IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hope - it does sound like the hcg, coz the effect comes 2-3 days later. Glad Doctor relied you, just take lots of water to flush it out, hope u feel better soon.

Thanks eskimobaby n ron,
Will drink alot of water now.
Funny ler.... There was already third hcg jabs why happened now but not the 1st or 2nd hcg jab......
Cockcock, sorry to hear about the Oscar scan results. Hope you are feeling ok.

My Sis did the Oscar test as well during her pregnancy period 2 years ago. Doctor also says got high chance of DS. My Sis was very sad and wanted to go for abortion initially. Luckily, she decided to give birth to the baby instead. And thanks to her decision, I now have a very healthy and adorable baby.

Like what sisters here have shared, it is gd to seek second opinion at Camden, and don't lose hope yet. Will pray for you and hope everything turns out well for u! Take care and hugzzz!
Hi CockCock, keep the faith n pray for the best! Don't fret n make yourself stressed till it affects babies ya.. Don worry, everything will turn out well

Hope, pls rest well.. Bloatedness could be due to all the meds n then aggravated by diet n other supplements, maybe u know... Hmm.. Just in case, pls see doc n rest well.. Take care sweetie!
Hi Chocolate, I might be going for ivf in Apr too. Will be going to get my BT test results next week.. Hee.. We might be able to be cycle buddies.
let's jiayou together ok?
Hope, take care and hope you'll feel better soon! Yes, please cont to drink lots of water, and do keep us posted again after your appt with dr. Loh.
hi jeanne,

glad to know i've got buddy!

i have started increasing my protein intake so hope it helps. my scan yesterday shows 11 follicles but size ranges from 4~11

Now that u mentioned, it does seems i feel warm (like u, am afraid of cold). perhaps the weather? heheheeee.... a slight discomfort here n now, thirsty (started today). other than that, quite ok. maybe the lack of symptons is the reason of my follies not growing well

What about urself? u feel ok i hope!
a bit of info to shaare.....i read that being stress during the process of getting & sending DH's army for test, will reduce motility (from home to clinic).

anyway, to play safe, i put DH on fertility blend that i got from iherb, manuka honey & pomegranate juice. not sure it does help but his motility did improve over time.
Hope - the hcg takes about 5-7 days to clear in the body, so by 3 jab, there is a slight cumulative effect. U r in good hands, so no worries & good luck.
LuvnHope, there's a queue at NUH too but it's much faster than KK. Imagine my appt after failed FET at KK was in Dec and Dr Loh wrote ASAP in the memo yet the date I got is for Apr cycle. My first appt at NUH was in end Jan and I could start using Mar cycle. I nearly was scheduled for the feb cycle but the quota was full.

1BB, would love to log in more often but no time to do so cos busy with work and also got kpo other threads as well by being a silent reader. :p can't catch up with so many posts n very blur!

Hi Joyfully, u'll be with NUH in apr as well?
Hi all, I bought a black chicken. Is it ok to brew with yu zhu, dang gui, huai shan, chuan xiong, bei qi, qi zi, dang shen and gan cao? Not sure can take or not. Would appreciate any kind advices. Thanks.
Hi Ladies, i just did the ET last Wed. i feel nauseous and womb cramp every night and only at night time. is this normal? As this is first time doing medicated fet, i feel different from natural fet.
Joyfully, hope all your BT results come back good!

Wendy, heheh... good to see you back here again! Have you started on your suppression stage?
Cockcock, stay postive! Easier said than done... I always believe that since you have a choice to be Positive or Negative, always choose to be positive!
Everything will be just fine!
Great to hear that you're halfway thru your pregnancy already and starting to shop for bb's things

i understand your worries about the ratio thingy, but i've heard of good news that bb normal afterall despite the bad oscar results..as other sisters recommend, maybe go for 2nd or 3rd doc for advice? Take care and talk to bbs..

