IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Hi Bliss,
I oso got measure my waist, til now oso increase at least 8inches liao! haha....
Ya loh, bo bian....actually really can't feel the cny mood liao. But lucky my inlaws and parents bought us alot of goodies, so can still enjoy some atmosphere at home. Think at least i'm lucky cos got supportive family. Cos til now i haven't get any babies' stuffs, alot of things to get actually. But got a lot of pple (my sis, bro,frens) offer to help us buy, so not so bad

Hi juju and ponytail,
Thanks alot, both of you are right,if i can tahan from late dec til now, i can tahan a few more wks, at least the babies must be more viable. These few wks really means alot to them, i will jia you. Its really thanks to all the support i get from you gals tat i dun fall into depression.

Hi ladies,
Thanks for the CNY wishes
Ya, we managed to get thru at least 3 festive seasons together (Xmas, New year and CNY), next is Valentine' Day haha....

hi Merlenna,
Thanks for the update on Ms Hae, i'm so happy to hear that she had delivered! I really admire her, triplets can tahan so long.

Hi Juju,
Thanks for the info on snoring

Hi Merlenna,
Great to hear Miss Hae deliver her babies already. Really happy for her. I am sure she must be very busy now

Hi Maykel,
Great to know the baby weight has increased so much these 2 weeks, that means baby is growing very well.

Today attended the antenatal class, the lesson was about stages of labouring and pain relief. Got mentioned that the contraction will actually shorten the cervix. Once the cervix is completely shorten, the next to come would be the cervix dilation already. That would begin the first stage of labour. So you must deligently take the medicine to reduce the contraction. Did you see any improvement after the increase medicine intake?

Yes, agreed with you these few classes is more for normal delivery, If going for c-section, wouldn't have to go through all these. The only thing that you really need to learn from the class is the breastfeeding and parentcraft. I think even if you miss this the lactation consultant will sure teach you on the breastfeeding after you deliver. Your hubby can learn how to take care baby from the confinement lady.

I google internet on the sticking of cervix, some studies actually show that this procedure may not prevent preterm labour, may be that's why doctor did not want to do this for you.

Great that your in laws come your house for the re-union dinner, at least you would feel better and can still celebrate with your families this CNY

Till now your urine test did not show any glucose present right? Did you ask doctor Loh why must do this OGTT test?

Great that he extended your hospitalisation leave all the way, then you can set your boss expectation right from now and can really have good rest at home.

You must also think positive at this time. Keep thinking you can make it and tahan long long. Then subconsiously you will try to make it. Don't give up so easily even after you reach 28 weeks ok. As far as possible, try not to deliver until you reach 36 weeks. If babies small they would stay in icu for quite sometimes after the delivery. The cost will also very high, some more you are having twins. Luckily for IVF, we bought the insurance for this to cover partial cost. You may want to consider the lower class of wards (i think minimum is B1 class for TPS patient, not sure can request C class from dr loh or not), as all the procedures and icu cost also depending on the class of ward you choose. If financially you are fine, then sure not a problem on the class of ward.

Not sure if parent annouced delivery of babies afer discharge or after delivery. So far, those ppl around me all gives birth near full terms le.

Regarding the cordblood, thanks for your opinion. I am still thinking le. Anyway I have until 9 Feb to make the decision, as that's the last day of promotion. I will discuss again with hubby and decide later
Hi ladies,
Happy "Niu" year to all of you.
so happy to hear that ms hae has delivered. Im into my week 35 now and looking forward to see them. Feeling so tired and heavy nowadays, cant stand or walk too long. No mood for cny ths yr. gynae also adised minimal visiting for me.

you must guai guai stay at home. rest as much as possible for the sake of your 2 little precious. must keep them inside you longer. our womb are free and better environment for them to stay in. if you are bored can read on some parenting books. its quite interesting and informative.
Hi Cale,
Yes, am happy that at least their weight got increased

Oh ya, tats wat doc loh say oso, he say that contractions will shorten the cervix. Urmm, i just started increasing the med frequency, so dun know abt the effectiveness yet, will monitor and update you again.

