IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi Nanz.. !

really ah..? half boil eggs will help relieve bloatedness..!! wah... later i must run over to Ya Kun for a good couple of eggs liaoz..! thanks thanks!! I love eggs!!


I transferred 2 embryos only..
doc says usually they will do 2 only for ladies below 35... is it true..?

it's up to your own decision how many you want to trnsfer. for me i transfer 3. i was 30 then. cos 3 got higher chance yo see. well, it's ok lah. so long you have one good one to stick is enough already.

after the ET.. i kept having cough and my usual sinus.. dunno whether I over-reactting or what..but whenever i cough and sneeze.. i felt a pull in my stomach.. and i'm so afraid that all these little things will cause the embryos to fall out!! :p

Yeah, my doctor tat time oso told me to put two as I was oso 30 then. Awy, dun worry abt sneezing or coughing lah..i rmbr i have this fear oso. Then Yvonne told me if it will implant it will implant, no matter how u exert it will still be there. So dun worry ok. Good luck!
i'm not sure wat is premier fetal screening. and i have yet to sign any package wt kkh. will sign delivery package on 28 feb. wanted to sign during last visit for detail scan. but the nurse told us there will be a price adjustment. so only sign when i go for my 24th week visit.

how are you doing by the way?
Hi! Renee,
I'm in 9week. Glad to join you.Oh! The price has changed! Could it go up?? Please inform me.
I was given a brochure "Premier Fetal Screening" to consider and also set an optional date to do it. It is the scanning to measure the neck of foetus and nasal bone,blood test for DS. Have you done before?
BTW, how's blurblur doing? No news from her.
congrats! oh ya,i did tat already. it was during 12 weeks. i just did my detail scan 2 weeks ago. but i find my 12 weeks DS scan more fun. can see bb clearer. could even see bb wave at me. so cute. cos i think the detail scan on 20 weeks the bb is a lot bigger so couldnt see the whole bb. only diff parts of him. you mat be able to see your bb's sex during DS scan. i knew my bb's sex during tat time. or even before tat. cos befoe the DS scan, Dr Loh alredy can tell bb's sex, jsu tat he din wan to confirm it.

blurblur is doing good. 1 boy 1 gal some more. we will be around the same time.

the delivery package according to the nurse there will be a price reduce. so will find out next visit.
That's great!!Blurblur and you have companionship. And both your children too.it will be good news if price reduce,to offset GST increased.
You menioned Dr loh alredi can tell bb's sex b4 the scan, around how many weeks? What is the purpose of the detail scan on 20 weeks?
Both scan sounds interesting. I always looking forward to scanning and photo-taking, it gives great reassurance and satisfaction.
Thanks sis! You have been always so supportive.
wah, you so early?? ya before i went for the DS scan i consulted Dr Loh before tat, and as usual he will do a scan on bb then proceed to the DS scan and blood test.i think it was on the next day. so both were during 12weeks. the 20weeks detail scan is to see bb sex, growth of bb's organs, feets,arms, fingers, lips,ears, brain...... as many things as posible. depends on how your bb's position on tat day. some bbs very shy and the Dr may not be able to see bb's sex at week 20. which happen to my sister in law. all he children can only see sex at 6th month. BUt i think hers is rear case.

I was abit lucky to have this "part time" dr who did the 12 weeks DS scan."part time" Dr, meaning he's not a permenent Dr. in KKH. he actually did an earlier detail scan for me so call. cos he spent a lot of time to see every part of my bb. which is not require during DS scan. but i think he was not too packed wt many patients on tat day. so can afford to do tat. But my hb missed tat interesting scan. he was not in town to go wt me. but the dr as very nice to give me 5 pcs of bb's pix. one of them is wt my bb waving at us. In fact for DS scan the Dr will only scan and measure the thickness of bb's neck. then analyst your chance of DS. other than tat we will have to wait till 20 weeks detail scan.

Have fun!!

I have been eating a lot of pineapple tart these few days. and my bb seems to enjoy it very evry much. cos he moves everytime i eat it. Cham liao!!! hahah.....

