle gradient will aid them to zzz better. Also, hold BBs up for 15mins at least after you burp them before you lay them down to sleep.
Avoid using pillows as u dun want milk to trap at their throat areas...

my boy outgrew the noisy sleeping and slept relatively better.
read that reflux aggravates by 3rd month but mine seemed to get better ard 3rd month...
occasional spitting is normal ok...
my PD used to give Bio-gaia (probtiotic) to put in my BB's milk but it did not quite help with reflux. hope the above methods help!
just an additional note, my PD said overfeeding and reflux go hand in hand. u can try smaller feed at a shorter interval. grumpus did that for her elder girl...
Hello Ladies,
would like to join this thread.

Though I didn't have my boys via IVF. I have been reading this thread since my pregnancy. Conceived my fraternal boys from SOIUI whom are 3 months today (corrected age) They are preemies at 27 weekers.

I need some advises from mummies.

My younger boy been having bad reflux and vomiting for a while. And over the last couple days. He refused to take milk and instead been sleeping more. Is that normal? Each feed for him is 90ml so far. From 7 feeds a day , he now take only 5 times a days. Yet he is gaining weight slowly, he is now 6.2kg . Any one encounter this before and what is best to manage it?

My elder girl had very bad reflux. She was 1.86kg at birth though she was a 37weeker.
Personally feel if yr boy is sleeping well, it's ok if he's drinking less. It's good for bbs to sleep too. Although do be careful not to mistake lethargy for sleeping.
Ard 4-5mths it's actually normal for bbs to reduce their milk intake because their growth rate actually slows down. It's particularly obvious in small bbs because the first few mths they drink a lot more to catch up in weight. N once they hv reached more or less average size, they will slow down.

For my elder girl I was very concerned abt her milk intake and reflux so I fed her very frequently but small feeds each time. She was drinking abt 60ml every 2hrs.
At night I would wake up twice a night to dream feed her just to make sure she gets more milk.
Need some advise fm experienced IVF graduates. I'm now 7.4 wks preggers and am currently taking Duphaston and folic acid. Is it normal for the bloating to subside or should I be concerned?
Dun worry too much. Some people will feel bloated whereas some dun. Just continue with your medication and rest well. I dun think the bloating should be a concern. When's your next doc visit?
Should be alright then. Dun worry too much. Relax!
Just rem to take medication on time and avoid cold drinks etc. You can still do your normal daily routine. Just make sure dun over exert yourself and rest well.
Grumpus how do u cook the porridge for ur gal? I cooked plain porridge for my bb on sat n she ate it and seems to like it, so thinking of doing that daily to replace the noon cereal with porridge. So far I m not very successful in feeding her pureer. Today I add cauliflower purée to the porridge. If I want to increase calcium. Can I cookthe porridge with ikan billis, dun feed her the ikan billis but let her eat porridge ? What ingredients do u add? Thks
My boy takes 180ml, 6 feeds a day from 6 wks onwards, if they are not overweight, I don't think u are overfeeding. Some bbs just have bigger capacity. Otherwise, if they don't drink enough, they will only cry for more. Calculation of milk feed is just a guide. Colic will go away on its own, can't really do much with colic, but only try to relieve the pain. Weaning off night feeds depends on individual bbs, each they have their own timing.

If your bbs are growing and drinking well, why not demand feed ? No need so busy. But since u have twins, maybe easier for u to feed both at the same time. U have to decide what works for u.

My boy also drinks alot and I do demand feed, but his timing is very accurate, its like every 3 hrs, he will ask for milk. He also sleeps through from 6 wks onwards, cos maybe he drinks alot during the day, he doesn't need a night feed.

Having twins itself is a challenge on its own, u are doing great, just press on.

bloating should subside, its ok.
Actually i dont like to give ikan billies to my girls.. Cos its a form of salted fish.. Its high in sodium also...
Dont worry abt calcium since yr girl is still drinking milk... Milk has high calcium...
U can add vege stock if u want more flavour to the porridge..
Or can add pork or chicken...
i cook porrdige for my girl daily. Abt 10min prep, cookk for 2 hrs in the slow cooker.
I cook plain porridge first, then abt half hr before serving add the vege.
I use pumpkin, carrot, potato, sweet potato, zuchinni, tomato, cauliflower, spinach. Sometimes i add a pc of corn too for taste only, cos she can't eat corn yet.
Everyday i just pick 2 vege n mix and match to add to the porridge.

Alternatively, u can make all those vege puree beforehand and store in cubes. Then cook plain porridge daily and add 2 different puree cubes to the porridge before serving.

