IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Hi juju,
oic...but still nice of her to help. I still think that when anything happen, our own family seems more ready to help. At least for me loh...
Tat day i forgot to ask doc if i can do prenatal massage or not...but i guess most prob the answer is No....
huh? How can you do confinement urself? You can cook all those dishes meh? Then i thot canoot touch too much water right? Aiyo, relationship with mil so bad now until hubby oso dun talk to her ar? Mayb ur mil is those kinda pampered lady like my mil is it? Why dun you consider getting a confinement lady?
ya loh, better pacify ur gal today, if not wait she get stress up oso

Hi bliss,
But i think watever it is, ur Mandarin sure much better than me heehee....
my inlaw chinese lah, but nvr study Mandarin b4, so they dun speak Chinese, oni my mil knows some Mandarin. Tats why sometimes i dun like they act highclass...but i very naughty oso, i dun give face to them, will tell them off if i cannot tahan kakaka...
Then we thot they very open minded, dun mind gals right? But sekali they more oldfashioned then my dad! Say why i dun have 1 boy 1 gal instead, made me damn angry tat time.

Hi Juju/Jo,
I am also facing the same problem like yours. May have to send my baby to infant care too. I have not even pay a visit to any infant care yet. Didn't know the infant care is so hot, now already in waiting list har, I better hurry.
Juju, don't upset over your MIL, just take a step at a time and you will eventually find a good solution on taking care your baby. There is a saying "船到桥头自然直"

Hi Bliss,
Great to hear that you started feeling obvious baby movement. It's really amazing right. But then, i think once you started feel the movement, sometimes if don't feel it, will feel a bit worry, wondering how is baby doing
. Also, must feel at least 10 times movement per day according to the antenatal class i attended.

Hi Maykel,
How are you doing? Feel better these few days? Hope you are getting better
. You also having some problem with in law har? Luckily you are not staying together with them, can simply ignore them when they made such insensitive remarks. Try not to confront them too much la, else your hubby like sandwich between you and in laws.
oic. You mean your inlaws did say why you dont have 1 boy and 1 girl ah? It will be very bad if they actually said that, if I were you, will also be very angry. Anyway, babies are yours and live with you, never mind what others say.

yes, very exciting to feel baby movement. Last night, my baby suddenly kept moving and kicking in the middle of the night, I was not used to this and couldnt sleep for a few hours. Aiyo, dont know why baby woke up in the middle of night for so many hours for what... haha...
Ya, I start to feel worry these days whenever I dont feel baby moving. Very funny, that time cant wait to feel baby moving, now finally feeling it, then I start to worry this and that..heehee.
Oh 10 times per day? So if baby moving for almost an hour, does that mean one time or what?
Hi all,
Just wanna share,
a friend of mine just brought me to the shops this afternoon where they sell cheaper baby stuffs. One is at the industrial park at Kaki Bukit Ave 1, there are 2 warehouses, one called hyperbaby, the other I cant remember(it is along the same line as the hyperbaby shop). Both warehouses sell baby stuffs such as strollers, baby cots, car seats, milk feeding equipment, breastfeeding stuff and alot more. My friend told me that the warehouses sell slightly cheaper than outside, however they always have further discounts which normally not stated on the price tags, so must ask before buying. Anyway, I find it quite good places to buy baby things.
Another place is at Pasir Ris West Mall, level 1, there is a Chinese Medicine shop that also sells baby diapers and milk powder which is cheaper than many other places. Heard that many parents know about this place and often go there and buy diapers and milk powder. Normal price for each big bag of diapers selling outside is about $13 plus, however the shop there sells at $12plus and sometimes will sell at $11 plus.
It is good way to save money since diapers will be used very fast.
Hi Bliss,
I think move 1 times count as 1 le. Meaning if within that hours, you feel him move continuously for more than 10 minutes, the quota satisfied already. Can have peace of mind for the rest of the day

Thanks for sharing the info on the shop. Will definitely pay a visit later
hi ladies- just to update, went for my NT scan on tue and my babies are doing fine, could see them clearly on the screen. my hubby was there too. could sese head, nose, hands, legs, so small so cute. 1 baby very co-operative, very fast finish scanning. the other baby a bit naughty, keep putting both hands in front of his face, and turn here turn there. ha ha. my hubby say the 1st one like me, so laid back, and the 2nd one like him, so gan jiong spider.

another not so good piece of update is that there is a blood clot in my tummy. the doc says it will dissolve away and i hope it does so too. also the night before the scan, i was having flu and sneezing really hard, until i had fresh bright red spotting. of course very worried, when my doc heard that he also jump a bit i think. but he said bleeding stopped, and i'm happy to report that these 2 days i really lie down a lot and spotting is very little and brown colour. did anyone experience blood clot ?

