IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

baby: she is ok but scolded by my hb badly. because he always said can't leave her alone...
My girl is 5mth4day. Recently she is in playful mood and vocal. Last weekend also slept very little, my hb said can't bring her out too many round in a day. She also wake up in the night. Her intake daily very little we though she wake up because of hungry but the answer is no..so now around 4plus whenever she sound "ke ke" I will bring her up and let her sleep next to me. If not, she can continue to flip and turn and make us can't sleep at all.

I put my boy in the walker when he was 4+ mths as he is quite long, feet can already touch the floor then.

apple juice ? How about a juice extractor.

Ru, Gan
Don't always think of age, young at heart can already ! Sometimes, not say 1st try FET will be successful. Moreoever, there are other older 1st time mum, so 40 is still young compared to them.
Happy hippo, I started at 5mth plus coz my boy always wanna be held standing on the floor to play. According to PD the "correct" age to use walkers is 7mths when the feet is developed enuff for them to "walk".
Maybe yr bb is teething thats y keep waking up at night...

Has all yr three bbs cut teeth?
My elder girl keep waking up at night.. Like almost 2hrs wake up one time... Really panda eyes liao... I wonder is it her teeth gonna cut again for the upper jaw... Hmm...
Yr bbs can sleep thru the night liao?
Thks for info. Has ur boy started to crawl?

When cooking porridge, do u use brown rice? But I hv problem getting it soft n it is also quite coarse. Any advice on how to do? Shd I just use white rice instead?
Of ok good idea! Which brand of grinder and brown rice do u use? I'm thinking if a blender can grind. Coz hoping no need to buy too many kitchen appliance. Thks.
U can try soaking the brown rice overnight before cooking. Then blend after it's cooked.
I usually dun give all brown rice though cos it's will be coarse. I mix half brown n white
Thks. Which brand brown rice u tried? I got healtytimes from ntuc. Not much otr choices there.

Ur gal attending gymboree? Do they allow both parents to go into the class? How do the lesson go?wat do they do? Do they take over the baby or parents need to do with babies? Get to interact with otr babies? Sorri so many qns coz deciding if want try but quite expensive for SAHM so to think long run if can afford and how it can benefit baby.
I didn't really use it as a walker as I put the walker on the carpet, so he can't walk with it, but just happy to be able to sit upright and play with the toys on the tray. Good thing to have around for us to have a quick lunch or dinner if he doesn't want to be on the floor. He is about 70cm.
Happyhippo both parents can attend the class if there are less than 10 babies. So far we have attended the class together. Parents r involved in the activities for the babies. Fun, my gal enjoys. The activities are repetitive every week though, with only a couple of variations every 2 or 3 weeks. We sing, play bubbles, let babies try the 'gym' like slides, crawl thru mini tunnels etc. I dunno what benefits but I see my gal happy whenever she goes there so I guess it is good. She only get cranky at times Coz hungry or sleepy Coz didn't have snuff nap before.=p very cute to see babies interact with one another too! Guess mummies with multiples can attest to that. There are many such schools like little gym, Julia gaberial. Maybe u can check out n see which to go
Happy hippo
I got this grinder called u like from isetan 69 bucks. Can blend also but I nvr try. Cause I bought the avent steam and blend

Brown rice fir porridge I use elephant brand. Got it from ntuc finest. Market provision shop also got sell
baby, only my eldest boy cut 2 teeth. my younger boy i believe going to cut v soon. gal still no signs of tooth yet.

my eldest boy n gal can zzz thru .. only younger boy will wake up n its almost like hourly ..esp after 1-2am, my nightmare will start. he wil cry n cry non consolable... hv to carry n pat until he stops crying n zzzz again... everynight i m surviving on 2-3 hrs of bits of zzz... its making me v grouchy n frustrated... blasted at my helper a few times these two days liao..haiz
thk. which ntuc finest u went? i cked bishan finest & amk hub dont hv.

my boy last nite after last feed at 11pm, also woke up 1am, 2am, carry & pat fall asleep but the minute put on cot he waki. left him to cry quite abit till like no voice, felt like terrible mummy, so poor thing coz can only cry cant tell us wats wrong. he finally fell asleep only at 5pm.
really dont know how to train him to sleep thru the nite.
Same here... Only my small girl can sleep thru.... My elder one keep waking up every few hrs... Got to carry and rock bk to sleep... Or let her drink some milk... Else she refuse to sleep... Really sleep deprieved...