If u want to use ikan bilis for added calcium, need to eat the ikan bilis cos the calcium is all in the bones. I plan to intro ikan bilis, fish and other proteins when my girl hits 8 mths.
U can consider making ikan bilis powder to add to yr girl's porridge. Quite a bit of effort but one time can make one bottle, and everyday just add a small teaspoon to the porridge. Can last quite awhile.

To make ikan bilis powder: http://www.noobcook.com/ikan-bilis-anchovies-powder-step-by-step-photos/
i rinse many times and very thoroughly to remove as much salt as possible. Get good quality ikan bilis, it's actually not tat salty after rinsing.
Grumpus, I hv tried the methods on burping as u mentioned…sometimes it is just so difficult to get a burp from them esp during night feeds..perhaps I am too tired…tts y I will let him slp elevated and after tt he cry then I will carry him to burp…I m reducing their feeding volume now…will monitor and c hw…yesterday night is crazy…both refused to slp after their 11+ feeds and fuss till 3am…it is only them dh kws hw difficult and overwhelming it can be!
A few questions :
Normal for babies to hv hiccups after feeds?
They will cough occasionally after feeds…normal?
Please assist…thanks!

Thanks Suyana, Hv a smooth delivery ahead

Day, congrats and welcome to motherhood!

Pink D, my PD also prescribes probiotic for them…Dunno whether it helps…but I m heeding grumpus’ advices to reduce the feeds as of yesterday evening and is still monitoring now…Actually PD has already advises us to reduce the feed volume and gv them more if necessary…but I guess we are just too eager to beef the boys up which become worse…When does your boy outgrew the noises?

Bubbybear, the plm is when I feed them 120ml 7 to 8 times per day, they will feel bloated and really makes a lot of noises during the nights…And they will cry as they drink making “ai yo ai yo” sounds…initially I still tot is so funny but I realize each feed is lidat then I kw it is not funny at all..something is seriously wrong…Yesterday reduce their volume and they no longer cry while drinking and they smile after their feeds..so I decided to feed them every 3hrly…and this allows me to plan my daily activities more effectively…I just hope this tough phase will pass soon….
yes sometimes it's really difficult to get a burp out esp when they're sleeping during the night feeds. hang in there, these are typical newborn probs. i hv done wat u do too, just let bb sleep elevated and when they cry half hr to one hr later quickly carry up and bb will burp.
sometimes, just too tired so no choice.

hiccups is very common in young bbs. coughing occasionally too esp after feeds is common too, sometimes cos that last bit of milk didn't go down properly etc. all these probs u're having is a result of immature digestive system which bb will slowly grow out.

it's tough even with one, must be worse with two. just gotta hang in there and ask for more hands to help if u really need it. should get better by 9-12wks
hi rostrum,
i feel for you as I could not wait for my boy to outgrow his reflux too!
he outgrew the noisy/arching by about 3 months old...actually i wasnt even aware exactly when...just that one day I realised "hey he no longer raises/arches or makes noises in his sleep!"
Ur boys will get better ok? Just dun over feed... it might aggravate the problem...

Your girl eating full meal of porridge already? How much is a full meal? One bowl (the combi feeding bowl)?

I want to intro porridge to my kids now. How do you prepare the rice before cooking? Or just cook the rice in slow cooker until become porridge? And how to make the porridge runny and watery (is the texture like teochew porridge)? Do you blend the porridge before feeding? Taking into consideration this is my first time feeding, should I blend it?

And when u add the vege, u mean add vege puree into the porridge or you cut into small pieces and add into e slow cooker? If I make the puree separately, do I feed them porridge n puree separately or mix the both together? If just feed plain porridge, isn't it tasteless? Do u use stock to cook or just water?
Sorry so many questions!!!
Btw Grumpus, can u share your daily meal plan for yr girl? Cereal for bf, porridge for lunch n puree for tea? How do u slot the milk feeds in between? Dont mind sharing sample meal plan n the timings too... Hehe thanks!

Chewy, my eldest boy also has reflux..now he is 7mths plus n still throwing out milk everyday. PD says he will probably outgrow it by 8mths...

we can only try out best to prevent it..but it cannot be totally eliminated .. try to feed baby sitting as upright as possible..n after feed hold them upright for about 15mins . if u can let bb lie in rocker 45degree instead of putting him back onto the cot lying flat.

bbs milk intake can fluctuate..some days more some days less.. just monitor and if bb is growing well, no cause for concern bah.

grumpus is right.. smaller feeds more frequently also helps.
