IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

baby...u will get there.. hehe.. i was also overwhelmed by the list of things to buy initially... now i m almost there already.....

cot, mattress and bedding set u can buy together de.. usually the place u buy cot from will hv all these.. so quite easy.

u went OG never buy their bb essentials ? coz most of the brands hv 20% off...

last night my hb ask me to start packing my hospital bag.. see if any missing items, can go n buy this wkend.. coz oct i might start to go stay w my parents during the day... he wants the bag ready before i m away from home alot...

baby, i m not sure about medela pump leh..coz i din consider getting medela... maybe tickles can share her inputs...hee...
Is it based on gng direct to see dr at kkh? Cos i know if u walk in to see dr without referral frm polyclinic it will be pte.. But if its directly sent to kkh for delivery.. Without requesting for specific dr.. It will not be pte cost? Cos we are singaporean, so gng into govt hosp.. It should be subsidised.. Unless we opt for A1 class or request for specific dr...

I didnt buy essentials at og yday.. Only bought stroller bumper.. Maybe later go og albert at chinatown.. Duno there got bigger range not..

For breast pump.. Really confusing.. Duno which one to get.. Also duno where to get the best deal.. Regret nvr buy frm taka baby fair.. Price should be cheaper then..
baby, hmm...yeah..its based on going direct to see doc.. i did not ask about direct going there to delivery leh....coz dr paul says its better tht KKH has my records..n tht i go there for a couple of monthly scans.

i recall one of the mummies sharing that if emergency delivery, kkh will not hv our records and pte gynae might not be able to produce the records fast enuff.....so its still better to go there for a couple of appts.
Ya.. acoording to yumyum, freestyle seeling at $600+ in KKH. Compared to $988 outside. This offer very good. Even Taka baby fair also selling $799. Freestyle is a dual pump, swing is single. If u get the dual pump, it already comes with cooler bag and 4 bottles etc. Swing is only the pump and 1 bottle only. If want the cooler bag, gotta buy additional.

Baby, u can start getting the baby essential items le.. For me, many things no need cos I use back my #1's items ma..
Thats why just need to buy certain items thus easier..

How are u?

wahaha! u'll get to a point where u see the waves.. Girls are more gentle arh? How come I dun feel that my girl is gentle huh? keke~ even Dr Tan say I gt a very active one...
baby, which brand u want to buy for the essentials? the OG at bugis is quite well stocked for pigeon, tollyjolly, avent and a few other popular baby brands... there is also a range of babysafe beddings...
my girls r definitely not gentle too!!
aiyo i remember #1 during 3rd tri every night my tummy like got alien trying to break out from inside....kekeke
Ya. My #1 also.. every time during TV time, will start exercising from inside...

keke~ but most of ur essential items shld have been bought already right? Just require some packing? Keke~ nvm la.. we kiasu ma.. maybe 1 fine day, u might just decide to settle everything at one go..

Last night I suddenly tot of zaza, wonder how she is, think she should be preparing to pop le..
tickles.. hehe.. so far compared to the boys...ger ger seems more gentle.. she doesnt bump me so much.. the boys every afternoon will playtime! haha... even angela oso says the ger seems more si wen from the scans she did...

skies, u dun feel to heavy to go shopping n do packing?

i hv difficulty even bending now.. coz the tummy like sticking in the way .... i m only comfortable sitting upright, or lying down.....
for the medela freestyle, there was a promo when i delivered in april. on top of tt, the salesgirl used her staff discount for me n after my fast patient $100 voucher, i paid $588 for the machine, bag n accessories. quite quiet machine.

I still find ok leh. But cant walk too long. My coll commented I'm not normal for preggies. But recently my finger joints are aching. N they doesnt seem swollen.

You having triplets rite?? Think it will be better for you to start buying first. I alr feel abit stressed over d things to buy.
Freestyle is selling at first few years in paragon at $759. It's the cheapest so far.

I had mini single electric but i find the suction not as good and noise is loud. I got desperate so bought the freestyle and it's so much better cos can walk around and do other stuff while pumping.
skies, u r good leh! can still work.... in my current condition, working is out of the question.. i move so slowly like ah mah.. my boss sure pek chek at me! hahaha......

joints ache? could it be calcium not enuff?? i read 3rd tri we will need alot of calcium and omega 3 fatty acids. this period babies bones n teeth growing...will suck all our calcium.
and omega 3 for babies' vison and neurological systems tht r developing most rapidly in tri 3.
Anyone using combi coccoro car seat?
Do you find the angle at the neck area is almost 90 degrees and it's seems very uncomfortable for my boy.
skies, yeah.. triplets.. i already almost completing my essential shopping ... left bb room furniture which we will do this wkend.. after tht i will focus on resting n reading up on baby books....

My boss basically forgot I giving birth soon. When he asked me how many months I have left, I told him 1 coz my plan is to take leave in Oct. N he was abit shocked. But taking leave to stay at home also sian.. Nothing much to do.. Hahaha

Anyway I planned to discuss w him on Friday bout handing over my things. But still have to see what my gynea says on Thurs. Still thinking if I wanted normal/ C- sect.

