IVF/ICSI Support Group

Actually I'm wary if my menopause will come early with my shortened af!

Connie I think length of af shouldn't be affecting egg reserve. My af is short but my ER got 16 and 18 eggs respectively.

Tsf0205 when's your next scan? Nothing much to be done so might as well stay positive!

Connie! You remember my doc's name? Impressive! I'm taking 75 unit of menopur, 0.5 ml of saizen, 450 units of gonal-f in the morning. At night, I do the suppression injection. I forgot the name. Tomorrow I have to go ro the clinic to get a different jab cause my blood test today showed that the lh hormone is on the low side. Too many jabs and blood tests.
Connie! You remember my doc's name? Impressive! I'm taking 75 unit of menopur, 0.5 ml of saizen, 450 units of gonal-f in the morning. At night, I do the suppression injection. I forgot the name. Tomorrow I have to go ro the clinic to get a different jab cause my blood test today showed that the lh hormone is on the low side. Too many jabs and blood tests.
Yup,cos i rem u with sincere. I was with sincere last time also,(but with prof ng)n i asked u how come yr doc ask u do fet instead of fresh,but mine didnt ask me to skip fresh. So i rem :) is roland charges super expensive? I nearly burn a hole going private e previous time. So my this rnd properly is govt hospital.

I rem my day 7 scan doc see only 4 follicles. Dr still ask me "only 4 follicles,u want to continue or abandon e cycle".i say continue (since jab 1/2 way le) Then my gynae increased my gonal f from day 7. At day 10 e scan shows got 11 follicles. then actual er i got 14. So u still have time.
N i think most importantly,its e quality tt counts, not qty .got heard nurse say sometime 1 egg oso can..u just need 1 good quality egg +1 good quality sperm n a comfy womb
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Alamak... pay through my nose so I want more than 1 egg. :p the medicine alone is costing me more than 8k and it is only day 6 of stimming. Every time, i see doctor, i pay abt 2k. I don't want to think so much abt it. I'm not that rich lah but scared to go back to that female doctor at kkh. So I hope a change of hands will do wonders.
Roland is ex lah. I always wonder why he has 2 clinics. His cash till must be ringing non-stop. Ker-ching!!! Hehe. Jokes aside, he takes his time to tell me what I need to know and doesn't bull like docs. So ok lah. Anyways, I'm a bit difficult lah. Weird blood attacking my embryos. So I want someone monitoring me closely so I don't lose the next one.
Chuckles is it dr Sadhana you're referring to? Oh I only know one female ivf doc in kkh :p Not too good experience with her/kkh huh?
Not her. It's jessie poon. She is new i think. If I request for a change of doc then I will not be a subsidised patient. Change hospital must go back to poly. The waiting time would just make me turn 40 sooner than later. So I changed to private.
Actually I'm wary if my menopause will come early with my shortened af!

Connie I think length of af shouldn't be affecting egg reserve. My af is short but my ER got 16 and 18 eggs respectively.

Tsf0205 when's your next scan? Nothing much to be done so might as well stay positive!

Next scan 19/9
Yeah I always thought why CW don't taste like artificial grape flavor.
Ron, will you be planning for another ivf round?
Redvel, yes shld be dec or Jan depending how my courage builds up just gotto go for it while I still hv some eggs (and money!) left.

My case is repeated implantation failure so i need to ask if there i any tests they can do for me.
Ron8129, get yourself tested. I did and was found to be ANA positive. While I hope you won't ever have a drop of it, it is always good to check for whatever it is that needs to be checked. There are medications for a successful pregnancy. So we got to do everything within our power. The doc at kkh wasn't in favour of me checking so I never checked. I should have insisted. Would have been cheaper that way. :p
1909 shall be a good day for you Tsf0205.

