IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Hi Ladies,
Btw, any of you plan to sign up Cordlife or Stemcord to store the cord blood of the baby? Do you know which one is better?

Now Cordlife is having a CNY promotion on their 10 year and 21 year plan until 9 Feb 09. Upfront fee now is $888 (original $1400). However, with this promotion, we would not be able to get $50 referral discount.

Hi Bliss,
It's good that you don't have the glucose in your urine, less things to worry
. Last time heard that you have some risk on the pre-eclampsia due to your blur vision? How is it now? Got better?
I still dont know leh, that is why Doc wanted to see me one week earlier, so my next apptmt will be next fri when I will be 23 weeks and not 24 weeks.
I guess my headaches are caused by insufficient sleep in the nights. I noticed that I dont have headaches at all when I slept well the night before. If I woke up in the middle of the night and could not get back to sleep, I will get headaches in the morning when I wake up.

As for my blur vision, I really dont know the cause, my friend did tell me that she also became more shortsighted when pregnant, but once after delivery, her eyesight was back to normal.

I guess my blur vision might be caused by the change of shape of my cornea. I read that the cornea of each eye becomes slightly thicker and this, together with an increase in pressure inside each eyeball, may cause mild blurring of vision and slight deterioration in visual acuity.
I really hope my eyesight will be back to perfect after delivery, coz had spent a lot on lasik years ago and have been enjoying perfect eyesight since then.
Dont wish to wear glasses again.
Hi Bliss,
How about your blood pressure, is it normal so far? I read that for pre-eclampsia, usually will also suffer from higher blood pressure. If you blood pressure has been normal all the while, should not be too worry.

I think your doctor wanted to play safe and make sure you are fine through out the pregnancy. Just think on the positive side and you can see your baby again in a weeks time

I also planned to do LASIK after the delivery, has been shortsighted for many years already. Usually i wear contact lenses. Where did you do your LASIK? Any good doctor to recommend?
yes, my blood pressure has been normal all along, so Dr Sadhana did said that should not be a problem though she still needs to monitor my headache and blur vision problem.

I did my Lasik at Tan Tock Seng hospital in 2005, they have a specialised department to do lasik. It was one of the first few hospitals that do lasik that time.

My doc is the very popular, experienced handsome eye senior consultant, Mr Lee Hung Meng. He is always in the newspaper and TV news when there is news reported on lasik. Think he is now in Parkway Eye centre.


I would recommend him, coz he is really good and experienced. To be specific, the eyesight correction surgery I did was called wavefront with intralase(it is tissue saving and more suitable for pple with high astig). It was quite new kind but more advanced kind of surgery during the time I did it.
I have very high degree of shortsightedness as well as astigmatism. I have been wearing glasses since Primary 2. My myopia was 1000 degree per eye and astig was 200 plus per eye, scary right? I was always joking that I would definitely fall into drain if I were to remove my glasses or contact lens. Hahaha!
My sis has similar degree too, we went to Dr Lee together to do our lasik that time. Both of us regained perfect eyesight after the surgery! It was one of the most wonderful thing I experienced in my life!

I have recommended a few friends to Dr Lee before and they are having perfect eyesight now too.

I think the consultation fee for Dr Lee is higher now since he is now in private medical centre. But I think it is very important to get a good doc to do lasik, cannot afford to have any failure for such surgery.
btw, you can only do lasik when you are not breastfeeding. So you can keep a lookout and decide later after delivery.

Another thing is, you will have to go for eye check up such as eye pressure, the thickness of cornea etc before knowing if you are eligible to go for lasik.
And also, there is possibility of getting shortsighted again even after lasik, if we dont continue to take good care of eyes.

This is why I was so scared of getting shortsighted again. I really hope it is only due to pregnancy now. I spend $5000 plus that time on wavefront surgery. It should be cheaper now.
Hi Bliss,
Thanks for the info. My myopia is about 400 degree each and astig like 100+ one eye and the other about 50+. I will definitely look for a reputable doctor for this and will consider the doctor you recommend. Agreed with you, cannot afford any failure for this kind of surgery

I didn't know can't do it while breastfeeding le. Oh, then have to put off the plan for a while. Coz i plan to breastfeed minimum 6 months and max 1 years, provided I have breastmilk la
I remembered that the doc did ask my sis if she was still nursing, coz has to stop breastfeeding before doing lasik.
I am not sure if it is necessary still. Maybe you could check with the eye centre when deciding.
Hi ladies,
Just went for my 4D scan. At 27 weeks my baby weigh about 1083grams. The sonographer said its ok quite normal. I sign up a package so I paid only $203.30. I heard theres no 4D scan in KK and if you go to private clinic, the cost will be higher. Luckily my hb know one of the gynae in NUH so he is able to put in slot for me.

