IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

nancy, i din go leh..haha.. tht day when i went to pay, the parentcraft lady says there is one in the next 30mins, i can join them...

hb says waste of time, wants me to go home n rest! hahaha....

Panda, thank you for the many links!
Congrats Zaza - glad that you and your babies are doing well! So at what weeek did you deliver yr twins?

Wow, the whole ordeal does sounds scary, especially since this symptom doesn't have any warning beforehand and there is no way we take preventive action... But glad that its over and you're at home now.

Do try not to stress yourself out too much with the maid issue - right now, most important thing is to take care of your babies and they grow well. Is there anyone who can help u guide the maid?


How long was your detailed scan? Just wondering how long should I prepare to be at TMC next week.
Des - My twins are born on 20 Aug 2010, urs too??

Des, Pandawife, bubbybear and nancy - Thanks for the well wishes and I will hang in there as the babies will grow up soon and I wld then be missing their small gestures n smiles
working wife - I deliver my twins @ 37+1 week and yes I'm glad it is over too ... at the mean time there is no one else to guide the maid so I will have to teach her myself ...

What week did you feel bb movements again? I am trying to see if the flutters that i hv been feeling past couple of days is movement or wind. Since I do have alot of wind, think it may be wind leh...
working wife
hmm.. yup.. still feels them... but not all the time... i only start to feel them around 20 weeks... so now u still at 18weeks so maybe wait for another 2 more weeks?

The feeling feels like flutters and churning at the initial stage... afterwhich it will feel more like movements and kicks...

When is your class starting?
btw hor.. i L size support belt i bout hor... abit too loose to use it now... sigh.. either i go change to M size or wait till tummy gets bigger then can use...

my hubby ask me to use pin to tighten it..haha..duno can or not..
The car seat is meant for newborn but the angle seemsm strange. Maybe my boy is tiny so not so comfy for him.

I remember spiffy having coccoro as well. Maybe i will ask her.
Working wife
the wait to do the detailed scan at level four depends. Once I waited for an hr although I was on time for my appt. The last time waited less than 15mins. Scan for twins is longer. The last scan at week 20 took almost one hr - in the end got leg cramp and backache.

My scans usually at 11 or 1130am. After that take the report to level one and pass to the nurse station. They will put u first or second appt to see dr Cheng once he is in
I read from kkh website... you will be a subsidised patient if discharged under B2+ class or below.
I understand this is the normal practise for govt hosp... meaning even we are referred by pte hosp or dr to a govt hosp... as long as the ward class we choose are B2+ and below... it is automatically subsidised.

So if u intend to stay B1 class or above, it will be considered pte cost even u are referred by polyclinic....

I believe this is why my dr says it is not necessary to go register at kkh now.. the cost is dependable on the ward class we stay... and we cant ask for specific dr for the delivery...

But im not sure for multiples delivery, are we automatically given more experienced dr... or any MO on duty....
baby, my class is 11 sept .. urs?

i m bursting my medium size belt already... maybe can use for another 2-3 weeks..then i need to change to the large one.

i tink cannot use pin leh... hmmm.. u shld wear right a little bit tight to get the back support..cannot be loose fit...

working wife, when u go for the detailed scan, ask to lie on ur sides.. its more comfortable tht way... i also ended up feeling uncomfortable coz was lying on my back for too long... half way thru i told dr..he ask me to lie on my side instead.
guess my hubby will say the same thing if I ask him to do the tour
when is ur first childbirth class ?

maid if can't make it. Get a replacement. U need to rest more
I also hope to hang on to 37 weeks. Enjoy motherhood
baby, but my other concern is if we dun go for a few appointments n scans there, kkh will not have our records.. n if its emergency, n our pte gynae cannot produce our medical history in time, how? so if i wanna go for the scans n etc, i need the polyclinic referral for subsidised rates for consultations...

dr paul says for multiples, by default we will go to the specialists clinic for high risk pregnancy... so it would be snr dr who will attend to us.

You have a short wait for your scans. For mine, I waited for at least more than 1hour for both scans. Im going for d growth scan tmr, hopefully d waiting time wont b long. But I find d waiting time at L1 ard 2+ is rather short.
Hey first time I visit in weeks and I see my name! ;-)
Someone wanted to ask a question about Coccoro?