Ron can i know if you've ever bfped before? My doc told me unlikely implantation issue for me as I've bfped last time. She suspects it's my egg/embie quality.
Ron8129, get yourself tested. I did and was found to be ANA positive. While I hope you won't ever have a drop of it, it is always good to check for whatever it is that needs to be checked. There are medications for a successful pregnancy. So we got to do everything within our power. The doc at kkh wasn't in favour of me checking so I never checked. I should have insisted. Would have been cheaper that way. :p
What is ANA positive? I chemical pregnancy twice and the last FET don't even have implantation (thought D5 blast transfer,earlier 2 not even D5.) wondering if I shd go take all the blood tests... Dr sadhana says likely no need but gave me a stack of forms in case I change my mind...
Hi all, after a long break i am planning to do FET start from next menses. Mine is medicated fet. Can i still take tcm medicine when taking contraceptive pill mercilon?
It's antinuclear antibodies. Basically, the body sees the growing embryo as cancer and attacks it. I miscarried twice- one at 8 weeks and another at 6 weeks. First ivf didn't implant. So I requested for a full blood check up. The nurse took 11 vials from me. *faint*
I'm not sharing for everyone to immediately demand the doctor to order a blood test. Rather, to simply know there are other reasons and there's medications for them.
Hi ladies, I m finally given a briefing date for ivf procedures & sign the papers on 14 oct. I had my BT done for HIV in apr, so do I have to retake the BT on briefing day again? Actually I think I can only do ER in nov given my cycle.... Sorry, I am still a novice & 1st timer so I didnt manage to ask kkhivf nurse who called me. Hope to get advise here...
It's antinuclear antibodies. Basically, the body sees the growing embryo as cancer and attacks it. I miscarried twice- one at 8 weeks and another at 6 weeks. First ivf didn't implant. So I requested for a full blood check up. The nurse took 11 vials from me. *faint*
I'm not sharing for everyone to immediately demand the doctor to order a blood test. Rather, to simply know there are other reasons and there's medications for them.

Hi chuckles,thanks for sharing. Yes I read of this before. Can I ask,issit u don't always fall sick? Cuz I read somwhere that if ANA positive then the immune system is v strong and the person is not easily sick. I fall sick quite easily (ah choo! Sore throat etc) so I just wondering. Thanks for ur help :)
Hi,anybody with monthly menses that last only 2 days and still managed to conceived? Dunno is it sign of diminishing eggs,last time menses last 5 days ,now like only 2 days. Nearing age 38 is it like that?
Connie, i am having this exact issue w reduced AF. am 38 this year.

From my scans, noticable decline in my lining thickness. I changed to a new tcm for 6 months and he seemed to be able to get me closer to a 5 day (2 days heavy 2 days light) but volume is still greatly reduced compared to a few years ago.

in 2011, i did 3 fresh, lining btwn 11-13 for all cycles, around 18-20 eggs collected each cycle. I BFP 3rd fresh (35yo).

In 2013, multiple FET attempts abandoned due to lining issues.

In 2014, just BFN 4th fresh last Thurs with only 9 eggs collected My AF after BFN .ow is quite scant despite the meds supposed to plump up the endometrial lining. .

I believe it's age catching up and causing hormonal imbalances. Dun think there is a magic age number but we cld be heading the road of old age :( but i hope we still can BFP lah!!

14 eggs is still ok. What what your lining in your last fresh?
Chuckles: thanks. I will go ask abt it during my BFN review later this week. Apart from ANA, did u get tested for anything else?

Redvel: i hv 2.5yo now blessed from a perfect egg. But apart from that, none of the supposedly ok 14 embbies put back ever implanted - the bHcg readings are always nothing (i hv done d2 d3 d4 d5 transfers). Never gotten a natural BFP despite married for 8 yrs. I know i am "luckier" to hv no implantation than to hv to face a m/c though.
Yup I'm with prof PC Wong. Really like his matter of fact style. Just tells me as it is.
Hi hi! I'm with PC Wong too.. But my #2 ivf, he wasn't ard for my ET and had Dr Anu( think that's how her name is spelt, the covering doc) to do the ET.