wow, i see so many posts here abt babies kicks and movement. bliss- so happy you can feel kicking already. just like not too long ago you were giving me support through ivf injections
and thanks for the tip abt kaki bukit. having twins means need to look out for more discounts

maykel - i see you didnt post anything abt spotting. so i think it stop already ? good for you. i hope mine stop completely too
wat did Dr Loh say? do u need to be on CRIB further? if no CRIB, still HL, better to rest more.
email dr Loh to ask abt prenatal massage la, or u call up TPS to ask. but must say u on CRIB lor, so dat they chk for u carefully.

my colleague say her bbs born at 24 wks weigh 600++ & 700++ grams each. she had a lot of spotting as well.

confinement food-wise, i will either cater or get someone to cook for me, cos i can't cook... haha... the rest i shld be ok, may get my mum or sis to come over when they r free lor.

i dun bother abt MIL liao la, let hubby settle watever he wan wif her. jus came back from my mum's, she say if no one to take care of bb, she will help me (see, difference btw mum & MIL). but i worry abt the finances there la...
MIL took care of 3 kids herself, and 5 grandkids thereafter (1 maid at each house), dunno like this called pampered or not...

bb now better, i guess... occasionally oblige me wif some moves. today she din move much, but after wai po ask about her, she start moving again... cute

i only went NTUC infant care opp my block cos they wan me to fill up the form. the rest i choped via phone. maybe after cny, will make appt wif the amk ones to go look-see wif hubby.

no la, no point waste my energy being upset. finish crying 1 nite & i channel my energy to look for infant care liao. today go back office, asked colleagues to help me see if got good nanny ard my home or office. if got good one, maybe put wif nanny. they all say infant care easy to spread illness, better to put when toddler stage or older.

thanks for the tips.

congrats! at least both babies are healthy. did dr give u more HL? if yes, pls continue to rest more.
hi bliss,
thinking abt the nanny. But dunno whether nanny good or not cos she also must take care her own child.
And for infant care, like juju said "they all say infant care easy to spread illness".
*doh... make me scare also... *sigh...
Now i am in dilemma.... hehehehe ^_^

Hi cale,
have you find nanny or infant care?
how is your hubby 1st reaction abt baby kick?

Hi ponytail,
congrats. both are healthy. i think you already pass 1st trimester, rt? rest well and take good care.

Hi Maykel,
how is your spotting? is it stop?
jo and juju,
ya I actually think that nanny is better than infant care in terms of the care given to baby.

Talking about nanny good or not, actually there is no certainty that the babysitter in infant care is better too. And somemore, like what juju said, indeed there is a higher possiblity of baby catching any virus from other baby who is sick there at the infant care. Babies are very very vulnerable and fragile, cannot afford to catch any virus, at least before 1 year old.
Anyway, if nanny and babysitter in infant care are of similar standard in taking care of baby, at least nanny can give baby the care solely.
Perhaps find a good nanny whose own children are quite big already(at least in upper primary or secondary schools), so the nanny will be able to have more time for your baby. Anyway, you should be bringing baby home after work to sleep at own house in the nights, right? So I thought it is not a big problem then since you will still see baby everyday. Sometimes, the big kids in nanny's house can be quite a good helper to take care of baby or play with baby in some ways if they like babies as well.
Think positively, I am sure you two can find a very good nanny.
glad to hear that your FTS went smoothly. It is very happy to hear from all of you how your babies move.
Very cute leh.
Dont worry too much about the clot, I am sure it will go away very soon.
No problem for the tips, I also heard from my friend. But the discount is not a lot, however all the mini savings will accumulate to great amount, right?
thanks bliss, jo, ju ju. i sure hope the clot goes away soon. oh yes abt the warehouse, is it very stuffy inside ? i remember going for robinson sale at expo once and it was very stuffy inside.
the shops have two storeys, there is elevator. Not stuffy inside, it's air con.

Actually all the stocks are stored on the third floor warehouse, they put the display ones on the 1st 2 levels so you just need to go to these 2 levels.
Hi Cale,
I'm fine, thank you. Now no more spotting but the contractions still quite frquent. Usually abt 6-8times/ day. But yest I went out to eat then to TPS for injection and after i came bk, kept having contactions throughout. Total abt 20 times yest, scary.....
Actually whole day can't go out can be quite bored...sometimes i came out to the living room watch scv and dvd. I realised that i cannot sit too long oso, would feel very uncomfortable and contraction would start, guess cos sit too long oso gave tension to the womb.
BTW, think i can't go for the antenatal class already, yest i went PEC and the lady say if i can show her my MC from KK then she can refund me for the classes that i didn't attend. Next fri appt then i pass to her.
Yes you are right, since we dun meet very often, i will just ignore their remarks sometimes. But if i bad mood that day then i would talk back hehe....so bad hor....
You staying with ur inlaws right? so far ok?
actually my hubby is the only child and they wanted us to stay with them after married, but i insists on having some yrs of privacy so we bought a flat near my mum. Guess they were quite angry initially cos since we dun wana stay with them, they gotta sell the house in tanah merah and move to a smaller condo. Think initially they wanted us to help them maintain 1 of the properties, but too bad, we have to support our own flat's mortgage. But long-term plan next time is still to move to the east and stay near them, cos cannot leave both of them by themselves oso....