The last time I check my urine test, the glucose is 2+.

Think if the baby continue to grow bigger, I won't be able to go for natural birth. Hope my mil can cook confinement food for me. But anyway my mother is also coming to look after me too.

Hi Juju,
I dunno why you can't pm me. Will check wats the problem later.
usu ok... if i'm tired, hubby & me will rub tummy & tell bb i need to sleep, then she will quiet down. most of the time is hubby's snoring which keep me awake. last nite slept 2 hrs only bcos of him. tonite must remind him to use the nose strip.
at least u r staying at home & can sleep anytime u r tired... how i wish i'm on leave again...
cale - i dont think my urine test got glucose reading cos its the colour stick kind. my doc didnt mention anything tho, so i hope it's nor serious
hi imel,
Where you do the 4d scan?

Hi juju, ladies,
KK pharmacy got Medela Promotion:
- Medela Swing + City Bag: $369
- Medela PIS + ... (forgot): $699
- Medela Mini Pump: $135 (i think)
You can contact Medela agent Ms. Annie Tan (9741 6006). She said the Medela is straight away comes from US and got waranty for 1 year.

Before KK Pharmacy, got another shop also got promotion (you can see this from outside window):
- Medela PIS: $599
- Medela Swing: $289
- Medela Freestyle: $799

I think the price is cheaper than Mum&Babes at AMK.
same as you, my hubby snores in the nights that makes me cant sleep for many nights. I usually gently shake his hand and he will automatically stop his snoring. But then the snoring sounds will come back after some time.

My baby was very active suddenly yesterday from late afternoon and throughout the night until 11pm! I couldnt sleep too, so my hubby gently touched my tummy and told baby to stop playing and get ready to sleep with us. Haha! He did listen and 'played' for another half hour then became quiet again.

I was still worried about my baby not moving much last 2 days. Then suddenly he was quite active yest night. And this morning, he moved so much and forced me wake up. Heehee...

last night, my hubby finally felt baby's movement when he placed his hand on my tummy. Baby was not kicking, he was just moving very fast, then my hubby suddenly said:"I can feel it! Something moves inside!" Haha! I couldnt help and laughed away, then tummy vibrated a lot until he couldnt feel baby moving after that. :p
you meant your baby's weight is quite big now? Why will it be difficult to have normal delivery if your baby continues to grow bigger?
The 4D scan must be exciting! So you must have seen your baby's features very clearly, right? Can see baby resembles who more.
Hi Cale,
Ya, these few nites really can't sleep, not sure if its cos i can't sleep at nite, thats why day time sleep more and ended up at nite can't sleep again. Think its like a vicious cycle. Anyway, 2mr i going to have a long day, need to wake up early, after tat whole pm would be at KKH, go ADC and TPS. Hope can get more tired and sleep better at nite.
I'm quite consistent in taking med, but felt disappointed cos still no sign of improvement. Want to ask doc loh whether can stop or change med since there's no improvement.
Thanks for the link on the weight, fromt the calculation, I overgained my weight abt 2kg leh, if i contribute this 2kg to the other twins then shld be ok hor?
Regarding the cordblood. Maybe you can attend their talk b4 you decide? Cos tat time i went for a talk from Stemcord, the talk is organised by Parkway Healthgroup. But I think $888 for initial payment is quite a good bargain.
hi juju,
didn't know tat you would think providing his email here is publicising....anyway its in his namecard and i dun think anyone would wana abused it lah.
Hi Imel,
Did the doctor tell you that the reading of glucose 2+ is considered high? Oh, then mine even higher, my last visit I got a 3+

Did doctor ask you to control your sugar or carbo intake?

Hi IrishCoffee,
I think for OSCAR test (at TMC?) it's similar to First Trimester Scanning at KKH. Basically it's to determine the risk for the down syndrome. It consists of measurement of the nuchal pad (thickness of the neck), nasal bone and triple blood test. It will then give you the combine risk of down syndrome, factoring in your age. As long as the risk is not higher than 1:300, it's considered ok. If higher than that, doctor will advise to go for the amnio test.

Hi Juju/Bliss,
Your baby so nice, listen to mummy and daddy
My husband sometimes also snores when he is very tired. When I can't stand him, I will usually push or shake him a bit. He will then change position and stop a while, then sometimes snores again..haiz..

