IVF/ICSI Support Group

Ching n Eskimobaby, hugs hugs and more hugs. Jiayou, we are all in this stage of our lives, trying our best to conceive. At least we've tried and r still trying. Sometimes, I will ask God what is He teaching me through so many years of childlessness. I believe there's different lessons installed for each of us. For one, there's so much to learn even through the process itself. We grow stronger through each experiences.

加油 加油 ⛽
Cycle buddies - HOPE, Jonjonbear, wen wen, biggly, (did I missed out anyone) how are you guys?
Hello cool,
I am here i am here.
Just had my lunch, curry laksa

I walked very very slowly to market to buy my lunch, but breathless la... So i stop awhile and rest at the bus stop and then continue to walk to the market.... 真幸苦啊!
Yalor, i had laksa again.... I also bought chicken rice for tea break..... I dunno ler, i wanna have something with strong taste, strong spice ler. I had oat milk for breakfast this morning, feel so yuck

( HCG again)
Hi Cool,

Just had my lunch too...small bowl noodles (dunno what to call it)..so far so good..no cramps today le..dunno good or bad..sighzzz..
How abt u?

Wow Hope, your appetite good le..taking chicken rice for tea-break..
Hi Whitetiger,

I think what dr zou said is valid..coz royal jelly will increase oestrogen in body and if the cyst is oestrogen stimulated, it will grow bigger. Same as case with endometriosis..which is stimulated by oestrogen..
I have endo and previously i did take royal jelly for 2 months or so. But stopped after I suffered very bad menstrual cramps at the end of 2 months..usu. my endo is silent kind i.e. no pain one..so i thought could be related to the royal jelly.
Wow haha I also just taken my lunch - Noodles.
HOPE, wow laksa, my DH don't allow me to eat laksa
he said got coconut ...cooling :mad: is it true? Haha I also crave for tasty food. No appetite for blend blend food.... Wow chicken rice for tea break!? Haha that sounds like a main meal leh.

For tea break, I usually heat up a bit of can tuna, add some lime n eat with bread
nowadays like to eat sour stuff.

Wen wen, I am also very good today leh. No bloatedness some more
...... No sighs..Good or bad?
Haha we 2ww ladies really thinking too much.
Hi Usagi,

How was your scan today?
Ran out of eggs today cos yesterday forgot to buy, so have only eaten 2. Haha. Good thing that I like to eat eggs, so don't really mind. But understand how you can get tired of eating so many eggs. Just focus on how it is nourishing your body,and imagine your follicles being happy!

I also had a scan today. The dr almost couldn't find my right ovary, gave me a shock! But it's there la... just that he was looking in the wrong part.

Seems there are about 10 follicles in total, about 9mm-12mm in size. Dr Loh says "it's not a lot, but it is ok". I felt he looks a bit disappointed somehow, and i wonder if it is not as good as what he expect. Maybe i am over-sensitive.

But 10 follicles sounds quite good to me, and i am thankful for that. Have to continue my injections till then. I hope they continue to grow and that for ER, they can all be retrieved! Monday I will have another scan and see how.
Hi Jeanne,

I went to buy 2 trays of eggs last nite but I suspect I will run out by tml. Today's scan nvr indicate my no. of follicles. But last week, they put 15. I dunno if it is 15. How many eggs in 1 follicle? My last round,I think i extracted 12 eggs but only 2 to be transferred and nothing can be freeze.

But they also put poly...found. I dunno if that is cyst. Anyone can advise? Coz i taking royal jelly lately.

Today, got upset by the stupid boss. Thrown me an assignment to be due next monday. I was so upset that I cried abit. Maybe hormones are imbalance. Your follicles abit larger than mine. I think mine ard 8mm the largest. Next scan tue. Today bought 4 days of medication that cost me a whooping 2k. Hope this round works!
Cool...I'm ok..saw the doc today...have passed the "danger" stage...ovaries are half the size of what were scanned on Wed...phew...can don't need to eat that many eggs liao...

doc said can go back office next week if i want to le...in plain words...the result is fixed liao..only waiting to be revealed the following Monday...praying hard now...
Biggly, i m also going back to work next week ler
I think our results are already done liao.... Implantation all done liao
Hope: ya loh...looking out for symptoms here and there...doc said I should know because the bloatedness I felt after the ET should come back...but I told him I didn't even feel any bloatedness back then....he lol...so bo bian...only those AF-alike crampy feelings here and there....
Hi Jeanne...i did scan today too... Earlier than expected but because I was seeing doc so did. The doc never say how many I have... But I peek at the paper, like maybe 6,7 on one side then the other side like 3,4 only... Is this normal?

Also need to continue puregon until next week scan again, because doc say not big enough... Mine is like assorted one, got 6... Got 10... 11...different sizes?

Did ur scan mentioned about lining? I overheard while scanning mine is like 11... I wondered if this is ok or not. Anyone knows if there is ideal thickness for lining or egg size?

