IVF/ICSI Support Group

Bigbear, you may consider acupuncture (if you are doing acu frequently) at dr zou as it's more affordable. $25 each acu session. She does not charge consultation fee.

Eskimobaby and CHing... sorry to hear about the news.. take care.. recover back and try again..

Tickle.. I am also thinking shld I work during 2ww cos I dun wan to tell my Boss. But I think I won't want to risk it. Was planning to tell them I am going for a small surgery and need 2wk HL..
Can any sistar advise what ops needs 2 wk rest? lol
Hello sisters,
Thanks for ur concern! I will take care & try again in a few months time

Hug hug to you also!
U taking dr.zhao's med? Is it in powder form? How fo u find it? Good? I am thinking to see TCM for med also... Considering Dr.Zhao, Dr.Tan Siew Buoy & Dr.zou... Dunno which one shud I go to leh...
Jeanne, if u're doing fresh cycle, bear in mind u might be feeling sore n bloated after ER n may not be in the shape to go back to work ESP if u had many eggs retrieved. I cld barely walk the first few days, much less go out. Do try to rest for one week at least. Better to give yourself more buffer cos u never know how ur body will react after ER n ET. For FET, going back to work after a few day's rest shld b ok. Hope this helps!
Babyjourney.. thanks.. not sure will they ask what type of ops..

Ching, you may want to take location into consideration.. may be too tired to travel long distance

Also, I am just starting to take immunocal. Can I check if I mix more than 1 packet, do I mix with the same amt of liquid? Currently, I am taking 1 packet per day with juice and its already filling.
Hi ladies, I've been a silent reader all these while. I have been with Dr Loh in KKH, but have been transferred to Dr Matthew Lau. I do not have Dr Matthew Lau email, so can anyone please let me know his email? I have question to ask him.

Wanna ask you ladies how to improve egg quality? Dr Lau ask me to take Co Enzyme Q. Anyone taken this?
serene.. yes.. I am taking CoQ10.. it is suppose to be for anti-aging which had an impact on egg quality... cos the older you are, the quality of the egg will not be so gd as when you are young.
Yap.. you can get CoQ10 off the shelves from any pharmacy like Watson, Guardian etc.. It is in tablet's form. I am taking the DHC brand currently, 2 per day.
Hi Ching! Big bear hugs to u! Sorry I so late then reply u. Was out just now. U rest well take a break n cheong again when u r ready ok. I'm taking dr zhao's meds. As my womb is super terok (apparently), she prescribed me alot alot of meds. It's in small sachets. One med one sachet n I am taking like a combination of 10+meds everyday. Pour all the powder meds in a half cup of warm water n drink twice a day. So far I can sleep quite well after takin her meds (cos I have trouble falling asleep) as for any effect on my womb or af, I've yet to feel anything. Just started two weeks nia. My meds r quite costly. $86 per week... Zzz.... For dr tan Siew boey I heard her meds r cheaper but have to brew de. So if u add the gas charges, sama sama lah. I dnt want brew type. Dr zou's meds also powder de & the price also almost same as zhao but slightly cheaper...
Just bought in Guardian today, but not sure whether I should take how many capsules. The one I got is from Bioglan, 1 capsule 50mg, 200 capsules per bottle, cost $75 (after 20% discount). It is stated there to take 2-3 capsule. How much do you take? I was thinking of asking Dr Lau, cos he never tell me how much to take.

I'm 34 this year, but my 1st IVF shows that my egg quantity and quality are not that good. My AMH is normal range. With Puregon 200IU (short protocol), I have 13 eggs retrieved, 9 mature eggs, and only 3 embryo survived. Going to start a fresh cycle maybe in June, so thinking of improving my egg quality by starting taking supplement. Any more supplements that you ladies taking?
Hi serene, some sisters take conceive well gold, folic acid, royal jelly, dhea, wheatgrass, vit c etc etc
Eskinmobaby & Ching... Take care! Rest well and try again when ready!

Cockcock, just want to start asap... my AF finally came. Will call KKH tml...

Was thinking if I should start on TCM...can someone share the address of Dr Zhao & Dr Zou?
Like what mc said, will take location into consideration and like i1bb, dun want to brew med.
Thanks for ur detail info! Glad that her med does help in ur sleeping problem. U saw her before ur menses or after menses? So u hv to see her every week?
Ching, I went to c her on cd2 after my failed FET. She gave me meds to purge old blood... N ya lor, c her every week lor. Heart pain on the meds. So ex but wtd... Who ask my womb so terok... Sigh
For dr zou's meds, she combines all meds into one sachet so most of the time u wont know what she prescribed u unless u ask her. But dr zhao's meds, names of the meds r indicated outside the sachet...
Thanks sisters, for your replies about when you went back to work.
Guess I will get the leave to standby and will see how I feel when the time comes!

Like heartbeats, I think work will help to "distract me" & occupy my time so it passes faster. I know that I'm prone to feel anxious about every single symptom and start to google it if I am at home!

But of course, as luv advised, if I can't walk or not feeling well, I will stay at home la.

Also, I don't want so many office ppl to know... and if i am gone for 2 weeks, they will surely ask. Hmm... What to say...

For those who took 2 weeks leave, what did you say? Just that you had minor surgery?

mC007... I had a minor surgery requiring 2 weeks leave before... it was endoscopy for a sinus infection, suddenly develop after having a cold (i don't normally have sinus problems).
thanks for the reply.. I saw that the conceive well gold contains many many things. Dun think we can mix so many things together?

