IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hope, ur colleague so bad lah!!!! So angry when I read that!! :mad:
Sometime if I read those news that those underage teenager accidentally strike then throw the baby away, my heart is painful!! I also will think why those ppl that don't want bb strike! Sigh.....
Anyway, sisters! Don't think too much!! Think positive lah!!!
jia you!!
hi sisters, i'm going for my 2nd fresh ivf in july. i've been trying to gather all info abt wat to eat before ER after ET and during 2ww. the past 2 FET was a rush and i couldnt prepared myself for the best condition. now i've been taking conceive well with additional folic acid and royal jelly.can i check when should i start on immunocal,egg whites,brazil nut etc... at loss of wat to. i only have 4 more months to prepare myself...pls help me.
Hi Tickles,

I see. Actually Dr Loh didn't specifically instruct me to eat egg whites... It was the nurse who suggested, and she didn't say how many or how it was cooked.I also don't know why I didn't ask.

I will start eating the soft boiled ones from now on.
10 eggs is a lot though... did you eat it at the same meal, or split into 5 morning, 5 night?

32 eggs retrieved is quite a lot. Is it because you ate so many egg whites, that it contribute to the high number of retrieval? Or is the purpose only to prevent OHSS?

I hope that I can have a good number too... a bit worried cos the Dr mentioned my reserve is low, but to counter that, he make me inject higher dose.

Hello sisters,
Have not log on to this forum for the past few days. Was a bit emo & down

Yes, my BT is tomorrow. Thanks to all sisters for remembering that! I really can feel your concern & support!

Me & hb have prepare ourselves, whatever the outcome is, we will accept it

But of coz, deep in my heart, I still pray that miracle will come to me! Really hope to join those BFP sisters!
Your colleague must have been jealous of you that you're so much smarter than him! He is obviously incompetent, keep failing his exams, and then purposely want to say hurtful things.
May he be retrenched or sacked soon!
Dear ching, sayang u.. Why emo? Outcome not known yet.. I will send u lots n lots of positive energy! Jia you dear!

Hope, ur colleague really horrible.. How can someone be so mean?? I read jeanne's post n laugh at her cursing! Quite "shuang"..

Sigh.. My bad headache still there n puke after a short nap.. I1bb, take sour plum oso no use for me...

Sashamama, all the best to yr detailed scan tomrw! Hope bb heatlh n got space to settle comfortably in.. It will be so exciting to know the gender.. Little one, jia you n u must grow strong n healthy!

Qing, w medication hope yr infection ok liao..
Hi Chevy,

Welcome to the forum! You started puregon? Which day are you on?

Cas, usagi and I are also stimming. Now is the time to eat the egg whites!
I chanced upon this other thread in the forum "Childless Not By Choice Group". Quite touched by what the ladies there have shared n glad to see the incredible support they have for one another.
Ching, wishing you all the best!

Some things are not under our control, but we just have to give it our best shot, to say that we have really tried. As long as we don't give up, one day our prayers will be answered.
Ching, I was also feeling very down towards my scheduled BT. I think it's a way of preparing ourselves for the worst if that's the outcome. However as result is not known yet, don't let the negative emotions get the better of you, ok? Jia You!

Eskimobaby, all the best to your BT too!
Cock cock, hope & Luvnhope,
Thanks for ur wishes! Will update u again tomorrow!

Cock cock,
Hopefully ur positive energy is powerful enuf ya! :p
You must take more rest at home since u r on mc this week. Also, try to let ur TCM dr know that u always puke nowadays. Maybe he/she will prescribe other an tai yao for u. Take care!

Bloating is good sign
good luck to ur progesterone test!

How are you? Wish u all the best for ur BT tomorrow too!

Feeling sleepy now... Good nite sisters!
Hello to all Sistas, hope I am not being forgotten! Just collected my AMH result, my ovarian reserve is within normal range. But my DH soldier is quite poor. Is there any suggestion of what to eat to improve soldier. Thank!
Cockcock, last week I merlioned my an tai yao. But my tcm dr gave me 3 tips to overcome it. Just sharing with you here. Maybe you try & see if these work for you:

1. Use lukewarm water to dissolve & drink. If use very hot water,the herbal smell is stronger so we may feel repulsive towards it.
2. Use more water to dilute the herbs more. I find that the more dilute version has a light fruity taste.
3. Further dilute the herbs by taking smaller amount over more times e.g. take 3 times a day instead of 2 times.
Ching, eskimobaby....all the best for ur BT tmrw!
Ching, I noe how u are feeling cos I've started emo-ing already. The wait is killing me n my positive side seems to be diminishing especially since I dun feel pregnant at all. Nevertheless, let's continue to pray for the best ya. All the best, dear!
Thank you for ur wishes. U still hv few days to go. Hv faith & stay positive! Dun read too much into symptoms... That will drive us crazy !!!! Hahaha
Hi Bigbear, ask your DH to take more vit C too - fresh fruits & supplement. I also read in this forum before that some DHs take royal jelly but not sure how royal jelly helps the guys..maybe u like to double check with your dr.
Thank 1BB! Will start a diet plan for DH, hope he can follow. I am also eating kiwi everyday.

