IVF/ICSI Support Group

cool,wenwen and Hope,
I guess its normal to feel the cramps. I had that too. What you can do is maybe drink warm water and lie down to rest.
Morning sisters.

Wonder how is cockcock, angel, ching, eskimobaby, hearbeats n faith_chen?

Congratz to sisters who hv done ER n in their 2ww. Jiayou!
Hope so u taking dr zou meds as well. She gave me choice if I wanna take, so just checking if any sister also taking..hehe. Dun think my cramps due to implantation leh..still early
your bloatedness could be related to ovary stim or implantation itself..ya, gd to check with dr loh since u r seeing him tml.

Mamaleen, on ET day I had passed watery stools only once, yesterday nvr pass, today got sensation but cant pass. Not seeing dr again coz mine done at kk. Think I try prune juice as what tickles advised.

Thanks tickles! I will not force, scared also. Now pee also pee slowly..hehe

Hey cool, so your embbies shld start implantation within next these 2 days. Must remember to take brazil nuts.
Hello babyjourney n hope! I m ok.. Having v bad headache today n I thot my nausea will get better w time but seems to be worse.. Can no longer force down my tcm medicine. Just the smell I want to puke! How u doing now bbjourney? Still waking up at night to snack? Do u feel nausea? When is yr next appt?

How r u hope? When is yr BT? Next week? Ching's BT is tomrw.. She so quiet.. Wonder how she is.. Ching, if u r reading this, stay positive n wishing u the very best for yr BT! Jia you dear!

Oh yes, sorry I forgot abt fou_fou! Wow, time flies n u are starting soon! Meanwhile must eat well n if can do some light exercise to build up yr body.. Tho doc put u in mar slot, can always go in subsequent mths.. Just say yr AF come late.. Doc put me in sep last year but I only did in dec they oso didn't stop me.. All the best!

Congrats to all sisters who hv successful ER n ET! Wish all of u a v smooth jny ahead!

Hey Qing, how r u now? Sashamama, yr scan this week? Praying for u n yr bb! Take good care
Hello cock cock,
How are you and your twins!
My BT not so fast la. Next saturday wor....
I am worrying about chIng n eskimobaby too....their BT is tomorrow....
Oh yes hor, eskimobaby also same day! Hope they are doing fine n bring good news. I m sure they will come in here when time is ripe.. We r all sisters they can't "vanish" like that.. Hope to hear from them soon!

U still hv 10 days to count down.. U w TFC? Does it mean will only get result on mon? Wa, must tahan the wait..;)
Ching and Eskimobaby, all the best for your BT tmr!!!!
awaiting your good news! JY!

For all during your 2ww, :p some tips for you when you feel down or very xian, I go take a shower or wash my face and comb my face, I feel fresher!
Hi hi cock cock! *waving hands

Ching n eskimobaby, all the best ya. Come in whenever u gals r ready. Dnt b too stressed ok. Que sera sera! Jia yo!

I have a friend who just told me she's preggy (by accident) n she's aborting.... Zzzz....she knows I'm trying very hard n doing IVF & I wld think that I shd b the last person she tells such things to right.... Sigh
Dear i1bb! So happy to see u here! Yr appt w dr sadhana next week right! Hope she give u greater assurance n confidence.. Been diligent in seeing tcm? Must cont ok.. Aiyoh, why yr fren so inconsiderate?? Or is she trying to show off?!!
Cool, u just need to take 2-3 pcs of brazil nuts daily will do as sisters here advised before that too much will make u heaty.
Agree with u a shower really makes me feel fresher coz lie down almost whole day hair messy, face oily, easy to feel sick n down. Just that now gotta shower with lukewarm water instead of my usual hot hot shower.

All the best to Ching and eskimobaby for your BT tml!
Cool, if everything goes well, I should start IVF in Apr.
Am still waiting for my test results to be out.

I can't wait to join u gals!;p
Cool, can get brazil nuts from citysquare mall. Selling for $4.40 per 100g. Me and hubby have started to consume the nuts already. Currently, I also take conceive well and drink LRT.
Cockcock, ya next week I'm seeing dr sadhana. Doubt anything fruitful will come out from meeting her. Haha. Ya I've been taking tcm meds since two weeks ago. Will continue doing so. Ai yo I got another friend who is doing confinement now n she apps me said "who says babies r bundles of joy".... I'm surrounded by insensitive people lah! The thing is, if u r not ready, then don't!! Use rubber lah! Have alrdy then love yr bb lah! I want try so hard don't have, they don't want effortlessly have, have alrdy don't want! Wtf!
That's the ironic thing right? Maybe the fren is confinement said that to make u feel better, but end up backfire.. But dear, u will succeed soon ok! Press on n u will hv yr bundle of joy on your arm by next year! Jia you! U can do it one!
Cockcock, *waves*.... i m doing ok, taking an tai yao n i can sleep better plus seldom vomit now. Midnite feeds has been reduced but this mrng wake up at 4am+ feeling hungry, so eat lah :p... I still hv nausea especially if i smell something i dont like, then e nausea will take a long time to go away....

i1BB, i had frds who told me they r pregnant by accident n they r v angry about it. N they know i hv been trying for a long time for my baby. Sometimes feel like telling them off also. But i can only smile lah. Haiz.....
i1bb, baby journey,
Same. I have friends tell me they get preggie very easily. That month do once during fertile period and will strike that type. Aiyo.. I'm green with envy lor!
Wenwen, you described it so well.....haha whole day like 懒洋洋的。haha messy hair >.< yalor. So must make sure we still dress neatly and look nice. That will make us refreshed too!

haha i also like hot showers...oops... i am still taking hot showers. I thought since it's not soaking in hot water.... :p

Joyfully, good that you've started to prepare your body!
Do exercise too, while you still can do so freely.

