IVF/ICSI Support Group

Who's possibly cycling in nov/dec/jan (Fresh or FET)? Any cycle buddies? I am hoping to do a fresh in Dec but really no motivation to get in shape!!

Need some buddies to cheer together as i down my Conceive Well, immunocal, Vits, TCM, say No No to my favourite Teh C, brave myself to go for the intralipid thingy ...

Who's possibly cycling in nov/dec/jan (Fresh or FET)? Any cycle buddies? I am hoping to do a fresh in Dec but really no motivation to get in shape!!

Need some buddies to cheer together as i down my Conceive Well, immunocal, Vits, TCM, say No No to my favourite Teh C, brave myself to go for the intralipid thingy ...
Ron, could be me. I am waiting for my af to come, do D&C mid oct and nov should be able to do my FET if nothing goes wrong again. We will have our no. 2 the same age again!!!

But after my ER, on the day itself, my hub started to buy me milk tea everyday and i had been drinking coke recently which i had not been fancy about it :O
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Sorry to hear that anamika87. All the waiting but the embies didn't cooperate....

I like dr Sadhana because she is very experienced and straight to the point. However if you ask me, I will try another doc for future rounds because i believe sometimes a change of hands can make all the difference. Not dr sadhana fault!

But personally for me i have no intention to see another ivf doc anymore after this coming FET.
Yes redvel it's not her fault. She planned something different from my 1st cycle so want to try with her one more time.

We decided strongly not to give up untill we see our baby in arms. Try try try until hb run out of $$ and me out of energy.
so i will try with her this time still things don't work i will change.

i am so impressed of her. She spoke to me for almost 10 mins thru phone, explained and ask me so many questions about last cycle and present health condition.
I also have to be prepared on the possibility that my frosties may fail the thaw. Whichever way, we will stop there.

Anamika87 go go go! Your perseverance will bring you good news.
Ron, i am definitely going to do my FET by this year or Jan latest. Unsure when because trying to rebuild my body as i felt weaker from IVF#2. Also need to adjust my mindset to be more positive. Have not decided. ;)
Sorry to hear that anamika87. All the waiting but the embies didn't cooperate....

I like dr Sadhana because she is very experienced and straight to the point. However if you ask me, I will try another doc for future rounds because i believe sometimes a change of hands can make all the difference. Not dr sadhana fault!

But personally for me i have no intention to see another ivf doc anymore after this coming FET.
I would ask abt the experience of the embryologist as well. He/she is the doctor who takes care of the little embryos. Ivf doctor is important for medicine management but I want a doctor who is experienced in the lab too. Just my 2 cents.
I'm doing the egg collection this Saturday and I pray that the embryologist take extraordinary good care of my eggs. I cannot afford to have bad results of they screw up cause I won't have that many and will be freezing all. Pushing out all the 'what ifs' and staying positive.
Good point chuckles. I have a handful of friends who bfped under kkh (different ivf docs). My sis is one of them. That's why I choose kkh. (And also I wasn't prepared to pay pte hospital fee la).
I'm doing the collection and transfer at sincere. Right now, the follicles don't seem to grow well despite having 5 different jabs. Cost wise, even the doctor is concerned for me. But what to do? Cannot stop halfway right? I won't travel the next few years and start saving again after this. Hehe...
2. Redvel
3. Star.star
4. Anamika87
5. Rachelt
6. Ashkea
8. chunkles
9. Peaches21
10. baby_sparkles
11. mesara
12. pigletlyn
13. acadia
15. Oceangal
16. the_fruitful_one
17. Meilingg
18. littlems
19. Straw
20. Enchanted

Hi ladies, I'm with kkh. Failed my first fresh in July this year, no frosties. I will begin my second fresh in Jan 2015. Best of luck to all of us!
Hi all... im panicking now coz i had a spotting today -day10 after my ET on 1 sept. Its a brown colour blood spot & theres some blood clog during shower.Should I be worried? Am having the blood test on next coming Monday.
Letmebmama, dont panic yet. Brown blood could be old blood from ER or ET abrasion. It taked some time for blood to travel out.

