IVF/ICSI Support Group

Thefruitfulone sorry i forgot your story if you have shared before. Have you done fresh transfer before? This is your first FET? My coming FET feels like a virgin ivf as it's my first frozen and everything is so different.

Yup i agree it's fate and luck. The right baby comes along to choose her parents :)

Thefruitfulone may i know if you will transfer ing d3 or blasto?
Hi d
Connie, i am having this exact issue w reduced AF. am 38 this year.

From my scans, noticable decline in my lining thickness. I changed to a new tcm for 6 months and he seemed to be able to get me closer to a 5 day (2 days heavy 2 days light) but volume is still greatly reduced compared to a few years ago.

in 2011, i did 3 fresh, lining btwn 11-13 for all cycles, around 18-20 eggs collected each cycle. I BFP 3rd fresh (35yo).

In 2013, multiple FET attempts abandoned due to lining issues.

In 2014, just BFN 4th fresh last Thurs with only 9 eggs collected My AF after BFN .ow is quite scant despite the meds supposed to plump up the endometrial lining. .

I believe it's age catching up and causing hormonal imbalances. Dun think there is a magic age number but we cld be heading the road of old age :( but i hope we still can BFP lah!!

14 eggs is still ok. What what your lining in your last fresh?

Hi Ron, which TCM did you go to? Does it help with the growing the lining? Mine is thin too and somehow not able to pump it up further. It's only 6mm on D15 of stimulation. Feeling so stress!
4. Anamika87
5. Rachelt
6. Ashkea
8. chunkles
9. Peaches21
10. baby_sparkles
11. mesara
12. pigletlyn
13. acadia
15. Oceangal
16. the_fruitful_one
17. Meilingg

Its sad to see so many pp on this list. Hope we can graduate from this list soon. Jiayou ladies!
To those who have answered to my reduced af question. Thank you.
1 question pop out of my head: do we need to exhaust e frosties -> as in ask to to throw away e frosties before can embark into a new fresh? Reason to ask this is in e event need to change an ivf centre, can e new centre start a new fresh or there is a law restriction saying u must use finish the frosties first before u do fresh?
@happy_mtb, did your doc prescribe estrogen patches or pill to pump up the lining? I think they are more concerned with triple lining. Do you have triple lining?
Happy_mtb: I think he did help. From 2days, after abt 4 menses cycle, I actually needed to wear a sanitary pad on d3 (sorry TMI but great progress for me :p) before i saw him i cld live w just liners by d3.. my lining was miserable in 2013-2014 before i started his meds.. scanning at 4mm, 6mm at d10 d12 and cancelled FETs.

This fresh my lining managed to get to 8.7mm triple layer on trigger day and dr Loh & I only worried abt under-stimming as we started a bit low (well, 400iu gonalF is "low" for me hahahaha) but he was happy w me lining growth thru the stim cycle & on transfer. I PM you his contact. His meds r expensive and i kena scolded each month that i am too kan cheong abt TTC so i havent been going diligently. ..
4. Anamika87
5. Rachelt
6. Ashkea
8. chunkles
9. Peaches21
10. baby_sparkles
11. mesara
12. pigletlyn
13. acadia
15. Oceangal
16. the_fruitful_one
17. Meilingg
18. littlems

Trying for #1 too. Just went for FET... Transferred 2 blasts. BT on 17 Sep. Hoping for the best this cycle. Anyone going for BT ard the same time too? All the best to the ladies on this list! Stay positive :) One day, we shall be mummies!
1 question pop out of my head: do we need to exhaust e frosties -> as in ask to to throw away e frosties before can embark into a new fresh? Reason to ask this is in e event need to change an ivf centre, can e new centre start a new fresh or there is a law restriction saying u must use finish the frosties first before u do fresh?

No law states must use frosties. I did 3 fresh eventho' i had 2 snowbabies from cycle1 and 3 from cycle 2.

Many reasons ppl do fresh instead of FET. For me we wanted 2 or 3 kids (hahaha what a big fat joke, right?). So i kept my "younger" eggs hoping i can come back to use them for #2. Plus i didnt hv too many and they weren't blast and posed a risk of having FET cancelled if embbies didnt survive thaw we made a decision to keep on going for fresh while i still had eggs. At that time i was 35yo so didnt want to waste time as we didnt hv v good eggs then.

