IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Chocolate, how did u come to decide on NUH over KK n SGH? Mind sharing? Yes, let's jiayou together n hopefully we succeed in our next round. I'm also hoping a change of doc n clinic will do the trick!

Hope....ya, sounds like OHSS....u shld alert ur doctor....

Chocolate....may I know how ur hubby's soldiers' morphology managed to be brought up to a better range? My hubby's sperm morphology is not good...perhaps can get tips from u...
dear sisters, me crying buckets last night as my oscar scan result is expectionally high.. can you imagine? 1:10!! 1:300 already considered high risk... i am so worried and dont know how to tahan the wait till further detailed test... vvv sad...

Qing, i hvnt seen john tee, my first appt with him is next fri.. probably will stick to him and ask him to do amnio test too.. i am not pleased with dr loh.. have to keep chasing him before he finally called to tell me my results (why he has to keep me waiting when the results are with him, somemore v bad one?).. his way of sharing "bad news" is all too familiar and "hurting" (reminded me of my failed ivf with him)... i think i will just stick to kkh...
thanks chocolate.. now with my oscar test results i cant bring myself to bask in the joy of pregnany
hope your treatment at NUH will bring success v soon! jia you!

Hope, how are u doing? really cld be ohss.. see doctor if situation continues.. must be careful ok...
Hi Bigbear, my hb has been taking a lot of supplements like zinc, selenium, vitamin C and E, royal jelly and fish oil for abt 2 years. He also took GNC pine bark for about 2 - 3 mths but as it's quite exp (abt $1 per tablet) and he didn't feel any difference so he stopped and switched to eating GNC multi vitamins, tribestan tablet from KK pharmacy and additional vitamin C and E recently. According to the pharmacist at KK, the tribestan tablet is very good and proven to help. Apart from the supplements, he started jogging since 4 to 5 months ago and this seemed to be one of the main factors in helping his sperm morphology (he is quite big sized). But as the 2 sperm tests were done at 2 different hospitals (Glen E and NUH), their benchmark for morphology, motility etc is different so it is actually not quite conclusive tt his sperm actually improved. However, based on the morphology, the % went from 2/3% to 5% in the most recent test so I hope it's a real improvement rather than different measurement. Maybe a combination of supplements plus exercise helps?

Hi LuvnHope, I prefer the protocol at NUH CHR (Clinic for Human Reproduction) as scans will be done by doctor (I am with Prof Wong) and we will be very closely monitored in the stimulation stage. Pros and cons as need to go for scans and blood tests every 2 to 3 days during stimulation stage but the stimulation jabs will be adjusted according to the follicle growth. I got 18 eggs retrieved the last round at KK and after the failed cycles, my cycle was haywire for at least 6 months. Am hoping that will not be given too high a dosage this round and if fail again (touchwood), the medicine won't affect my cycle too much.
Also, the CHR is more private and cosy as compared to KK IVF centre where it's like mass production. NUH has this quota (I think about 60 patients per month) and they keep to this quota so as to give their patients the needed attention which I think is very important.

You did your previous IVF at KK? Have you decided which hospital and doctor to switch to? I attended the IVF seminar conducted by Prof Wong and personally find that he's very professional and knowledgeable.
JoynFaith..what tool you are using that is wrong to measure bbt? I felt my lower tummy heavy when trying to run..slight tightness but not much.

Usagi.. what is your menopur dosage? Mine will be 150... how long does it takes to dissolve, need to plan how early i need to wake up for the jab before work.

Hope.. better go see the Doc. also, dun go back to work lah.. jus rest. Don't take the risk

Cock Cock.. what is the oscar scan about?
Cock cock, dun lost faith yet, must feel strong to your babies, dun add anymore stress to them. Wait for the details scan. Go to the doctor who you feel safe ya

Today is my D10, how could this possible that my body can develop OHSS? ( somemore so suddenly) sorry har, i am just trying to analysis my own body abit here, but i am taking your gals opinion seriously.
hello sisters,
actually i also trying to find out what is OSCAN Sca, so here you go: -

What is an OSCAR screening?
OSCAR, or One-stop Clinic for Assessment of Risk for Fetal Anomalies is a combination test offered in the first trimester to screen for risk of fetal anomalies, in particular Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21). It involves a nuchal translucency (NT) scan and a blood test.

An OSCAR screening will allow you to find out in your first trimester, if your baby has a high risk of chromosomal defects.

If the results indicate you have a higher risk of carrying a baby with Down's syndrome, you can opt to do further invasive tests such as CVS. OSCAR screenings are optional and you can discuss it with your doctor if you wish to have this screening.
Hi Cockcock, sad to hear abt your oscar test result but as the rest of the gals said, have faith as all is not lost yet. Seek second opinion and do all necessary tests. Trust that everything will turn out fine and it might be a false alarm afterall. Take care and stay positive!
Morning sisters !!! So fast it's saturday already!!