Stay positive. Still in the game until AF comes.. even then, some do hv miracle positive BT!
Hi all... im panicking now coz i had a spotting today -day10 after my ET on 1 sept. Its a brown colour blood spot & theres some blood clog during shower.Should I be worried? Am having the blood test on next coming Monday.

I would suggest that u do a hpt. 10pt may give u an indication if u r pregnant. If u see a faint line or detect 'pregnant' on digital pregnancy kit, pls go to hospital or pte gynae n ask for bhcg test n support.

Spotting n staining may be implantation bleed but it may also be sign of a pregnancy that our body cannot support well due to low progesterone.

I detected my pregnancy on 9dp3dt with low bhcg of 25. Went to pte gynae for bhcg test n proluton jab and duphaston.
Hi Connie, thanks! Today is 5dpd5t and I'm not experiencing any symptoms so a little worried too... But I know I shouldn't read too much into it. Hee :b Jiayou to u too. Has your hubby tried taking supplements like CoQ10 or Pycnogenol? Heard these may help with "soldier" issues. But it is also alot to do with lifestyle change like exercise, diet, etc.
Littleems,5d is still too early to tell,remain positive. Yes he has been on zinc,cq10,L-creatine,vitc,vit e etc in e multivits. He dun smoke,drink n we go jogging once a week. Just try our best n leave it to e 1 up there le.
Jiayou to u! :)

Who's possibly cycling in nov/dec/jan (Fresh or FET)? Any cycle buddies? I am hoping to do a fresh in Dec but really no motivation to get in shape!!

Need some buddies to cheer together as i down my Conceive Well, immunocal, Vits, TCM, say No No to my favourite Teh C, brave myself to go for the intralipid thingy ...

Me... Trying for our first fresh
I started taking the supplements like immunocal and concieve well gold in dec 13 to prepare for my 1st cycle in jan 14. Immunocal can be purchased from OG or order direct from Fung & Co. It is a whey protein that can help the building blocks in our body. I took it for general health n also to help with the growth of eggs during stimulation and prevention of ohss during the 2ww.

I added on royal jelly with CQ10, tcm herbs and acupuncture in Feb after i failed first cycle. Royal jelly is to help with quality of eggs. Tcm n acupuncture is to help balance my body n improve my womb condition to make it conducive for bb to implant n grow.

I do believe that some of these supplements and treatments may hv helped in improving the general health of my body and womb as i never had a cough or sore throat or feel unwell in those months.

For cycle 2, i also had intralipid treatment done to suppress my immunity so as to help with implantation. I also had an additional saizen jabs ordered by ivf dr to help with quantity of eggs.

I had more eggs extracted and 100% more of the useable ones made it to fertilisation n transfers compared to first cycle.

Can take the conceive well, royal jelly with cq10.? Any brands of royal jelly and cq10 will do? I took immunocal b4 but can't really swallow it. Haha.. I think I read someone says can drink with orange juice.

Oh,I think can get immonocal from Ncc also. I got mine from there some time ago. I think I also poor egg quality. Fail last July, with 6 retrieve and 1 fertilized due to not matured enough. :S
Littleems,5d is still too early to tell,remain positive. Yes he has been on zinc,cq10,L-creatine,vitc,vit e etc in e multivits. He dun smoke,drink n we go jogging once a week. Just try our best n leave it to e 1 up there le.
Jiayou to u! :)

Connie, Remember to take more water.... both u & HB
Actually hubby has been quite slack after we know we are doing FET next since his army is not "needed" anymore. Lucky him!

I'm still continuing my prenatal multivits, EPO, royal jelly, fish oil, calcium.

And I'm so jealous the Duchess is expecting her 2nd! I want to be Duchess in next life. No stress... just make babies. Haa.
Thanks mosburger for e pointers! Can share which tcm he goes to?

Joy_meme,kkh do not give er (with photo) n embryo culture (with photo) reports uh,then wat they give..
Or is this e same practise for nuh too?

NUH gave the fertilised embryo photo to me after ET. I did most of pre-ivf lab tests at sgh which gave a copy of my hb's lab report to me. When I transferred to NUH, I did not need to pay for the transfer of reports as they can access my sgh medical records. I didn't get my ivf report. Not sure if it is due to a successful attempt though. I did my scans at NUH Fetal Care Centre, so I can take a look at follicle scan report before passing to my dr.
I would suggest that u do a hpt. 10pt may give u an indication if u r pregnant. If u see a faint line or detect 'pregnant' on digital pregnancy kit, pls go to hospital or pte gynae n ask for bhcg test n support.