Wish everyone have a happy chinese new year!!
i think everyone experience differently. some may feel hungry all the time.or feeling bloated. later at the end of the 2ww, breasts will be very swollen. but there are gals don feel anything yet +tive.
Hi Renee,
Thanks for your detailed explaination. I also love eating pineapple tart and my mum said cooked pineapple is safe to consume. My usual craving for laksa/penang laksa and curry is no more there.It makes me feel quesy.You are now in 2nd trimester and must a great time enjoying FOOD.
Wish you and blurblur have a wonderful Valentines' day and CNY. Send my regards to her.
Thanks. hope you have a romantic Valentine's Day.

me in my 23rd week. my craving also no more. just eat normally. the only thing i don like now is chicken. i don seems to eat a lot. but cant tahan hunger. once hunger strike, will feel quesy. hope your MS will go away soon.
i heard there are some gals stil do the temp taking duringc 2ww. but i think wat you need now is relax and not too stressed out by taking temp. by doing this it'll only make you more anxious n your mind will never stay calm n relax. tense n stress is the worse anemy during our 2ww. anyway, taking basal temp is not going to help you in getting better chance of concieving. listen to music, do sme readings and even wt your hb take a stroll. all these can give you free mind and good mood. thats why the nurse at KKIVF always tell ppl must not too stress during 2ww. hope this help. Good luck!!
Renee, BB, Pinpanter, Nanz, Blurblur,

happy a great chinese new year, being very busy with work and mostly personal errands, dunno why so busy every day, one main reason is looking for contractor to renovate my parents kitchen and toilet, I am in charge so had appt with lots of renovation companies, comparing quotes and so on... plus family coming to my house for reunion dinner, so got to prepare lots of stuff for the steamboats, doing two soup bases, chicken and tomyum, today got all the veg, tomorrow will be meat and then prepare soup, think will only get to rest on Sunday or monday...... having sleepless nights again. I think I should be born in the ox year instead of tiger, everytime this crucial period sure more busy than usual... he he he... maybe unlucky or just wanna to do more so that can forget that i am doing treatment again.....

now still injecting lucrin, going for 1st blood test tmr to check the suppression, cannot do scan as having menses now, funny thing is that my menses came on D26 which is a shock cos mine used to be like 46-50 days and menses seem to be heavy compare to the last few cycles and basal temp still very high even though 3rd of menses, never drop leh, still over 37 degree (siao already???) enough update on myself.

Renee and blur,

All the best to having smooth deliveries.


Hope your MS can hold on till after CNY so that you can enjoy a bit more on the goodies :)

PP, Nanz,

Your patience will be rewarded in the pig year.

May we all be able to recoup our hongbao money this time next year :) Gong Xi Fa Cai gals!

who is your dr? I am sure you are on antibiotics after ET right? some tough luck, hope you recover soon, take care.
just back from 24hrs clinic... my UTI is damn bad... had bleeding too. the bleeding is like 1st day mense.
I am so sad.. think it will affect the pregnancy

I'm having my period now and had started the OCP pills also..anyone knows if the period will stop then come again or will it continue all the way? if stop and come, which day will come again? roughly at day????

Anyway, Happy CHINESE NEW YEAR & GONG XI FA CAI Ladies...
Thanks for your New YEar wishes. my delivery date stil have 4 more months to go . but sure wish ti be a smooth one.

I wish you will be the pig year mommy this year. and shall hear your good news in few weeks time.

I'm kind of miss the Yong Tau fu at china town tat we went. May be we shall go aft you start to have craving. hehe......
Dear All

Would like to wish everybody a HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS CHINESE NEW YEAR!!! Everybody wish will come true - Lotsa of piglets on the way.

me too start to take OCP on day 2 of menses, the OCP will not disrupt your menses, it will continue as per normal but with OCP for 21 days, be prepare that your next menses will come around Day 26 to day 30, after you stop OCP, your menses should come in within 5 to 1 week time, just found out from the nurse cos my menses came very early on day 26 with OCP taken.

Thanks for the wishes! ya, hope by next year all of us can recover the 'hong bao' we spend over the years..And hope can be 'double'...kekee...
Me may start FET if tis mth still no luck, still considering....

PP, how abt u! Hope u are doing good too! Let jiayou together and hope we can join Renee, Blur, BB on the journey soon.


Long time nvr hear ur craving liao...so u start putting on maternity dress liao?


congrats! Rmbr during MSN we ever say hope u ve 'long feng tai'..wow so 'wishes' do came true. So happy for u. Guess ur hubby must be very happy lor!


Congrats! Take care! Btw, is urs a fresh or thawed cycle? How many embies u put in, and wat ur beta reading?

Wishing all Gong Xi Fa Cai, Xing xiang shi cheng, shi shi shun li!

yes now on lucrin.


welcome back, just in time to distribute hong bao, thought you will be back only after CNY. Me on Lucrin now, body aches and headache, dunno if it is the lucrin or the stress (very busy recently)

Maybe i know of the facts so don't really expect much out of this treatment but yet if fail again, body system gonna be worse and worse so kinda of sian too. No choice lah, whatever it comes lor, focus on other things first :) have a great year ahead, enjoy.
All IVF kakies,
Wish everyone have a Happy and a "soon soon' new year. Soon soon get preggy. soon soon be mommies.

