IVF/ICSI Support Group

Good morning sisters

Ching, Eskimobaby, all the best to your BT, whatever the results, we are here for you.

Mamaleen, if the spotting clears up then high chance implantation. I also have it now and doc say it could be implantation, as baby burrows deeper into womb lining or the womb expands and stretches, can sometimes cause old blood to shed. So dont despair yet. If you really feel unease, then maybe do BT slightly earlier to see whether need to increase supports.

Your coll is so idiotic! Passing of exam does not link to having kids or not!

Ic.. I didnt realised abt the part on lodging if need to return the maid. I didnt return before.. okok, since the 2 u faancy are at homekeeper better keep to your gut feeling..

Ic.. Mine is instructed by the doc. I told her 1 eat 6 daily and she say not enuf, must take 12 or minimum 10. She specifically told me soft boil. I didn't ask her why must take so much but I rem she say it helps ease the bloatedness. She didnt say its to have more eggs retrieve or whatsoever thou. I'm not sure if the egg whites contribute to the many eggs that was retrieved. However, thou many eggs retrieve, I only got 15/16 fertilised. Initially I try to eat some for bf, some for lunch and some for dinner. Later I find it troublesome to bring eggs to work, so I ate everything during dinner time. I had half my dinner portion then after that drink the eggs down.

Brown discharge may be the residues from crinone or the utrogestan. So dun be upset . Ning told me unless its red else nothing to worry abt. That time after transfer I had some pinkish and brownish discharge too. Positive k! We hold hands tgt! I also got no pregnancy symptoms too. But I'm trying not to think too much into the sypmtoms.
Good morning sisters! Sending lots of positive energy to ching, eskimobaby n mamaleen! Positive thot, positive mindset, positive implantation, positive pregnancy, positive outcome! Jia you n don't give up! Mamaleen, hang on strong ok! (actually talking to yr embbies to hang on strong). All the best to all of you!
Thank u, sisters. The brown discharge is still there in the morning. I'm so down cos that's how my AF always come. I've called the clinic. The nurse will inform my doc...shall wait for my doc's call. If this doesn't work, I don't have frozen embies....big decision to make: to go thru all over again or not. *sigh*
Hi Mamaleen, sorry to hear that. Please don't despair and stay positive k? Hope your brien discharge will stop soon. It's good that you reacted fast and is taking jab for support now. Take care and hugzzz! Hope everything turns out well for u.
Sisters, can anyone advise ah. Long protocol, we start lucrin on cd21 right? Must jab how many days lucrin b4we go down for scan and start puregon ah?
Dear Bigbear,
No worries, that doc requires permission to view
ANyone keen to have access can always PM me their email add. I just added pages on maid!!! Cos am surcing for maid and confirming later if my scan goes well!!!

Dear gals,
Thanks so much for your well wishes!!! I am hoping very hard that all will be fine later, scan at 2pm at TMC.
yes, sashamam, all will be fine. may the peace of God the be with you, and His blessing for you and your BB.. Jia you! Yes, I like access (u have two spreadsheets right? I want both, heehee).. Will PM you
now working at home.. though on MC tomorrw still going back to work..
hello sisters,
just came back from TFC for my progesterone test also my 3rd ovidriel injection; Nurse nora helped me to drawn blood.
she said if TFC don't call me meaning that me P level is sufficient; i told her, but i wanna to know the reading ler, she will call me when the BT return. (not try to being bad mood there, but my recent appetite is very poor, if i eat too full then i will become very bloated and mood swing wor...)

since my Bhcg test falls on Sat (31/3/2012), the nurse has arrange me to take BT at TMC 24 hours clinic wor... or else i will not be knowing the result by the same day....

so, after the progesterone test, i took cab home,while on the way home i was very very very hungry; only thinking of Laksa, Laksa, and more Laksa. so, i asked the cab driver to drive me to my house market to have one big bowl of local laksa...i am very very happy now. at first i thought i mood swing bcos of my poor appetite actually i was hungry LOLx

ovidriel injection really work wonder wor ..... LOL
Hi Hi Hope, ya I will be doing long protocol for my last fresh probably in June. Planning for holiday leh so need to agar the dates...so leh cheh...Wah u so fast have craving already ah *winks
i1BB, i think my body is reacting the HCG jab la.... the fate pregnant women symptoms nie LOL.
actually i cannot tahan prawn smell also; two days ago my DH bought sambal fried rice for me ( as i insist to have sambal fried rice wor - HCG again), i asked my DH why the prawn so smelling? why aunty's shop's prawn not fresh one
but my DH finished all prawn ler... he said prawn very fresh... or maybe i was just having poor appetite hahaha
BBjourney, my BT is schedule at830am la... but the nurse ask me to go 8am, be the first one and then can get the result fast.... worry wor..
Hope: I just realised that ur ET is 1 day earlier than mine and it seems that you have been going for jabs and tests...but I didn't...strange...