Hope everything is fine for u! Let work hard together! Jia You
Ching, Hugz.. Please be positive k? It's inevitable that you feel this way.. Jiayou! We will cheer for u and wait for your gd news!
Bigbear, glad to know that your AMH result is within the range.. This is a good news! So that at least, you can focus on your DH's diet. Did your hubby do the DNA fragmentation? Cos I was advised that even tho sperm count test is low, but if DNA fragmentation test shows that it is within gd range, there is still a good chance of conceiving through ivf.
Lets all jiayou together and work towards our dream.
Joyfully, my Dr did not advise DH to do DNA fragmentation test. The test is done thr BT or specimen? Difficult to ask DH to do another round of specimen test! Sigh! Ya, let work hard toward our bb dream
Jasmine, no prob! I may be starting my next fresh in jun/jul. We might be cycle buddy! Let work hard together! Is the Sistas here who give me strength n support to fulfill my dream! I have seen how determine n their never say die attitude which make me holding on to my bb dream.
Ching n Eskimobaby, all the best for your BT tomorrow. Sending you lots of positive energy too. BbBbBbBb....

Sashamama, all the best for your detail scan tomorrow.

Bigbear, ur hubby can also take vit E for his soldiers.

Hope, when is ur progesteron test?
Thanks Sarah...

HI Cock cock, hope you will not feel so nausea soon.
Ya time flies, but actually only passed a month & 1 week since my failed cycle. Coz the KKH nurse squeeze me in Mar cycle one... hope they will allow me to start in Apr if my AF really delayed till then...Now just wishing that my AF will come...

Ching & eskimobaby, wishing both of you good results tml!
Jasmine, u may want to do accupunture or brew some tonic soup to BU your body once week. Can also start drinking LRD every alternate day (abt 1-2 cups per day) but pls monitor coz it will cause heatyness.
hi jeanne,
Me alrdy on Puregon for 6 days.
Nurses didnt mentioned abt high protein diet at all. Just say no vigorous exercises like jogging..... Scanning on fri.... I thk may not b in time to start taking protein now
Thks angel.. My tcm herb diff from yours.. Real 草药 that I hv to boil.. I m vvvv turned off by it.. My last straw was yday. I came to a point I can't bear to boil n smell it anymore.. Even taking walk at labrador park when I walked past the bushes n thick forest of trees I was reminded of the herbs n v disgusted.. I don't want to jeopardize my babies.. But no way I can drink anymore...

bigbear, good that yr amh reading is good! I thot I posted my comments earlier on but didn't see it appearing here so I will repeat.. My sug is, if u are seeing tcm, can tiao yr hubby thru accu n tcm medicine.. My DH's soldiers are v lazy. Our tcm doc believe need good condition from both parties to achieve positive outcome. U hv a few mths to go.. Can build up body n womb
wish u success at next try! Yes!

Fou fou, no worries lah.. If AF delayed, then start later no problem one.. But maybe good to let yr AF be more regular before embarking if u can afford the time. Coz after each cycle, the medication will make our body go haywire n need them to recover...

Eskimobaby, all the best to yr BT tomrw! Jia u!
Bigbear, the test is done through specimen. It was rather ad-hoc for us too. Cos initially only bring the specimen for sperm count test. But Angela suggests to take additional test when we were there.

Don't worry, i believe your Doctor knows what is best for you.

Hope we can all bfp soon!!
yes bigbear,let jiayou together.

bbjourney, i just started on ginseng brew today.may consider accupunture,actually its all abt timing,no time to go for it.thanks for the advice.
Sashamama, congrats! Wow.. Din know you are oredi 5 months preggy! All the best to your detailed scan, and hope you'll know the gender of your baby soon!

Hope you'll be able to find a good maid soon!
Sisters, last night, I saw a brown patch in my discharge. Was so sad and down cos it felt like AF is coming. Cried a bucket and DH had to console me to sleep. *sigh* it's 4 days away from BT but now, I no longer feel positive.
