IVF/ICSI Support Group

My bt on 28 June...I think I will only go for bt in the afternoon after school dunno if I can get the result in the same day or not leh.

Would you use the hpt before going for your bt?

Red velvet,
I went back for acupuncture straight after et and another one 3 days later... I go to raffles hospital tcm... They practise acupuncture before n after et.
Hi all, I am planning for my 3rd fresh in which the doc said he is putting me on short protocol with Puregon. However, I don't quite understand the whole process... ...

The nurse told me that I'll have to call the first day of mense, then go scan D2/D3 and if ok, injection for 3-4 days, then if ok, pick up eggs. So fast???

Anyone went thru this short protocol and appreciate it if can provide more details on the process. Thanks!!!
eskimo, i won't be doing HPT. I duno if i can take the disappointment. I rather it come from someone professional. You get to decide what time to go for BT? The nurse told me to go before 9.30am. No idea why coz that is their peak.
Hi, for those after ET, do u need go back to clinic for progesterone blood test?? In which day ? My clinic ask me go back on day 8 & they calculate from ER date? How come??
Snoopy, at least they told you to go back. KK scape this BT process. I had to go to a GP to test and found out that mine is only at 52.
R you with kkh? I'm with kkh... They never state the time although it's their practice to do by in the morning n they'll call u around lunch or afternoon to tell you the results so that if you bfp have to go down to collect more medication.

It's usually a week after et so yours is around there.
Snoopy, the nurse at my pte gynae told me the ideal was above 100. I got a shock when i receive my BT report from my GP. So i asked the nurse at KKH when i went for my jab. She told me the ideal reading varies depending on medication. The ideal for those on inserts is 30, jab is 60 (and mine is just borderline).

The reason why they scrap the prog BT is becoz research shows there is no direct correlation btw prog level and success rate. Duno whether to believe or not. But since no spotting, i din 'make a scene'.
Haro eskimo!!! I'm watching u too!!! Lolx...

I'm always here leh, never left... Lurking around.... Muahahaha
Blurbaby... Thanks for the infor, will ask more the nurse when I go to do the test.. Keep u all posted ...

Eskimobaby.. I c ....
My natural 2ww has ended....
wondering will I ever be a mother. I know I should be Kok for negative thought again... Koking myself
Babysmurf, well said!
Hope that Redvelvet gets the 长长九九!

Ain, thanks! Good advice indeed! Let's be positive n jiayou together!

Hope, hope your spotting stops by now!

Bigbear, please be positive ok! We are all here rooting for you! You will become a mother soon! Jiayou!

SunnieHope and 12bhappy, already replied pm. Thanks!
Hi Noy,
Which hosp are u with?

I will be doing the short protocol too. Yes, u call on the 1st day of your period. On D2-3, go for a scan. It takes another 7-11 days to produce the follicles of a right size depending on how well you respond. During this time, if your lead follicle is around 11-12mm, they do a blood test for LH and then start the antagonist to delay spontaneous ovulation.
When your follicles are ready, you are given Pegnyl to mature the eggs for ER. This takes another 2days. You are now probably at 12-16 days since the 1st day of your period.
The rest would be the same as the long protocol.

I haven't started my cycle yet. But this is what i gathered from the ivf counselling. Maybe others who have done a short protocol can correct me if i am wrong ?

端午节 快乐! It's a public holiday here today!
eskimo, replied your PM. *wink*
Today already considered good ah. Slept thru all the way till 6am, rather than wake up twice during the night. Maybe cos i changed the way i took my meds. Make me more sleepy at night than in the day. Anyway, had to get up to put my insert too. Went back to sleep afterwards.
yes, the 6 monthly bt needs to be done... the one that tests for HIV, hepatitis etc... this bt only valid for 6 months. as for scan, unless you have any other concerns or whether u wan natural or medicated fet... if you want to try natural fet, it would be good to go see your gynae around day 12 of your cycle or near your ovulation date to determine if you are suitable for natural.... if not, then the scans will only start on the cycle that you want to have your fet to determine your lining and follicle size (for natural fet) before the transfer.

replied you too
you are still on inserts? not given duphaston only?
u just need a hot flask... put in a few longans, red dates (without seeds) and gou qi zi, pour in boiling water and let it stand for a while and u can start drinking... u can adjust the taste to your liking by varying the no. of longans, red dates or gou qi zi.
eskimo, replied u liao. I continued the inserts and oral meds (Utrogestan) from 2ww. Not given duphaston. Continue till doc says can stop.
Blurbabe, Which gp did u go to? JUst ask for a progesterone blood test?
And then with e results, u go back KK ivf or o&g for more support?
Hi gals! Thx for your wishes! I'm on my way bk home now and 2WW has started! Hmm do I start taking brazil nuts now and when can I start taking durians?
just do what you can and take things easy...

welcome to 2ww! brazil nuts u can take 2-3 pieces daily... durian can eat near implantation time... eat too much can be heaty.
ehhh must look at the spreadsheet.... depending on the no. of days your embryos are.... implantation can happen between day 7 - 10.
Ain, i just went to the nearby GP to request for the test. I got the report 3 days later. Since i m going to KK daily for prog injection, i just showed them the report during my daily appt. They told me it is not proven that prog level is linked to success rate. So they din gimme additional support. I do not know what hospitals practice though.
Eskimobb, mine is a D2 transfer hmm so implantation should be around 5 plus later? Hee also do you all lie on the bed always or sit up and relax? Sorry it's my first time so I'm abit lost... Hee.

i will but jittery! i'm suppose to set a ca2 paper but only halfway done... sigh... i dun feel like doing anything! arghh

i roughly remember it something like this... if u do a d2 transfer, then 3 dpt, your babies become blastocysts, then they will break out of their protective layer over the next couple of days and start to burrow into your lining and implant
