IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

des, these are some of the threads/websites. u need to check the sizes tht they hv stock..not all carry the smaller sizes

but if u buy carter's rompers, the cutting is quite small.




Is your tummy very big like 3/4 months preg when you just BFP? Mine very big leh...

I done my bt on 21 Aug (day12) and my 1st scan is on 9 Sep...KKH does not monitor after the bt... ladies, do you think I need to do another bt/ scan at pte gyane to ensure everything is on track? Worry leh...still long way to my 1st scan...
prayhard, yup.. tummy was big n bloated...like 4 mths preggie already when just bfp..

i did a scan at 5week... n saw the number of babies...but cannot see heart beats yet.. 6week then managed to see heartbeat and it was thru v scan.. tummy scan cannot see too....

Ya, mine also so big...so yours get bigger from than onwards right?

I wonder should I go for scan or another bt before my 1st scan cos the gap is too long...a bit worry...
Prayhard, yeah.. the tummy size more or less will remain about there n start growing...but initial stage is alot of air inside ...not really pregnant tummy..... hee.. the tummy now is abit soft de... when its really uterus expanded w bigger baby/babies in there, it will become harder when u touch.

ermm.. if u want a peace of mind..can seek pte gynae's help.. very impt to relax n stay happy.. so tht u hv happy hormones to help bb grow.....dont stress urself...
Prayhard - yr nxt scan is 9 Sep right ?? U will be staying with kkh ??

Mine is 7 sep & I'm already squirming in my seat awaiting for that day !! ...

Maybe they scan u that date cos at least more then 6weeks will be able to see heartbeat at 1st scan ?

I also have a lot of gas inside (fart quite a fair bit)...heehee...initially, I thot the tummy will flatten and start getting bigger again when the baby/ babies get bigger..but my TCM told me not like that, it will continue from here..silly me...
ya ... think cos u did a early BT .. if not 9 sep would be a normal timing for 1st scan ... stick to kkh's 1st scan date la ... if not u more worry if just see the sacs only (due to early scanning) ...

Do u feel super tired in the afternoons at work ... I am sooooo ... sleepy during afternoon time .. now at night around 10pm my eyes already drooping ...

who u tell liao ?? If yr tummy so big .. that means u wearing maternity clothes/ bottoms ?
Gan: sorry I didn't manage to catch up the past post as I was quite busy lately as I took my new place's key not long ago.

BTW, have you gone through the test that you have mentioned earlier? I hope you and yr bb girl are fine.

I remember you also moved to your new place not long ago, did you move your old furniture (I meant yr bed & mattress) to yr new place or bought a new set of furniture (Master Room)? I am thinking whether should I move my current used one to my new place or have to buy all new one...
JJ : It is very common for early stage you feel very tire. I remember I selpt at noon (sometime up to 2 hr) and then at night still can slept through till morning. Normally, if I get afternoon nap I can't sleep at night easily. But after I past 12wk, I back to normal. In fact, now wake up few time at night and can't really sleep well at night.
prayhard, u r not silly! hahaha.. coz i oso ask the nurse the same qn.. if my tummy will flatten after the wind is reduced... she told me no.. will stay about the same size and grow from there...
ya, I feel very sleepy around 3plus in the afternoon and fall asleep around 10pm (while watching the 10pm News @ Channel 8)...feel very tired lately...

Besides my dh, staff in KKH, Dr Zou and her asst..no one else...some close coll asked..I just smile and said dun know what u r talking abt..think they know but did not ask further...

Since BFP, I can't put on my business pants and bottom anymore...even if I tried to put on but tight...feel even tighter in the afternoon...now I dig out all my dresses but I very pantang so I have not see/ buy any maternity clothing yet...

How about u?
U bought breast pump liao?
Kkh mothercare, pureen shop and pharmancy is located together? Do they open on sat? Or only during office hr during wkday?
Live - Ya lor .. from now till 12weeks like so long still ... cham ... yesterday was mon after end of work day I thot its fri ending liao ...