Chocolate! *wave wave* long time no see
Yeah same here, mostly silent reader as and when. Im very much ok now after a month or so, just that im still waiting for my AF to report, it has been over a month now but still no signs of it yet..so im not sure when to start, cos i think to play safe i want to wait for at least 2-3 cycles before starting FET, so might be around May or June

meanwhile im trying my best to eat good (hehe well occasionally still indulge in sinful food lah)

You're changing hospital? Good lah, a change might do you good
Will it then be your 2nd fresh or?

Ladies undergoing fresh cycles/FET/scans etc now All the best for your injections and such!

Ladies waiting for the next round jia you and don't give up hope..meanwhile do things to keep yourself positive! Indulge in food sometimes like ice creams and coffee etc..it'll definitely make the waiting a little more tolerable
Adeline that sounds like preggy symptoms..Crossing my fingers for you

Usagi The mix herbs you mentioned appeared in my pre packed chicken soup ingredients so think should be ok ba..but to be sure you might want to call up your chinese doc to verify? Cos to me that seems like the normal chicken soup ingredients that's good for overall 'bu'-ing

Hope hope you're better now after stopping the hcg..take care
I just noticed two red spots near my ankles where the acupuncture needles were. Is that normal?? They don't hurt, but still spook me.
hey i!bb and LuvNHope~
hehe i am ok lah...hope you gals are well too ;) When are you girls starting the ride again or taking a rest now?
Chrisl, I'm likely starting a new fresh cycle in April. Feel I wasted too much time liao in the 2yrs of inaction b4 i started IVF. Must buck up now, hahah!

How about you?
hmmm will be making hokkien fried prawn noodles later for dinner...can't wait for the 'shiokness' of the chilli! hehe
wow good for you! You're one step closer to getting your goals
I've not tried acupuncture but was contemplating to get that if i 'fail' (touchwood choy choy choy!) my FET cycle hehe Yeah thinking of starting in may or june ..now still waiting for my AF to come..i think i've waited so longggg for it! never hv i waited until so 'long neck' b4 lol
hv to..and sometimes i improvise lah..like this time i dun hv hokkien mee i use spaghetti..and if i don't get other ingredients i use substitutes..i love my freezer cos i normally freeze ingredients that can be frozen till needed as it's pretty far to get if i need them on hand
So would you coming back to S'pore after your FET? Better access to medical attention here?

Can understand your anxiety to see AF soon. Prob the only time we're eager to see AF is so that we can start a new cycle soon!
yes i would be until at least 3rd trimester or so the maximum limit for the airline to accept (cos some airlines do not accept preggy woman up to a certain limit thru pregnancy to fly)
k catch up with you again next time!
have to go move my butt and do some chores
which i really dread!!! urghhhh...
Sorry LuvnHope, missed out on ur qn on the scans. Yes, for Prof Wong, he will schedule his scans before his normal consultations. I heard from the nurse it's as early as before 8am. Hv u decided on the hospital and doctor?

Hello Chrisl, happy to know tt u r fine and continuing to eat well. Think it's normal for menses to return 4 to 6 weeks after the D & C. Urs was natural m/c or D & C?
Chrisl, my next cycle would be my 2nd fresh. Actually hv one more frozen embryo at KK but do not intend to use it as Dr Loh said since I have one failed fresh cycle and FET, the whole batch of embryos might not be good.
Hi sisters!
Really want to encourage all of you, whether you are in the 2ww & beyond, stimming, or preparing for ivf in the coming months. It's an emotional ride faced with ups and downs and anxieties.

Have learnt a lot from this forum, and the posts are so fast, i can't keep up... Learnt many good tips, like to prepare for both news of BT, and from Chocolate, what to eat to improve sperm morphology (my DH also has 2%/3% morphology, and he is taking Vigorace).

Hi Cock cock,
Sorry to hear about the Oscar test results, but from what the rest have said, there have been so many false alarms.

Hi Usagi,
Have brought home my work to do over the weekend, cos i know next week will have scans and possibly ER and ET.
Thankful that my boss is understanding, I told him about needing time off for scans and possible 2 weeks leave, and he actually said "No problem, that is more important than work."
Feel so touched that I'm actually motivated to finish my work and do a good job.