Hi Bliss,
This morning baby also kicked me, I can see a ball shape form up above my belly button

Hi Ponytail,
We also tested on the urine color strips and showed nurse the result. She will interprete the color and put down the result as N, 1+, 2+, 3+ or etc. So we will know if the result got better or worst each visit.

Hi Jo,
Thanks for your info on the pump. My sister in law already passed down one to me, but i haven't tested if it's still working
. Have you bought yours? Have you decided on the model that you want to purchase?

Hi Maykel,
That's possible, if you sleep too much at day time, usually harder to sleep at night. May be try to nap shorter at day time, see got any improvement.
Remember last time there is a lady posted that her doctor prescribed Ventolin to relax her contraction? May be can check with doctor loh on this medicine. Hopefully different medicine can have better effect.
Tomorrow is a busy day for you, if needed, ask your hubby to get a wheel chair for you through out, then not so tiring and stressful.
On the weigh gain, yours should be fine lar. Usually twins should be heavier mah
. No worry.
Regarding the clot blood, I am thinking which one cheaper, then I sign up lor..The cordlife looks more reputable, as they are accredited by AABB. with their promotion now, the package is even cheaper than stemcord. Likely will sign up with them. How about you? Have you sign up already? Which one you choose?
Hi Cale,
Last nite oni managed to sleep at 4am+, then just now 9am wake up liao cos can't sleep. Actually now a bit groggy again, but trying hard not to sleep hehe....
Oh ya, i think the lady is yck or emma if i dun remember wrongly. Thanks for the reminder, now i'm writing down questions to ask dr loh, in case i forget 2mr.
Ya, think i need a wheelchair when i reach kkh, else alot of walking oso 2mr, you think its ok i request the sonographer to be more gentle 2mr? Dun think they will get offended right?
Last time i went for the talk by Stemcord, cos my fren oso took from there, but the initial payment was still around $1k during promotion. During the talk, they did mentioned tat if the babies got low birthweight and there is not enough cordblood, they may advise against storage since its not enough anyway. So i consulted doc loh and he thinks that for me 1st of all twins may have low birth weight, 2ndly, if c-sect they would concentrate on stiching up the mummies instead of collecting the cordblood. So I think i will not sign up, but i think if your baby has normal birthweight and normal delivery, then whichever bank oso ok, since their function is the same. But i think for now, Cordlife really sounds like a good deal. Oh, i remember last time Stemcord said that they split up the cordblood and store in 2 storage places, so that in case an accident 'happen' to one bank, there is still the 2nd one. Maybe you can check if Cordlife functions the same?
Hi Maykel,
You are right, think it's either emma or YCK, they mentioned on this ventolin before. Talking about them, i though of Miss Hae, wondering if she popped already.

Yes, better to sit on wheelchair, it's no good to walk a lot, esp now you under the CRIB instruction.

Of course you can ask the sonographer to be gentle, don't think they get angry with such a request. You can tell her your condition, I am sure they will be more careful and gentle with you.

I am aware of the storage in 2 locations, but again, there are pros and cons with this method, told by the cordlife sales person. When they are stored in 2 bags, will tend to have more residue of stemcells in the bag compare to just 1, that is may be in terms of stem cell recovery, it might be lesser due to the residue in the bag. However, not sure if it's true. Anyway, i am going for the cheaper one, think they are both about the same in terms of their functionality and quality
Hi Bliss,
Bliss, your degree so scary... 1000 degree? wow...
so cute. exciting and very happy ohh.... ^_^
me too.. specially during office hours and stress then suddenly got something inside kicking...
maybe he tried to remind his mummy not to stress... hehehehe :D
Ya ya.. imel 4d scan must be very exciting some more the 4d scan record the baby movement...

Hi Imel,
how much is it for 4D? is it expensive?

Hi cale,
I also gain 2kg every month.. scary ohh.. now total already more than 10kg.. hisk hiskk.. :'(
I have not plan to sign up the cordlife/stemcord cos it is expensive (*need to discuss with hubby 1st hehehe).
wow cale, your degree so high...

Nope, I have not buy yet.
I am waiting for my friend news whether his business trip to US still on or not.
If he is going to US, then i will ask him to buy it for me the Medela Swing
*cheaper buy there and can save delivery cost... hehehehe.
wah so nice got your SIL pass down to you. What is your pump type? manual or electric?
wow, can see a ball shape above your belly button! That's a hard kick.

