IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group


My girl is 3 months plus

Oh..ok, will put a tin there then. Now, I am looking after my girl alone. Have been looking after her 24/7 since the CL left. Next month, sending her to IFC, feel so sad and start to miss the days I was with her exclusively. Currently, treasure every moment I can.

Haha! Its like that. I was like you too. But must remember to put her in at least a week b4 you start work so that she can adjust k. First few days usually is half day only.
Prayhard ya got same concern abt her being lonely when hub n i not around. So started toying with doing fet lately though initially was thinking stop at 1 due to age. But think I will only transfer 1 embryo ... Coz scared multiples... Dun think I can handle as a working mum.
When I first return to work, I missed my gal alot... Practically call home every hour to check what she is up to! But now better... N I kinda enjoy the little me time I had during lunch , hehehe
So u trying end of year? If I try will be June next year when bb is 18 mths.

Pink d I started with bellamy white rice.
Gan, Prayhard,
Have you girls tot of trying naturally? It is said to be very fertile during that 1 year of birth. My AF just reported after 8m of missing in action. I think I will try naturally till end of the year if dun have then I'll go CARE again. Now I am thinking if I should start gg to Dr Zou again to tiao my body to prepare myself. My hubby has been gg to Dr Zou and his SA results have improved 10x.

Actually my ML ends this month, start work on 1st Aug. But I extended my leave for another 3 more weeks.

For the first 3 days, is half a day and the following 2 weeks are trial period which means I need to bring my child back around 3 - 4 pm.

I will do FET around mid next year too. Hope both of us succeed this time round also
icic... How come so rigid trial period must bring child back early? My girl's IFC never indicate such rules thou. Anyway, I changed my girl's IFC erlier. She went PCF sparkletots for 1m and I changed her to my elder child's CC IFC after some unpleasant experience with PCF.

Prayhard, since you intend to go do FET next yr, will u be gg Dr Zou for acu nearer the period?
Tickles we r so busy taking care of our gal and she still wakes up at night thAt we have not bd.=s my af came 7 mths after birth
Think will go dr zou next year for accu before FET like this time round.
U trying for a boy boy?

Prayhard we can be cycle buddy!

Ya, will be gg to Dr Zou for her med and acu maybe end this year. Do you know when can I start the acu as mine was c-sect?

Yes, we can be cycle buddy
My husband is drooling for a boy but I like girls. So since I already have a girl, the next one boy or girl also nvm to me, as long as can BFP i am happy
okok.. Thats usually the case. Cos too tired already. ya, I wanna try for a boy. Hopefully my wish would be granted cos I have 2 lovely girls already. So really wish for a boy the next round. But if next one still girl. Then I'll probably close shop.

Most probably I'll start trying naturally now. Then if Oct still nothing, then I'll revisit CARE. Actually Angela told me must go see her after 6m, but I didnt cos I find its too fast.
Did u inform dr zou when u tested bfp? I didnt leh coz was afraid to jinx it so only immediate family know, othrs only see tummy big big then realise. Now like a bit paiseh go back dr zou to try no 2 leh...wonder if she will think how come I no news after accu with her..
Dr Zou did call to check with me leh. I even follow up with her when I started bleeding.. Plus my hubby never stopped visiting her for acu.

Anyway, she is ok de. You just tell her that you pantang and she will understand.
how long u saw dr zou before u bfp?
urs was fresh cycle or fet?
i thinking if can just go accup without taking the med. also if just accup, how long before fresh cycle must go.
The amk and bishan one is not ntuc finest. I went to the one At triple one Somerset. There is also an outlet at Thomson plaza
Happy hippo,
Dr Zou called to check on my BT day so she knew. And I also take her ai tai med.

Dun worry, she is a nice lady, wouldn't mind all these. Like what Tickles said, just tell her you pantang lor.
ok will go try thomson plaza. oh i think the bishan one in junction 8 is converting to ntuc finest now, think they not fully done up yet, probably not fully stocked up yet.

btw, did u grind the brown rice before cooking to porridge or u just mash?
Think when she told me 6m, maybe she feels that within a year is the most optimal time ba. Cos fertile cos can strike more easily. But I think I'll just try naturally for a while b4 I go to her.
The organix pear banana pudding not sweet.. Abit sour.. I tasted it myself... So i also find it werid why my girls like it..
But my small girl still not very into solids yet.. Only my elder girl is taking solids well... Can finish up a cup of cereal plus puree.. So far only manage to give once a day... Hvt try porridge yet... U?
Nope. After washing still hard. Don't think can use the blender to grind. I bought a grinder from isetan. Can use to grind and blend

Try not to give too much organix. There was an article sometime back where there was a study that shows that certain brands like organix, hipp, nestle and dunno which brands contain heavy metals. Better to give a variety of brands bah. Just to be safe
Ladies, if u want to conceive naturally, try within 6 mths after delivery, ESP if ur af has already reported.