Im experimenting sometin new tonight.. I feed her cereal instead of milk for her last feed.. I gave her banana cereal mix with 120ml of milk at 8pm..... Then bathed her at 845pm.. Gave her abt 50ml of milk again before putting her to bed.. Hopefully this will last her thru the night...

My pd says sometimes bbs wake up in the night is due to hunger.. So must feed them at least twice solids a day.. Either porridge or cereal... Pd tells me solids can replace milk feed...
Elephant rice quite easy to get.. Alo of markets also sell.. Most provision shop also sells.. Its organic.. So organic shops also have.. Or u can get Naturel organic brand too... Most ntuc have...

I also tempted to try the cry it out method to train my girls but abit tough with two bbs... Cos if they cry.. Sure disturb the other.. So in e end still resort to carry them to sleep.. sigh..
Think I cant tahan the cry it out method,see him cry very poor thg. I remember reading somewhr saying babies only way to communicate is via crying, they cant tell us wat they need or if they not well they can only cry. So I just feel heartpain coz they rely on us for everyday.
My pd asked me to give water if he wakes up middle of the nite. So tat after.a while he will learn tat he is not getting any milk. My boy refused water. I now try to give diluted apple juice.
Good morning mummies, Its been a long time since I last came in.. How's everyone?

PinkD, I think eating more solids in the day really does help in making babies slp thruout at night leh. My girl's IFC gives her 2 cereal feeds and 1 porridge feed in the day and she is now slping thru'out at 8m le. She will drink her last feed ard 8plus then her next milk feed will be ard 7am.

Gan, your girl goes to gymboree already? The music lesson is it?

Panda, your boy really fast already have teeth, mine no signs at all yet.
I also believe bb wake up at night n cry cos they're hungry or not comfortable or something. My younger used to sleep thro, then for abt one mth she was waking up every 2-3 hrs sometime every one hr. Whether I latch her or not makes no difference.
Then one day she went back to sleeping thro again.

Tuesday she had her jabs and she started waking up again every 1-2 hrs. I believe she will sleep thro again once she's well.
baby, my youngest boy cries not becoz he is hungry. i tried giving milk, he doesnt wanna drink. he still wanna sleep but dunno how to zzz by himself betw sleep cycles.

ur gals zzz quite late.. my ones before 8pm..usually 7ish all will cry wanna zzz... no choice..let them zzz early... i will dreamfeed at 10pm. but smtimes they dont wanna drink during this feed...just zzz to the next morning...then i waste milk...:S
icic. Play and learn is those can climb up and down the playgroup type is it? Your girl can crawl and sit independently already is it?
My girl quite slow, can't crawl and can't sit independently yet.

I bought the carters outfit already. Super cute!

PinkD, usually for this kind of lessons, u need to prepare your boy to fit into the schedule de. Cos they will not stop to wait. So maybe eg : If class starts at 12pm. You might want to let him slp and wake up at ard 11.30am then drink some milk before he goes for the lesson.

Panda, I like your sentence saying they play bumper cars. So fun to have siblings of the same age growing tgt right? Time really flies, now they have all grown up. Have you tot of when you want to return to workforce? When they are ready to go playgroup or when they are much older to go nursery?
tickles: I cant make my boy sleep if he doesnt want to leh... thats why its hard...
how do i try to train him to sleep as scheduled...
other than his scheduled milk time and bedtime, his day naps are as and when he wants...
erm.. I don't know how you can train him thou. Maybe when its his slepping time, u do a certain action like patting backside or giving him a handkie or something. So he knows its sleeping time, overtime, when u do the same action, he'll know that he needs to slp?
Tickles my gal can sit unsupported but her back is not straight when sit unsupported, will lean forward slightly. Can't crawl yet.

Panda my gal is lie ur younger boy during the day, can't sooth herself in between sleep cycles when she nap. I have problem making her nap on schedule during the day
Gan, icic. Mine cannot crawl cannot sit independenly. BUt flip over and rotate 360degrees to see surrounding she very fast!
Tickles: You mention your girl IFC gave cereal to her, you started on her from which month.

My girl's IFC told me they have menu from 4mth onward but depend on parent whether want to start it or later. Btw, did you ask the brand of the cereal they use?
Ru, I started her quite late. The teachers also feel she's not ready. I started her when she was around 6m+. I provide them with the cereal cos I'm more comfy in the brand that I buy. Then I make puree for them to mizx in the cereal for her too. They will update me on whether she likes the puree or the cereal and also what porridge was given to my girl everyday etc.