Sashamama, congratzzz...!! ***grabbing babydust***

HOPE, u sounds serious woh!! must take care leh!!
just called TFC and nurse shamseah will call be back shortly...

jonjonbear, yalor, my DH also got very scared last night.... maybe i eat too much of laksa nie...
Ya, HOPE, don't play play. All symptoms should report to ur doctor. Give them a call and see what they say. Mmh.... U should really reconsider if u should really go back to work nix week ya. Take care n hugs
thanks hope and chocolate.. we know every step in the journey is full of challenges, even after delivery... i am still crying.. i asked myself why so upset? that's becoz we want this so badly, therefore scare at the thot of losing it.. if only we dont cling on so tightly and crave for more, we wont suffer so much (although this is buddhism's belief, i think it holds truth).. must calm my mind, tame my thoughts and learn to "let go"... since its beyond my control, there's really no point worrying so much... i want to learn to accept my "fate" as it goes... trying...
Hi cockcock..I understand how u feel but pls don't dishearten...I have a friend who did an Oscar test n the result is 1.66 ...in the end they had to do an aminotic test but the test result turns out normal n now the son is 5mths old n cute...Oscar test is not an accurate test...I can understand the frustration you had with dr loh at the clinic as I do faced the prob too at the clinic when I am waiting for my progrestrone test...

Go for a 2nd opinion n don't trust this Oscar test....
Hope, take care ok... maybe the food also aggravated the situation? i dont have OHSS but one day, after lunch with kimchi ramen, my stomach bloated till like bursting and i was q breathless.. usually, if i dont go toilet when i high tide, by the time i go it takes ages for the urine to flow out... btw, who's doing BT today? I thot there's someone but i cant rem... forgot to send best wishes (or is it next sat?)
thanks wendy! how have u been? have been thinking of you!!! so happy to see u here again! aiyah, u see my results much worse leh, 1:10! feel so bleak... are u planning to start anytime soon? want to wish u all the best! still grateful at the thot of u wanting to send me to see doctor and buy makan for me! u and yr hubby so nice pple God will bless u all!
Dear Cool, Chocolate, Jonjonbear,
Thanks for your well wishes!

Dear Wendy,
Loooong time no see, how have you been?

Dear Cock Cock,
Do heed the advice of the girls in the BFP thread to seek second opinion and go for another scan at 14 weeks ya? Stay strong for your babies!!!

Dear HOPE,
During my 2WW, there were 2 days I was bothered by very very sharp back pain that I could not lie down or sit properly and I thought something was very wrong, end up the pain went away after 2 days. It is not similar to your pain but i do hope yours will go away too!
Cockcock....now tt I noe what the test is, I remember my sis and cousin went for such a test and was told tt 99% their babies wld have down syndrome. My sis cried for days but in the end she decided tt even if her child has down syndrome, she'll love the baby just the same. Now, the baby is healthy, fine and happy and gg on 3 yrs old. My cousin, on the other hand, was prepared to abort the child. She cried and cried and cldn't concentrate on work. In the end, she decided to keep the baby but she's worried and cried everyday. The baby was born healthy and is now 4 yrs old. So cockcock dear, don't worry too much. At this pt of time, the baby is not fully developed yet to be analyzed and confirmed as such.
Hope...I am fine..I am sure u get ohss le...better check if u still need the jab...ohss sometimes doesn't mean u need to have many follicles..it could be due to yr follicles overstimulated with drugs too..best to check with dr loh....
Cockcock...I am fine..just seeing tcm now n goin for my next fresh cycle....
.. U take care n don't dwell too much...my Oscar test was 1:5000+ but in the endi still lost my son at 17th week.lso u see gd results doesn't mean anything my dear
Hope: hope that you are getting better.
You may want to take the LRD and chicken ess separtely on alternate day.

Try taking 100+plus to ease your bloatness or warm water.
Hi sashamama, congrats on your scan results! Collecting babydusts.. Oh, btw sashamama,. I still can't access the google doc when I tried keying in my yahoo email uid n passwd. Can I pm u a gmail address? Sorry for the trouble.

Hi jonjonbear, me ok so far, except that my feet turn cold n sweaty at times, not sure why. Any sisters here has this experience during 2ww?

Hope, please take care n better check with dr loh.
Hi hope, I got ohss aft et... Feeling so bloated n breathless, feel the need to urine but everytimes go toilet oni abit came out, in the end hospitalized. Yr case sounds like ohss... Rem drink 2-3l of water to flush out the drug. Ohss will worsen if u r preg....
Thanks joops,
I feeling breathless even only resting at sofa
Yes, i will try to drink more water to flush out the drug...
Aiya, why like that!
i really thought after the D10, i can feel relax ans easy....
Hi ladies, me been weak past few days seldom hang around. Hope everyone is fine!