Oh ya, talk abt breasfeeding, wonder if its too late if i ask the nurses to teach me after delivery hor...but guess now i oso bo bian.

I oso did some reading on the cervix stitch, they mentioned that even after stitch oso no guarantee, in fact it may sometimes cause infection or bursting of amniotic sac.

Ya loh, at least they dun mind coming over, else oso the 2 of them oni. Now cannot go out, but cny would still try to wear nice nice even at home, to make myself feels better heehee...

Ya, till now your urine glucose is negative but doc loh oni say still must do...i read that usually doc recommend to do OGTT cos if sugar level high, babies would be affected (eg increase in jaundice, hypoglycaemic, breathing problem etc when deliver), more so for multiples.
oh, forgot to mentioned that my BP abit higher yest, but doc loh say no limbs swelling and not much weight increase so shld be ok.

I did sms my supervisor and told her liao, but i think she is more or less prepared already since my admission. Anyway, i really shut down 90% of my mind on work liao keke....

Thanks for your encouragement, i will try to be positive. I will tahan as long as possible cos i know that delivering early is really pitiful for the babies....

oh, tat day doc loh took the effort to went thru with us the cost of icu and said that the ivf daily insurance coverage is actually not enough to cover the full 1 day icu charge. We oso asked him abt the wd class and would he not see us if we go subsidised (cos tats wat the kk24hrs told us on my previous admission). Doc loh they are talking nonsense and that he will see all his patients no matter wat class they are, cos he understands the enormous cost we had to bear in case of complications. He even encouraged us to take the lowest class, or if really want aircon, then B2+ is the highest of subsidiesd and its 5-bedded. He oso say he will see his patients even at 12mn if his clinic finishes late. So i think its really reassuring loh.

Actually i wana PM and ask mrs teng as i thot she delivered early, but i read thru the previous posting and she actually deliver at 34wks, so not so premmies oso. Ok, nvr mind i shall not aimed so early, i shld aimed at least 32-34wks!

Ya, think thru the cordblood thing, can ask doc loh for his opinion, i think he can helps you make a more informed decision.

hi yck,
Thank you

Yes, jia you, you have come so far, good for you!
Yup, i will be good and stay home. Haha...tats a good one, our womb is really a free and better environment for the babies now
Me now very sian to read the books, had put them aside, cos i now realised tat most impt is here and now. Amyway i prefer to surf net for immediate related issues.
Hi Maykel,

Yes, hope by increasing the med frequency, no more painful contraction

If I not mistaken, it's standard procedure that the hospital will arrange a lactation consultant to guide you if you choose to breastfeed le. Don't worry, if you don't see them coming to you, may be can just ask the nurse.

Likely doctor may ask me to do the OGTT test too in future visits, since my glucose level increase in my urine. Quite suprise that he didn't comment anything on this or order this test for me.

That's means if you want to go for C class, still can har? I thought for TPS patient, the minimal class of wards to choose is B2 and above. He is really nice hor, may be can do some special arrangement for you to save cost. Actually I am thinking after the delivery of the babies, dr loh will only take care of mum right? For babies, there are another team of doctor who will take care of them?

Yes, you are right. Think positive, aim for at least 34 weeks! With the help of medicine and complete bed rest, i know you can tahan till then. Jia you hor.
hi Cale,
i think with the increased med, the contractions is not much lesser, however, can c that their frequency timing are not so close already. But i'm not sure if its a side effect of nifedipine, cos i got very bad palpitations and shortness of breathe since pm, feel very terrible. Oso got whole body pain suddenly, sianz...

oic...ok thanks, i nvr thot tat can learn after delivery, so kan cheong hehe....
Mayb you can ask doc loh on the OGTT if you feel more assured after taking the test.

