IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hello sisters,
Just to check, after my yesterday HGC jab, i feeling very bloated and abit of breathless, but no much of cramp. Is this the normal effect after the jab? Or i am getting sick soon?
Just went for my first acu session. Quite interesting but scary for a moment. Heheh... Wonder if acu really helps...

Hope, seems like OHSS. Check with your doc if you get more unwell?
OHSS!!? Hahah luv, how can this be? Me ER few eggs only wor
Luvnhope....I have never gone for accu before...I'm scared of it....my hubby went for 24 sessions before....he said painful...I dare not....hehhe
Dr Zou accup and med work good to me.
I used to have super thick lining, after 5 months of accup and med, i got triple linning on D7 stimulation's scan.
Hope, i donno, but could it be cause you're taking hCG jab that makes your ovaries work harder?

i1BB, no, Dr Zou too far for me. I went to Dr Tan KS. His recep-cum-helper not very friendly at times leh, heh...
Mamaleen, yeah, i oso tot it'd be very scary, but actually not so bad lah. The current also quite alright. Just a ticking sensation.
Luv, triple linning is about 11-13mm, and my super thick lining used to be 17+ something; my pervious ivf doctor reviewed that my thick linning is my major weakness.....
Hi hi hope, no leh. Haven start gg back to her yet. Shd b starting in April ba. Sigh... Can't imagine she will b surprised when she see me cos I stopped seeing her in dec. she must have tot I bfp. Lolx
Hi Tickles,

Glad I have forum sis here seeing Dr Ann.

I was looking at Care website and see that Dr Ann is one of their specialist. Do you visit Dr Ann at her clinic or at Care? And did you do your ivf counselling at Mt E fertility centre or Care? I'm asked to do the counsellin at Mt E. I'm abit confused as if Dr Ann is working with Care then shouldnt I do the counselling at Care?

And you mentioned that your Dr ask you to eat 12 egg whites a day, was it Dr Ann and is it during 2ww and is it to prevent

Pai seh so many questions.

Thank you in advance!
Praise the Lord
2 embies are successfully transferred today. And it's painless! ;)

The other 2 embryos which was being fertilized one growing very slowly, the other not growing
so both didn't make it to be frozen.

But thank God for the two healthy ones ;)

Thank u sisters for all the support! Yeay! I'm one step closer to experiencing Motherhood! hahaha
Hi sistas,

Wanna check with those who recently did lap with Dr Loh at TMC, could u pls pm me on the total cost? Quite urgent.. TQIA!
Hi all, just had my menopur 2nd jab. Took me like 1/2 hr to get the med ready. Faint..in the process might waste 1-2drops. Haiz....Hopefully it gets faster. Since i got 10 more has to go.
Hi... Just started on my puregon injections.. The pen is a little difficult to press... And took longer due to the quantity I think.. Was supposed to inject 200 every day.

Btw, I saw a air bubble in the bottle.. Supposed to b there or must I try to hit it out? Keep moving it up and down but the bubble remains! Both bottles also have...
Hey Tickles,
I did not know that the egg whites should be raw or half cooked... Hmm... I have been eating cooked egg whites. I thought the reason was for "extra protein".

Hi Cas,
Thinking of you... Have you started your puregon yet?

Hi Usagi, I'm also in the process of egg stimulation. I get my hubby to help me prepare the med but i inject it myself. Maybe you can ask your hubby to help you, so it will be faster?

It's my 5th day of injecting Gonal F, and so far the main side effect i get is feeling hot/ sweating. Not sure if it is due to the lucrin or the Gonal F though.

Also I start to notice transparent discharge... wonder if it is normal...
Hi Jeanne... U are injecting gonal f? Is that the same as puregon?
I started puregon... Need to inject for 9 or 10 days I think. then scan... Then see if can do Er... Not too sure about the flow of things though... A little confused.
But I got a small problem.. The puregon is injected using a pen like thing, is that what u are using too? It's harder than the normal lucrin one. And I got air bubble in both the puregon bottle... Don't know how to get rid of it or whether need to get rid of it??