Hi bliss,
ya loh, usually pple got problem with mil, but mine is with fil. My mil still very nice and say gals good etc....my fil is the one who commented on the boy. When my hubby 1st announced that we got 2 gals, he immediately say, "nvr mind, after this can try for a boy..." I was like, omg! i'm oni halfway thru and suffering and you can talk abt the next one?? Anyway, got guarantee next one is boy meh? But lucky both my hubby and I are very happy enough to have 2 gals, after this close shop liao keke.....
Thanks for sharing on the shops. We've been to the 2 shops at Kaki bukit, think the other 1 is call Baby Kingdom

Hi ponytail,
Glad that ur scan went well
ya, really so fun to see them moving hor.
Is ur blood clot seen during the NT scan? Cos 2mths bk i got sharp pain on my left and went to a pte gynae near my hse for scan adn he oso told me that i may have some bleeding in the womb. But when i mentioned to the sonographer and dr marienne during my detailed scan, both of them just waved it off without really checking. Now i'm wondering if it got anything to do with my spotting few wks ago....you dun worry so much, cos a few ladies here oso had blood clots initially but it was dissolved later on. I put in 3 embies tat time and I remembered dr loh told me that the 3rd one was implanted oso but not viable and the sac would go away by itself, true enough after some time, the sac really got absorb by the body and disappear.

oh, talk abt flu, dun know if its coincidence or wat, but when i was admitted for spotting and contractions, i was oso having bad flu. Sometimes i oso thot that spotting could be due to the cough. My spotting had stopped but contractions still frequent. ut I agree that more resting in bed helps, but very bored loh....

Hi juju,
I last saw dr loh on 9th jan and he say crib. 23rd got another appt to see him then ask him again.
oh, ur colleague's babies born at 24wks ar? Isn't it terrifying for her, babies so tiny some more. I'm most worried abt their weight oso, really dun know wat else i must eat to make my babies absorb more nutrients leh, some more lately think i not so mobile, my appetite oso decreased, hiaz....
hmm....ya, now alot of pple doing catering for confinement food. I'm sure ur mum would try her best to help you, cos all mothers are the same
and yes, i can really see the difference btw mum & MIL cos i have the same issue...but if you not getting a maid then the finances may not be such a burden right? But wat is necessary eg food etc still must spend loh...
i oso dun know ur mil considered pamered or not leh....haha....ur gal so cute, think most of our babies like quite active hor ;) next time Cale and the rest of the gals' baby boys form soccer team, our gals would form cheerleader team hahaha.....

Hi Jo,
No more spotting, but still got contractions leh....how are you lately?
Hi ladies,
I came across this link and i think the Quick links on the left could be useful for us. It oso has a listing of the childcare centres

ya, scary for her. lucky the docs at SGH quite assuring also. so mother & bbs safe after c-sect. mother could go home after a week, but bbs stayed till they gained enuff weight lor.
not sure wat to eat leh... maybe u ask doc? not sure if now is too early to have steroid jabs to boost their lungs or not, u may wan to ask about this as well...

no maid, but need to spend on either nanny or infant care mah. minimum bb spending each mth is at least $600 liao, haven't count other necessaries... realli hope to have BM to save formula $$
Hi Maykel,
Glad that no more spotting already
. Is your contraction comes with pain? How's the interval? If it's without pain one, I think still not so worrying. I also experienced the contraction a few times a day. I realised that it happens mostly when I lie down le.
I agreed that it's very boring to stay at home. So, I try to do some office work from home also, then i feel not so guilty as already missing in action for sometimes liao and don't feel so bored at the same time.
Oh, you not attending the subsequent PEC class, going to miss you. It's better to skip if you feel better to rest at home. After all, now resting is more important for you than anything else. Luckily, they still willing to refund you. How about your aquafitness class, did you manage to get a refund?
So far stay with mil quite ok lar, she is an understanding person. A lot of things is about give and take, some of the things need to give in lo. Overall still ok lar. Looks like it's quite high chances that you going to stay with them in future, must be mentally prepared hor.
Btw, I just had my appointment today. Dr said my placenta still low, he extended my hospitalisation leave till the next visit , which is another 4 weeks later. He advised me not to move too much and have lots of rest at home. My baby is about 600g now. Doctor said baby is doing well

Hi ponytail,
Congrats on your good NT scan result
. Don't worry too much on the blood clot, I also have it during early pregnancy, it disappeared by itself during my 12 weeks scan. I am sure yours will dissolve slowly too. If you are still having spotting, did doctor ask you to continue the progesterone pill? Usually we stop the pill after 12 weeks.