So far my girl loves organix's banana porridge.
The organix banana cereal is so yummy! Smells so nice! My girls love it too! Its quite thick thou... I usually feed this to my girls to replace their milk feed since i use milk to mix the cereal... Its quite filling so i will space out 4hrs later for their next feed... How much cereal u give yr girl? I use 120ml milk to mix the cereal.. Abt a cup of avent food cup... Quite alot hor.. Haha..

But i find this cereal abit heaty... My girls poo will be abit hard.. I tried Happy cereal... My girls poo will nice and creamy... Cos Happy cereal has prebiotics in it.:
Tickles: I think for the beginning I will do the same thing. After find out their brand.
does yr girl IFC provide puree? So everyday u will prepare the puree and bring to school?
oh is it? I never seen the banan porridge before cos I gave the entire package to the teacher and at home I give her bellamy rice cereal. I also mix 120ml of milk with the cereal for her to eat. No wonder when I started her on this cereal her poo is so hard that it comes out ball by ball de. She cried till very poor thing lor. I should go check out happy cereal then... Thanks for the info! You bought happy cereal from where? Online or NTUC?

I do the puree myself. So that I can kind of control what my girl eats. I will make 8 baby cubes of puree and freeze. Then bring everyday to school. If at night during dinner time she wants to eat, I'll heat it up for her. So once the puree about the finish, I'll make new ones.
Gan, i dont make my bbs nap on schedule. its tough ...esp when there are 3 of them. basically i let them play..when i see them yawning, then i will pat them to zzz..... no fix time one...its more on need basis...
I buy Happy brown rice cereal online from agapeababies... I order online and they will courier to yr pl at a cost... I also buy bellamy and organix cereals and bottled puree frm this online shop also... U can try organix pear and banana pudding.. My girl also love it..
baby, is the organix cereal as thick as the bellamy porriage?

my boy cant handle the bellamy porriage.. eat already keep making the puke action.. i give healthy times multi grain he is ok..coz its very smooth.

i also bought the Happy multi grain and brown rice, but yet to open the cans.
The bellamy porridge is quite coarse cos got the oats and millets flakes in it.. My girls also dont quite like it.. Will also make the puke action.. Cos i thk the coarse flakes irriate their throat...

The organix banana cereal is smooth.. But slightly thicker than the bellamy plain rice cereal.. I thk its due to the banana in it..

I aldry finished the Happy brown rice... Not alot in one tin.. And also need to add quite alot to make into a thick cereal... The cereal flakes its quite fine and light... Not like bellamy rice cereal...

Where u buy the Healthy times cereal? Didnt see in agapebabies website.
Baby, ok, I ot mine from agapebabies too. Shall go look at her inventory for the Happy brown rice. Thanks! The organix pear and banana pudding is it very sweet? I try not to give my girl too sweet stuff else next time if she used to it then dun want to eat tasteless things.
hi mummies,
today a lot of cereal chats, is it ok not to feed too much cereal? i am makin puree for my bb to eat, can puree replace cereal? coz cereal like a bit heaty, my bb poo not as smooth as bef. but now with puree, oso hard, this mornin i saw her hard stool almost come out but went back in...think too big n hard. she doesnt like to drink water...
noticed tat pumpkin puree wil make her stool a bit hard...today makin avocado puree, dun noe if its hard oso...
panda: me like you too...when BB yawned and rubbed his face i would pat him to sleep...within 5-10mins he would zzz...
but i wanna learn to train him to zz without carrying soon...
mommies: for a start, if i wanna feed solids...shd i give cereal first?
Bellamy cereal or other brands?
Im not starting yet but planning in advance...
I read from the book that it is not necessary to give cereals first. You can also start with puree. But I think cos purees got better taste. So if u start with puree, baby might not be able to accept plain cereal next time if its plain.
Hihi Tickles,

Long time no "see"
"wave, wave"

You send your girl to IFC huh? I will be sending my girl to IFC next month too. Just to check with you, for formula milk, you bring the whole tin or the multiple ties container on daily basis?

Even though my girl is only 3 months plus, I have already start thinking to try for another one

My reason is the same as Just Faith. Dun want my girl to be lonely and whenever I think of my girl will be alone when we are no longer around made me feel real sad. So will try for FET when my girl reaches one.

Hello! How old is your girl already? So lost touch already.. Keke~

Last time when I was bf-ing, I bring containers of bm every morning. Now I just put a tin of milk powder there. And when abt to finish the teachers will inform you. Its the same for diapers.