I just started so no side effects... Only after injecting there is a burning weird sensation at the puregon area. But nurse was saying its normal.
Gonal F and puregon are both to stimulate the growth of eggs.
Last time i did SO-IUI, i used puregon. I think air bubbles should be removed before injection, in case it affects the amount delivered.

Did you get the instruction manual? I don't know where i put my instruction manual already. But to get rid of bubble, what i do is: holding the pen vertically (needle point upwards) and tapping the bottle with the fingers on the other hand.

I am going back to see the Dr on Friday for scan, and think they will determine whether to stay on the same dose or not. I was told I have to go back on 26th and 28th also. ER may be on 28th or 30th depending on the growth.
Thanks Jeanne for the manual... I try to hit the bottle but can't get rid of it... But how do u hit the bottle when needle is input? Because its encased in the pen so it's kind of hard to get at it... Wil try tomorrow see if can get rid or minimize the bubble..

I'm going next week to scan. Keep updated again... Think you maybe earlier than me by a day or 2.... To do ER.
Hihi Tickles,

You so fast went for FET huh?? Hope to catch your baby dust this time round again

Did you visit Dr Zou before the FET? I am planning to do my FET in Jul. Seeing Dr Zou now.
hi sisters, i'm going for my 2nd fresh ivf in july. i've been trying to gather all info abt wat to eat before ER after ET and during 2ww. the past 2 FET was a rush and i couldnt prepared myself for the best condition. now i've been taking conceive well with additional folic acid and royal jelly.can i check when should i start on immunocal,egg whites,brazil nut etc... at loss of wat to. i only have 4 more months to prepare myself...pls help me.
Wen Wen, ya I think the big orange guy at the counter was my DH!! Hahaha....
Yes if everything goes smooth smooth my BT will be on 4/4 too...

So, pray hard hard for us and all other sisters too ...
TCM Dr has refrained me from eating many stuff to help my cough to recover. One of those is my favourite bread but I still have it for my breakfast. Can't believe to eat porridge for breakfast again because I have forbear since young. My cough has lessen but felt the phlegm stuck in the throat for the passed 4 days and tough to spit it out sometimes. Yesterday the stickiness has lessen. At least now when wind blow on my throat, I won't cough. Hope can have that too when air-conditional blowing at me. Can see improvement now. Hope to recover as soon as possible before next cycle.
Been catching up on the posts... Lots of new sisters n happenings!

i1bb, how are u? Hope u r taking good care of urself!
Cock cock & heartbeats, hope both of u are having enough rest!

Saw quite a few sisters on 2ww... Like Mamaleen... All the best!

Me supposed to start my 2nd fresh this month, still waiting for my AF. Late for 1 week already. This is my 2nd AF after my failed cycle. Does the IVF affects our normal cycle days? Shall I just continue waiting? Any advice? Getting a bit worried...Thanks...
Joynfaith...may u have speedy recovery...

Fou Fou....thank u! I have 5 more days to go before BT...so scared....hmmm, I think all the meds will definitely affect our cycles...u shld wait...meanwhile, have lots of rest n take care of ur body before ur cycle starts....ur body is trying to tell u to give it more time perhaps...
Any ladies experience ovaries pull 7-10 days before ovulation? Is it normal?

Fou Fou, some ladies' AF came in early and some delayed due to the injection and medicine taken. You might want to wait a while. Will you be on short/ long in your next fresh cycle?