Spotting n staining may be implantation bleed but it may also be sign of a pregnancy that our body cannot support well due to low progesterone.

I detected my pregnancy on 9dp3dt with low bhcg of 25. Went to pte gynae for bhcg test n proluton jab and duphaston.

I will Portia. Thanks... today I got up to pee, seems like the spotting is now a light period alike with some bits n pieces... Hubby n i kinna keeping a positive mind about it n accept the fact if this round we didn't make it..

But like u suggested, I will still buy a pregy test ...

Can I ask.. did anyone go traveling after 3 days of ET? We don't live in sg, therefore after 3days, we went to Thailand. Then straight to sydney frm sg.. did alot of walking around too... could it be the reason??
Littleems,5d is still too early to tell,remain positive. Yes he has been on zinc,cq10,L-creatine,vitc,vit e etc in e multivits. He dun smoke,drink n we go jogging once a week. Just try our best n leave it to e 1 up there le.
Jiayou to u! :)


Thank you connie_hopeful.... best of luck to you too... Jia you xoxo
I will Portia. Thanks... today I got up to pee, seems like the spotting is now a light period alike with some bits n pieces... Hubby n i kinna keeping a positive mind about it n accept the fact if this round we didn't make it..

But like u suggested, I will still buy a pregy test ...

Can I ask.. did anyone go traveling after 3 days of ET? We don't live in sg, therefore after 3days, we went to Thailand. Then straight to sydney frm sg.. did alot of walking around too... could it be the reason??

I had light spotting that turned bright red with clots on 10dp3dt after i tested bfp on various brands and types of hpt a day before. So, again, bleeding does not mean u r not pregnant. It just means that you need medical support to save the pregnancy. I bled for more than a week after that.

Recently, dr told me that it was possible that my bleeding in the early days could be due to miscarriage of 1 embbie. And since it was early, they may not hv detected the sac at that point.

I did not travel but i did a fair bit of walking on 4dp3dt...
I will Portia. Thanks... today I got up to pee, seems like the spotting is now a light period alike with some bits n pieces... Hubby n i kinna keeping a positive mind about it n accept the fact if this round we didn't make it..

But like u suggested, I will still buy a pregy test ...

Can I ask.. did anyone go traveling after 3 days of ET? We don't live in sg, therefore after 3days, we went to Thailand. Then straight to sydney frm sg.. did alot of walking around too... could it be the reason??
Letmebmama, for non-IVFers, after conception, they don't sit around for 2ww. Life goes on - they run, jog, chase their kids, carry heavy stuff. If the embbie is meant to implant and body ready to receive, it will happen regardless of what we do, i believe.

As IVFers we do get a lot more support to boost any chances but if the embbie was strong enough it would hv made it.

Hang in there and a hpt will give you some preperatory answers. as they always say, hope for the best but prepare for the worst. good luck
Anyone here have tried pregnancy kit during 2ww. I'm on day 6 after transfer and I wonder if I should give it a try or wait for day 10. The last ivf I got a bfp on day 10. Slight implantation bleeding on day 7. This fet now so far no symptoms at all! I know I wouldn't believe anything until ultrasound. Just trying the preg kit for fun.

Clomid x3 failed
1st ivf failed transfered 2 poor grade embies
2nd ivf double dosage- transfered 2 best embies out of 9 embryos. 7 frozen. Sucessful ivf with twin fraternal girls now they are 4yo
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In ER melb Geelong now.. well suppose to be on holiday.. than the spotting happen, thought it could be ok but it get heavier last night n this morning... therefore decided to go for checkup after reading Portia suggestions which hubby n I agreed not to take a risk..