Other than this, same as Jeanne... I get easily hot at night... Can't sleep well and crampy uncomfortable... Maybe side effects of puregon? Hope can finish the injections soon!
Usagi, the polyp found may be due to lining thickness. But did they ask u to scan again? Previously I did a routine scan and also mention polyp... Then they ask me to scan again the following month,can't remember how many days after menses... No more polyp. Think polyp is a growth or something.
我也好不了那里 biggly, the worst thing, i got the symptoms, bloatedness, cramp on n off, breathless, breast swollen, nipples quite hard n pain too; but i think all this bcos i m still on HCG ba... Or maybe i eat too full n too much so my tummy big n bloated nie...
The nurse asked me to be calm, not to think too much bout the symptoms ....
Hi usagi & Cas,
Haha, we all had scan today.

Usagi, sorry to hear about your tight deadlines at work and heavy work load. Did you explain to your boss that you are undergoing medical treatment?
I think each follicle is supposed to contain one egg, but some do not.

Hi Cas, my lining was 11mm today. My follicles also had various sizes. I had one that is 6mm, but all the rest are mostly 12mm, and couple of 9-10mm. I think it is normal, but if the difference is too much, the small ones may not catch up. Read that most centers aim to retrieve between 8-15 eggs.
Hey cool!! **wave wave** I'm here I'm here!! Me Okok gua... I'm on d6 today. Luckily mum is here with me, she settled all the meals for me but too bad loh she don't let me eat laksa, tomyam those spicy food

How about you?

Wonder how's Wen Wen too?
Hi all...my brown spotting stopped after the Ovidrel jab yesterday. Am so relieved. 3 more days to BT. Am nervous juggling the positive and negative thoughts in me. I'm getting myself prepared for the worse...already thinking of all the things I wanna do if it's a bfn...my hubby also taking leave one day after BT to spend time with me.
Hi HOPE and Biggly, my dear cycle buddies
I'm also going back to work after 1 week of Hospi leave on Monday.. This time round i've decided to ignore all symptoms, pulling feelings, blood, whatsoever.. but of cos, u know its easier said than done.. felt some cramps.. yes, it sucks that all the symptoms of BFP are the same as AF coming.. so annoying... Just trying to stay distracted and rested and relaxed

Ching and Eskimobaby, Hugs to both of you.. Take rest, take time to mourn and rest your body.. One day it will happen... for all of us too...
Hi MamaLeen, good luck for your BT
so sweet of your hubby to take the day off n spend it by your side
mine also
its a good thing that u r preparing for both news.. I actually have a holiday planned in April.. so my hubby and I actually planned it out: if i'm preg, we go for a relaxing resort vacation at port dickson (no flights, just drive up).. if i'm not, then we go HongKong and enjoy
kinda eases the blow for me i guess.. just better to be prepared for both ways
Biggly, so good to hear that your ovaries are recovery and getting back to original size.

HOPE, Biggly & Booboolina, all of you going back to work..? do be careful ok. And try to avoid people who are down with flu.

Jonjonbear, so nice to have mummy!!! >.< My mummy has gone home to the Lord. There are so much which we wouldn't know and understand what mummies has gone through for us till we become mummies. I no longer have a chance to appreciate my mummy for all that she has done. So do tell your mummy how much you love and appreciate her everytime you can ya
( which i believe you do! because by sharing with us abt what your mummy has been doing, is appreciation and happiness bubbling out already! :D )

Mama Leen, all the best for your BT!
Hi Jeanne and Cas,

Ya, all had scan today. So qiao. Today my 7th day of injection. Besides menopur, alternate growth hormones, now centroide kicks in again tml. So somedays i will have 3 injections.

Jeanne, I nvr tell my boss that I am doing. Coz he is fake democratic. Is P&amp;C. I will only say woman's problems when my HL starts. No one is indispensable. Anyway, I will rush back in time for my peak.

Cas, they nvr say anything leh. Is i saw on the notes. No mention of scanning on that polyp. Just ask me take centrotide again. Now i wonder if i should stop my royal jelly. I am hot too, so i on zircon daily and hide myself in the bed sheet to keep myself warm. I dunno did i gain wt or not but i think my tummy abit bloated. Tml shall increase to 8 egg whites.

LuvNhope, I think is polyp. I know I PCOS le. Dunno leh, see how ba. Anyway is Friday. Woohoo...
Cool, i aslo dunno wor... If i walk too slowly i think my boss will ask what happen to me.... Very big challenge next week....
HI all Sister
I need your advise for what to eat and not to eat and what to do and not to do.
today is my 10th day of injection and all injection will be end on sunday and my eggs retriever will be done on tuesday and transfer will be on thursday or friday
Doctor said I got 18 eggs and size is from 16-18 mm now and will be bigger to 20 mm before retriever day.
I didn't take any vitamin or protein so I am not sure do i need to take anything from now on.
please advise i am super new to this
Yes Cool, thanks
need to stay healthy and well

HOPE, best for u to be well before going back to work... especially if your workplace is stressful or hectic or requires a lot of labour..
Dun worry gals, my job doesnt require me to walk alot ( atleast i dun have to walk from home to market that kinda of distance....)