Mama Leen, thanks. Later will need to brew some Luo Han Guo to speed up the recovery. Sigh... didn't manage to do it for the passed 2 days.
Hi fou fou! Me fine. Think those jabs n meds will affect some of our af cycles. U shd wait. Meantime, did u try naturally? Cos if yes, wld it b tat u strike alrdy? Hehe
Hi Jeanne and cas,

My est ER is a also end mar/ early apr. Wont get hubby help ba since he said he is scare of needles. My dosage quite high, so I took longer. Hubby also says I will get faster. Tonite still got additional jab - growth hormones. Tiring.
Thanks, Mamaleen. Will try to eat healthy n sleep early. U must stay positive... Ur dream will come true!

Joynfaith, me on long protocol. U take care n hope u recover from your cough soon!

i1bb, wished its as u said but we did not have the chance to try coz DH was on biz trip last month. Just came back....

Will just be patient n wait then...
Just thinking if my AF delayed till April, will KKH dun allow me to start my fresh coz I am supposed to start in March? Coz they no slots in April? Sianz...
Morning sisters

Hope, how r u feeling? Still giddy?
Cool, congrats on the successful ET! Gotta bedrest more these few days okay?
Jonjonbear, yup, we just do our best during these 2ww n pray hard.
Btw, I had some crampy feeling in my lower abdomen in the early hours this morning after I pee. Lasted for less than 2mins. Cant be implantation coz only day 4 for embryo today..hope everything ok.
Hello wenwen,
I feeling much better now, had fried bee hong for breakfast, my appetite has slowly back to normal liao.
Woke up at 430am, cannot sleep and drank milo and watch TV until 630am then return to bed sleep until 8pm.

Giddy still abit, but managable i guess my body is adopting the medication slowly and slowly

About the crampy feeling, i get it alot during my D4 & D5, pulling sensation travelling from lower right cervix to left cervix.... But not so much after D6 ( maybe very very mild only) some sisters said the crampy is from ER...
Que Sera,
Yes, I'm with Dr Ann Tan and she uses CARE. I did my counselling with Angela too. But that time CARE is at paragon. Now that they have shifted, I'm not sure if its still the same procedures. But cuz last time I was under the care of DR Tan and Angela so its will be the same situtation when I do my FET now.

Dr Tan instruct me to take the egg whites de. I took it during the stimulation stage. I was told to take 10-12 egg whites daily. And cannot be fully cooked. I rem dr Tan told me that once fully cooked, it doesnt work as well already. So I always take it the soft boil method. I feel it helps to prevent OHSS cuz I had 32 eggs during ER but I was ok. You are also with Dr Tan and she refer you to Mt E fertility centre for counselling? I think maybe cuz CARE shifted so they changed the centre.
My dr specifically told me to take it half boiled type, she say fully cooked no use le. So I took it soft boiled. Maybe you wanna check with your dr?
Yalor. Must fast fast... Dun wanna waste time.. Hopefully I'll have baby dust to spread too. Fingers crossed..
Yes, I visit Dr Zou but only for 2 weeks. Cuz it was quite a rush idea to do FET. Initially only wanted to see doc and check if can do FET then she told me that I'm ready for the cycle this month so decided to do. Its like only a few days to decide and now I'm already in 2ww liao. Fast hand fast leg right? Haha!
Hope,good to hear that u r feeling stronger.
Saw from previos posts u with dr zou. R u taking her herbs during this 2ww? Also, do u experienced any change in bowel movement? Sorry har, ask so many qns.
Yup, the cramps r pulling like something grabbing my uterus...but mine natural fet leh so not from ER..

yes, i am taking dr zou med in 2ww. No ler, no change in bowel movement ler. Maybe yours is implantation pulling bah
now i feeling bloated and stomach is abit tight like that....

I think i need check with dr loh when i am there tomorrow to take my progesterone test.

Wenwen....after ET, I had a lil pro with bowel movement. Within a week, I only passed motion twice, each time very little. Told my doc and she said some progesterone support may cause constipation and she gave me medicine to 'soften' my bowels but I haven't taken any of the medicine yet cos shortly after, i could pass motion as usual (once in 2 days and quite a lot each time). If u are seeing ur doc, u may just want to alert ur doc.