And yes, please share Dr Zou information. I wanted to change my TCM doctor as well. Previously was from Paragon TCM, and it was really expensive. So please share Dr Zou location, consultation charges and acupuncture charges. Thanks
Dear all,
I had my detailed scan today. Despite the part of my uterus being infected with adenomyosis is 6cm thick being swollen, baby is still growing normally and all major organs are normal. And sonographer is guessing that baby might be a girl. Thank you all for your well wishes!!!

Dear Heartbeats!!!
I registered at 2pm then did detailed scan, and came back at about 330pm! I'm the very fat one wearing green top and long brown skirt, my hubby was wearing bright red polo tee and black bermudas. You saw us?
Congrats Sashamama
One happy mama

Ching and Eskimo hav a short break. Enjoy ole savoury stuff n things dat u hav missed n come back n join in e ride when u r ready. Every failure makes us strive harder n closer to a success
hav faith n never hv e give up attitude.

Serene I m wif Mr Lau. Unfortunately I dun hav his email add. He is a man of few words. For me n hubby, he jus say ol our results is ok. I dun see any problem dat lies wif both of u n suggested me to go on long protocol next month.
Hi Serene/ Luv/ mc_007
I am taking coQ10 also. The brand I have is VitaHealth, i take it one capsule once a day (60 mg). But I really do not know if it is working as i feel exactly the same.

I'm quite interested to take royal jelly with bee pollen. Does anyone have any brand to recommend?
I read on another forum that it really helped the ladies there, and they recommend one online brand, but not sure if there is any good ones sold in stores here.
And is it beneficial to take royal jelly during pregnancy?
congrats to all ladies that have been successful and advancing smoothly.. I'm so jealous!!! Keep thinking when it will be my turn....

Jeanne, I saw VitaHealth COQ10.. it's in KKH Pharmacy as well.. And I also want to take royal jelly... Will look around tmr... think as long as it does not have additional ingredient, it will be ok. Read it on this link: http://natural-fertility-info.com/royal-jelly.html

Nurul, you also dun have his email.. heehee... Yes, he is man of few words, but I like him. He looks very stable, and professional. So I decided to continue with him
Hi Chevy,

You are on day 6 of puregon yesterday? Means we are cycle buddies. I am on day 7 of stimulation today!

It's not too late to start taking proteins for the rest of the days & drinks lots of water. I think the purpose is maybe more to prevent bloating. Stay positive and your follicles will be happy!

How have you been feeling?
So far I have been feeling hotter than usual, I'm usually afraid of the cold, but not so now. I feel slightly bloated, but quite mild.

Dear Cas and Usagi,
Any updates on your side?
As my HSG has expired (done in 2009), I need to do that again. So, I still dun know yet, but I was thinking should be in June. Cos Apr will do HSG, May will be overseas (I went Bangkok :D), so probably June will start again. Mine is short protocol. Yes, please ask your friend to ask for the email.. Today forget to ask for namecard... Thanks
Hi ladies.
Bn reading this thread for quite sometime before I had my first baby which I conceived thru IVF n heard many ladies r looking around for royal jelly. I took mine from CNI 2yrs ago before proceeding into IVF (2-3mths before the procedures) n it really helps me improve the quality of my egg. Had 6 qood quality & conceived a boy on my first try who just turned 1 last mth. Ontop of that, I also followed most of the advices from the ladies. Anyway wl be doing my FET next mth...
I remembered the last time I took, it was in powder form (pure) but seems its in capsules now so easier to consume.
For those who are keen on the royal jelly, this is the website:

*not promoting or advertising, just meant for sharing only.
Hi Jeanne,

Thanks for asking. Later going SGH for scan again and buy med. Today increased my egg white to 6 and is really gross. For once, i think i had enough of eggs. Hahaha. Hope the menopur n growth hormone is taking effect! crossing fingers for my 2nd fresh. My stupid boss assigned me a lot of work but I tell myself dun stress. If I get pregnant, I won't OT for him. If I fail, is time to move on and get another job. Coz the way he assign me work is like doing 2 pax job even though I got 1 assistant.
Btw I stopped taking royal jelly imme after ET. N if I recalled corretly, those with asthma, they are not advisable to take.
Mummies going for FET or gone for FET, any advises or prep before you went for this procedure?
Luvnhope, I bot mine at unity. Blackmores brand. $69 per btl. Same as the type posted by heartbeat previously. It is 150mg per cap. Blackmores got 2 type, another is 50mg cost cheaper but only 50mg n indicate 1-2 cap per day. Whereas for 150mg indicate 1 cap per day. Unity got 20% till 27 march. I read that it help egg quality, I'm doing fet n not fresh but I also start to take as I ks....
Jeanne, then maybe you take 1 week to rest then go back work if you feel ok. Like that you get to rest and also get to pass time more quickly and also save leave entitlements!

Serene, think take max 150mg will do. Too much i dont know will cause any harm or not. I was taking the 150mg one once daily. Mine is from Blackmores. If really need ask Dr Lau, can call clinic D. You got the appt card? Behind will have the number and his asst's name.
Heartbeats, may I know when u take Q10, u take together with other vitamins or seperate diff timing? U took for during FET also? after transfer did u stop or continue? sorry for so many question raise.
Hello, have been a silent reader for a while.

I have a question on the coQ10, as I have started with Lucrin already, is it too late to start taking coQ10? Do we continue coQ10 even during stimulation stage? Sorry for the questions.

sarah - i took Cq10 with the prenatal vits & folic, and no harm to take after transfer since it's just another set of supplements. But if you are unsure you can check with your doc the next visit.

Minnie - never too late. It's supposed to have anti-oxidant effect to help our cell renewal (as we age cell quality deteriorate bla bla bla
) , so even hubby can take.

good luck both