The only time law applies on using frosties first is when you want to transfer 3 embbies after 37yo, I think.
No law states must use frosties. I did 3 fresh eventho' i had 2 snowbabies from cycle1 and 3 from cycle 2.

Many reasons ppl do fresh instead of FET. For me we wanted 2 or 3 kids (hahaha what a big fat joke, right?). So i kept my "younger" eggs hoping i can come back to use them for #2. Plus i didnt hv too many and they weren't blast and posed a risk of having FET cancelled if embbies didnt survive thaw we made a decision to keep on going for fresh while i still had eggs. At that time i was 35yo so didnt want to waste time as we didnt hv v good eggs then.

The only time law applies on using frosties first is when you want to transfer 3 embbies after 37yo, I think.
Snap! Great minds think alike. I hope to keep e younger eggs too (if i have any), as i also fat hope want to wish for 2 kids. One bad thg abt fresh is that its more xin ku compared to fet

Hi ron, that time dr loh cancelled yr fet halfway due to lining issues?
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2. Redvel
3. Star.star
4. Anamika87
5. Rachelt
6. Ashkea
8. chunkles
9. Peaches21
10. baby_sparkles
11. mesara
12. pigletlyn
13. acadia
15. Oceangal
16. the_fruitful_one
17. Meilingg
18. littlems
19. Straw

I am also trying no 1. Failed first fresh in january and give myself a long break while seeing tcm to improve my body condition. Transfered 2 embbies without implantation at all. After my ivf cycle my periid also shorter from 5 days to 3 days, also worried about this but now relief since sisters here still can bfp. Waiting my period in a few days to start medicated fet. Sisters, i am with nuh, and will start mercilon the contraceptive pill when my af report, can i still taking tcm medicine when i am in mercilon?
Hi anamika!

Hope everything is going well for u. Are u still seeing TSB?

It has been an eventful 20 weeks for me and i can finally relax a little after clearing my amnio test and detailed scan. Earlier scans showed bb as a gal but it's cfm that i am expecting a boy. No preference so long bb is healthy!

Hi portia,

I am doing FET this month dear. Actually things r not going as smooth as Wat I expect. Last month I prepared my self with intra lipids, endo scratch and tcm and was waiting eagerly to transfer my embiess. But on the day when I went for transfer doc explained me that all of my 4 embbies arrested there growth ( they tried to culture from day 2 to balst). Nothing was there to transfer. Really it was horrible. Still I have 3 frost embbies. Trying with them this month. Thursday is my ET. But I am not expecting much. Prepared for worst and keeping my thoughts to start 2nd fresh in the end of this year.

yes I am seeing tsb. I am so impressed of her meds. After taking them my periods became regular. Hb also have quality issues so want him to try her meds to improve.

really very happy for u dear. I know how u struggled to stable ur pregnancy. I was inspired by u dear. Don't think much about the tests and scannings definitely u will have a very healthy baby in ur arms.
wow so maby frosties. I retrieved 16 and only 3 made it. used 2 and was bfn. so left 1 precious frostie. doesnt matter how many its fertilised. important is whether its bfp a not.
Hi portia,

I am doing FET this month dear. Actually things r not going as smooth as Wat I expect. Last month I prepared my self with intra lipids, endo scratch and tcm and was waiting eagerly to transfer my embiess. But on the day when I went for transfer doc explained me that all of my 4 embbies arrested there growth ( they tried to culture from day 2 to balst). Nothing was there to transfer. Really it was horrible. Still I have 3 frost embbies. Trying with them this month. Thursday is my ET. But I am not expecting much. Prepared for worst and keeping my thoughts to start 2nd fresh in the end of this year.

yes I am seeing tsb. I am so impressed of her meds. After taking them my periods became regular. Hb also have quality issues so want him to try her meds to improve.

really very happy for u dear. I know how u struggled to stable ur pregnancy. I was inspired by u dear. Don't think much about the tests and scannings definitely u will have a very healthy baby in ur arms.
Very sad to hear arrested development. My balance embries also arrested development when they culture to day 6, n left with nothing.
I was on conceive well gold, immunocal, royal jelly with cq10, chinese TCM herbs and receiving acupuncture as well for my 2nd fresh with bfp.