Hi Juju,
You so fast chop chop most of the nearbly infant care by phone liao, very efficient le
. If possible to find a reliable nanny, I think it's still better to let nanny take care of the baby. However, I understand that if baby is sick, usually they don't allow you to bring the baby to infant care, so if really send to infant care, must prepare to take more leave too.

Hi Jo,
I still haven't find nanny or infant care yet, Coz my mil may help to take care baby, still not sure yet. So i might shortlist a few infant cares and pay them a visit as a backup first.
My hubby very happy when he felt the baby movement. He will grin big big. He also likes to put his ear on my belly to listen to baby

Hi Bliss,
Today doctor gave me my detail scan report upon request. So if you want to keep a copy, you can request from your doctor during your next visit too
. How's your blur vision? Got improvement already?
Maykel & Cale,
wah... u 2 better take care wor... REST REST & MORE REST!!!

aiyoh... i got scared after i read another forum infant care fill up very fast. so quickly called up those convenient ones & chope a place on the waiting list lor...
ya lor... dat's why asked a few close ones if got good nanny to recommend. those alrdy wif kids at nanny dun need to ask la, cos not good for nanny to overload also, cannot take good care...
this morning hubby put his hand on tummy, bb entertain him quite a bit, made him so happy... he keep repeating dat bb moved a lot after i woke up... lol
bliss - ok thks. will go and check out the warehouse afetr CNY. hope they have post-CNY sale then

maykel - glad that at least your spotting stop. huh, you went out to eat and got contractions. maybe it really means you must really CRIB. dont tbe too active. i also know its very difficult. today i sneak out for lunch at coffee shop, then saw lots of CNY goodies on sale, plants, decorations, ended up walking for 2 hours plus. come back very guilty, faster go and sleep.

cale - thanks. i hope my blood clot dissolve too. it was discovered during NT scan. but when doc told me abt clot, he didint seem too concerned, so i'm hoping its not realyl cause for concern. because of my spotting, i'm still on jabs and pills. also started taking multi vit and calcium prescribed by doc. do you know how many contractions a day is considered normal ?
Hi for those who are having twin, do you get any confinement lady to help you? I do not mind to pay more because i know this will be harder job to her but i am not sure if she can handle... As i am not sure i myself can handle the two babies together also. Though twin sound exciting (at least i thought at first), when thinking how to deal with them after giving birth, i really feel worry and anxious...
Hi juju,
Lucky ur colleague's gynae must be quite good.
Oh ok, thanks, maybe i'll ask doc loh abt the steriod jab, oso dun know when must take the jab.
ya hor, infant care is quite exp, think its abt 1.2k+. haha...ya. me oso hope i'll have more BM keke....

Hi Cale,
My contraction is irregular, sometimes once in 30-45mins, sometimes once in every 10-15mins. Half of the time is painful leh, but usually the contraction is on the right side. Urs is without pain? Mine is when i sit too long then its more regular. But lately when i sleep oso have, find it diff to sleep.
You so hardworking, the most i do at home is clear office email hehe....
ya, i'll miss chatting with you too....hope i dun miss out too much for the antenatal class.
Or amybe i check with doc loh again when i see him on fri, sekali he say i better, can attend classes? Oh, the aqua class confirmed cancel liao, waiting for them to send cheque.
I agree that staying with inlaws is alot of give and take....we will get a place near their place next time, but dun think will stay together, cos their house now very small...
oh, then you better rest well, did doc loh say tentatively when the placenta might go up? Good to hear that ur baby doing well, mine were abt 500gram last wk, so now shld be abt the same as urs bah. Phew, i thot mine was too small, lucky abt the same size.

hi ponytail,
ya loh, its very tempting when you go out and see all the festives things going on. But i tahan loh, already felt guilty for going out to eat already...you must rest more oso okie?
so far cheapest is ard 1.2k. after subsidy, left 600. but still need to add in diapers & misc. expenses... add together, quite "chor"
Hi Ponytail,
I also not sure how many times of contraction considered normal but I remember i read somewhere that as long as the contraction is not in close interval each time and painful, should be still ok.

