IVF/ICSI Support Group

Joyfully, my back also pain! Hope will subside soon!

J Ning, finally see u! Thanks and All the best for your ER!

Luv, I rem u mention that should still eat more protein. It's more for OHSS or quality of embryo growth?

Red Velvet.... Your ET today? All the best!

Hope, both for OHSS and for your baby
Hope, sayang u. Hope your pain will subside soon.

Ning, thanks! I've checked with nurse and she also say not to do massage. All the best for your upcoming ER! We will be rooting for you! Pray that your follicles will grow consistently in size and quality for your ER.

Randy, hope you recover from dizzy spell and feel better today.
Feel cramp since yesterday & no discharge... Sigh ... No symptom , so worry, now got symptom also worry ...

Back also pain... Start thinking many many no good things liao.... Haiz.........
Hi chrisl, i jus did autoimmune testing at my gynae's clinic in TMC. It only covers 4 tests, but i cani only remember lupus n thyroid. Tests itself costs $188. Results will be out in abt a week's time. My gynae mentioned this is a typical set of tests performed to investigate reccurent mc.
Think my AF coming soon
having slight coloured discharge. I m exactly 1 week past ET, can I ask kkh to give more support in case AF really start? No point doing blood test now right?
CelC... Are u ok now?? Have u call kkh ?? I also same with u 1 wk past ET, & feel cramps since yesterday... I also very worry.....
Gals, what else vit that u take during 2ww? I only take folic acid & eat EW... Any food can eat more then can support the pregnancy?? Should go acupuncture ? I keep thinking I have not consume enough vit/ food .....
Wow lucky 8 egg whites hehe...

It might be implantation spotting.

Af symptoms r very similar to pregnancy symptoms so hang inthere... Rest more n relax
Mc - thanks. Do you go for your acu with Dr Zou after ET? I still have 1 more session with Dr Jin. Wondering if I should go back during 2ww.

Hope - congrats on your 3 frozen embbies.
hope yo
u are feeling lesser bloating.

Ladies, go poo poo use abit of force will affect embryos or not? Sorry silly question but need to go quite soon.

Joyfully, thanks. Hmm, I am getting abit restless on the bed already.

Celc and snoopy, could it be implantation symptoms? The cramps and discharge?
red velvet
try not to strain too much while pooing, cos i think it might somewhat effect lor based on my 1st fresh..eat more veggie/fibre food and drink more fluids to help

think not adviseable to try accup in 2ww..cos considered preggy..and no heatpad on tummy leh i read somewhere..foowwise, everything in moderation..no raw food lah and avoid too spicy or tofu stuffs..folic acid is enough generally in 1st trimester

all in 2ww
hang on there!
Red velvet,
For raffles tcm, they do acupuncture before n after et, since you still have one more time with Dr jin, why don't you go for it? I think straining a little for the poo is ok but not too much like when constipated. For me, I find the inserts make my poo soft so quite easy to push out.

Not advisable to put heat pad during 2ww. For food, you can take more protein rich food, Brazil nuts n durians for implantation, not too much though coos heaty. Chicken essence, folic acid, fruits like kiwis, cherries all r good to take. Basically if you r eating well don't have to worry about vitamins.
Snoopy, I used heat pad during my 2ww but only for back but never on my tummy. If ur back is painful I think u can use it.

Baby dust to all
Thanks eskimobaby n red velvet. Hopefully it is juz implantation spotting. I m checking on it frequently to make sure it doesn't get too much. There's nothing much I can do also.
Hi sisters... Thanks for the advise! Infact I use heat pad every month cos iI hav period pain, so I thot now also can use it to keep the surface warm ( cos mine always feel cold).

ChrisL, cannot eat tofu?? I hav bought many tofu in fridge cos easy to cook.

Hmm... Why need to eat durian?? My sis in law said if eat, baby will hav pimples in future... So she never take during her pregnancy .. Don know true or not... I very crave to eat durian but hubby not allow... Hmm... Think secretly buy & eat when he go to work.... Hee.....
These two days really very hot. Water can't quench my thirst. Tried taking unchilled soft drinks but take a sip n find it too sweet. Arghhh....

Found out from the sisters here that durians can aid implantation and food containing Soya bean is said to cause the egg shell to be to thick for the embryo to hatch.
Eskimobaby, so better don't take tou fu r ? .... Ok, will ask my hb to finish it....

Luckily know cos I plan to finish all the tofou next few days....

not say cannot lah as said moderation is the key..the other time was i ate too much(almost everyday for a week kinda)cos only im the only one at home eating it..so yahlor..

red velvet
not yet..have some loose ends to tie here at home..but hopefully next week or two be back
i am so waiting for my yummy durians lol! So long time nexer eat 'real' durians already thai durians here cannot make it
Hi sisters,

I will be taking my trigger shot on Sunday night. Do I still continue taking EW on Monday? Also, can I do acupunture on Monday? Will it cause ovulation to occur earlier before my ER on Tuesday?

Chrisl, I believe you will be very happy to see all the food....

The weather here is really killing... so HOT!!! a lot of people getting sick...

I also enjoy eating durian... Mao shan wang is my favorite... so tasty... wah... but I cannot eat because it is too heaty now...

Therefore, I am not sure if your body can take the heat here... so better take care.
yeah june/july/aug the worst months..last march when i came back already can't tahan the heat..perspire the moment i got down from plane..this time i think lagi worse
Good morning sunshines!

May today bring you all positivity in life!

Ladies... After taking e blood test, how long will KK call back to let u know e results? Do we need to go down again aft tat? So mah fan. I'll be alone, so tot maybe go for bfast, sit & chill somewhr if it's not too long..
Ain Wayne, Are u referring to preg BT? If yes, usually if u go early morning by noon the result should be out. That's my experience from the past cycles.
Bigbear, yes preg BT! Noon sounds gd!! Hope they won't take too long. I have my tuition class at 4pm, scared go back come back waste time.. I'll be there e earliest they open lah! Thanks my dear!
Ain, you don't have to wait around. They will call you. You can collect the supportives if any the following day. Good luck! ✌