Ya, doc loh say go C class oso can, as long as we are his patients, he will see us and do delivery for us, so nice hor? Yup, i think the babes would be taken care by the neonatal team initially then by the paediatrician. I wanted to ask him tat day but forgot, hope can get a gd team for the babes.
Thanks, i will jia you, really just hope my cervix can tahan.

hi ladies,
These 2 days i got a bad metal taste in my mouth no matter wat i eat or drink, until i lost my appetite greatly. Does anyone oso experienced this? Any idea how to make it better?
I guess these few days oni i very free to keep posting cos can't go out hehe....Hope you gals enjoy the CNY.
hi maykel,
yup, i too admire her for her courage. not easy carrying one, what more triplets. and to have them pass the required timeline to be healthy babies.. hmm no joke! but i'm sure despite the toughness of the pregnancy and labour of it all, she's probably the happiest person with her babies around her.

meantime, i see that you're going through some tough challenges. but know that you've got support and don't let any negative feelings get to you. get as much rest and don't ponder into things so much.. you need to ease your mind and relax.. its probably hard but it'll help you a little at least.. take care of yourself yeah?

hi cale,
yup, she must be.. but i think still in recovering mode. hope to hear from her soon..

hi ladies,
i've reached the 30 weeks mark.. and i'm super excited. although the aches and pains of 3rd tri are definitely showing themselves now.. i'm trying to not think about it by concentrating on baby's nursery. i read online on the pregnancy calendar, and i had to smile to myself when they say, congratulations i've reached the single digit number of weeks before the finishing line. never thought of it that way, but yup, its countdown time.. hehe..

baby's been great interacting with me. whenever she moves, i talk to her.. calling her name(yeah came up with it awhile back), when i kinda 'hugged' my tummy putting both my hands on it, she is sort of soothed and stopped her kicking. she's especially active when there's noise around.. since i'm teaching, can't help the noise level whenever i'm in school. lol..

well, its almost finishing line for several ladies.. i wish all of you all the luck.. and don't forget to update your progress too yeah?! hehe..
Hi Merlenna,
haha...you are right

Thanks for your encouragement, I will tahan, hope that my cervix can tahan as long as possible too...
I think every wk we are counting down, i'll be 26wks in 2 days, by then i'll have abt 4wks b4 i reach ur stage, think crossing the 28wks would be a great milestone for me...Yes, we must hang in there! Take good care and dun get too tired
Hi Maykel,

I found some info on the nifedipine from the link below:

Looks like it could be a result of drug overdose after you increase the nifedipine intake. The unusually fast or slow of heartbeat is a more severe side effect according to the website and required immediate medical attention. I would advise you to email Dr Loh on this? If he did not reply, may be call the KKH ask-a-nurse number to ask for advise?

He is indeed nice. I think if not for doctor's intervention on this, we could not opt for class below B1.

Regarding the care of the neonatal, I am sure it would be handled by a team of good doctors as baby in ICU required doctor to be more expert than normal pediatrician and KKH have the best facilities in term of caring of preterm baby. Don't worry about that ya.

Understand from your previous posting, you are looking for mummies who are having preterm babies to ask for opinions on timing to inform relatives/frens after baby born right. You may want to ask from the ladies in this thread. It's a premature baby support group.
Hi Merlenna,
So fast you are in your 30 weeks
. Your baby is very active and cute, still can interact with you, the feeling is so wondering right. Another 10 more weeks to go, you take good care of yourself and keep us updated on your progress ya
Hi Cale,
Thanks so muhch for the links. I've read the link on nifedipine, but i didn't thot that the breathelessness need to seek med help.
I just called KK dial a nurse b4 i read ur posting. But that is cos i have diarrhoea for 3 days already and the spasms are really bad and my contractions are painful, had abt 22-25 contractions each day since Sun. The nurse advised me to go KK now cos she more worried abt the contractions. Think now bo bian, i try to tahan dun go but now think i better get ready to go. Guess i'm worried they won't discharge me this time round if i'm admitted...hiaz, will try to keep you gals posted.
Hi Maykel,
how are you doing these few days of CNY? Hope you are feeling good at home and having relaxing and happy times still.