Hi Maykel,
My contraction is without pain one, it's just tightening and hardening for a while and it's irregular. Average think i experienced this about 5 times per day.

You going to see doctor again this Friday hor, it's good to check with him, if he give green light, then we would able to chat up again
. Another 6 more sessions to go only. If not, better rest, not worth to take the risk.

No le, doctor didn't say this time if the placenta will go up, I didnt asked him either. i think it depends on individual, some moves up early, some late, and some not. So, no point worrying, if really not moving up, will have to go for c-section liao.

Baby at 23 weeks is about 500g. Your baby is not small but average size, same as mine
. I found this link that describe the average fetal weight chart for your reference.


Meanwhile, must take care and rest well ok.
Hi joanne,
i'm having twins, will be getting maid and CL to help. This CL i'm engaging like quite good, she say it is her duty to teach the maid how to care for the babies. She charges me $2800 for 28days. I think it'll be better to get another helper to help the CL, cos prior to this, i called a few and all of them did commented that they can't handle alone, esp at nite.
I have the same thot as you, was excited initially, but after tat got alot of worries abt care issues etc. Also very worried abt the complication and and them being pre-term. I'm in my 25wks now, alot of drama few wks ago, hope my babies would be stable from now on.
How many wks are you now and where are you seeing doc?

Hi juju,
yup, i agree that infant care is not cheap. Anyway, both infant care and personal nanny have their good and bad points, have to consider carefully loh.

Hi Cale,
Oic....mine initially oso like urs, irregular and painless, but after the admission in 22wks it started to get worse....
yup, seeing doc loh this coming fri, wana try my luck and ask him if there's a chance of not having to CRIB....i do feel much better after resting at home, only the contractions are worrying.
Dun worry, you still got at least 12wks for the placenta to move up, think positive ok friend?

I'm really glad tat you share ur baby's weight, at least i know mine are not on the small side as opposed to wat alot of pple say abt twins.
you very cute leh, the link you attached is this same page tat we exchange postings hehe....
joanne, maykel - i'm having twins too. i havent decided whether to get extra maid or not leh. i'm staying with mil so she can help me a bit. but i'm also working. i already have 1 maid but my house is a bit big so maid needs to clean a lot. my mil already 'decided' she want to get 2nd maid. but most probably i'll be bearing the costs! so i'm still thinking abt it. my mum can help out some days a week, but i think its the night time thats tiring. plus, my hubby is always outstation. so i really dont know how to handle leh.

joanne - how many weeks are you ?
Thanks Maykel and Ponytail for reply.
I am in 10+week only and also seeing Dr Loh.

I am staying at my MIL's place while waiting for our BTO house ready at the end of this year. So, i got no choice but have to do my confinement at my MIL's place. But, MIL also won't help because she needs to help her daughter. So, i might ask my mum to travel everyday to help the CL during my confinement. But my mum is already 60+... don't know she can endure or not though she said ok.

BTW, after confinement month/s, how are both of you going to take care of the babies? Are you working? I don't think can leave the both babies to a maid, right?

Maykel, ya, i heard your story in this forum. Thanks God that your spotting has stopped.
At night, only CL needs to wake up? We (mum) no need to wake up? Will you do breast-feed to your babies? I am thinking to wake up at night also then we can take care of one baby each? No?
BTW, can you share your CL information with me? But, now maybe a bit too early for me to book her... In which week that you start booking your CL?

Since you might not recruit a maid also, will you handle the two babies your own after the confinement? Or will send them to infant care or nanny?
thanks, I will then request to get a copy of my scan report next visit.

Btw, when do you start knowing the weight of baby? My doc never tells me leh.
Hi Maykel.
Hehe..I really blur, didn't know i copy the same url we exchange posting here..Here is the URL for the fetal average weight:
When doctor told me 600g, he did not comment is small size le. I search the web and found that it fall under average size la. Don't worry, your babies are growing very well too

Yes, will think positive. Hopefully it moves up during my next visit

Hi Bliss,
Only this visit at 24 weeks, i got the baby weight. Doctor told me baby weight and I can also see the weight indicated in the scan pictures that doctor gave.
I guess may be after 24 weeks onwards, every visit doctor will estimate baby weight. During my previous visit doctor didn't measure for me either.
Hi maykel,
Glad that u r ok.
thanks for the child care center list. ^_^
rest well, when is your next appointment?
should be end of this jan, is it?