Sumhow, the room was less tense.. U know how it is when u r like soooooooo superbly conscious with fuuuuuulllll bladder n u hev like a dozen ( definitely less but like a lot) of peeps seeing you so OPEN ther..

I initially thought she was unfriendly but that ET day was very light hearted atmosphere.. She even "throw in " advises like "now u gotta eat 4-5 egg whites for protein n at least 2Glasses of Ensure arrrr"

With Prof I sumhow dun get that casual rapport, even when I'm the friendly one (I think hah) it's always serious answers, yes or no kind, no hee hee haha... But my hubby likes him. He said that's how doctors should be no BS. ;s my excolleague had him too and is ok with his style too. I'm ok just tense. Hee.

So far, the nurses at the clinic are great, waiting area.. Not bad la. Shd hev more magazines too.. Or WIFi for my iPad! Heh. l luv the nuh amenities too especially with the new wing rite peaches!
It's antinuclear antibodies. Basically, the body sees the growing embryo as cancer and attacks it. I miscarried twice- one at 8 weeks and another at 6 weeks. First ivf didn't implant. So I requested for a full blood check up. The nurse took 11 vials from me. *faint*
I'm not sharing for everyone to immediately demand the doctor to order a blood test. Rather, to simply know there are other reasons and there's medications for them.

Oh dear chuckles u sure went thru soooooo very much.. And is still super strong and positive!! Kudos to u! Wish I was blessed with just a Lil bit of that positivity n strength too!

My #1ivf didn't implant too.. Now as of today is 6d after ET.. Woke up hungry at 4am just now. Hah. But blame myself for not having a good dinner (just had two egg whites and a glass of milk) I have problems eating dinner.. I tend to still b full from lunch even at 9pm and by the time I'm hungry I rather sleep ;s I know I know must change ... Trying hard now starting today hee.. ;p

Oh by the way thx for the replies to my queries about the bed rest.. And that Muslim aspect of ivf. (I'm rolling eyes again thinking of the particular convo with that man)

Have a great day ahead ladies!!!
Query on frozen embryos..

Embryologist called me yesterday to say that they had froze 4 satisfactory eggies for me (7,8&9s) cell. I'm happy coz this is my first time getting to freeze the eggs.. (#1 ivf all eggs stopped growing after Day 4) My questions are:

1) read somewhere that FET cycles are has slightly higher chance of preggy? Why? And does the quAlity of eggs play a part?

2) can't say no to freezing of eggs now coz nurse said I consented for freezing at initial paperwork.. Was actually thinking of not to freeze them becoz of quality of eggs is just satisfactory... Wateva it is, I'm freezing it but if I ever want or need to do another ivf, can I still opt for fresh cycle?

Gonna ask the questions tmr with my doc since got appt.. But wonder if the strong ladies here hev had any experiences with these issues?
Connie, i am having this exact issue w reduced AF. am 38 this year.

From my scans, noticable decline in my lining thickness. I changed to a new tcm for 6 months and he seemed to be able to get me closer to a 5 day (2 days heavy 2 days light) but volume is still greatly reduced compared to a few years ago.

in 2011, i did 3 fresh, lining btwn 11-13 for all cycles, around 18-20 eggs collected each cycle. I BFP 3rd fresh (35yo).

In 2013, multiple FET attempts abandoned due to lining issues.

In 2014, just BFN 4th fresh last Thurs with only 9 eggs collected My AF after BFN .ow is quite scant despite the meds supposed to plump up the endometrial lining. .

I believe it's age catching up and causing hormonal imbalances. Dun think there is a magic age number but we cld be heading the road of old age :( but i hope we still can BFP lah!!