anyway other than constant cramping since ER...I've no other symptoms at al...sianzz....can only constantly talk to the two pieces of embryo scans that doc gave me every now and then...my DH thinks i'm going crazy soon....lol....
hello biggly, i went for my HCG injection and progesterone test only la.. to check whether my support is good... actually some sisters handle their HCG jabs at home ler... but the nurse scare that i cannot do the right measurement at home wor... so they ask me to go TFC to visit them lor... i also got no symptoms ler... those craving, pulling sensation at my lower cervix, mood swing all are actually from my HCG jabs
so JY la
i1bb, i saw him recently but dont have his email address.. his consultation fee only $68... cheaper than dr sadhana by $2.. my first wait not too long too... yes, pls go and consult him and clear your doubts.. all the best wor.. and yes, plan a nice romantic and relaxing trip! i am dreaming of a beach resort get-away to relax...
i1BB, go Bali la.
eat their famous food - pork crispy skin rice or something!
( sorry, i can only think of food at this moment.... like not helping much like that
Thanks cockcock, I plan to see him for 2nd opinion n c if he can do lap to clear my blocked tube or not. Emailed him already. Wait for his reply.

Hope, I planning to go Bangkok. Am going in April, May and August. Lolx... April going with Gfs (air tix sponsored), May going with best friends and August going with family (air tix sponsored again). Muahaha
I dont like Bali leh.. the crowd there too rowdy.. the place not so relaxing and romantic.. i didnt even step on kuta beach coz too dirty by my standard, haha... sorry, i v "xiao jie".. i think phuket shd be nicer... i am quite bored that i even thinking of going farm stay at kranji since cant go overseas now...
I just came back. Got the Ovidrel jab. Last I checked, no more brown discharge. My mum so kind. She came down to spend time with me for lunch. Thank u sisters for the positive words. Baby journey, I didn't read ur msg fast enough. Didn't request for an early BT. I guess gotta wait for Mon.
hahaha cock cock, bali is nice leh! me like! and I also wish your "curse" will come true that I cant go in August!! Rofl!

Mamaleen, good to hear that your spotting cleared. Be positive ok! Jia Yo
Mama Leen,
You brown discharge is watery one or what? Just now before my lunch time I went to toilet and saw light brownish watery discharge leh. First thing I think of u... But after lunch I see dun have liao. U think I should cal Angela too since now dun have already?
That time after ET abt 2 days later I also suddenly got a lot of discharge. A bit pinkish somemore. Then I told Ning, she ask me dun be stressed. She say pinkish and brownish is ok. As long as not red. She say I too stressed. So I dunno should call or not. Later they think I paranoid. Haha! But then next monday I doing BT liao leh. Now still implant meh?
Hope, nvm lah, if need to pay babies consultation fees, just pay lah.

i1BB, the email Hope gave u is still valid. Dr loh did reply my queries thru that email recently. Ya, u may hv to cancel ur Aug trip leh :p

Cockcock, i also like to go clean clean place. Hehehehe...

Mamaleen, nvm lah, u stay positive now okie.

Just had my lunch n now hvg slight headache liao. Ahhhhh i craving for coffee!!!
i read some sisters here 2 days before BT their got pinkish discharge wor, like 1 or 2 lines like that (... was Angel the one said she got pinkish discharge before her BT? hmmm not sure ler..)
Tickles, late implantation can happen ah. It might b embryos already implanted and is burrowing deeper thus causing shedding of old blood ma. Think positive ok.

BBjourney, thanks. Ive already emailed Dr Loh le. Wait for him to reply me lor....and i really hope i have to cancel my august trip. lolx
I just had lunch too and I wished I'm at home. Very tired... Feel like napping! Last 2 days during lunch I nap for abt 20 mins. Too tired due to the medications.