Zaza congrats! Thank God everyone is safe and well!
my class starts on 28th sept.. cos my first lesson will be the lesson 4....

true also if u want kkh to have your records... i shall ask my dr on this on my next visit...
dr paul say for multiples will go to specialist clinic, will not be pte cost right?

if u do not mind paying more for the consultation visit... can no need to get referral from polyclinic...can just walk in to specialist clinic? cos we will at most need abt 2-3 visit...once we hit maybe abt 34 weeks...we can drop kkh liao...

as for the support belt... i notice its loose at the bottom band leh... its suppose to be tight right?
spiffy, i m also keen to hear ur feedback on cocooro... its the slimmest fit carseat tht i hv seen tht we can fit 3 comfortably into our small car.....
Panda, yes I've been MIA for a while now. Very busy with work la. Have to settle alot of things before I get heavier and immobile.

How are you and your 3 babies doing? I have yet to go for my detailed scan next week. Will know the gender then.

Was reading the forum earlier and looks like some of us can't really feel the fetal movements yet. I've just started week 18. I have other feeling around my uterus. Sometimes pain, sometimes, just some funny feeling, don't know if that is the movement.

Can't wait for next week.

me n babies are doing well
now they know how to play tummy bumping games... everyday late afternoon will start playtime...keke..

ur doc havent "guess" the genders yet?

very soon u will feel and see very obvious movements!

Thank u for sharing yr birth story with us. Yr twins are a good looking pair. I remember that u were not well prior to yr delivery. Did u pop the next day or 2 days later?

I had a bad gastric attack a day before and on delivery day. It's a sign to labour for me.

Regarding maid, not wise to change now. It's easier to keep the current one as she is familiar with yr house. If u change now, u will be more overwhelming unless u got someone handling yr babies or train the maid for u now.
Dear Mummy on Confinement or Mother To Be,

I got 1 carton of Double Steam White rice Wine to let go. (for washing/cleansing of face, body and cooking)

Do PM or sms me at 97644620 if keen.
baby, the bottom band is suppose to be tight.. otherwise no support. the sales gal never tell u?

hmm... i suppose i can go polyclinic ...coz there is one near my house.. n the appt desk at kkh told me the polyclinic will handle all the arrangements...

how come after 34 weeks no need kkh? coz hv to reach 37 weeks to be considered full term mah....
Yeah, can't wait to feel their movements. Am also anxious to know the gender. Yah, my last check-up doc did the scan very fast and all 3 were covering up. He didn't try to shake them up or wait a while for them to move. Was really fast cos he was rushing.

I am reading the book on Multiples pregnancy and it is amazing the amount of things that they have stated. Apparently triplet mommies need 4000 calories a day! Are you really following that Panda? Plus alot of things, our docs never tell us.

I would urge even singleton and twin mommmies to read this book. Very good.
anyone having a cry baby like my gal. really driving me nuts.

keep on crying, want to be carry, dun wan to sleep.......

and how many time baby pass motion is consider normal ???
no leh..the salesgirl nvr tell me le... maybe cos she tried it on with my clothes...so when she try the L size on me..i find it abit loose but still ok... but now i wear it without the clothes...it so loose lor... but i scare if i change to M size..later part cant use liao..

the salesgirl kept looking at my tummy and ask me i only 5 mths?? she say dont look like one..haha..

i think after 34 weeks... can deliver at our hosp liao... cos even bbs need to stay hosp.. also not for long... my dr says bbs have to reach 2 kg before can go home... or deliver at least 36 weeks

i v scare to go polyclinic one... cos v crowded and waiting time is really like hell... i think i will check with my dr on my next visit and ask him again..

my dr wants to see me every 3 weeks now... he wants to monitor the bbs.. cos for him, multiples case..he will tend to see the patient more often...

btw, dr ask me to go for glucose test.. to see whether im high risk for diabetes not... have to go early to hosp for first blood test..then 2 hrs later got to drink a cup of glucose then draw 2nd blood to test....

my dr ask me to cut down on sweet food like sweets, choc.. white rice/bread... cos multiples have high tendency to have diabetes... duno is it my bbs are heavier than norm so he scare i eat too much sugary food liao.... but when i ask him bbs heavier than norm got problem not..he say not at all... in fact its good... bbs are growing v well... haha
fruitree, u reading the barbara luke book?

