IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

tickles, i dunno if still hv additional discount..coz i notice the tag is the sales tag, red in color... discount usually valid only for blue tag normal price ones.. but $29.90 already very cheap! u can go n try.....

the sales lady very helpful... i ask her if i can buy bigger sized normal 2 pc to wear..at most tummy stick out abit..hehe.. she told me it will be very tight..not comfortable...

hmm..if Dr Tan only delivers at Mt E, no choice bah... i also opt for 1 bedder at TMC and keeping my fingers crossed tht i can deliver there!!

baby, can u share the info after checking w her gynae about going to register w kkh? i spoke to angela today n she gave me some different information ..so now i m confused...:S
Wa.. from the chart really most ex... Actually very much wanted to deliver at Mt A. Cos my girl was delivered there and I like the place and the nurses. Plus if I deliver my #2 there, I get some kind of discount leh.
okie...later im gng for my dr appt...will ask him abt kkh...

wahh..mt e really exp... glen e the 2nd most exp... sweat mann...
baby, angela told me that for ivf pregnancies, we will not be eligible for subsidised rates at KKH leh... i m confused...coz Dr Paul told me to go polyclinic get referral so tht i can go to KKH as subsidised patient. :S
really ah.... u mean for ivf patients, its considered pte cost if we go kkh? Cos i know if its your pte dr to refer u to kkh, its pte cost.

For subsidised rate, need referral letter from polyclinic. But i didnt know there is a difference of ivf patient and non ivf patients.

I heard NICU in pte hosp can go as high as $3k a day... imagine yr bbs need to stay for a month in hosp... can faint. Even ivf GE insurance do not cover that high... if im not wrong, its only up to $300 a day only.
And i know in kkh, the bb level cost is dependable on mummy ward class... so if u stay in A1, the cost for bb is also based on A1 class.
Hmm... maybe we opt for C class, then if not much complications then opt for B1 or A1.... sigh.. so confusing... really hope we can deliver at full term. Then no worries liao....
baby, the GE insurance is pathetic.. compared to the cost of NICU.

Dr Paul told me average daily cost of NICU at TMC is $1k plus...thts y he advise me to go KKH ...but angela told me today tht for ivf babies, if go NICU at KKH, not eligible for subisdied rates...

maybe u double check w ur gynae?? coz i confused w the different information......
I guess no choice liao. Cant change doc at this point le. Very troublesome.. Just stick to Dr Tan ba and deliver at Mt E..

yes, we shld all try n aim for full term! KKH is our 'insurance'...shld the babies decide to come out earlier.. *touch wood*

angela told me from week 28 onwards.. must be extra careful..coz thts the "danger" period tht babies will wanna come out... she ask me to do all my shopping now.. nearer to tht time... go stay w at my mum's place n rest.. dun be alone at home...
Ladies- Can i check how much does the detail scan at Camden cost? It is the wk 20 detail scan right? Remember quite a number of mummies go Camden? Any reason? How do i make an apt for the scan?
Bb rabit for singleton is $380, there r 2 scans 1 done at 14 week an the 2nd at 21 to 22 weeks. The 2nd scan is similar 20 weeks scan but Camden believed better to scan at 21 to 22 weeks when bb organs are developed.
Usually if Oscar test result no good go Camden for 2nd opinion

u can call 6333 8621 to make appt
Gan- Thks. Do i book direct or thru my gynae? If i dun go for wk 14, can still for wk 21/22?I tot since i alreadi go for NT scan at wk 11, do i still need go scan wk 14. Wk 14 scan is for? Thks
Rabit I booked directly myself. Btw $380 is for 14 week scan dunno how much is the 2nd scan coz I did my detailed scan at kkh. I think u can go for the second scan only.
Oscar only measure nt and check for presence of nasal bone but 14 week scan prof will check heart, head circumference, other markers for ds such as nasal bone length , tonugue, fingers etc

Mine is dual mini electric from Medela. I pump quite often now coz my dot is taken care by my MIL from Mon till Fri so I freeze her share

FYI Dr Loh only deliver for A1 and B1 patients.