Hope, ya, drink lots of fluids to flush out the hormones. Hang in there. When you BFP, these may come back!
CockCock, i saw Prof John Tee the other day! Still dont look like a doctor at all! But you are in good hands if you decide to do amnio. In KKH, even Dr Loh refers cases to him when amnio is requested. Sorry to hear your experience with Dr Loh isnt good. Ya this time, he really shouldnt have taken so long to get back to you. Go with the doc you more comfy with.
Hey dun fret ok.... Last time a few ivf mummies also had very poor oscar results then they went Camden medical centre to see this doc for a very detailed scan which is for detection of down syndrome.... Cost abt $300+.... The scan really goes into details of the measurements n much clearer than the Oscar scan so if u dun wanna do the amniotic test yet can go for this one. The mummies who went for this the babies cleared the scan n were born healthily. I remembered the pkg comes with even a video plus lots scan pics of ur babies
seems like for ivf mummies the blood test doesn't reflect the true scenario maybe becos of all the hormones that we've been fed with for ivf.
Hope, dont fret, i think he just want to check see how best to reduce the effects. Stop hcg jabs also good, pregnancy important but your health precious too. Without the jabs, you still have other supports?
Yeps so some mummies opt out of the Oscar test n went for this detailed scan at Camden instead. They brought the report back to their own gynaes after that.
Heartbeats, ya i still have other supports....
In email he said he needs to check my condition n then give me the subsitute wor....
I really thought after D10 is safe zone already.....
cock cock,
Dun fret... As the sisters here say, the OSCAR test is not 100% accurate. It's just a probability thing and can be rather subjective depending on your sonographer i think. Seek a second opinion and they may have different analysis!

Chocolate, yeah, i was prev with KK. Sounds like NUH is more cosy. Is there a queue for fresh cycles there? Are the scans only done in the mornings like KK?
Hope, maybe you preggy alr. OHSS comes back after D10 if preggy. Dont mean to raise your hopes but it may be. If dont have jab, you monitor and if OHSS persist then high chance. Hang in there!
I'm all for this Camden scan.... I think u can go for this scan n get peace of mind..... If this detailed scan show otherwise then u consider the amniotic test... Cos no matter wat, the amniotic test still do carry some risk no matter how small the risk.
Thanks heartbeats, i will monitor my motion this two days before i see dr loh.
Aiya, me greedy la, demand to have so many supports then kenna breathless n not well now...
Cock, i still tink u shld stay wif kkh becos urs is twins lor. Eventhough mine is singleton bt becos of my old history so my last decision is still there.

Ur oscar scan at kkh is still avail rite? Or passed liao? Y dun u go do there aso. At kkh, it is done by doc nt sonographer leh. N bring the tmc report to prof john tee n c wat he said becos he is aso specialist for ADC at kkh. Mayb can ask him do for u himself. If nt, like wat the others said is goin Camden look for Dr Anand i tink becos last time mi BO aso try goin there for 2nd option.

Oscar blood results is nt tat accurate. For the scan, did u manage to c the nasal bone all these? Dun forget aso tat u did ur oscar scan earlier than expected so tat 1 - 2 wks does matter
Hope, take care and hope you feel better after you stop HcG.

Cockcock, I feel for you as I was in the same situation with my 1st pregnancy. I was told that I am in the high risk category, 1:22. I cried for days and even the mention of it by my in-laws or anyone (even when they are trying to console me), I will cry. Even looking at a baby on the street, I would cry and think why is my baby and not others?

Now, I have a bubbly and normal baby boy coming to 2 years old, so don't lose heart. Like what Esimobaby said, if you want a peace of mind, go for the detailed scan at Camden, as the Amniotic test although accurate still has its risks. Take care.
Cockcock, hugs. Can understand your anxiety. But like what some sisters say, Oscar result not ideal doesn't nec mean its a full stop. I have a friend also like u but turns out her baby girl is now 5months old n super cute!! Have faith n pray hard ok. Big bear hugs.

Hi hi Wendy!!! **waving hands frantically

Yo hope, I oso think it's OHSS! Go c dr Loh on Monday n c Wat he say ya... All the best

Hi hi Chocolate Soh, thanks for your encouragement! I'm sure me as well as the rest of the sisters who hasn't graduated yet will continue to do our best. Meanwhile, do log in n chat with us more often ya
I1bb...hihi...miss you lots...

Cockcock...FYI,I just rem this.lduring my 1st fresh when I bfp,my dr say just do the scan will be fine n no bloodtest coz our results sometime go out of specs due to the drugs we have compared to natural conception..

It's either side effects of the support medication combined or ohss. Just follow dr loh's instruction n see him on Monday. Meanwhile, drink lots of soup, water or juices to flush the excess hormones out. Take care *hugs*