First cycle, i took conceive well n immunocal only.
Hi! When did you start taking the supplements before your 2nd ivf? I also failed my 1st ivf a few yrs back. Do you think these supplements help in your bfp?
Why you take immunocal? Where to buy immunocal?
Hi pinkdoll :) yes, I'm doing acupuncture at Thomson Chinese Medicine for about 3mths before I did my 2nd round. Unfortunately didn't work... Maybe needs more time to tiao. Dr Loh said it's probably due to implantation failure as embryos looked good before ET. My big issue is PCOS... small issues are fibroid & polyps (which have been removed) and sometimes Dr Loh say my lining "not so good" but he also didn't diagnose me with endo... confused. Haha...

Hi connie_hopeful :) nope... Did all my IUI & IVF with Dr Loh. The next round will probably be my last try for awhile as IVF at Thomson is really ex w/o govt funding :( Praying very hard that the next round is successful.
Hi littleems, did dr loh help to remove e polyp for u or is done by other doc? He got comment lining not as good due to e proc? Is it a hysteroscopy polymetry procedure?
Hi ron, that time dr loh cancelled yr fet halfway due to lining issues?

Yes. I was w LC Cheng earlier when this FET journey started and we cancelled 4 attempts even on medicated cycles. Finally got to transfer at 7.5mm lining on a low stim dose. Then i had one cycle abandoned w SF Loh when i went back to TFC and we tried 2nd FET at 7.8mm. Both FET didnt make it.
Yes. I was w LC Cheng earlier when this FET journey started and we cancelled 4 attempts even on medicated cycles. Finally got to transfer at 7.5mm lining on a low stim dose. Then i had one cycle abandoned w SF Loh when i went back to TFC and we tried 2nd FET at 7.8mm. Both FET didnt make it.
Hugs..e feeling must be terrible..spend money n injections halfway then money go down to drain..silly ivf
Very sad to hear arrested development. My balance embries also arrested development when they culture to day 6, n left with nothing.

Yes heart paining when we prepare for transfer and at last no embbies. Doc said may be genetic issues. Suspected husband troops as they r not good quality.

Connie Wat was the reason for urs? Did u take any supplements for ur next cycle? Did the quality improved? I am thinking how I can make my embbies strong at least for next cycle.
Yes heart paining when we prepare for transfer and at last no embbies.

Doc said may be genetic issues. Suspected husband troops as they r not good quality.
Connie Wat was the reason for urs? Did u take any supplements for ur next cycle? Did the quality improved? I am thinking how I can make my embbies strong at least for next cycle.
mine,according to doc is e soldiers issues,hubby was born with little soldiers n poor quality to fertilise my egg. So i can only pray n hope that e embrylogist can pick up at least 1 good soldier to meet my egg n we live happily ever after with a little healthy bb. Sometimes i think i am dreaming an impossible dream,but i can only pray n hope.
now my another prob is kkh doc spotted i maybi got 0.4cm little polyp n adhesion lor. Kkh doc suggested to put camera in to confirm n if yes suggested removal. I seeking 2nd opinion this weekend to confirm before i decide wat to do. Its a challenging route for me n hubby to have wat friends think are simple ->having just 1 bb.

My this cycle me n hubby taking tsb herbs n i took conceive well . Not too sure if it helps as we didnt do any testing to confirm this.
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Yes heart paining when we prepare for transfer and at last no embbies. Doc said may be genetic issues. Suspected husband troops as they r not good quality.

Connie Wat was the reason for urs? Did u take any supplements for ur next cycle? Did the quality improved? I am thinking how I can make my embbies strong at least for next cycle.
If u suspect male issues,there are actually tests for this. Maybi u check with doc. I know 1 is called dna fragmentation n oxidation stress assembly test. Besides there are kyrotyping n microdeletion test. But if doc didnt ordered this test,maybi his is still ok. Get yr hubby to eat multivits. It helps some ladies hubby here to improve their spermies.
Not only gals must take multivits etc,guys need also. It takes 2 hands and a good womb to clap. All e best!!
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My opk turned positive tonight and good news is hubby is returning from reservist after lunch tomorrow. We have just set a date for me to get off work earlier to come home to BD in the afternoon. Try the "last" shot before our FET. Just try lor. :p

Ron, you had 4 cycles cancelled for FET? So sorry to hear that... it's such a pain.
Connie me too in same boat like u. My hbs quality also not good. Really its big challenge to us also as me with pcos and he with bad quality. However we pray for miracle and wish it can happen soon. We r also going to try tsb meds .