Btw, those on TCM, other than acupunture, does the TCM give you chinese medication?
Hi hi Bbjourney n tickles. Ya man! I feel that sometimes these people r really insensitive to tell us things like that. Now my whole day mood destroyed by my friend. I feel so turned off now. N so sian cos I feel so helpless n useless as I cnt conceive n there they are, got it so easily n yet don't cherish. Sigh
Oh Bbjourney, when my friends told me such insensitive issues, I also just smile it away. But in my heart I was like >¥|*[>|¥<!
Women like us are stronger, I guess...that's why we can smile it off no matter how hurtful we feel inside. These insensitive ppl shld really learn to count their blessings. I think the fact tt they can get it easily, they may not treasure it the way we wld have after all our ups and downs....that's life, I guess.
Cock, i m hving bedrest at hm. Just nw received call frm kkh tat i hve bacteria infection so must take medication if not will affect fetus growth. Still duno if it is the case of my spotting.

I m supposed to go c dr loh tmlo for the result. Abit surprised that i m nt call up by his clinic to go bk earlier since there is infection
ya... In my heart I also &amp;^%$#@%&amp;*((&amp;^%$.. Haha! Then I go back complain to my hubby. Then my hubby will scold me, he always tell me, u know she always show off with her ability yet u want to strike a convo on baby making with her. Hai~
Dear Cock Cock,
So sweet of you to remember me. Am silently reading the thread lo. Rooting for everyone
Detailed scan tmr at 19w5d. Have been waiting so long for this day where everything wld be more confirmed then I'd start buying stuff. Hopefully can see gender tmr too, will be a bonus! For my case, probably hard to see cos of position and blurry scans (due to adeno).

Been sourcing for maids these 2 days, shortlised quite a few after visiting 5 agencies, but favourite are 2 from homekeeper agency. Tmr after scan if everythines goes well, will go pay deposit for maid lo.

Dear Qing22,
I also seeing dr loh tmr after my detailed scan, what time u going huh? Scarly see you there. lol.
How many babies are u expecting? So fast want to employ maid? Better to find someone who work before and knows how to take care of kids. I got my maids from Nations and so far so good. U can consider too.
WY Koo, replied your PM!
Are you planning to start a new cycle soon?

i1BB, just heck care your friend lah... or actually can tell her off too if that would make you feel better. Once they realise they've said the wrong things, think they'll be more careful in future. I also look at my colleagues having their 2nd or 3rd kid by accident.. I'm like... sigh...
Actually the only fren i've told so far is someone who's been thru 2 MCs, so she understands how painful it can be to face difficulties in having our little bundle of joy.
I remember one of my male colleagues who was having the same paper w me. I happened to pass all my exam papers, but he has already failed many times n failed again wor... He purposely came to my workdesk n said to me that "of cos u can past all your exam, u have no kid" i was so upset, that exam week was my failed FET somemore....
Luv, no lah. I can't bring myself to scold leh. Mayb she don't mean it n she just trusted me thus she told me her "little secret". I just kept quiet lor. I'm not angry u know. Just kinda feel sometimes y god so unfair. Ppl dnt want u give, we want u dnt give. Lolx... But as the saying goes, God always have plans for us n will open another door when he closes this one... Hee

Hope, yr that classmate is one hell of a jackass leh!!! Pardon me. Hehe
Dear Tickles,
Only expecting 1 baby and my first one. I getting a new maid so will need 6-8 weeks for maid to really arrive and I want her to come in June and train her to be ready in case I deliver in July, also in case can't accept her will need to change. I did visit Nation too but didn't see any that hubby and I fancy. And at Nation, if I return the maid, they expect me to pay food and lodging at $10 per day for max of 2 weeks (or til maid finds another employer), and the insurance I can't get back full amt &amp; agency fee at $599. At Homekeeper, they don't charge me the food and lodging if i return the maid and the insurance can just transfer to another maid, agency fee having promotion now at $349.

Most importantly is the 2 i see i like are both from Homekeeper lo. We visited them, Nation, Asset, Raymond and Sinar Mas. I'd do more research today and see if i visit 1-2 more tmr before confirming.

Nowadays so hard to get a good one, so really trying our luck lo.

Dear HOPE,
Ya, seems like a flash to reach the mid-point but sometimes will still think it feels like 5 years!!! lol.

Dear qing,
Mine is 2pm lo. Hehe...

i1bb, you so nice.
Then hint hint to ur fren that she's not making you feel good with her lil secret lor. But glad to see u are staying optimistic.

Yeah, Hope, that classmate of urs is really insensitive!