Prayhard - I told dh (of course), 2 of my close frens, 2 office colleagues, Dr Zou (she so happy) & Dr Zou hubby (cos he saw my herb prescription & gave me a corny thumbs up) hahaha

I'm wearing those looser bottoms & also using the belly belt (its GOOD !!) to expand the waistline of my normal just-right fitting bottoms then use bigger tops to cover the zip portion
Live i shifted to my new home when i just pass first trimester. I moved my old mattress to my new home but not bed since it was fixed, can't move. Actually the girls here were saying if you are pantang, should not move the bed etc till u give birth leh. For my case, no choice coz sold the place just before i got preggy so have to move coz must hand over the flat. During shifting day, I stayed away for safety reason lah in case they bump into me. My SIL and MIL asked me be away when they were fixing the bed, doing renovation like drilling, painting.

Baby have not bot breast pump yet. The shops are opened on Saturday but not sure till what time. they are all located close to each other, you won't miss them. Same level as Macdonald, kopitiam. I think Pureen having some promotion when i saw last week, so you can go see see. I was thinking of buying the swing.
Actually i am very curious how do we walk around when using free style?? u mean the breast pump is like a bikini?
Haha.. Bikini... Hee..
I duno wor.. Nvr used one before.. U wana buy swing not freestyle? Means can only pump one side at one time.. Maybe swing bring out easier.. Cos lighter.. But for me with twins.. Maybe dual pump easier for me..
Baby coz i am thinking of bf exclusively to my gal for the first 4 mths. once i return to work, can't bf coz there is no place in office to pump. I am working in a male environment...dun feel secure pumping in the meeting room. =P felt weird lah. so dun think will pay so much for free style. Use the money buy a better cot and mattress for my bb.
But i think free style is better for you for twins coz can pump both sides at a time.

What is belly belt? How to use? Where to get? How much? Pai sei...so many qns...finally see hope that can continue to wear my current clothing...hahaha...
the freestyle breast pump comes with a handsfree kit. sort of like a bra but with no cups, so u hold the pump funnels to yr breasts then attach on the 'bra' thingy then can let go yr hands lor, the bra thingy will hold it in place
stb i have a cubicle with high partition but no door wor.....and coz meeting room near my end alot of pple walk up and down. Is it noisy when the pump is in use?

Grumpus that's quite innovative! U bot freestyle from uk right?
JJ - thanks for your recommedation leh..I think I will get one

Ladies - please advise. now is Lunar 7th Month. My company has Lunar 7th Month praying, can preg woman participate?
Thanks for checking it out. I will discuss with my gynae when i see him next week. Mine is the package gynae fees so i will also find out when i need to pay the second payment.

Did u take up the package? Do u know which week need to pay the balance ? Thanks
Gan, Mine aso no door n it Is next to copy cum fax machine. My staff said they will only hear some sound when they r outside my cube.
yup i bought my freestyle from UK. hubby goes there frequently so picked it up for me when it was on offer.

actually i read online of ppl making their own handsfree pumping kit.
basically just take an old bra and cut holes in the cups
I did participate. The aunties say can de.. When u pray just tell the "things" not to disturb u and enable u have a smooth pregnancy lor.

Dr Paul also dun have package arh? Dr Ann also leh.. And every scan and consultation is ex lor. I rem for my #1, I paid $600 for a package. With Dr Ann, every visit is at least $300. But cant compare la.. I think Dr Ann is more of a specialist doc & so famous too. Most impt is she help me strike.

Ok...initially I dun know can or not, and dare not ask..scare wait I ask then they will ask me other things...so this year I told them I just go and pray pray...past few years I particpated...
For my dr, mutiples have no package one.. Only for singleton.. Dr says bo hua for mutiples to take up package cos in case deliver early need to go kkh.. So no pt..

I also plan to bf my bbs exclusively for the first six mths at least.. Hmm.. Maybe freestyle better hor. Can pump both breast at the same time then can feed bb at the same time also.. But i will hope to latch them on directly for initial stage..
wah .. just now when exiting mrt gantry .. the gantry door nearly hit my tummy area .. luckily i got bags blocking & i also sucked in my tummy when i saw the doors closing ..

hope won't affect ... stupid faulty mrt gantry door
tickles, u r still paying $300+ per visit now?

hmm... dr paul charge me $100 for 1st time consultation fee.. 2nd one was $60... normal scan is $60.

yeah..dr ann tan is specialist, and her scans are always very detailed rite??
Stb, what?? U are pumping in open office with jus nursing cover??? Wow... I will never do that la.
Can they hear the pumping sound?