I asked Angela about measuring nasal bone today..coz my detailed scan, there was no measurement done for it leh...

she told me chinese our nose sure short one.. so long as NT is healthy, there is no need to measure the nose...nothing to worry about...
hi ladies - sorry i kpo ...

I had my bb (ivf) in Y2008 and then the day rate for the highest level - in Glen E it is called level 3 - is $556.40 (incld GST)...

if u go to KKH now... means u need to change gynae and deliver there.. and when u deliver and *touchwood* bb needs NICU, then u downgrade urself to the lowest class and NICU cost will be the lowest level.
pandawife thanks..actually been googling and reading, short nasal bone wld mean the child's nose is flat which the specialist say is a physical triat of ds.
But anyway i didn't go for the amnio as scheduled today. Been stressed up over the weekend weighing the pros and cons of doing amnio....there is a chance of miscarraige 1:300 and my hubby is anti abortion. So we decided to skip the test rather putting her at a risk of being miscarried. I actually felt more at peace after deciding not to go for amnio but will continue to pray that she is well. Good thing is during detailed scan at kkh, they didn't detect any problems with her organs etc beside the short nasal bone.
ya.. if decided not to go for it. Then dun dwell abt it. Just stay happy and positive k.. I read many cases that doc say have ds and advise couple to go for amnio, the couple didnt do anything and end up baby came out normal too.. There are such cases too. Dun worry. All will be fine..
I read from other thread abt ds.. Alot ladies have v high risk oscar test.. Some even have ratio like 1:10 kind.. End up bb is normal.. So far didnt hear anyone frm that thread has ds bb.. So dont worry too much since u decided not to go for amino test..

I finallu got the support belt.. I bout L size thou abit loose.. The lady kept asking me i only 5mths??? Cos she say my tummy look big.. Then i say its twins.. Haha.. She say no wonder... The bb clothes at mothercare super exp mann.. Didnt buy... Only bout two caps.. $12 each.. Knitted kind..

I ask my dr abt kkh.. He say no need to go see kkh dr now.. He will just refer me to kkh when he cant stop me frm delivering early.. He say as long as u nvr ask for specific dr for delivery.. It will not be pte cost..
oh confused with the kk charges for ivf patients. I can't wait till my next week dr appt to see what he says. Till then, I stay put. Hopefully we all can carry the babies till they dun need any special care
let's jia you together

Ur girl will be fine
ivf babies are warriors to make it here !
baby..now i m more confused..haha.. how come all the different information?

u shld b able to find nice reasonable priced bb clothes at OG..

nancy, maybe u check on ur end too...

angela says still too early for me to go kkh.. if its normal singleton, she will ask them go register at 30weeks...for me, can go betw 24-28 weeks..its alright.. i tink i will double check w Dr Paul again during my week 24 checkup..
Ya lor i also confused abt kkh... Hmm..

I went to og orc but didnt see any nice bb clothes le.. In the end went gap to buy 3 pcs of jumpsuit at $29...
Bb clothes not cheap mann...
I went robinson today.. The swing medela breast pump sold out lo..
I read the babycare mag today.. It have review on the best breast pumps.. The book says avent breast pump has the best review.. But con side is the battery is external.. So will be heavier and not so compact to bring out..

U mentioned u will be getting avent breast pump?
Duno where has the best deal package...
Des, anytime jus pour your feeling here. We are all supporting eachother here.
Now my pil stay with us during weekday, weekend my sil insist on staying here too n I can tell u it is overwhelmed.
My mil never knock too. My sil can stare at my breast while I'm pumping and said 'the flow not so much now hoh?'
I stared at her n told her to open the fridge n freezer. I do wonder how long this will continue. Now seems likesneeze also will get a lot of comment. Can't eat the food I like. Becaus my inlaw insisted indo food are oily n unhealthy. Not to say they keep grabbing my baby away from me ;(
but now I will insist of bringing baby to my room to nap with me and etc. I told my mil off that I'm going back to work soon.
The other day I brought baby out without mil n she was tellng me on how to carry her in the cab n etc like I never do that. and hugging her like don't wanna let go. So pissed that I told her 'it seems like I'm gong to abduct your child when this is my child. I love her more than you do.' she quiet after that. Really annoying lo. N yes now I cant dump this in fb because my sil is in my friend list. Haiz..