May I ask you what contractions feel like? From mild one to very great contractions, how do they differ? I have been feeling quite uncomfortable every night during sleep, my tummy are quite tight many times and then become very uncomfortable at times. It feels like I am having indigestion, but it is not, my tummy has been so tight that I feel a bit painful when I sleep on either side, really make me cant sleep well.
Hi Maykel,
Could the diarrhoe due to the side effect of the medicine? Hope you can pull through and all right now. If really bo bian, better admit and let them monitor for you ok, don't risk it. Keep us posted ya.

Hi Bliss,
When you experiece the tightening of tummy, do you only feel painful when you sleep on either side? If you sit or lying flat, would you feel pain as well? My guess is that if it's the contraction pain, you would feel pain irregardless of your position when the tummy is tightening. If only certain position that caused the pain, it may not be due to the contraction.
ya ya, I do feel pain regardless of whatever position. But then I usually have been feeling a lot such discomfort during sleep and I sleep on my sides, so I wonder if it has anything to do with my sleeping positions.
When you are feeling the pain, do you also experience the tummy tightening at the same time? Would the pain go away after your tummy relax?

My guess is if you feel pain even after tummy relax, likely not due to contraction.
For painful contraction, it should be tightening + pain at the same time.

When are you seeing doctor again? Better check with her again when you see her during your next visit.
happy OX year!

do anyone here feel like your joints are loosening, esp hip joints in early pregnancy?

it's suppose to be common from late 2nd/3rd tri onwards, but in early pregnancy? anyone else face this - does it get better thru the pregnancy? or get worse?

i'm concerned cos it's getting hard to get up after sitting for 10min, and keep losing my balance and now is only week 9.
hi ladies,

i am new here. i just did my ivf last nov and currently pregnant with twins. i am now 11 weeks. just wanna check with u ladies, i dun have much symptoms except very very mild nausea and vomiting only since week 6. vomiting is only in the morning and sometimes at night only. i tot having twins will have greater symptoms but not me. should i be worried or count my blessing? sometimes i am so worried that the bbs are not growing well enough..

thanks for the advice in advance and happy chinese new year!!
jus got my member card from spring maternity.
can get $175 off cord blood banking enrolment fee if with stemcord. jus dunno transferable or not leh...
me will be donating cord blood to hospital...
Hi, ladies!

I have safely given birth to my triplets last wednesday, 21st January 2009. I was 35weeks and 2days pregnany. It was my 1st and hopefully my last C-Sect. LOL! My girls came out 1 minute apart at 12.56pm, 12.57pm and 12.58pm. I was given Epidural and Spinal. My husband was with me the entire time and even managed to record the birth video bravely. Hehehe.

My first 2 girls were about 2kg each and the youngest one is about 1.7kg. All are doing fine and all looked different from each other. Best of all, all3 have dimples, just like my husband.

My 2nd daughter has graduated to the Nursery while the eldest and youngest are still in the NNU for low birth weight. They are bucking up pretty fast and are improving in their sucking reflexes. I am also currently making daily trips to visit, talk and hold the 3 of them, breastfeed the 2nd one and give my EBM to the other 2.

I also just had my staples taken out today. a total of 21 of them and had a surprising news while i was at the clinic. weighed myself and i lost ALL the 16kg of weight that i gained and as of today, i'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight.

to all, do hold on and soon, you'll have your bundle of joy! i can't help but think of my babies the whole time. something like an addiction and i don't mind making daily trips to nuh back and forth just so i can see, talk and hold them.

now i'm still resting and trying to buck up on improving my breast milk to i can give to all 3.

btw, happy Chinese New Year to all too!
ms hae,
wow. big big congrats! it must be a touching moments to hold the princesses in your arms. your babies are of good weight for triplets. does it differ alot from the estimated weight through the scans?

very fast hor, it seems like yesterday you just got pregnant, now you delivered liao.

is yours an emergency or scheduled c-section?

have a good rest.
Dear Miss Hae,

congrats dear! So happy for you! What a feat! Pls take care of yourself now and have a good confinement period. Take care!
Miss Hae, congratulations! Wonderful news
so happy for you. Best wishes to you and your family this new year.