ME long time i already wear maternity wear liao loh. Since 2nd month i think. cos i got bloated from 2ww all the way ma. bt i think my tummy not very big for 5 months plus though. so potato chips told me to eat durian. haha.....

my craving stop for quite awhile. now everything seems back to normal. just tat chicken is something i don like. the rest i try to eat more nutritous food. on and off stil thinking of yong tou fu. i'm more like a vegetarian ever since preg. tats y i told my hb this is a xiao he shang bb. hhehe...my bb quite an active boy. he moves a lot. and i start to see bumps on my tummy at week 18. very nice experience.

Hope you will have bb luck this time round. i'm sure you can make it. jai you jia you!!!!
i see i see. hehe.... if you have bb in the same yr as me, then i will ask my bb to learn japanese from your bb. haha!! so can book your bb 1st?? i'v been thinking abt thins thing. i'd very much want my bb to learn japanese if have the chance. as well as german. so kia su hor me?

tell your bb to learn french first lah, that one confirmed liao :) dun think my bb will be good at japanese cos the mum's japanese very terrible, have to wait till kindergarten time for the teacher to teach :)

but you shd start to reach on glen doman books on how to teach your bb to read, how to teach your bb maths etc... the flash cards type, really useful and really got results, last time, our mothers never teach us this type of "nonsense" so we all gong gong one, now the kids really smart and understand things fast thru flash cards, you can start the flash cards stuff as early as 2 mths old when your bb can start to have better vision :) very kia su hor...
Hi Girls, Gong Xi Fa Cai

Nanz & Yvonne wish you zhao shen kui zi. Renee & Blur wish you will hv healthy & beautiful baby.

This CNY very quite for me cos hb still want me to rest so besides visting my parents i didnt go anywhere. And appetite not gd so everything i taste are not nice but as i am greedy i wil still eat alot lor worrying i might be hungry later
so first day of CNY already start to diarrhoea. Luckily LS stopped.

This year is golden pig (the piggie looks very cute), should be a gd year to hv baby so ladies must add oil hor. Hope Next year we will all collect Ang Pao
I already started reading on shichida methods. flash cards also started almost a month ago liao. now still reading on feotus education. later will slowly start on new born.......now i can communicate wt my bb already. really amazing and it works.

Ya ya ya, i know i'm super kiasu. I admit tat!! hahah....!

I also can teach teo chew. but may not be as good as you. if any chim one i'll call you ok??

Thanks , i sure hope i can have a healthy and beautiful bb. poor thing. i can understand wat you are going thru. hungry yet no appetite to eat anything. but if you don eat you feel very sick. sigh....... never mind, it's worth it. take good good care. this will normally lasts for another 2 mmonths the most(i hope). then you will enjoy the preg already.

U set high standard for all MTB lei. I salut u, very hardworking. OK when i am in the mood i will start reading. Dont know why i hv totally stop reading even a magazine since i got preggie.
thanks nanz and welcome home, ur turn will come very soon.

yvonne, nanz, pinpanter jia you.

bb, rest when u need to...must take hor. we will all have healthy and beautiful babies

U really good leh.. wow feotus education! I guess I am those lazy type so even preggie liao maybe too lazy to do tat...ummh...u baby so xinfu got one hardworking mummy. (,")

me dun understand this KKH leh, already suppress well liao, still wanna me to inject lucrin for 1 more week and that made it 3 weeks instead of normal 2 weeks, dig out my past record in NUH, i 2 week suppression, 12 days stimulation and on day 14 ER liao but KKH even though test blood and scan said okay but still wanna me start only 1 week later, sian leh.....

Maybe due to traffic jam cos they were close for 1 week for CNY so cant do ET with some many ppl after CNY. If yr doc Loh said no harm to inject for another wk than i think just follow lor. Better not to compare anymore with previous expereince since you decided to try this cycle with KK, dont give yourself extra worries. And i tot you already clarify with them before you start yr Lucrin?

I will be starting my lucrin soon. Many I know what's the duration? 2 weeks lurin? then start puregon for ?? days? when start to do blood test before start of puregon? how much does the lucrin and puregon cost?
during this injection period, are we allow to do any activities? or muz rest at home?
anyone, please help..

BB, Atlas,

i am okay, just that have to poke extra 1 week for nothing, very sian leh, right side already yellowish green and not even puregon yet, imagine sat comes and no more area to poke liao.