14 eggs is still ok. What what your lining in your last fresh?
I did ask the doc previously that my memes is very little now, by third day it becomes spotting. She said it normal with age. Sometimes u wonder is it coz menses flow little that's why lining also thin. Last 2 round went in at 7mm and 7.7mm, both cycles failed. Feel that it's attributed to poor lining but then again doc said statistically, some woman can conceive with lining less than 7mm.
I forget to ask..... Sigh....
That day he was jus very pleased that it's viable. But I think he forget that I'm close to 8 weeks!

I assume u are with kkh. Just to share, i measured 0.5 week behind time too when i bfp and i had horrible bleeds from week 4.

At week 8, a very senior consultant in kkh private suite told me that his scan showed my bb heart beat is slower than usual n want me to repeat scan a week later at AMC. However, this was not the case when i got scanned by my pte gynae who had a very good scan machine that could see n hear the heartwaves n heartbeat very clearly.

You may want to get a second opinion with a pte gynae with a good scan machine. It makes a lot of difference in what u can see n hear during a scan.
Connie, i am having this exact issue w reduced AF. am 38 this year.

From my scans, noticable decline in my lining thickness. I changed to a new tcm for 6 months and he seemed to be able to get me closer to a 5 day (2 days heavy 2 days light) but volume is still greatly reduced compared to a few years ago.

in 2011, i did 3 fresh, lining btwn 11-13 for all cycles, around 18-20 eggs collected each cycle. I BFP 3rd fresh (35yo).

In 2013, multiple FET attempts abandoned due to lining issues.

In 2014, just BFN 4th fresh last Thurs with only 9 eggs collected My AF after BFN .ow is quite scant despite the meds supposed to plump up the endometrial lining. .

I believe it's age catching up and causing hormonal imbalances. Dun think there is a magic age number but we cld be heading the road of old age :( but i hope we still can BFP lah!!

14 eggs is still ok. What what your lining in your last fresh?
I have no clue abt my lining. My ivf doc proceed to do icsi without checking the lining..
I did ever ask tsb abt reduced menses is it due to getting older, she said yes.
Maybi just try whatever i can while still can.
I have no clue abt my lining. My ivf doc proceed to do icsi without checking the lining..
I did ever ask tsb abt reduced menses is it due to getting older, she said yes.
Maybi just try whatever i can while still can.
Connie, last time when i bfp, i was chating with another 3 gals who also bfp at the same time thro ivf, all of us shared that our af hav reduced in vol. all of us were 37 yrs old last year. So reduced af should affect chances of bfp. My lining was 7 only for my last scan that cycle. I was also worried and drank red bean soup but did not know if it improve cos retrieval and trf i dono my lining thickness.
Chuckles, all the best to u under Roland. Though his charges is high end day we just want to bfp n see bb in our hands.. I m under him too
Hi hi! I'm with PC Wong too.. But my #2 ivf, he wasn't ard for my ET and had Dr Anu( think that's how her name is spelt, the covering doc) to do the ET.

Sumhow, the room was less tense.. U know how it is when u r like soooooooo superbly conscious with fuuuuuulllll bladder n u hev like a dozen ( definitely less but like a lot) of peeps seeing you so OPEN ther..

I initially thought she was unfriendly but that ET day was very light hearted atmosphere.. She even "throw in " advises like "now u gotta eat 4-5 egg whites for protein n at least 2Glasses of Ensure arrrr"

With Prof I sumhow dun get that casual rapport, even when I'm the friendly one (I think hah) it's always serious answers, yes or no kind, no hee hee haha... But my hubby likes him. He said that's how doctors should be no BS. ;s my excolleague had him too and is ok with his style too. I'm ok just tense. Hee.

So far, the nurses at the clinic are great, waiting area.. Not bad la. Shd hev more magazines too.. Or WIFi for my iPad! Heh. l luv the nuh amenities too especially with the new wing rite peaches!
Hi QueenHera81 and Peaches, im with PC wong too. hubby says he looks like 老夫子?? Opsss. imagine that maybe less tense? hahah
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Hi sisters,

Want to know if anyone has this experience.