My baby so far still quite gentle, no hard kick yet.

ya, I was extremely shortsighted in the past, nearly half blind liao.

You meant you have already gained more than 10kg so far? from just got pregnant till now? Oh, you must have been eating very good food leh.
I think I have gained 2 kg during my ivf, and then probably have gained around 4kg from just gotten pregnant till week 22 now. But I feel that the weight gain is on my hips and thighs and arms leh, dont think baby inside my tummy gained alot so far.
Hi bliss,
Oooo ic. Now after the Lasik, what is your degree?
Still need to wear spectacle?
Total gains during IVF is more than 10Kg.
When pregnant, i think gains abt 6-7Kg.
Scary oh... One of friend see my stomach think i 7mth pregnant already... hahaha :D

Till now, i have not know how big and size is my bb.
Yesterday medical appointment, I got asked Dr loh to copy the ADC result to me but in the result never state the length and baby weight... :'(
My eyesights was regained to perfect 6/6 after Lasik.
No need to wear glasses at all.

So you have already gained around 16-17kg from ivf till now? Oh, how come gained so much solely during ivf? Was it becoz of lots of good food you had taken over the whole period?
Hi bliss,

No no no
.. dun want 16-17kg... Not that much... Hahahaha...

I means total gains more than 10kg
is come from IVF journey till 23wks pregnancy. Hehehehe...
During IVF I gains abt 3-4kg + pregnancy till now 6-7kg.

my good food was during 2nd trimester. I easily hungry.. hahaha

1st mester not good leh.. lose weight... hahaha
Hi Josephine,
I did my 4D scan in NUH and it cost about $203. I have asked around and find NUH is the cheapest. KKH dun have any 4D scan from what I heard. The sonographer in NUH definitely better and nicer than in KKH. She is very patience and gentle too. The picture that I get is not that clear coz depends on the position of my baby. The sonographer told me the best 4D pic have to be done in 24-28 weeks.

Hi Cale,
The doctor told me try to cut down the sugar....but then its easy to say than done. I try to cut down though by abit. Hehehe.....but today I just cant resist and take coke for a drink.

Hi Bliss,
Ya if the baby continue to grow bigger, the normal delivery will be quite dangerous. As my pelvix is considered very narrow, Im worried my baby head is stuck cant come out and it will endanger the baby and myself. There will be more complication in the end. I have discussed with my hubby if my baby turn out to be 3.5kg and above, we will go straight to c-section. Up till now I already gain 10kg. I give myself a total gain weight of 15kg.
hi imel,
$203 is quite reasonable oh..
How long is the recording? and use what? dvd or cd?
So, you knw your bb look u or hubby?
Hi Josephine,
You must sign up for a package then its cheaper. My hb organize everything and lias with his fren in NUH so I no need to worry anything. The recording take about 30-45mins depends on whether the baby co-operative or not. I heard there is a lady who have to be sent out 3 times and the baby still in the same position. Hehehe luckily my baby quite cooperative. The end of the scan, they give us a disc(dunno whether its dvd or cd), a full report of the baby and 2 4D-pics. Hehehe I think my baby looks more like me. Boy usually look after the mother and girl look after the father. Unfortunately the pic not that clear with shadows and his hand keep covering his face(the pic of my baby look abit ugly =P)but then ok lah as long I know he is healthy, everything looks perfect to me.
Hi Imel,

I thought you are under SF Loh (KKH).
so you will be delivered at NUH?
How much is the package?
when u sign the package?
Im still under Dr. Loh and will deliver in KKH. I just wanted to go for 4D scan to make sure my baby is ok since the scan in KKH is not that good. Everytime I come out from KKH, Im still feeling restless leh. The scan is arranged by my hb and he asked his gynae fren in NUH for help ... I dunno whether or not the package also open for public. You can call 6722-1150 Antenatal Diagnostic Centre. I have asked one pvt clinic in Mt.E and the scan cost about $280+ and in Gleneagles about $380+.
oic, but I thought it is still ok to go for normal delivery if pelvic is narrow. Just that for first normal delivery, it will probably be more painful and take much longer time to deliver. I have quite a few friends who are very very slim and they had normal vaginal delivery still when their babies were around 3.75kg and 3.8kg.
Anyway, you are right, it is most important that both mother and baby are safe and well throughout the labour, it does not matter having normal vaginal delivery or c section.
Thanks Josephine!

oh..I didnt know it's because lack of calcium.