Maykel, praying for you, hope you are feeling better. Take care, k.
hey ju

wondering if it's becos of too much bed rest, so the muscles and joints are shaky.

how was yr CNY?

we stayed over at in laws place the past few days, now back home. easily tired and super moody.
Hi babymaking,

I'm only in my 4 weeks close to 5th week. I'm already having pelvic back bone pain. Its not a sharp pain . Its arching pain , kind of sour sour pain. Never had such pain before. I feel it especially when I get out of bed. Going to ask Dr loh on my next visit.

Hi ms hae,

Any ladies here in eary pregnancy. Have you all experience any ms?
Hi mariayee,

I'm also quite worried by this nausea sympton. Totally nothing. Don't know whether to be happy or worried. I'm only in my 4 weeks plus close to 5th week. Congrats to your twins.
Hi mariayee/Kaira,
Congrats and welcome. I did not experience much morning sickness too. So far, i only vomited once at night time during my first trimester. Don't worry too much, as long as no bleeding or spotting, you baby should be growing well.
I also experience very bad pain around week 5 - week 6. I can feel the pain when I walk and shifting my position. However, got better after 1 week. Hopefully your back pain will get better soon.

Hi Miss Hae,
Congrats! Really so happy for you. Finally you able to see your babies. Can imagine how cute are you babies with the dimples
. If you don't mind post your baby photo to share with us when you are ready

Hi Maykel,
Pray that you are ok. Please take lots of care.
hi josephine,

hi cale,
thanks for reply.. feel much better to hear that.

hi kaira,
congrats to u too!! maybe you r still early now. my m/s started only when i am in the 6th week. i am also having pelvic back bone pain too now. it hurts when i walk or when changing sleeping position. when i stretch my right leg, there are some popping sound too. hopefully we will get better soon!!
Ms Hae,
CONGRATS!! Really wonderful to hear such happy news here! Very happy for you.

Your babies are very adorable from your descriptions!
So good that you have lost all the extra weight from pregnancy so fast!

Btw, your hubby was allowed to stay in the operating room when you are having the C section? The doc allowed huh?
Hope all your babies will be home with you very very soon and you can see them every minute then

What are the gender of all your babies?
What was it like before you delivered? Can share?

I am not sure about my tummy tightening. Sometimes the pain and tightening are together, sometimes they are not. I will be seeing Dr Sadhana tomorrow, will probably ask her about it. Thanks for sharing.

I am feeling a bit moody these days, have been unhappy with my hubby. Actually long story lah, something to do with MIL. I really dislike my hubby for being 'too filial' and everytime must care this and that for his mother until so busy! I am frustrated especially lately and even had a bad dream about that this morning. I scolded him fiercely and vented all my frustations and anger in the dream and even wanted to divorce him. Sigh... I hate the dream, but I know it was kind of way that I need to vent my unhappiness.

kaira, mariayee,
welcome to the thread. Congrats on your pregnancies!

Mariayee, it is not a must to have lots of morning sickness in a healthy pregnancy. This really depends on individuals, different women respond differently to hormonal changes. It does not necessarily mean babies are growing well or not. So do not worry about this. It is important to know that your babies are doing fine from your doc's examination. If babies are healthy, then you should be happy that you are not suffering from so much morning sickness.

I started feeling loose joints since week 13, and got bones and muscle aching very easily. For my case, it is mostly on my arms and thighs. My doc said that it is ok due to hormonal changes, nothing much can be done. Just try to relax and distract yourself to other happy things so that you will not feel too much of the discomforts.

Take care. Do seek your doc's advice if your pain is too much.
Hi mariayee,
dun worry abt the symptoms. As long as the babies ok then you shouldn't be worry. ^_^

Hi juju,
Which spring maternity did you go? amk?

Hi Kaira,
Hehehehe. Busy surveying baby stuff (what to buy, budget n brand) hehehe... ^_^
Happy to see you here.

Hi Maykel,
Rest well and extra carefull. ^_^
Hi jo,
You must be very excited hoh .. heehee

Hi bliss,
Thaks for your welcome.

Hi mariayee,
Ya. Hope our pain will go away soon
Have you seen yr bb hearbeat?