I wish, if u really have polyp it must vanish and very soon must have baby dust to spread.

Here some sisters mentioned about migrate q01 to improve sperm quality I am considering it for my husband. If u wish u can also try.
If u suspect male issues,there are actually tests for this. Maybi u check with doc. I know 1 is called dna fragmentation n oxidation stress assembly test. Besides there are kyrotyping n microdeletion test. But if doc didnt ordered this test,maybi his is still ok. Get yr hubby to eat multivits. It helps some ladies hubby here to improve their spermies.
Not only gals must take multivits etc,guys need also. It takes 2 hands and a good womb to clap. All e best!!

Connie before we start ivf they did some genetic test to him. Not sure they r same wat u mentioned.

Yes I will put him on multivits. Can u please tell me which brand will be good.
Connie me too in same boat like u. My hbs quality also not good. Really its big challenge to us also as me with pcos and he with bad quality. However we pray for miracle and wish it can happen soon. We r also going to try tsb meds .

I wish, if u really have polyp it must vanish and very soon must have baby dust to spread.

Here some sisters mentioned about migrate q01 to improve sperm quality I am considering it for my husband. If u wish u can also try.
Wat is migrate q01?for e 1st cycle,my hubby eat multivits for 9 mths but no avail. Sometimes i wonder if it is worth going into the operating theatre and knife for him. Cos maybi remove polyp le it may not work out..
i cried badly that day when doc broke e news to us abt his condition.(all along we only check for ladies prob) But my hubby was non-chalant abt it. Finally he dropped a few tears when he saw me so sad that day
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Connie before we start ivf they did some genetic test to him. Not sure they r same wat u mentioned.

Yes I will put him on multivits. Can u please tell me which brand will be good.
Anamika 87,i cant recommend as i hasnt succeed in improving hubbys condition. ..But if yrs is not so serious, maybi u can try tan kian sing tcm. His medicine is same for all guy treatment though but u read e thread on tan kian sing some gals hubby troops did improved under him. Good luck!
No law states must use frosties. I did 3 fresh eventho' i had 2 snowbabies from cycle1 and 3 from cycle 2.

Many reasons ppl do fresh instead of FET. For me we wanted 2 or 3 kids (hahaha what a big fat joke, right?). So i kept my "younger" eggs hoping i can come back to use them for #2. Plus i didnt hv too many and they weren't blast and posed a risk of having FET cancelled if embbies didnt survive thaw we made a decision to keep on going for fresh while i still had eggs. At that time i was 35yo so didnt want to waste time as we didnt hv v good eggs then.

The only time law applies on using frosties first is when you want to transfer 3 embbies after 37yo, I think.
@ron8129, are you with private or KKH? I understand for KKH have to use up frosties before going for another fresh
We are eating migrate q10 ordered by doc. Heard it improves egg quality and sperm quality. I'm not sure if it helped but hubs had 2% morphology and 40%motility. After q10 though morphology did not improve, motility went up to 60%. He also added L-Carnitine pure supplement. So unsure which helped. Maybe both ??
Hi portia,

I am doing FET this month dear. Actually things r not going as smooth as Wat I expect. Last month I prepared my self with intra lipids, endo scratch and tcm and was waiting eagerly to transfer my embiess. But on the day when I went for transfer doc explained me that all of my 4 embbies arrested there growth ( they tried to culture from day 2 to balst). Nothing was there to transfer. Really it was horrible. Still I have 3 frost embbies. Trying with them this month. Thursday is my ET. But I am not expecting much. Prepared for worst and keeping my thoughts to start 2nd fresh in the end of this year.

yes I am seeing tsb. I am so impressed of her meds. After taking them my periods became regular. Hb also have quality issues so want him to try her meds to improve.

really very happy for u dear. I know how u struggled to stable ur pregnancy. I was inspired by u dear. Don't think much about the tests and scannings definitely u will have a very healthy baby in ur arms.

Sorry to hear abt the failed transfer. I tot the hospital will usually call on day 3 or 4 if they find the embbies are failing one by one. Did they not notify you earlier and ask if u want to transfer the remaining ones earlier?

Dun ponder too much abt it already since its over and you still hv another chance of doing an FET tmr. This round may be the cycle for you! Did u do intralipid for this month too?

I am glad that tsb's herbs work for you too. I hv been taking them religiously even though its troublesome to brew n horrible to taste. I only miss once or twice when i gotten a flu.