Hi cale,
So nice your MIL, is she stay near your or with you?
for me very difficult leh.. although MIL ok to take care but dunno how long she can stay here... *sigh...
Hahahaha... baby kicks is very exiciting...
Cale & Maykel,
believe the fetal weight in the link is more for caucasians. asians are usually smaller size, so it is ok if bb's weight is lower than the weights in the chart

dat time week 22 visit, dr loh also say cannot give the weight yet. but he mentioned next visit can start le, but no more length cos bb's body longer than the visible area liao.

since can get DS report, think i also wanna request a copy. hee...
Hi poytail,
Why dun you try out with the current maid and ur mil 1st? Cos if they can cope then dun need another maid, unless ur mil insists then no choice. Anyway now we have 4mths ML, so you can take these few mths to see if can cope or not. I oso agree that nite time could be a problem,but gotta try and see how 1st.

Hi Joanne,
oic...i'm oso seeing dr Sf loh

We are staying by ourselves, so after confinement and esp after i go bk to work, my mil and mum would take turns to come daily to help us supervise the maid, cos cannot leave her alone with the 2 babies. I oso worry, cos my mil stay east and we stay in the north, travelling could be a problem for her, but we did ask her to take cab, have to see how it goes.
Ya, usually our own mum would sure say ok one lah
but no choice, cos we really need their help, maybe ask her take taxi? U mean ur SIL oso staying together with you all?

ya man, keeping my fingers crossed tat no more spotting. At nite, i think the maid may have to wake up with the CL bah, have to see how's the CL's practice. Usually we do not have to wake up cos alot of pple say confinement is an impt period for us to recuperate. But if we breastfeeding then have to wake up when the CL carry babies for us to BF. I will definitely BF if i have milk

I will PM you the info of my CL, when are you due? Cos if still got time, i can try her 1st in early apr then feedback to you b4 you confirm her? I started looking for CL around 12wks, at the prompting of my mum, initially i thot too early oso, but after i called a few then realised they were being booked already. So if you got any recommendation from other pple, can call and ask more info already. After all the searching, i managed to confirm mine only last mth.

Hi Cale,
Thanks for the link, mine oso fell below the average size leh, but i think if smaller by abit should be alright bah, hope our babies would catch up soon

Hi Jo,
Thank you
My next appt is this coming fri. 2pm gotta go ADC scan the blood flow, then 3.30pm see dr loh.

Hi juju,
hmm...you are right, maybe the weight guideline is more for ang moh, so still ok for us ;)
dr loh oso 1st told me the babies weight when i went to see him in wk23.
ladies - i went shoppping for 2 hours only today and got freh spotting again. oh no
it was alright past few days thats why i dare to go out. now this. so scared to go out already...
Hi Maykel,
Thanks. My SIL is not staying with us but nearby. So, my MIL travel to her place nearly everyday (except sat and sun).
My due date is in mid Aug. But, Dr Loh said because of twin, may do c-section at the end of July. And then he said i might plead him to do it early of July because i might not able to bear with the "big stomach"... did he say so to you too?

After hearing what you say, i might call to your CL and others to check their schedule after my 1st Trimester...

Hi Ponytail, take care.
Hi Jo,
I am staying with my MIL, so she may able to help to take care of baby.
Hopefully your MIL can stay as long as she can, then may be ask you mum to take turn and come to your house. Meanwhile, can start to look around your area for a good nanny or infant care as a backup

Hi Juju,
I agreed with you, since doctor Loh never commented smaller size, I take it as average lor
. When is your next visit to see doctor?

Hi Maykel,
Yes, hope our baby is of good size during next visit
. I think it may depends on the genetic also, if both parent is not big size, think baby wouldn't be too big also. Good luck to your scanning this friday. Remember to ask doctor if you can go for your antenatal class hor. Keep us posted after your visit ok.

Hi Ponytail,
Looks like still not very stable yet, you better rest more at home and don't walk too much. May be wait till the spotting stop at least for 2 weeks, before planning for next shopping again?

Hi Joanne,
Congrats on having twins. How many weeks are you now? Looks like Dr Loh success rate really high. Quite a number of us here succeeded under him too
thanks jo, cale. i went for check up today and babies are doing fine, red bleeding has stopped, but still spotting brown blood. yes i think i will take you advice and stop for 2 weeks. i was so bored last few days and thought i was ok. so overconfident and went out too long yest. will be more discplined for my babies from now. oh yes, and when i did urine test today, the nurse commented i have quite high glucose, any ladies have this thing ? sigh... its 1 thing after another... but i'll try to be positive and think of this as 'good' problems, cos today i bumped into my fren at the clinic, and i've been 'avoiding' her cos i havent announced my news to my friends, and i know she's trying very hard too. she's still trying when i bumped into her today. i really thank my lucky stars... i also hope she succeeds soon.