I did a scan at 6 weeks 5 days and the sac is dated 5 weeks only. No fetal pole and heartbeat
Then I do another scan at 7 weeks 6 days, saw fetal pole and saw heartbeat but dating at 6 weeks only.

I'm very worried on the slow development. Has anyone come across cases like this?

My pregnancies hv always bn 1-2 wks behind. They count from LMP which usually won't be accurate for me since my cycles are irregular n I suspected i ovulate later too. Usually my gynae just take e edd based on my 8wk scan. So my Oscars n detailed scans n csects were always based on that edd.

If u go for another scan n beanie is progressing accordingly to ur scan date then I wouldn't worry at all. After 8wks, each bb grows at his or her own rate so don't worry too much if ur bb is measuring smaller or bigger n lighter or heavier. All the best!!
Archie7, my pregnancy have to be terminated cos of medical reason. Wishing u a smooth pregnancy :)

Hi @acadia, thanks for replying and I'm sorry for the loss. Hugs to you... But I'm glad you're trying again! The fact that you could BFP and sustain until the 20th week (at least) is a sign there's a good chance you can conceive again - and a healthy pregnancy this time. Best of luck to you! :)
2. Redvel
3. Star.star
4. Anamika87
5. Rachelt
6. Ashkea
8. chunkles
9. Peaches21
10. baby_sparkles
11. mesara
12. pigletlyn
13. acadia

Im in the midst of 2nd fresh. 1st fresh successful last year but sadly only for 20 weeks :(. Hoping for the best for this cycle :)

I'm very sorry. I feel u. I had a boy stillborn @ 24wks last Oct. It was very devastating. My hub usually so composed, cried w me. I carried him in my arms for 3hrs, talking n singing to him n simply willing for him to breathe for mommy. It has been going one year n it still hurts from time to time. He's e reason why I'm seeking e IVF path. Even though I know I will meet him one day in heaven but I wanted to meet him or her sooner.

Kudos to all moms who hv to dealt with such losses. I hv other kids so they kept me busy so I don't keep wallowing in grief. I wouldn't know how to go on living if it weren't for my living kids. Mommies who hv to deal w this pain alone, u r very brave!! Rainbow babies to us soon. God bless
So many of us with PC Wong. Queenhera, I do like the facilities and the staff. Everyone is very professional and I have high regard for Prof Wong. About to do my ET in a couple of hours! Excited but nervous. Praying it will go well.
Hi,anybody with monthly menses that last only 2 days and still managed to conceived? Dunno is it sign of diminishing eggs,last time menses last 5 days ,now like only 2 days. Nearing age 38 is it like that?

Hi Connie, I'm 32 and ever since I started IVF last year, my AFs have mostly been short, except the one AF right after my 1st fresh cycle that failed. I don't know whether it was a side effect of Dr Sadhana prescribing dydrogesterone to regulate my AF, since I have irregular AFs due to PCOS and for most AFs I don't even ovulate at all. In the sense that the dydro forces the AF to arrive when the body is reluctant, hence the flow gone haywire? Anyway, I had a short AF for my 2nd fresh, about 2 - 3 days, but I BFP-ed and in my 20th week now. At first I was worried that a short AF would affect the outcome of the IVF but it turned out not to be a problem. Best is to check with your doctor and don't worry for now.
I'm very sorry. I feel u. I had a boy stillborn @ 24wks last Oct. It was very devastating. My hub usually so composed, cried w me. I carried him in my arms for 3hrs, talking n singing to him n simply willing for him to breathe for mommy. It has been going one year n it still hurts from time to time. He's e reason why I'm seeking e IVF path. Even though I know I will meet him one day in heaven but I wanted to meet him or her sooner.