Hi Cale

I see..thanks. I'm with KKH. It's because my colleague asked me about OSCAR test which i never heard of from KK doctor.
thanks. i got mine (Mini Electric) alrdy during mums & babes promo.

Bliss & Cale,
my hubby also continue snoring a while after i disrupt his snoring.
if ur hubby ok, ask him to try Breathe Right. it's advertised on TV some time back. hubby snores a LOT lesser when he stick it on.

hee... not used to broadcasting...

thx for the info on 4D scaan
Hi Cale,
ya loh, i was also thinking abt Ms Hae, i think she is due very soon, shall wait for her update.
You are right, think it's either emma or YCK.
Really hope the scan would goes smoothly today.

Oic...tat means Cordlife does not have the 2 storage policy? I didn't know abt the residue problem, cos Stemcord nvr mentioned. You are right, both sales pple would sure think their methods are better. I agree with you that shld go for teh cheaper one as their function is the same. But of cos, we hope that we would not have a chance to use it. Actually i'm a very kiasu parent, if i can, i will sure choose to store cordblood oso.

Hi Imel,
Was reading ur posting to Jose, i do agree with you that everytime after my scan at KK ADC, i still dun feel comfortable and seems to think that they had missed out scanning 'something'...

Hi juju,
so 2mr is ur last aqua class already, so fast hor...BTW, when you seeing doc loh again?
thanks. But for my hubby's case, think he needs to go for a simple surgery. Coz his nose bone is abit slanted, so his right nostril is half blocked and so has difficulty in breathing in sufficient oxygen.
Hi ladies,
I did a scan today, its to scan the babies' blood flow, amniotic sac, size of limbs and cervical length measurement.

Good thing is the babies' size and anmniotic sac are alright. But my cevical length is very short, oni 1.3cm, think usual is abt 4-5 cm.
I oso saw doc loh and he say it would continue to shorten if contractions continues, and the cervix would open up and it would be dangerous for babies. He say if now deliver (touchwood). their survival rate oni 50%, if tahan at least another 2-3wks when i'm 28 wks, the survivsl rate is 90%, alot of difference hor? Tats why he say now extremely critical til then. I got 2 jabs today, 1 is proluton, another 1 is dexa, its to mature the babies' lungs, 2mr must go GP jab 2nd dose.

Initially i even try to bargain with him, ask if CNY can at least go my mum hse or not. Guess wat? He say if i insists on going, then they would eventually have to come to kkh to see me, hai yo.....actually he ask if i want to be admitted, but if admit, then gotta stay til deliver already, goodness knows how long that would be. But i prefer to go home and rest, he say if contractions very close and pain then must go and admit asap. I really pray hard that I can tahan as long as possible.
Hi ladies,
Wishes all of you a Happy Chinese New Year in advance!
May we all have a great year ahead and smooth pregnancy and delivery to all of us in this Ox year! ;)
Hi Josephine,
I think it's norm to earn 2 kg per month le. Read from a website that from 2nd trimester onwards, average we will gain about half a pound (0.45kg) every week. Regarding the cordlife/stemcord, now i am giving second though. Just read a forum thread about this, and looks like it's recommended to donate the cordblood instead. The link as below, may be can read up if you have time.

Hi Bliss,
Yes, a hard kick indeed. Experienced the same kick again this morning :D. Realised that baby more active recently. Did you measure the length of your waist now. My waist has increased like 7 inches.

Hi Imel,
Oh, then you better heed doctor's advised. My sister in law also small in size, you know she delivered her baby naturally. Her baby weight about 4kg+. You may able to deliver naturally also. Don't think too much for now. Let doctor advise you what's the best when the time come
Heard that coke contain caffeine le, better try not to drink too much oh.

Hi Juju,
What is Breathe Right? How to do it har?
Hi Maykel,
Glad to hear that baby size and sac are alright. Did doctor tell you what is your baby weight now?
Did doctor propose to sew up the cervix as the cervical length is getting shorter now? I read from the forum, some lady got the cervix sew up due to this. Sewing up of cervix, may help to prolong the pregnancy.

You better guai guai stay at home, ask your mum to come your house instead during CNY. I am sure they understand. We have come this far, you hang in there for as long as you can ok.

Btw, did he change you medicine after you feedback to him? What did he say about ventolin?

Don't think you can attend the antenatal class liao. Don't worry, rest well and ask you hubby to get the refund from them. When is the next visit? Doctor extended your hospitalisation leave until when?