maykel - ya i think i will try out without new maid first. anyway during that time will probably be too hectic to teach new maid how to do things. probably have to wait a few months after delivery.
glad that everything is ok. Ya, you must really rest more and not stand or walk for too long le.
Take good care huh.
Hi ponytail,
Aiyo, i think you better tahan and try not to walk too much, even for cny oso try to minimise ur activities. I guess its not easy cos everyone is excited abt cny, me oso very excited abt cny but i can't celebrate

I think rest is very impt cos i realised my contractions were oso better when i walk less. The contractions increased when i thot i was better and walk more at home and oso when i went kkh to take jab last wk. You must try to rest more these few days then hope my cny eve you'll be better again, take good care.
My urine test got no glucose so far, but that time i gained 4kg in 1mth, so doc worried, ask me to do OGTT (glucose test) in feb even thou i got no family history.
My new maid oso coming anytime soon, i oso feels that i have no energy to teach her anything now, think must ask my mum come and help me train her, cos my mum can speak Malay to her.

Hi Joanne,
oic....me too, originally was due in early May, but doc loh oso say can tahan til early apr very good already. He nvr say anything abt pleading him, but now i oso feel like cannot tahan already, but wants to endure for the babies, cos the longer they stay inside tummy, the better their growth.
Ya, i think if you due in July, maybe my CL can do for you.

Hi Cale,
Yup, i agree, as long as babies organs are healthy etc, abit smaller oso nvr mind. Okie sure, will keep you gals posted after my appt on fri.
Dear all,
Long time no post, however, I have been reading all your posts!!!.
I just called a Malaysian confinement lady and she quoted me 2.3k for twins. I got her number through a forum. She said that we can meet up after she completed 1 confinement in Feb. Can I know what questions should I ask her and what should I look out for?
She asked me if I got helper to look after another baby, I said my mother loh and she say than it is fine, at least got 1 more pax to carry baby when feeding. Also, how do you
1) confirm the confinement lady? By giving depostit? How much?
2) Did you get any sort of identification from her just in case she is fake?
3) Tell her when to come since our dates are estimated?
So much so for confinement lady.

I am having a hard time to find as I need a vege 1.
I am seeing Dr Loh tomorrow in the evening. Jo: Are you seeing him tomorrow also? But I guess I wont be able to see you as my appt is 6pm.

Ladies, take good care and endure ok? We all have come so far already!!! Now going into the last stretch. Jia you 
Maykel and Cale,
Both of you gotta rest more. Try not to move around during CNY.

Hi ponytail, I also have high glucose and Im getting worried now as my last visit with Dr. Loh, he told me my baby is too big in 25weeks already 1kg.

Btw do anyone here know Dr. Loh email address? Need to report him my OGTT report. Im going for 4D scan tomorrow in NUH... just to make sure that my baby is allrite.

After CNY I have to prepare all baby stuff liao. Hehehe I havent even buy baby stuffs yet and my due date is in another 2 half month. I dun intend to employ confinement laddy. I will just employ one more maid.
next visit is 6 Feb, seems so far away...

hee... bb been kicking harder & more. so fun... but, always cannot catch the movement on tummy. after i focus on tummy, she stop kicking. i look away, she start again. so notti...

rest more. go out for quick while if u realli must.
try to eat less sugar & carbos, esp just before urine test.

can't pm u leh... i got his email add
Dear ladies,

when do you start to feel baby's kicking? Abt what week? I am in my 18weeks, reaching 19 this weekend. Is it too soon? Thanks.
how much do you pay for the 4D scan in NUH? Is it that KKH does not have 4D scan? Thanks!

it is ok if you feel baby movement now. However many women do not feel it until after 20 weeks or later, as long as it is during 2nd trimester, which is before 28 weeks will be considered fine.
I started feeling only on my 20 weeks.
Hi Hopefully,
Oh, she quote you so low ar, mine charges me $2800...but mine is recommended from my mum's fren. My mum went with us to meet the CL cos i oso dun know wat to ask hehe....Does ur CL knows wat to cook for vegetarian?

1) We confirmed her after meeting her and talking to her and feels comfortable with her. We gave $300 deposi when we met her.

2) Nvr ask for ID cos i think mainly based on trust basis, like i say, mine is recommended from mum's fren, so we think its ok. Maybe from the way you ask her questions, can roughly see her experience?

3) Our CL asks us to call her the minute I deliver, cos by the time we are discharge, she can be here already. Anyway, mine say she will standby for the few days b4 my expected delivery.
So much so for confinement lady.