4000 calories alot leh..i try to eat healthy, balance diet n whatever i can stomach... my appetite is not as good now.. feels full very fast coz bb already quite high up...

i put on 6 kg in the last 1 mth eating alot of pasta, macs and juices lor... now i change everything to wholemeal, and no more fast food.
doc ask me to change my juices to berry ones.. coz they contain better sugars compared to other fruit juices...
baby, i m ok to go polyclinic..hehe.. go early morning.. less waiting time... n nearby my house.. so alright for me. i read in another thread, the consultation is 50% off w the referral letter.

i m still seeing dr paul once a mth.. he will change it to once every 2 weeks once i reach 28-30weeks.... i oso asked him about GD test..he says do urine test every visit, unless urine test shows abnormal results, otherwise no need to do glucose test....

well.. if u dun need the belt now, keep for later use..but if u feel u need the support now, better go change to a M size one n start wearing?

i dun wear the belt at home now... only when need to go out...then i will wear it.. but at later stage maybe good to wear it everyday even at home....
did u gals buy those blankets where we wrap the bbs when they go home from hosp?

or all hosp provide the blanket?
Is your baby having colic? Try to burp her or use anti-colic bottle. Otherwise, swaddle her?

Mine poo-ed about 5-6 times.
if u are alrite then go polyclinic ba.. just walk in to any polyclinic to see any dr... and tell the dr we need referral letter to kkh due to multiples can liao?

ya i also got do urine test every visit.. but dr still ask me to do glucose test.. he says can know whether im at high risk not..
actually tmc is a good hosp to give birth at...
they are the only hosp in spore other than kkh that really focus on delivery...

if my dr not at glen e...i definitely will choose tmc...
Hi ladies, where could we get baby bath towels and receiving blankets etc? Some towels at dept stores seem to be quite rough to feel.
Any recommendations?
Des-Thanks will check it out. In fact, called the Dr and asked me to do some simple exercise and not to eat too salty, if feel severe call the Dr. Anyway, has fixed an appt to see her on mon. Btw, Congrats to you to have a baby boy. I was told 85% is a girl :>

ZaZa- A big congrats to you. Take care and rest well.
Yes, I'm reading the Barbara Luke book. Thanks for the tip on drinking berry juices. I try to eat healthy as well and am tryng to drink more milk and take more cheese now. My appetite has improved, can eat much more now.

Looks like some of you ladies are thinking of changing hospital. May I know why?
fruitree, before ur bb moves up, eat whatever u can.. coz after tht u will feel bloated alot.. difficult to eat much even if u want to....

baby, i agree.. i find the support from TMC very good.. n their website is very mtb friendly..can get most information from there.. i m using their list to prepare the hospital bag..

yup..just go polyclinic n tell them we are expecting multiples n need referral to kkh. the rest they will handle.

babyhopeful, i bought annaku/annuka brand bath towels.. fairly soft n most impt its thin.. dun want too thick ones tht takes a long time to dry after washing.
hi bakaholic,

i did gave her colic drop but seem like dun help. she really got prob burping but she poo abt more than 6 times a day according to my CL.

very cranky the whole day. 2molo my CL leaving, i think i will go insane juz with her.
Nctgrace, my Alvis is also like that.....he's slightly better now coz he burps easily now, and also coz I've learnt to turn a deaf ear to his cryings....we have also stopped carrying him as often as he likes....

Talk to me if you require a listening ear as I believe that I can understand what you are going thru right now....You can either FB or PM me.
is yr bb on bm? very common for breastfed bb to poo very frequently. my girl used to poo after every feed, sometimes while drinking milk one side, also out the other side.

make sure u're not overfeeding her for each feed cos if bb too full also will be difficult to burp and also they feel more uncomfortable lying down and tend to fuss more. better to feed smaller meals but more frequently.

if she has alot of wind in her tummy, can try applying some 'ru yi' oil before her feed. i found that used to help my girl burp easier.
just wanted to check with u how yr hb planned his leave for the delivery of yr #1 and #2/#3
cos now got leaving bidding exercise, my hb wondering how to arrange the leave.
for my #1, hb just based on edd and blocked leave. when i had to deliver 3 wks early he had to move his entire block of leave. luckily #1 was elective c-sect so he had some time to get things done.

just wondering wat will happen if i go into labour naturally and so happen he's not around.