If i stay home one more week i will turn crazy .....

If i really cannot walk too far, i will stop and rest whichever workstation i passby lo, if i breathless when passing by CEO's room i will sit at CEO's big chair for resting LOL...
Hope.. take good care..

Usagi, how's your reaction to menopur? Is it gd? I am gg to have menopur too so wondering the effect

Pancake, I think your egg quantity and size are good already.. dun worry too much.
royal jelly will cause folks that are prompt to cyst or endo condition to get worse according to Dr Zou. So I play safe and didn't take any. I had removed some cyst previously so not hoping for it to come back again.

Actually, I am hoping to see if I can strike this mth b4 gg into treatment next mth...lol.. but BBT remain low despite positive OPK.. so sianzzz
Booboolina....yea, gotta be prepared for either news....the sound of holiday sounds nice!...hope to go for one before I start work again in end June....

Cool....thank u!

Hope....do take care when u r at work...

Pancake....ur follicles looking good...no worries...just remember to eat egg whites and drink Gatorade after your ER to reduce the possibility of OHSS.
Big hugs to Ching n Eskimobaby. Don't give up. Rest well first and go for next round when you are ready.

MC_007, wish your wish be granted. I'm still waiting for my phlegm and cough to go off. Seems many to detox. Me too, BBT is still low and recently realise all the while use the wrong tool to measure. So, I change it. Do you have ovary pull 7 days before ovulation?
Dear i1BB, Nurul, HOPE, LuvnHope, Bigbear,
Thanks for your well wishes. Am really more relived now to have reached the halfway-mark. Finally have the courage to buy some baby stuff and ask close friends for hand me downs. Hehe...


I am not sure abt my reaction as the nurse never say anything except that they are Growing. I forget how many follicles I had when i did gonal f. Currently, the only reaction is bloated tummy. I do hope the eggs are better quality this time. Be positive ok! But gonal f is sure easier than menopur. Coz SGH dun sell menopur, u got to walk to dental centre to buy. Then in terms of injection, is more tedious, got to dilute the med. If your dosage is lesser, easier. My dosage quite high, so i took longer to dilute.
Sashamama, have faith!
rejoicing with you. Indeed, each progression in our pregnancy is a blessing. So happy for you to have passed the halfway mark. Jiayou!
Hi Ladies, it has been a very long while since I have last posted.

I am going to release my IVF slot for April cycle later this morning (maybe by 10.00 a.m.). For those who are interested to start in April, you may want to call up to get the date. Sadly, it's not becos I have succeeded but we finally decided to go to NUH this month to do my second fresh cycle and will be starting my suprefact in 2 weeks' time. Have done practically all the tests - from FSH, AMH, HSG, laproscopy to hysteroscopy and did all I could such as going for acupuncture, healing and taking supplements etc but still can't find any cause for our infertility. Hb's sperm has became from poor morphology to normal range now but we are still not succeeding yet. Hopefully a change of hospital and doctor will give us some luck.

Congrats to Cockcock, Angelxuan, Babyjourney and Sashamama and those who have succeeded! Have a smooth pregnancy ahead!

Chrisl, not sure if you are still reading this thread. Hope that you are coping well with the loss by now. When would you be going for ur fet?

Hugs to 1BB, LuvnHope, Ching and Eskimobaby and those who have not succeeded yet. Don't give up and I sincerely hope that our hard work and effort will move God one day and our simple wish of carrying a child in our arms will come true soon!

Good morning sisters.

Thanks sahsamama for the babydusts, absolutely needed it now

Sisters, i have a terrible espisode this morning.
This morning 530am i woke up to pass urine ( actually i was up about 430am, and needed to pass urine already, but i was too tired and sleepy so i continued to sleep wor), i slowly walked to the toilet and sit there to wait for my urine to come but my urine only came out for about 2 mins..... And my tummy was so bloated, and breasts so swollen and painful.
After which my urine has finally came out and stopped, but my bladder still feeling full and very not comfortable
so after few minutes of waited and sitted at the toilet with no outcome, so i decided to go back to bed to continue my sleep wor.... But i couldnt, my bladder and tummy are very bloated, which made me so breathless and some terrible pulling sensation at my chest area. I was very scared, so i quickly asked my DH to wake up. Then i start to sweat and breathless continuing ... Then my DH helped me up and start slowly walked in our living room, and help me with slow breath.... After 10 mins of slow walk, my breathing system has become better, bladder felt empty and passing gas alot but still very bloated.

After few minutes more of slow walk and a cup of warn water i feel much better, this espisode lasted about 1 1/2 hours....

May i know any sister suffering this also or have the same espisode?
Should i ask to stop the HCG?
Or bcos i drink LRD and black chicken ess everyday so my body cannot handle har?
