IVF/ICSI Support Group

I also blackout at home 2 days after my ET. Kena knock at the door and got a big bruise at my side hips. Luckily I felt it coming and held onto something. So scary. U better be careful if have blackouts better stay home as much as possible too.

Tickles....Utrogestan can be taken both orally or thru v...tt's what stated in the instruction manual..it all depends on how ur doc prescribe it to u. I was told by my doc to take it thru v three times a day, 2 capsules per time.

Hmm...I wonder where is Ching. I hope she's fine....her BT shld be anytime this week....
Thanks heartbeats.
This morning i almost knock my head to my toilet door..... Cannot walk straight line liao.... LOL....

Heartbeats, you must take extra care also wor... Remember to carry more sweet with u wherever u go wor...

Cool, all the best to your ET
Cool....all the best for ur ET later!
dun worry, ET is not painful...only the full bladder will make u uneasy cos u just feel like u wanna pee on the doc....hehehhe
Heartbeats, Hope and Mama Leen, Thank you!

Ya the full bladder thingy and the pokey thingy like papsmear also makes me anxious. I had bad experience of papsmear test

haha I wonder if anyone pee on the doctors before during ET :p

wow...sisters who felt faint, pls be careful leh. So dangerous....
CARE always tell me to clear my bladder before I go out. Then on my way, bring along a 300ml bottle and start drinking along the way, by the time I reach and ready to do ET, the bladder will be just nice. Full but not to the extent want to pee out type. U can try..
Good luck!
Cool....I tahan wanna pee till I was brought to the day ward...then I told my DH to get the nurse quick cos I cld just pee on the bed anytime. Finally, they gave me a pan to pee on...it was a long, satisfying pee...Hehhehe....15 mins later, I called the nurse again for another long pee....Hehhehe...my doc said "wah, ur bladder so healthy ya can hold so much water?"....

Tickles....I got nothing better to do..so bored at home tt instruction manual also I read...Hehhehe
2 years back when I first failed my fresh ccycle, I rested 2m before doing FET It depends on how ready uare. If u feel u can do it the next cycle, u can proceed. There's no hard and fast rules as to when can start.

For mine, I did natural FET, my doc scan and monitor my egg growth and when nearer to ovulation date, she help me do BT to check hormones and ovulation. When ovulated, they gave me a jab and 2 days later can do the ET le.

As for medicated, need to let the other sisters here to tell u. But I guess its more or less the same but for medicated, they use jabs to control the whole cycle.
Mama Leen,
Haha! When did u do your ET? I did on the 12th. Then rested 2.5 days and went back to work. Too bored at home le. So want to be as normal as possible. And of cuz dun wanna waste my leave as I took AL. I didnt tell my boss that I'm doing FET this time cuz the last time I told her, end up a lot of people ask me and I felt so stressed abt it. So decided to keep quiet this time.
Mama Leen,
Haha! Ya.. I enjoy playing with it too. Makes me happy and produce happy hormones..
I can play with it a few times in a day. Thou the results I see is always the same but then its shiok right?
Joyfully, thanks ;) hugs

Tickles, thanks for the tip

and Mama Leen haha thanks for your sharing! You sure have gone through quite a bit while waiting!!
Tickles, in my 2ww, i also google other people blogs (mostly ang mohs') read about their bfps and the day they found their positive! So inspiring!
Tickles..mine was on the 12th too! That means our BT both on the 26th?? Mine's a day-4 transfer.
I'm on 6-month no-pay-leave so all the way at home...so bored...I can understand the stress u felt if ppl kept asking. Last time I did IUI and my sch knows cos I had to take a lot of time-off...and they kept asking n asking...I felt as if I have to live up to their expectations instead....this time round, only my immediate family noe....
Heartbeats....tt was my DH's reaction too...he was like "haiyah, tt one also read like read an impt report...doc already showed u what to do..not need to read"....but I guess it's just my habit (all my medical reports also i wld read every single line) although most of the times, I dun even understand the medical terms....hehehhe
Hope4bb, best to let your doc tell you how soon to start fet since you mentioned she has her concerns but i think generally quite soon after fresh can fet already. My fet we uses pills, no jabs, so different clinics different protocols.
Mama Leen,
High 5! We are cycle buddles.. Yes, my BT is on 26th.. So excited... Just a few days more... Mine is a day 5 transfer. Ya, then u know la, those aunties, keep asking and asking from procedures to why I want to do when I'm so young blah blah blah... Then say I stress myself. So this time I'm keeping quiet... We didnt even tell immediate family. Only some very close friends.
some of the IVF patients they do write very nice and inspiring blogs. I read of one before that she wrote everything from how she felt from daily jabs to IVF to BFP and then her pregnancy journey. So nice!
Tickles....true true...can't stand aunties' questions....there was one time there was this auntie who asked me whether I'm pregnant already. I said no and she went "haiyah, u both dunoe how to do it ah?"...that was the most hurtful thg I've heard in my life. I was on the verge of bursting out crying there n then but I controlled myself. My mum heard it too and she was so angry at tt auntie. Really wanted to tell her " y not u make a video of ur self doing it and I'll learn from there."....hehheh....u r so young too? How old r u?
heartbeats & ticktles,