Yum, never expect that to be your mil also.

About breastpad, I used my 1st box of 72pcs in 3 weeks. Changed twice a day. U will need more if u have good milk supply. Actually should change more often but I didn't.

I find avent pump very expensive le. There is a connector u can get from kiddy palace or Tom & Stephanie which to connect avent bottle to medela pump neck.
For storage, when supply not a lot yet (not more than 100ml) don't use storage bag. Jus use the glass bottles given by hospital, or u will waste the bag. I used the bag only when starting to freeze. When supply is jus meeting the demand, u don't need to freeze yet.
Oh and I find freezing the bag lay flat is more space saving then standing n when defreeze it will be faster too.

i just ordered the avent dual electric pump off amazon. they are having a special price deal.. at USD182. After including borderlinx shipping only S$299.

initially abit hesitate to order online, but the price is so good, hb says just buy..haha.. limited sets ..u might wanna check it out.
pandawife n ladies, for medela pumps, you can check out kkh pharmacy. i got my freestyle at 600+. singapore version, not us version. plus if you are FAST patient, you get $100 voucher to redeem it. once delivery, you can buy immediately n get nurses to sterilize for you. consider it.

vi4n, your situatuon sounds similar other than when i want to rest in the afternoons, my mil bring the bbs to me so i cannot rest. when i m feeding bbs n if they cry, she want to butt in n carry them away. told my dh off about his mum n had a few mega quarrels. my mil takes care of grandchild welfare n her own, n her son. never mine. we all get stronger n become no pushover after being a mother so let's voice out our opinions.

pandawife, now you just relax n take care of yourself n bbs. wheelchair helps. i shop with wheelchair if i go out at all. fats accumulated sitting arnd went off fasr after delivery so dun worry. one step at a time.
vi4n, i was also telling my hb the same thing last night.. how coome sg so expensive...

yum yum, thanks for the tip. yeah..me going to continue lazing around at home, and enjoy myself before the babies are out!
Yumyum, yes need to voice out or will go crazy.
Ya my issue is too many hands in the house now. From a two person household now become 6 persons most of the time

good is that I can rest anytime I want. But with my sil around not easy too because she likes to chat n she talks to baby super loud. Her topic of conversation is always about her diet/detox, face, hair, body. Even when I already showed her my super sian face n finally told her 'don't u see that I'm not interested in the topic?' she said yes yet still continue. Haiz.. Doesn't she know the world is not revolving around her hair, face and body??
Vi4n, wah.....u super! U really told ur MIL off like that har?

When I wan to tell my MIL off, I have to think how to put it across nicely....If things that I don't think I can say nicely one, I will tell my hb to handle it with her....
wa.. sold out le arh.. Thats fast.. I dunno leh. When I was thinking whether to get avent or medela, a few of my frens highly recommended medela.. Some of them have used avent b4 too. So ended up I still toook medela.. Keke~ I think it all depends on individual de.. some like avents while others prefer medela... Its all trial and error ba..

$299 for an avent dual pump is right is it? Usual selling price in sin is how much? Did u check if it requires adapter or voltage transformer when used locally?

Freestyle at $600+. Alamak! If I see this earlier, maybe I would have gotten the freestyle instead.. nvm.. I shall try out my swing first, if ss is really good, next time I kn where to get the freestyle at a cheaper price le..