Though studies has found tt it is better for women who hv gone thru c sect to wait more than 1 yr b4 conceiving 2nd one for e 1st internal wound to heal properly, I don't think there r major risks if u do otherwise. I m one who conceive my #2 naturally 4-5 mths after I deliver my #1 via csect....jus tt I had to deliver via csect again...
baby, healthy times is like happy cereal, light flakes n smooth. can get from ntuc or cold storage. but i tink happy cereal more worth it. costs about the same, and happy has DHA and probiotics.

ur gal is amazing! can finish one whole cup of cereal. i make half a cup my 3 bbs cant finish. they dun like to eat cereal by itself from day 1. no choice i mix into their purees.. so everyday i sneak abit of the bellamy porriage cereal into their puree....

you tried any new purees recently? i just tried prune, cherry and zucchini (green and yellow). running out of foods liao...

i tried making porridge 2x without much success in feeding. end up i ate most of it myself. so decided to stop first. wait for all 3 to b eating well then i start porriage.
Oops.. I thk my elder girl can really eat.. One cup of cereal.. And still can eat purees.. She gain weight quite fast since she started solids.. But my small girl cant finish one cup.. Usually abt 1/3 cup only... Hmm looks like i must not give so much to my elder girl.. Scare she overweight haha..

Recently im abit busy.. So didnt make purees.. Only give cereal and bottled puree..

My first attempt of porridge also failed.. End up i ate all of it.. My elder girl had some thou..

how much water is your bb taking after introducing solids? My bb had real bad constipation and went to see PD where he had no choice but to break and dig out my bb's poo. the PD told me not to feed banana and drink plenty of water...but my bb doesnt like water, she only drank total of 20ml per day...and I dun wish to add juice in her water. any ideas?
rose, try giving ur gal pear puree. its high in water content and v good for digestive system. i gv my boy pear everyday...since start solids, no bowels problem.

i mix pear w everything.. pear w sweet potato, pear w apple, pear w pumpkin etc etc

my boy also doesnt drink water.. feed him water he push the bottle away... or just suck one or two mouthful.....
wat types of pear u feed ur bbs? those ang moh pear or fragrant pear or honey pear? btw, hav you started feeding ur bbs meat?
Oops.. I thk my elder girl can really eat.. One cup of cereal.. And still can eat purees.. She gain weight quite fast since she started solids.. But my small girl cant finish one cup.. Usually abt 1/3 cup only... Hmm looks like i must not give so much to my elder girl.. Scare she overweight haha..

Recently im abit busy.. So didnt make purees.. Only give cereal and bottled puree..

My first attempt of porridge also failed.. End up i ate all of it.. My elder girl had some thou..
rose, ang moh pear.

i tried to make porriage with pork 2x.. response not v good ... n only my eldest boy eats a little bit. end up i ate most of it. so i m holding back feeding meats n fish until all 3 can eat well.

baby, i wish my bbs eat so well! haha.. my younger boy n gal still prefer their milk milk. can only handle like few bb spoon of food each feed.
Panda, the pork in the porridge is for flavour? or for bb to eat? u use lean meat?
Thinking of cooking porridge for my gal but till now she is not taking all the puree well.
She likes her cereal though, today let her try the healthy times barley cereal.
Which type is ang moh pear? Is it those normal hu lu shape green pear? Or those smaller ones slightly yellow with some reddish color?

U really v determined lor.. Bbs ate a few spoons u still feed solids everyday! Im getting abit lazy lately.. No energy to prepare solids... Only gives cereal and bottlee purees.. So far hvt experiment meat yet.. Maybe i will start soon since my elder girl is taking solids v well.. Never fail to finish up whatever i give her.. One cup of cereal is her usual portion. I replace milk with cereal.. I dont give milk aft she had her cereal since i use 110ml to prepare her cereal... And aft she had her cereal i will give milk 4hrs later. Else she will be too
full to drink...

For my small girl.. I always have to coax her to eat... Must secretly push the spoon into her mouth.. Else she seldom will open her mouth for the food... So discouraging to feed her unlike my elder girl who slurp up all within 10mins..
hi mummies
has anyone brought ur baby out alone & take bus? do u use baby carrier or pram? thinking of bringing baby out but abit hesistant abt how friendly/helpful are the buses/bus drivers.
baby, my mum usually only gives 3 scoop (the enfa milk power scoop) of cereal. but today i gave her 5 scoop + 70 ml of milk and she finished all. think she likes healthy times cereal more than bellamy. she doesn't like the bellamy porridge.
Just called my mum to let her know can increase the amt of ceral since she can eat more.