Meanwhile you monitor yourself closely , if contraction really close and pain, must admit and let them monitor you closely. They will know what's best for you.

Hope that you can tahan all the way pass 36 weeks! Jia you. You can make it!
Hi Ladies,
Wish you a very happy chinese lunar new year and may you blessed with lots of happiness in the new year ahead.
wow, increased 7 inches? I have not measured, think my waist also increased alot le. Heehee...
I noticed my baby is very active at certain time everyday, usually at evening time around 6pm and also night time around 10pm. So far, I seldom have hard kicks from him, hope he wont give me too big shock next time from his flying hard kicks! Haha!

glad that your babies are doing well. Since doc has advised that, then you better listen to him. Bo bian, hard on you le. Hope you can still feel the new year mood at home.

Hi ladies,
it is lunar new year in a few days, so fast hor...we just wished one another happy 2009 not long ago. Hehe! May all of us here continue to have a smooth pregnancy and give birth to beautiful and healthy babies!

牛年快乐! :)
yup! last class... next appt is 6 feb.

think u better stay at home & rest la... dun risk anything.

i see. but do chk wif another doc for 2nd opinion before going for op la

Breathe Right is a nose strip, like our pore pack. it's supposed to "lift up" the nose & open up nasal passages so dat we snore less. hmm... think hubby paste wrongly today, he is snoring away now... haha

wish all here a happy 牛 year! all give birth to pretty / handsome babies!!!

Happy New Year to all ladies here. lets all usher in year of the ox with more joy and happiness than ever before
maykel - yes think you should listen to doc and stay at home. its 2 weeks for you but means a lot to the babies. have a smooth pregnancy

ladies - my spotting stopped already, but taking no chances this time. will continue to rest a lot a home until my HL is up. i want my babies to be strong as ox
hi ladies,
happy new year to all of you.. have a prosperous year ahead.. i know we'll be blessed with our bundles of joys soon! hehe..

btw, i think i let miss hae tell you herself.. but she has delivered her triplets. hehe.. i'm also awaiting to hear from her as well as see the pics. hehe.. so exciting!

Hi Cale,
I didn't know they can grow so fast in 2 wks, based on the head circumference length, doc loh deduced that their weight is abt 700+grams each now, its abt 200grams increase in 2wks

oh yes, he did mentioned abt stiching up the cervix, byt he say even then oso 'may have other problem' but he didn't elaborate. I oso didn't ask more cos i hope i dun have to go to that extend...actually i'm very worried now, cos he is like telling me that if can at least tahan til 28wks, he is ready to deliver mw anytime, but i worried abt the babies cos he say sure must stay icu after delivery, poor babies hor....

ya, i will guai guai stay home, oni this Am go GP and jab the IM dexa. My inlaws and parents are very understanding and say they will come on cny and my inlaws would bring food to my hse for reunion dnr 2mr.

Rgding the med, he say the med he gave is the best already. Then he increased to max dose of 2cap 4times a day instead of 3times a day.
You are right, i can't even get out of the hse, much less go for antenatal class. But i read the notes that the later classes is more on labour which i think I may not be able to relate to if c-sect. Oni find the parentcraft lesson wasted, cos thot my hubby can have some hands-on. We brought the MC to PEC yest and they say will refund us.

My next appt is 2wks later on 7th feb (Sat)instead of late feb. Cos doc loh wants me to bring forward my OGTT to that day then see him at 12.35pm. He extend my HL til appt day and seems to tell me that i can dun expect to go bk work already from now til delivery...

Thanks for your advise, i will go bk kk asap if contraction worsens, cos i oso very scared now leh, some more next wk my hubby going bk to work shift, really gotta depend on my mum to come over liao.

You so positive! Still thinking of 36wks...even doc loh oso not so positive, he keep saying at least tahan after cny 'chap gor meh' (15th day of cny) very good liao haha...i ish i can tahan as long as possible, but looking at the situation now, i'll be happy to tahan til afte 28wks. But i'm just thinking, for these kinda premmies, do parents announced delovery after babies discharged (which can be 1-2mths) or straight after delivery, any idea?

Reging the cordblood, i've read thru the link. I think eventually its up to you. But like i say, i'm quite kiasu when it comes to medical care for my child, so i may still take up pte banking if i ahve a choice. My fren got 2 children, 1st one she store in Stemcord, the other 1 in KKH public. She did mentioned that if the event that she need to take bk from the public bank (provided still available), they will not charge you any processing fees for taking out. You consider carefully bah.