Right now, Im drinking 1 cup of fresh milk, obimin plus n folic acid everyday. Think I should increase my milk intake le.
skies, u need at least 2 cups a day if u r not taking calcium supplements. or u can supplement w yogurt.

it sounds like u r still very mobile and active! thts very admirable leh... at home rest and relax.. hee.. u dun feel tired at all??

i everyday watch drama, chat w frens, read books.. smtimes will feel abit bored..but must enjoy the freedom while it lasts! hahaha.....
wow.. she pop liao arh.. I keep think its in oct lor... No wonder never see her coming and chat nowadays...

the salesgirl so nice, still help u use her staff discount. no wonder u get it so cheap.. its really a good buy.
How abt ivf patients? Is it the same sub rates if get a referral letter? Sigh...My appt only next week to ask dr

Pei fu u still can work till now. If possible better rest the last month
Did u say u bought the baby cot from baby kingdom? Just call them and they will deliver? I saw a trollyjoy playpen at amk fairprice yesterday for $139. Think it's like a mini baby fair. Pigeon breastpads 60+12 selling $ 13.90.

Is it too early to buy a playpen? Cause i saw the changing station on the playpen thought maybe will be useful for newborns. What to look out for playpens?
nancy, i m still wondering which week i shld go leh..hehe...

maybe wanna go soon... coz hv to go queue at polyclinic.. later get heavier will be more uncomfortable. kkh appt will most likely b once a mth.. so still okz....

u plan to go kkh register too?

Ok.. I will increase d intake. =)

I feel that now still ok. But sometimes will have d thinking to take urgent leave.. Hahaha..
nancy, i bought the baby cot from bb kingdom. i went there to buy leh.. but i tink can buy off their website too.... but u dun wanna see the real item?

the pigeon breastpads, amk shop sells the same for $12.90.

hmm.. i m not sure about playpens, coz hv 2 sets of handmedown, and 1 set as gift from cousin, so will not be buying. maybe the other mummies can advise?

skies... hopefully ur joint ache will be relieved soon... when is ur EDD huh?
skies, my edd is 15 Jan... but doc says will pop in Dec anytime too..... aiming for 37 weeks.. which is exactly xmas day
Bugis og have more variety is it? Ok i shall go there soon..

The freestyle medela pump is selling at where in kkh? Pharmacy? Cos i nvr been to kkh before...
baby, i tink so.... but i was disoriented at OG orchard coz of the noise n crowd... hahaah..

u can go n see see...coz i found items at the bugis outlet tht i did not find at orchard.
Wow, you girls are really on a shopping spree! I can't keep track of the all the different things that you're buying. I'm sure when its time for me to shop, I will have to come to you girls for advice

Baby79 - have you been able to feel bb movements yet? I still haven't yet leh...

Btw, someone mentioned about strapless maternity bra? Where can I get them? Also, does maternity bra come with padding? I bought a couple but its those thin type one, maternity cum nursing. Its very comfy but too thin for wearing outside leh... can see nipples thru the shirt! aiyoh...

Panda, Baby,

any idea when the next baby fairs are? At Taka or Robinsons etc? Anything coming up in Sept/Oct? Alternatively, where do you suggest I go to get reasonable priced stuff? Thinking of starting the browsing first, then maybe buy later.
working wife,

u can check out sorella wireless seamless bra...it has light paddings, and very comfortable. good priced too... i m surviving on them now.. but not strapess...

if u go OG..they hv this brand Jockey...they hv tube bras ...

but these two are not nursing/maternity bras... just wireless n comfortable.

working wife, not sure about next babyfairs.. i usually know when they advertise in the papers....
Working wife
How many weeks are u now? Can start to slowly buy tins now liao.. Cos u having twins so better start early..
I still have lots of tins hvt buy.. Abit anxious now..

I can feel movement lo.. Can feel kicks.. Thou not very intense but definitely bbs moving..
Btw, I bought a maternity pillow over the weekend, the Big Flopsy. I find sleeping on my back and sides uncomfortable now. Its like a very long curvy bolster, and I find it extremely comfortable. Been having better sleep past two nights with it
thank goodness for such an invention!
I also dunno leh. I also read from yumyum's post. Maybe wait for her to come in and reply to ur qn? Cos i bought mine from robinsons ma..

Working wife,
Robinsons's nursery fair is on till 5 sep.. Still gt time for u to go... OG having storewide sale of 20% till end sep too.. I think hor oct/nov gt a baby fair in expo. Read somewhere. I think is motherhood mag.. Need to cfm on that.
babe, yes, it is in the pharmacy. near the entrance, on the right. check out medela website, kkh is one of their retail outlets.
Babe, I got it April 2010. They are having a promo then. My dh and I have been going to see the products a few times prior buying. Actually KKH mall sometimes have quite good bargains,consider it too.

First Few Years sell Medela too but they sell the parallel imports (US, UK types).
Dear all, thanks for listening to me on sun and esp to those who replied. I am better now, without them here. Hee hee. It's good to vent out frustrations and knowing that we're not alone by sharing in this forum. Hmmm... I must think of something to retort them back next time esp during baby showers...

Those mtbs, it's exciting to see all of u hyped up w e shopping! Jia you jia you.
Bakaholic, my car seat is not combi corocco but we also find e angle a bit strange though not like yours 90 degree. Think ours maybe 30 degree, thought it shd be flat for baby?

Someone once shared about purchasing baby's clothes online - is that panda? I need to buy some clothes cuz those hand me downs I got are too big for my tiny baby, haha! Everytime wear clothes got lobang here &amp; there and we gave up wearing pants for him coz it looks like drape cloth on him! :p I also need to get some decent fitting clothes for him to wear for baby shower.. Hee hee. Talking about that, have yet settled anything on it.. <pout>
baby i think first few years at kkh sells the freestyle 699 and swing 279...if i remembered correctly.
If u r at kk can drop by mothercare there they got a bargin corner, sometimes can get cheap buy....i bot my baby's sleepwear there 3 for $39
baby u also asking pureen products last time right? they selling the pads, baby clothes detergent and other stuff at 2 for $11 in the pureen shop at kkh