Waiting for bloodtest now. Dr did mentioned it could be too early but will give it a try. Shall update all in 1 hr time...
I'm doing the egg collection this Saturday and I pray that the embryologist take extraordinary good care of my eggs. I cannot afford to have bad results of they screw up cause I won't have that many and will be freezing all. Pushing out all the 'what ifs' and staying positive.
Good luck to you. Xoxo
Hi ladies, my fresh transfer is tomorrow. Just got the call that I have 6 embies that made it to d2. Trying to decide if we should transfer one or two. Would be grateful for opinions. Thank you so much!
Who's possibly cycling in nov/dec/jan (Fresh or FET)? Any cycle buddies? I am hoping to do a fresh in Dec but really no motivation to get in shape!!

Need some buddies to cheer together as i down my Conceive Well, immunocal, Vits, TCM, say No No to my favourite Teh C, brave myself to go for the intralipid thingy ...

I'm might go for 2nd cycle in oct /now if this time didn't work out..
Which hospital you're with? I'm with KKIVF under Dr. Sadhana.
Can take the conceive well, royal jelly with cq10.? Any brands of royal jelly and cq10 will do? I took immunocal b4 but can't really swallow it. Haha.. I think I read someone says can drink with orange juice.

Oh,I think can get immonocal from Ncc also. I got mine from there some time ago. I think I also poor egg quality. Fail last July, with 6 retrieve and 1 fertilized due to not matured enough. :S

Yes, i took concieve well n honeyworld royal jelly with cq10 from japan. But if u hv pcos, u can't take royal jelly.

I mix my immunocal with ensure milk in a shaker. Easier to mix n drink.
In ER melb Geelong now.. well suppose to be on holiday.. than the spotting happen, thought it could be ok but it get heavier last night n this morning... therefore decided to go for checkup after reading Portia suggestions which hubby n I agreed not to take a risk..

Waiting for bloodtest now. Dr did mentioned it could be too early but will give it a try. Shall update all in 1 hr time...

All the best and good luck!
I'm might go for 2nd cycle in oct /now if this time didn't work out..
Which hospital you're with? I'm with KKIVF under Dr. Sadhana.
Hi i think it's good to break 2-3 months Before your next attempt? But is your next ivf a fresh or FET? I did my 2nd fresh on the 3rd month. However end year kkivf is closed.
I'm with Dr Sadhana too.
In ER melb Geelong now.. well suppose to be on holiday.. than the spotting happen, thought it could be ok but it get heavier last night n this morning... therefore decided to go for checkup after reading Portia suggestions which hubby n I agreed not to take a risk..

Waiting for bloodtest now. Dr did mentioned it could be too early but will give it a try. Shall update all in 1 hr time...

Oh I hope you don't have to do 2nd ivf. Good luck.
Hi all!

On my third fresh cycle after a one year break.
Had ER on Tues with 12 Eggs..
Supposed to do ET today but had 3 embryos, dr said we wait 2 days and see which embryos are progressing better then do a Day 4 transfer.. Now need to gan cheong another 2 days..

Jiayou everyone!
Hi ladies, my fresh transfer is tomorrow. Just got the call that I have 6 embies that made it to d2. Trying to decide if we should transfer one or two. Would be grateful for opinions. Thank you so much!

I would go for 2.

I transfered 2 grade 4 and now expecting a bb boy.
Hi ladies, my fresh transfer is tomorrow. Just got the call that I have 6 embies that made it to d2. Trying to decide if we should transfer one or two. Would be grateful for opinions. Thank you so much!

Hi, may I know how old are you?
I can transfer up to 3 embies and doc always tells me I should transfer max since my chance of all embies can implant is just too low for my age. I am 40s.

Nevertheless, even if I am half my age, I will also whack 2 embies. Ha come so far might as well right.
Thanks Portia and Redvel.

I'm 33 and this is my first fresh. We were convinced at the start to transfer one but the more I think about it the more I want to give us the best possible chance of success.
Peaches, I will transfer 2 as well. I always transfer 2. Doesn't mean it will all make it so better have more chances. I'm 34.

Hi i think it's good to break 2-3 months Before your next attempt? But is your next ivf a fresh or FET? I did my 2nd fresh on the 3rd month. However end year kkivf is closed.
I'm with Dr Sadhana too.
FET.. bcz we have 4. 3 was a day3 eggs.. n 1 was grade4 .. dunno wat that means.. all in total 4.