thanks for info. Actually I am mentally ready ans also old liao. Since prof says to build my lining and body to prepare for FET as my current ivf cycle has make my body weak.I still do not know if my 2 eggs survive fertilisation. Hoping for the best.

I am just thinking if need the menses to come bk for FET and when to start acpuncture and TCM again

Thought to have a short trip before my FET.
Mama Leen,
That auntie is very idiot lor... Cannot stand their qn leh. Ya, I'm also quite young for IVF. This year 29. u?

To build lining, can go for acu. I heard from the forum ladies during my last FET 2 years back that acu and TCM works very well for their lining. U can try. I'm with Dr Zou from AMK. For FET, day 2 of menses need to go scan already. After menses end can start on acu and TCM already.
Tickles....hey, I'm turning 29 too at the end of the yr...I still look like a kid though cos of my small build...the nurses asked y I so young do IVF already...but I guess only God knows how much we want a child of our own no matter how old we are.
Tickles: dunno why my doc asked me to continue with the egg whites..took another 3 this morning...another er xin affair...sigh...tks for the tip on immunocal...will look around for it
ic.. erm, if the doc ask u to take must have some reason, just take ba... I rem I will take all at 1 go. instead of a few at different times of the day. If u scared of the raw eggs, maybe make it more of the yakun style and add some dark sauce, remove the yolks and drink it down. At least wont taste so bad with the dark sauce in it? How many do u need to take each day? The last time my doc ask me to take 12. Min 10 each day.
Tickles....I hope so too...

Biggly...actually u can cook the egg whites...my doc said not necessarily must eat it raw or half-cooked....can just fry it or put in ur soup etc....
Wow...tt's a lot...no wonder...usually those with more than 15 eggs retrieved are prone to OHSS...ur ovaries are overstimulated....gotta eat a lot of egg whites n also protein shakes to reduce the swelling of ur ovaries which are retaining ur fluids...
Mama Leen,
U can de.. Be positive ya..

To ease bloatedness. Supposed to it it half cooked, if fully cooked no effect liao. Eat also no use. My gynae actually told me try as raw as possible. Just dip in boiling water a while and take up. Thats why I always tell people yakun style. I literally drink the eggs drink..

Did your doc tell u how many to eat? My doc specifically told me at least 12 daily. Min 10.
So I buy eggs by the tray. I throw away all the yolks. A bit wastefl but no choice. 21 retrieve is quite a lot. I got 32 retrieve the last time but only 16 is of the right size. The rest too small.
32 is a lot......

The doc said to take 3 each meal...but I didn't quite follow..coz I didn't feel the symptoms of bloatedness....think after today...I better guai guai eat eggs...those 2 bags of drip can buy me lotsa eggs.....-_-""""
Biggly, on top of eggwhites, drink lotsa fluids. I was told OHSS happens when the hormones cannot be flushed out of the body fast enough so eating high protein foods (eggwhites) help but flushing it out also helps. I was suggested to drink gatorade or 100plus and it helped me efficiently. I also went A&E scan of swollen ovaries that time so quite similar to you now.
Usagi, its common to bloat when on stimulation drugs like puregon, gonalf, menopur. Like Biggly, take more eggwhites and drink loads fluids to prevent OHSS.
Hi HOPE, sorry for the late response.. Ya doc meant baby implAnting is within the 2 days after blastocyst transfer. But for day 2 transfer, 5 or 6 days after that I think. Not too sure, sorry..