Kudos to all moms who hv to dealt with such losses. I hv other kids so they kept me busy so I don't keep wallowing in grief. I wouldn't know how to go on living if it weren't for my living kids. Mommies who hv to deal w this pain alone, u r very brave!! Rainbow babies to us soon. God bless
yes devastating really... still hurts thats why I cant elaborate more to Archie. Have left the group chat with the other 3 ladies who bfp at the same time with me cos I think I wont be able to bear the pain with all the updates abt their pregnancy after the loss. yes im hoping for my rainbow baby that's why I have changed my icon to a cloud w rainbow.
Hi @acadia, thanks for replying and I'm sorry for the loss. Hugs to you... But I'm glad you're trying again! The fact that you could BFP and sustain until the 20th week (at least) is a sign there's a good chance you can conceive again - and a healthy pregnancy this time. Best of luck to you! :)
Thanks Archie. Don't worry about your pregnancy, as my is indeed a rare case.
Yup,cos i rem u with sincere. I was with sincere last time also,(but with prof ng)n i asked u how come yr doc ask u do fet instead of fresh,but mine didnt ask me to skip fresh. So i rem :) is roland charges super expensive? I nearly burn a hole going private e previous time. So my this rnd properly is govt hospital.

I rem my day 7 scan doc see only 4 follicles. Dr still ask me "only 4 follicles,u want to continue or abandon e cycle".i say continue (since jab 1/2 way le) Then my gynae increased my gonal f from day 7. At day 10 e scan shows got 11 follicles. then actual er i got 14. So u still have time.
N i think most importantly,its e quality tt counts, not qty .got heard nurse say sometime 1 egg oso can..u just need 1 good quality egg +1 good quality sperm n a comfy womb

Just curious, during my SIS scan, they noted 8 follicles on one side n 5 follicles on e other. That was on my CD10. During stims, do we take any meds to increase follicles counts or??

Does one follicle equate to one egg in general?
Just curious, during my SIS scan, they noted 8 follicles on one side n 5 follicles on e other. That was on my CD10. During stims, do we take any meds to increase follicles counts or??

Does one follicle equate to one egg in general?
The injections are the one that increase the follicles. Not all follicle have a viable egg...some egss are not mature enough and some follicles are empty( not sure why).
In general, more follicles equal more eggs but the numbers may not match.

I assume u are with kkh. Just to share, i measured 0.5 week behind time too when i bfp and i had horrible bleeds from week 4.

At week 8, a very senior consultant in kkh private suite told me that his scan showed my bb heart beat is slower than usual n want me to repeat scan a week later at AMC. However, this was not the case when i got scanned by my pte gynae who had a very good scan machine that could see n hear the heartwaves n heartbeat very clearly.

You may want to get a second opinion with a pte gynae with a good scan machine. It makes a lot of difference in what u can see n hear during a scan.
Which Pte gynae u went to?
Dramaquennie: oh, heartbreaking but am sure too he is waiting for you and hubby at a happy place. Good luck for this round too. May it go smoothly.
Hi sisters,

Want to know if anyone has this experience.

I did a scan at 6 weeks 5 days and the sac is dated 5 weeks only. No fetal pole and heartbeat
Then I do another scan at 7 weeks 6 days, saw fetal pole and saw heartbeat but dating at 6 weeks only.

I'm very worried on the slow development. Has anyone come across cases like this?
The dating is based on the size of the embryo. I first scanned at week 6 saw one black dot only, dated week 5. By the time it got to week 10, the beanie grew and was dated week 11. Ytd went for oscar scan at week 13 dated week 12. I heard it's normal the dating keeps adjusting, and so does edd.
yes devastating really... still hurts thats why I cant elaborate more to Archie. Have left the group chat with the other 3 ladies who bfp at the same time with me cos I think I wont be able to bear the pain with all the updates abt their pregnancy after the loss. yes im hoping for my rainbow baby that's why I have changed my icon to a cloud w rainbow.

@acadia your previous pregnancy is similar to mine..stay positive, my dear!!!