I hv another 19 weeks to go before i see my bb in my arms. Going to do my very best to protect it and enjoy the rest of my pregnancy.
Hi! When did you start taking the supplements before your 2nd ivf? I also failed my 1st ivf a few yrs back. Do you think these supplements help in your bfp?
Why you take immunocal? Where to buy immunocal?

I started taking the supplements like immunocal and concieve well gold in dec 13 to prepare for my 1st cycle in jan 14. Immunocal can be purchased from OG or order direct from Fung & Co. It is a whey protein that can help the building blocks in our body. I took it for general health n also to help with the growth of eggs during stimulation and prevention of ohss during the 2ww.

I added on royal jelly with CQ10, tcm herbs and acupuncture in Feb after i failed first cycle. Royal jelly is to help with quality of eggs. Tcm n acupuncture is to help balance my body n improve my womb condition to make it conducive for bb to implant n grow.

I do believe that some of these supplements and treatments may hv helped in improving the general health of my body and womb as i never had a cough or sore throat or feel unwell in those months.

For cycle 2, i also had intralipid treatment done to suppress my immunity so as to help with implantation. I also had an additional saizen jabs ordered by ivf dr to help with quantity of eggs.

I had more eggs extracted and 100% more of the useable ones made it to fertilisation n transfers compared to first cycle.
I started taking the supplements like immunocal and concieve well gold in dec 13 to prepare for my 1st cycle in jan 14. Immunocal can be purchased from OG or order direct from Fung & Co. It is a whey protein that can help the building blocks in our body. I took it for general health n also to help with the growth of eggs during stimulation and prevention of ohss during the 2ww.

I added on royal jelly with CQ10, tcm herbs and acupuncture in Feb after i failed first cycle. Royal jelly is to help with quality of eggs. Tcm n acupuncture is to help balance my body n improve my womb condition to make it conducive for bb to implant n grow.

I do believe that some of these supplements and treatments may hv helped in improving the general health of my body and womb as i never had a cough or sore throat or feel unwell in those months.

For cycle 2, i also had intralipid treatment done to suppress my immunity so as to help with implantation. I also had an additional saizen jabs ordered by ivf dr to help with quantity of eggs.

I had more eggs extracted and 100% more of the useable ones made it to fertilisation n transfers compared to first cycle.
Thanks for sharing. You did your 2nd IVF at pte hospital or KKH?
My 1st failed due to 1 egg fertilized n transferred despite many eggs retrieved. So likely due to poor egg quality.
Can share how to consume immunocal? Is it recommended by your gynae?
@ron8129, are you with private or KKH? I understand for KKH have to use up frosties before going for another fresh
I did mine private.

For KKH, i am not sure if
(a) that is their own rule, or

(b) just their preference (since it costs more money to do fresh so they strongly recommmend to use up frosties first),

(C) if that is part of co-funding requirement.

But as far as i know, the laws and regulations over ARP does not require frosties to be used up before another fresh.

Maybe one of the sisters can check re KKh's position.
Hi littleems, did dr loh help to remove e polyp for u or is done by other doc? He got comment lining not as good due to e proc? Is it a hysteroscopy polymetry procedure?

Hi, connie_hopeful, Dr Loh "op" on me thrice - once to remove fibroid, twice to remove polyps. All long he's been saying that my lining "don't look so good"... But this round he mentioned that the lining looks good (9.4mm on d10 scan) so am hoping for the best. My last FET got cancelled as all my blasts (that was thawed) did not survive.
Hi, connie_hopeful, Dr Loh "op" on me thrice - once to remove fibroid, twice to remove polyps. All long he's been saying that my lining "don't look so good"... But this round he mentioned that the lining looks good (9.4mm on d10 scan) so am hoping for the best. My last FET got cancelled as all my blasts (that was thawed) did not survive.
Hugs,all these must have cost u a bomb on top of e disapptments..hope u make it this time round since doc says lining is good! All e best!
Sorry to hear abt the failed transfer. I tot the hospital will usually call on day 3 or 4 if they find the embbies are failing one by one. Did they not notify you earlier and ask if u want to transfer the remaining ones earlier?

Dun ponder too much abt it already since its over and you still hv another chance of doing an FET tmr. This round may be the cycle for you! Did u do intralipid for this month too?