Hi Imel,
Thank you, yes, if i dun feel good, i will not go out for cny, play safe better...
past 2 nites can't sleep at all, cos practically whole nite got contractions, if i managed to fell asleep, it'll only be for 1-2hrs. Dun feels very well lately, but dun know how to describe oso....
Oh, ur baby 1kg at 25 wks ar? Mine oi 500grams at 23wks...hiaz..too big oso worrying, too small oso worrying. You did ur OGTT in NUH? You mean 4D scan can help us see if baby is alright? Any idea how much is a 4D scan?
You can email him at his gmail [email protected], cos he told me he has alot of junk mail in his kkh email, so he prefers to check gmail.
Me wana prepare baby's stuffs oso cannot cos now gotta CRIB. So ur mum/mil would cook confinement food for you?
Hi Ponytail,
Glad to hear that everything is fine with the babies
. Regarding the glucose, I also detected some glucose during my routine urine test. However, the result is not consistent each visit. Sometimes the reading of glucose is 1+, 2+, nil and the my most recent visit, it showed 3+. Think it's affected by what we eat before the test also. Doctor did not comment anything on my result. May be it's not so serious yet as my weight gain is still consider ok. I gained like 2kg from week 20 to 24. What is the reading of your glucose level in your urine?

Hi Imel,
Thanks. I have been staying at home most of time.
Wow, you baby is really quite big in 25 weeks le. Is it due to the high glucose content? What is the reading of the glucose level during your routine urine test? You have done your OGTT test? How's the result? Keep us updated on your scan 4D scan at NUH today OK? It's must be very excited to see the baby in 4D. How much it cost?

Hi Juju,
Yesterday night, did not feel much baby movement, guess he is sleeping soundly, hehe. Then, when i am about to sleep at about 12+, baby start to get very active, must be waking up already. He moves a lot and sometimes kick me here and there. I couldn't sleep well. I woke up at 5+ this morning and take my breakfast. Tired, then luckily i manage to catch some sleep from 7+ to 12+..hehe. Did you sometimes also having difficulty in sleep due to baby too active?

I start feeling the baby movement at about 19 weeks. However, the kicking only can feel a few weeks later.

Hi Maykel,
Your contraction sounds very disturbing hor. Don't forget to take the medicine to relax the contraction and progesterone pill at this stage. It should be able to keep this under control. Take care.
You must be feeling quite tired not able to catch a good sleep. I just had a sleepless night yesterday, so I know how's your feeling of not able to sleep at night. Did you manage to catch a nap in the afternoon?
I also couldn't prepare baby stuff for now. I am hoping that i can do it after 28 weeks
Hi Cale,
what is meant by glucose reading 1+, 2+? The nurse never mentioned anything like that during my routine urine test, she just says it is normal when I show her the result everytime.
I gained 1 kg from week 13 to 20, then my sis said: "you gained so much ah", I thought it is ok and reasonable gain leh. Haha!
I did not have my weight measured during my first scan and apptmt in week 6 at AMC and clinic D that time, so I also dont know what was my intial weight. I only got to know my weight in week 9 which was 3 kg more just before I started my ivf.
So from week 9 till now week 22, I have already gained almost 3kg, but from ivf to now, I gained 6kg already, is it too much or too little?

I am seeing Dr Sadhana next friday, hopefully my placenta will move up then..

Cale, I also did not feel much baby's movement yesterday, I was bit worried leh. Today so far also not much movement. I started to feel more worried, not sure if it is becoz I am quite quiet these 2 days, did not talk much to baby.

I did experience a few times when baby was very active at night when I was sleeping. Ya, I was disturbed too and could not sleep well. Heehee...
Hi Bliss,
Oh, usually after i showed the nurse the urine test strip, she will written down the result in a small sticker. If she wrote N or Nil, it means no glucose. Otherwise, the higher number she written, it indicates the higher level of glucose in the urine. I think 1+ is the mildest. The highest i got so far is 3+. I not sure what is the highest reading le.

From IVF to week 20, I gained 2kg. From week 20 to week 24, I gained another 2kg, so 4 kg in total so far. Got this pregnancy weight gained calculator from the internet. I will give you a range of what is the acceptable weight gained based on your height, pre-pregnancy weight and gestational weeks.

Understand what you mean, yesterday night when i didnt feel baby's movement I also a bit worried. Luckily he moves a lot at night and I feel more re-assured. You know during the antenatal class, the instructor told us that if you didn't feel baby movement, you can shake up your tummy a bit (not too violent) and wake up the baby

Oh, you also disturbed by baby at night too. So far, this is the first time he so active when I am sleeping le.

thanks for the website, I just roughly checked as I dont know my exact weight just before pregnant. Glad that I am within the normal range now.

Oic, the nurse will write the digit on the sticker if showed glucose. Oh then I am relieved, the nurse wrote N on mine everytime so far.

Thanks for the tips, I will try to 'wake' baby gently if he still sleeps for too long. I also find that he normally will wake up and move a bit more whenever I finished my meals. Probably he knows it is his turn to eat too. Heehee...