But she gave that vomit sound when i feed her the pumpkin+potato puree and refuse to open her mouth after the first spoon. wasted all the puree...some more they are organic vege, ex man!
Ya girl eat well too!

Looks like many bbs dont like the bellamy porridge.. I thk cos its top grainy.. But my elder girl still finish up when i give her hahaha...

Usually puree with pumpkin suppose to taste yummy leh.. Cos its sweet in nature.. Mix with potato will be mashy... Taste good also.. Maybe u can try to offer again next time..
anyone's c-sect wound feels itchy? dont knw why my wound always feel itchy but never dare to scratch it. can anyone help to describe how the wound should look like if the recovery is right.
tks so much mummies!
baby, yes! i everyday try to feed.... coz if everyday they learn to eat abit more.. one day they will be eating as much as their kor kor

i dun mix cereal w milk.. i giv milk as per normal.. cereal i mix w the purees.. even when i gv bottled puree i add cereal inside to dilute the taste..i v bad..heheh..dun wanna let them eat too sweet taste.

pear is peckham pear..the hu lu green colored ones...

gan, i tried 2x, first time i use pork ribs + veg prepare the stock, then use it to boil w the rice grains.... 2nd time i put pork loin meat direct into the rice grains plus veg to cook... meal is for taste only...bb dun eat it...

potato puree tends to be abit thick.. my boy dun like it too.... u can try adding zucchini to it...

my bbs also cannot eat the bellamy porridge by itself..i add spoonfuls of it to purees and they can eat... reduce the sandiness of the texture..

so far healthy times seems to be a fav w my bbs.. next week i will try the Happy brand one...
happy, my scar is not flat...i think mine is like yours, how u described

pandawife, i only tried feeding zucchini puree, my gal likes it. maybe next time mix with potato to try.

How did you do the cherry puree?
gan, i cut the cherry into half, take out the seed, scoop the flesh out... then i cook it over the stove w some water..until all the fruit is mashed ..then cool n blend... alot of work! but my boy likes sour fruits.. so worth the effort see him eat..
Read tat u blend cheeries, can I ask which blender u r using? I was just thinkg if I blend only a small amount of food, will a lot be stuck to the blender and hard to scrape out and end up wasting food? Thks

I also gave pork ribs + veg to my girl. Alot of work. But glad to see her finish her porridge all the time. Which part of ribs do you use? I tried giving baby ribs. Abt $17/kg. But tomorrow I will use "long gu" as recommend by some elderlys, as there are more nutrients from bone marrows. She's on meat porridge for abt two weeks so now i am starting to give her fish porridge (午鱼). She luvs it. Definitely more work than meat.


Yr IfC gave 2 cereals + 1 porridge? What are the timing intervals? I usually feed porridge for her second feed and cereal for fourth/fifth feed.

I have same question as you. As I am only feeding one, I dun really cook alot of portion but I will cook everyday for my girl. I gave in, and bought a handheld blender today. I dunno workable or not, but tomorrow will try n know. Hehe


My girl gave me the want to vomit look when I fed her fish porridge first time. That is, I really gave her the fish meat. Not the fish stock. But I find it so difficult to cut to smaller pieces. So I gave in n bought a blender. Will see if she's taking her fish porridge better. Hehe
Happy hippo,
I never blend any of the food I prepare for bb lei. I just mash with fork. If it's not smooth enuff I just push thro a fine sieve. My girl eats very very little, it's really not worth the washing and effort to blend with blender.

Btw, think from wat u described, yr scar may hv keloid. Keloids can sometimes itch.

Usually if I take bus I will just use carrier. My friend brought her pram on the bus before. But still she hv to use carrier to carry bb then bring the pram onto the bus. When she reached interchange she ask the bus driver to help her carry the pram down.

U may want to try out porridge to see if yr girl likes it better. My girl prefers porridge to those purees and boxed cereals. I make very simple porridge. Just rice and 1-2 vege like pumpkin, carrot, potato etc....and cook in the slow cooker.

i think u are right, its keloid. i went to google to read more. so sad, how come my csect wound didnt heal smoothly. there is nthg i can do abt it already. i got apply the cream my gynae gave leh but still kena keloid. so depressing ....

did ur csect wound heal smoothly/flat? did u use the cream that dr f gave you? did it work for you? looks like it was not so effective for me