Ya I can answer my pil. I don't like I won't do n listen n I will be upset too ;)

You mean Dr Cheng's package?? I paid on my 2nd visit for d prenatal package. As for d delivery package, will b billed after delivery.

Anyway juz to cfm w you, his delivery package for natural birth n c-sect is d same right??
Gan: thanks for your advice. I have reminded my hb I will not be able to oversee when the contractor start work and also during shifting. I think I will bring my mattress over as it cost us a lot and only less than 5 yrs.

Sisters, need to check with you all, I encouter numbness in my hand since last mon. Like when I holding spoon, during driving, sleeping. It is common?
Hi Ladies and Rose,

Finally managed to log in after so many days... I had safely delivered 12days ago with a boy n a girl

Here my story goes:

7.30am - My waterbag broke n managed to reach hospital by 9am due to the jam and hubby coolness...Since the gal is still breach, we decided to opt for c-sect and the real story begins...

11.30- I was in the delivery ward and started coughing badly and become out of breath...oxygen was given to me since my oxygen level went very low and the doctor were afraid that the babies could be affected... my heart rate become very very low btw 20-25% and the heart specialist was called in by the gynae ...since my oxygen level and my heart rate was irregular, I was pushed into NICU for monitoring... they managed to stablised my heart rate and the oxygen level but it really felt like I had die and come back again for the twins ... it was found that there was fluid in my lungs and my heart could not not pump enough for the 3 of us .. a symtom called peripartum cardiomyopathy and i quote from singhealth website - "Peripartum cardiomyopathy is the rare development cause of heart failure. It occurs during the last month of pregnancy or within five months after delivery. The cause of peripartum cardiomyopathy is unknown.

Women with peripartum cardiomyopathy have symptoms of heart failure. After pregnancy, the heart often returns to its normal size and function, although some women continue to have poor left ventricular function and symptoms. Women with peripartum cardiomyopathy have an increased risk for complications during subsequent pregnancies.

1.30pm - I was sent to operation theater after my heart rate stabilises and oxygen level is normal...

2.31pm - The boy is born

2.33pm - The gal is born

The twins were sent to high dependency for monitoring and I was sent back to labour ward for resting and only managed to see the twins the following day before I was wheeled to the heart ward for monitoring and was discharged from heart ward 2days later to be sent back to labour ward to be close to the twins.... In total both mummy n babies spent 6days in hospital but we are safe @ home now and the journey of sleepless nights begin ...

Because of my heart problem and since I'm on daily medication, I cld not breastfeed the babies so they ar on formula milk .... sad for me esp when I went to the nursery to see them and the other mummies were happily pumping or breastfeeding their babies, I felt lost as a mother for not being able to provide the immunity required for the twins and tears start to flow ....even now as I'm typing my story tears start to flow ... so emotional right????

Scary it may sound but I was thankful to be given two beautiful children and whenever they smile @ me or hubby, we were blessed to have them after what I had gone thru, even if I had to go thru the same ordeal just to have them then I wld gladly go thru it ...

The only problem now is the maid... getting slower and making mistakes after 3mths ... even problems in handling the babies ... considering changing her if she does not buck up ...
I'm practically telling her to be fast2 and shouting @ her daily for the mistakes she had done ... dear hubby had commented that my temper is terrible nowadays and keep telling me to control my temper ... I just can't help it whenever she makes mistake I wld just shout @ her ...hopefully it is not postnatal

Ok ladies got to go now as the gal is crying ... no tyme to read all the post but I wish u ladies well and for those gg for delivery, all the best
Live, your numbness sound like carpal tunnel to me. Check it out, but there's nothing to worry about.

Zaza, congrats! Not sure if our babies are born on same day!?
Congrats zaza, on the safe delivery of your babies. Post partum tend to be abit emotional, try to control or get others to help, it is tough initially given that you have 2 babies at one go to take care of. But I'm sure you can do it.
Oh i see thanks
Yes the delivery charges is the same for both c sect or v birth

Congrats on the arrival of the twins
U are a brave mummy