BTw, anyone knows, I just opened my medela pump box yday and realised need dealer's chop lor. Meaning, I gotta go back to robinsons for the stamp huh? Troublesome lor!! Should have opened it on the spot and ask for the chop..
tickles, the local retail price for the pump is 899 here. even my sil can get staff price will cost 540.. so we decided to buy off amazon.

the voltage says 100-240.. power conversion not a big issue.. since already saved so much $ on the pump.
wa.. Then its quite a good buy wor.. Sian~ Now u make me feel my pump price like not that good after all.. Initially still feel, mine is a good buy leh.. Now ur dual pump is even cheaper than mine..
tickles for my pigeon steriliser i bot at taka, also no taka chop, the sales asked me attached a copy of my receipt and send it together with the warranty; keep the original receipt. Not sure same as the pump
tickles, aiyoh..buy liao, dun tink about it. u did ur comparisons n prefer medela mah.. for the brand, u got a good deal!

i was comparing ameda and avent... given the price difference, no need to tink anymore..
okok.. I also think attach the receipt shld be ok.. Think I shall do that..

okok... keke~ I did prefer medela la... But cos i also considered avent too ma, so find ur deal really good. $299 leh.. keke~
tickles, urs oso gd deal...coz its bundle set...

my $299 is the basic pump set...no additional items bundled with it...

so u hv all ur essential items ready? i m almost done already... left bb room furniture.. this wkend will go n shop.. after tht no more shopping...
Me arh.. Think mostly done le. Cos I just realised I gt many new milk bottles that I have yet to use. SO wont be buying more. Breast pads and liners and cotton balls I also have leftovers/unuse packs from my #1. Clothes I bought a few new ones only. The rest I will just use back my girl's clothes.. Last weekend, I cleared one room so that the CL can slp there when she comes.. Just that next week, my hub will get his workmates to help throw away the unwanted furniture and the room will more or less be ready. We only intend to do a mini reno and turn the room into a playroom after my confinement as now is not a good time to do painting etc.. So now, shld be left with just buying a new wardrobe for both of my girls to share. Cos my current kiddo wardrobe is too small for both of them le.
tickles, w 2 gals, u definitely need bigger wardrobe! there are so many nice bb ger clothes to buy...hehehehe...

my hb kept asking me if he can start to move furniture from bb room to the next room... coz the cots coming this sat...... he ask me to go my mum's house on tht day..so tht he can do the moving..... i ask him to go get permission from his mum n my mum..hahahahaha....
wahaha~ ya.. Once I get a bigger kiddo wardrobe, I will move the current one to the playroom.. Think moving other furnitures shld be ok. My mom told is the most impt that cant move is ur own bed. She say even after deliver b4 I come back also cannot move. Must be only after confinement then can move my own bed.. The rest ok..

ok. now, the baby cot is in the playroom. baby will slp with CL. Then my elder girl will slp with us as usual. After CL is gone, I will then shift my own bed and my girl's kiddo bed into another position. Then shift in the cot so that everyone is in the same room. Then shift all the story books and toys to the playroom.

Now I'm left with hospital bag, washing of the baby';s clothes and to get a new wardrobe only.. keke~
Oh, and also a new baby car seat.. and I'm done...

haha~ soon the lil bumps will become tsnami waves...
I just had the boxing / kicking feeling at the left side of my body... the movements are so fast. and a bit painful.
tickles..haha.. i cannot imagine tsunami waves..hahaa.... now is alot of bumping around kind of feeling..... but alot more from the boys... ger ger more gentle leh...keke..

baby, i called kkh to solve the mystery. they told me if i go to kkh direct, i will be considered a pte patient. to be under subsidised patient, have to go thru polyclinic. the lady told me polyclinic will giv me referral letter n make all the necessary arrangments.
The medela freestyle at kkh a good buy? Meaning its dual electric pump? The only difference with swing.. One is dual.. One is single pump? The kkh one got bundle with bag, cooler bag etc?

I still have lots of tins hvt buy leh.. Cots, mattress, bumper... Essentials.. Like disposable undies, breast pads.. Nursing bra, pjs.. Bb shampoo and bath... Aiyo.. The list goes on...