Hi cale,
Thks for your advice. Hope will be like you little ms and pain will go away in a weeks time
looks like joint pain is pretty common even in early pregnancy - i was reading some pregnancy books and none of them mentioned early pregnancy joint pain, so thought something wrong :p

esp so when i had a spot of bleeding at week 6-7 and MS symptoms totally disappeared. was put on extra progesterone and bedrest since then, and now with no MS, can't even tell if beanie is still there.

even though we had another scan on early week 9, somehow am not assured that beanie will still be there at next week scan.

funny thing is we gone thru so much effort to get pregnant, and now when it's a reality, it just seems so surreal.
hi bliss, josephine
thanks for the advice. yes, i think i should be happy that i dun suffer much from m/s. should stop myself thinking of all those negative things... thanks again..

yes i can c the bbs heartbeat since week 6. during my last scan which was week 10, i can see them swimming around and one is waving h/she while the other one is like kicking around. so amazing and funny watching them.. haha..

yeah, i think most of us here suffered from some joint pain. i also have bleeding during my week 9 and was so scared. my dr actually already told me beforehand that i may experience bleeding cos when i went for a scan during week 6, there was a possibility of a 3rd bb but not very obvious and may not make it. and true enough, the 3rd day after seeing him i experienced bleeding. most probably was the 3rd one detaching. was put on extra jabs for a week too.

i agreed that i think becos our pregnancy are so hard to get, it was much more precious and we will tend to worry and so careful about the tiniest symptoms..
hope you are doing well these days. Guess you are probably admitted to hospital as there is no postings from you since Tuesday. Take extra care and really hope everything is ok.
yes, amk hub branch. if u dun hv member card yet or dun hv enuff purchase amt, u can get card from me

Kaira / Mariayee,
i also din hv much nausea in 1st tri. jus a bit when i eat too full/eat oily food/brush teeth, etc.
recently start nausea again (26 wks), worse than 1st tri kind.
Hi mariayee, babymaking
So cute yr babies. Which gynae are you seeing? I'm have also become very careful. Totally have no mood for shopping. Just wanna stay hme and do bed rest. Worried if walk too much , will affect.. Really treasure it especially after trying so hard.

Hi juju,
I hope ms will stay far away from me..
26 wks still very far for me.. heehee You take any powder milk. I'm want to manage my weight, so thinking whether to take . Actually I quite like fresh milk .
i'm taking anmum powder milk & meiji fresh milk at home. on the go, i usu take 1 pack of marigold milk. also, 1 packet of anlene concentrated milk.
to manage weight, jus try to take more healthy food & hv small meals
Miss Hae,

Congrats!!! My tears almost rolled down when i read your post... My goodness.. Your babies are of such perfect and healthy weight... You are such a lucky mama....

So far gynae already confirmed 2 boys and 1 more gender cannot confirm... They are already starting to kick now.. Cannot imagine they are progressing so fast.. but the worse news i got was that the twins may be having TTTS.. so im rather worried now... Guess you must be very busy now taking care of your trio... So how many days are they in NNU and whats that? Is that NICU? And how long they need to be in hospital?
i'm seeing sf loh at the TPS, anyone else following through with him for delivery?

still considering whether to follow through with him fior delivery at KKH. do anyone know what's sf loh's stance on natural delivery/+- epi or c-section?

oh yeah, will be doing oscar test middle of next mth, any one knows how much it cost at KKH?
thanks bliss

that's a very useful link. answered all my queries about OSCAR test.

now for my next qn, anyone knows what's SF Loh's stance on delivery?

hmm can one change gynae at any point of pregnancy, or better to stick with one gynae thru out?
Hi Ladies,
Just spoken to Maykel and doing a short update on behalf of her. She was admitted to KKH on Tue. She is feeling better today, and may have chance to discharge tomorrow. Let's pray for her.

Miss Hae,
Congratulations to you in becoming mother of triplets. So happy for you =D

Hang on girl. Try to rest more dun think about work and not too worry too much too. Try to relax and listen to soothing music. You will be ok. Your twins will be healthy after what u have gone thru to have this babies. May God bless us all!!!