Hope your injections are going well... Your medicines are different from mine, but i suppose the purpose is the same.
I have 2 injections everyday.

Did you make your black chicken soup? I don't know much about chinese herbs, so can't really advise, but the other day at the coffee shop, i also ordered black chiken soup with rice.

Hi Chevy & Cas cycle buddies
Hope you are coping well with the injections.
Cas, did you manage to get rid of the bubble?
I'm feeling fine, but side effects still the hot flashes at night, a bit bloated, and lately, a lot of cervical mucous, transparent type, such that need pantyliner haha... (sorry if TMI).

Hi cool,
Are you a Christian? I was really touched by your sharings about your mother, and how you always ask the Lord to teach you what you can learn from these years of infertility. I think faith can really see us through difficult times.
Hey Chocolate, we're in pretty similar circumstances! I also had one failed fresh and FET at KK, and left with one snow baby. But I've decided to do a new fresh cycle instead. Had decided on CARE, most likely starting in April. But i think if *touchwood* still no success, then i may consider going back to govt hospital like NUH. Good to know that govt hospital doesn't always mean mass production line like KK.
Hi Jeanne, didn't get rid of the bubble but asked the nurse and she say it's ok to leave it. I think it's because there wil always be extra abit of the puregon in the tube so the bubble wil not get injected.

These 2 days been feeling quite uncomfortable... Feel like my body can't withstand the puregon... Very crampy... Nauseous even. And don't know if I ate anything wrong, even had abit diarrhea today!
Hi mc_007, I do not know about puregon as I am on centrotide.

Hi Chrisl, yes, that is a pre pack soup, I am guessing it should be fine.

Hi Jeanne, initially I schedule my 2nd fresh in May 12 but I brought forward as I couldn't stand this boss; thinking that if i failed, I will just consider if I should change co. At least I can take the time to rest my body. I wanted to finish my work well too but the rate he throw the work, he thinks I am at his beck and call, with nothing to do. He sucks as a boss; did u ever hear from a superior that says it loud when you said u are busy and he said "What a Good excuse." From then now, he dun deserve any respect.

I haven make the soup, waiting for hubby to crave the black chicken as I dun dare to chop off the head.
LuvnHope, I really admire your determination to give your daughter (if I rem correctly) a sibling. You are really a very good mother!

If I were you, I might not be so determined if I already have one son/daughter. For me, I am not giving up yet cos I don't even have a child yet.
Yo Chrisl, me taking a break first till June for 3rd (last) fresh. Just started taking tcm meds. If by June my tcm dr still say my womb not good enuf then I think I might postpone 1 or 2 months more... C how ba...
Chocolate, hahah... I don't know if I'm worthy of such a compliment! I just want to know that I've tried my best. Actually after ER, i was really hoping that it would be the first and last time i go thru a fresh cycle, cos the days after ER were very scary. Had terrible side effects to the sedative. But unless i give up now, i have to brace myself for the ER again!

There are a few other sisters here like Eskimo and WY Koo who are also trying to give their kid a sibling. So i'm not the only one for sure.

Actually all sisters here show great determination, including you! We all jiayou together!!
i1BB, weren't you already on TCM b4 your FET?
Why do you say this'll be your last fresh? Hopefully it'll be the last cos you'll BFP lah!!
Dear Wenwen,
You received access to my doc already?

Dear Chrisl,
Thanks for your well wishes. How have you been?

Dear Usagi,
Yes your boss sounds really horrid!!!

Luv, I was only on accu but nvr on tcm meds. I took dr zou's meds for a week in April 2011 n stopped. Now after the last failed FET, I've decided to really take tcm meds religiously. So I only started two weeks ago. N ya lah, my last fresh n if I still dnt succeed, I'll probably give up IVF n just try naturally. Have have don't have don't have. Bo Bian lor... & yes! Hopefully this "last" will mean I bfp that's y it's "last"! Lolx