I am glad that tsb's herbs work for you too. I hv been taking them religiously even though its troublesome to brew n horrible to taste. I only miss once or twice when i gotten a flu.

I hv another 19 weeks to go before i see my bb in my arms. Going to do my very best to protect it and enjoy the rest of my pregnancy.

No portia they never called me before transfer so I thought my embbies are safe and went for transfer on day 6. Doc told they just divide to one or two cells and stopped growing later.

This month i didn't take intra lipid bcz I expect the same like before month as they are all same grade 3 emmbbies. May be for my next fresh I will try intra lipids.
Thanks for sharing. You did your 2nd IVF at pte hospital or KKH?
My 1st failed due to 1 egg fertilized n transferred despite many eggs retrieved. So likely due to poor egg quality.
Can share how to consume immunocal? Is it recommended by your gynae?

I did mine with kkh.

I usually take immunocal as part of my morning breakfast together with ensure milk.

I heard about it from my aunt who bot it for herself n my grandma. It is not just a supplement for ladies on ivf journey but a genetal sipplement for all who wants to build immunity.
No portia they never called me before transfer so I thought my embbies are safe and went for transfer on day 6. Doc told they just divide to one or two cells and stopped growing later.

This month i didn't take intra lipid bcz I expect the same like before month as they are all same grade 3 emmbbies. May be for my next fresh I will try intra lipids.
They shd hv called you on they arrested esp if you cultivated from d2/d3. That's not very nice of them!!
Hugs,all these must have cost u a bomb on top of e disapptments..hope u make it this time round since doc says lining is good! All e best!

Hi Connie, thanks! Today is 5dpd5t and I'm not experiencing any symptoms so a little worried too... But I know I shouldn't read too much into it. Hee :b Jiayou to u too. Has your hubby tried taking supplements like CoQ10 or Pycnogenol? Heard these may help with "soldier" issues. But it is also alot to do with lifestyle change like exercise, diet, etc.
Hi ladies just now got call from dr.Sadhana. She told my embbies stopped growing like last cycle. She tried to explain about quality issues. I like her way of explaining. She explained about her plans for my next cycle. She encouraged me to try for next fresh in Nov.

Now I am in dilemma to stay with kkh or try with private. I like Sadhanas way of treating but can't decide to stay with her or go to private. Can any one please advice.
Anamika, both FET are from the 1st fresh? IMHO, you shld try at least 2 fresh minimum with the same doc if you like her. My rationale is that a fresh cycle is often how a doctor knows yr body. The FETs from the same fresh cycle are actually the same batch of protocol so of they dint work, i wont dismiss the doctor as of yet if you are happy with the doctor. But no perfect answer... go with your heart.

Of course if you are not happy with your doctor then it's anothert story :)
And i am sorry they didnt survive the thaw.. but better to know today than go thru 2ww for nothing.

Hang in there and big hugs for the not to so good news
Thank u Ron. However I am not so disappointed this time as I expect this wil happn. Yes they r all from my first fresh. 19 eggs were retrieved. 9 fertilised all frozen. Didn't do fresh transfer.

I am happy with the present Dr. But as I am paying all the cost of ivf from my pocket so I thought y can't I go to private. But as u said it's true now the present dr. Knows about my body's response that's y I don't feel to leave her.
Can anyone advice for men which brand of multi vitamins and suppliments would be good.

and for us royal gelly, conceive well gold and any other suppliments to improve quality?
they never say anything about the faint HPT. just say see the bt result. actually should have given me something to maintain the 'possibility' of slight +ve hor.. regret I never insist.. but it's all over now.
Star star, are you using clearblue? before my 2nd fresh, i tested with a faint line too and thought I was so lucky and don't have to go through 2nd round. But BT showed negative

Hang on ladies. I got my daughter after 12-13 years of marriage. Did 6 IUIs and 1 Super IUI, 2 MCs and 2 fresh before I finally got pregnant. Jab progestrone everyday since the day of ET till about week 20. and was on the super thick needle for flaxipraine too until I bled from around week 10 to week 20 too and the last was hospitalised for 1 week bed rest. Just as I was more relax, I had an emergency c-sect at week 35 not by my gynae (he was overseas) but his replacement. My daughter is coming to 3yo in few weeks time. To me all the pain and effort is worth it. Last year MC from my fresh and now trying my 4th and last fresh for my no. 2. The lumps from the progesterone jab still around :/

Jiayou sisters.
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