IVF/ICSI Support Group

Tickles....we same2 BT...spotting also same2...hehheh....I think if the brown discharge stop already, no need call Angela. If still have, then can call. Yesterday afternn I already had a lil brown discharge but I waited till this morning to see the progress....some more I have mild menses-like cramps...tt's y so scared.....urs shld be fine since stop already.
last week I also had pinkish discharge but it's like one-off type so I wasn't too worried.
Mama Leen,
Mine is light brownish and very watery type of discharge. Scare me when I felt it, Quickly walk to the toilet to see if its af or not. Luckily only discharge. Phew.
Hi ladies, thanks for still remembering me even tho I wasn't really active these few days. Was trying to take my mind off my BT so decided to take a break from the forum n just concentrate on work. As expected, it's a bfn. I'm ok as I'm already prepared for it. Dunno when to do my next fet, want to take a break first as mind is always abt ttcing since nov. Want to enjoy some time with my girl n hubby first
dear eskimobaby.. so sorry to hear that.. yes, good to take a break, spend time with your loved ones, and relax yr mind and body... take good care ok... hugs... come back when u are ready, dont rush.. jia you dear..
Hope, about pinkish discharge, yes I am the one that had a tiny little bit of it around 8 days after ET, that's when my embbies were 10 days old. Actually 2 days before my BT, I thought I saw it again...but very very slight..so not too sure.
Eskimobaby, hugzz.. It's gd to take a breather and your mind off ttcing for the time being. Who knows, you may come back with gd news.
we have heard many of such cases. Meanwhile, please take care!
Hugs! Take a break for now... Try again when u're ready.

Mama Leen,
okok, I just went toilet. Really no more liao. Phew! ok, I'm paranoid! Luckily I didnt call Angela. Haha!
Hello sisters,
Another bfn for today
kind of expected oredi coz I had symptoms (bloated & rise in body temp) on d7-d8 after ET. But all the symptoms suddenly went away on d9... After that I was feeling absolutely normal, then I just knew that it's gone case oredi.
Af shud be arrive by tonite or tomorrow as I have been having all kind of af symptoms for the past few days.
Ching, BIG HUGZ! Take care n build up your health for your FET. You still hv many beautiful embbies waiting for you. Jiayou!
hello sisters with TFC, your 2ww is MC or HL har? i haven't received any of mine ler... the nurse said if i wanna to have 2ww in HL, i need to go TMC O&G to look for Dr Loh wor ..
Hope, normally 2ww shd be HL. As my ET was done at CARE, Care issue HL to me but Dr Loh signed on it. who told u need to go o&g? Dr loh can issue HL to you at TFC. He just gave me HL last week at TFC leh.
yalor, i thought the same ler... then now what? i can't be going to O&G to meet Dr Loh for HL right? must i make appointment to see him zzZZzzzz
Aiyo, this TFC is still abit of messy ho.... All this should b done automatically right after our ET meh. How can they expect me to remind them..... Must feedback to yi ling, the operation incharge person.....
Eskimobaby, Ching, hugsss and chin up! We will still cheer you on in your next cycle. Sure can one! Remember you are 1 step nearer to success not further. JY!

Sashamama, you at O&G today? Me too, i was there 3plus. Heavy rain by the time i left. How's your scan?
Hope, the rest of the staff r ok except the doll looking recep. :p

Heartbeats, u go see ur babies today ah? Any updates?

Sashamama, hows ur detail scan?
Bbjourney, actually nurse nora also abit not skillful one..... My injection site always got blueblack ler.... She helped me to draw blood today, painful ler....
Hi hi...
Just want to ask if getting 2 week HL is automatic for all ladies after ET?
During consult with Dr Loh I asked him about how much time i need to take off from work, he only mention that he will give MC on day of ER and ET, didn't mention about 2ww...
If I work in office, desk bound job, is it ok to work during the 2ww?
Har jeanne, dr loh said that?
But i though he likes to give MC one? He everytime wants to give MC eventhought i see him for 15mins only wor...
Anyway, nurse shamseanh has replied my text said she will get the 2wws HL n pass to me on monday.

Jeanne, for me la, i also work in office, i think we should rest at home for esp the first 7days when doing fresh. so we can bu our body every hour at home n sleep more also.
Babyjourney, Hope, my scan went well. Actually more for hb than me cos i had spotting earlier so i already scanned before. But hb seeing and hearing his babies for 1st time.

Hope, think hor, what you are feeling after your jab hor, may be your future MS symptoms leh, hehe, gotta start getting used to them ah.

Jeanne, i went back to work after ET. As long as not alot of movements, should be fine. Your preference lah. For me, i feel better distracted by work.
I went back to work after 2.5 days of rest. I took annual leave as I dun want the office people to know. If your job is desk bound. I think it's Ok. Angela told me to walk ard to improve blood circulation. But if cuz dun over do it n over work yourself.
Thank Bbjourney, Cockcock, Joyfully on the infor!

I have seen TCM at Raffles Medical last sat but find their accup very expensive even with packages still expensive. I have signed up for 5 sessions but think to keep it till the 2ww. At the meantime will find another TCM to go.
