IVF/ICSI Support Group

Wendy, my AF full flow last nite, so today consider day02?

Ching, can PM me Shamseah's hp? I called the clinic and left a message for her to call me back, but still no news...

counting down 28 days to go back to start IVF journey...

my mum still say 'if lucky lucky, can get it naturally, then no need to see doctor'...but i doubt i got such luck
gd morn ladies.

i spoke to a fren last nite & was told that after ET, needs 17 days MC. Is this right? I am concern coz I had not told my office on my IVF. Don't want the unnecessary stress leh .. how?
Dear jmamee,
The HL is for you to rest. COs after the embryos are transferred to you, it is the critical stage of embryos trying to implant in you. So you gotta rest and minimise too much walking. It is for u to not have work stress also. I think it is necessary. Baby first priority. But for some, they take less than 17 days I heard.

You definitely need to inform your company about your IVF, cos during stage 2 when you stimulating your follicles, you need to go (sometimes) on alternate days to scan the growth of your follicles in the morning, so you need to take time off from work.

Are your superiors and colleagues supportive of your TTCing?
So soon you can start ur ivf oredi ah? Means u r not with KK?
Meanwhile, u can still try naturally since u still hv one more month to go... Who knows u strike leh ??? 
sashamama, thanx. sigh, really dun wan to face those stress in the ofc. if successful still ok, imagine if not all those looks

stage 2 is when we start the Gunal-f jab isit? This is short period rite? 1 week? maybe i take leave .. pretend to be on vacation .. haha :p
Morning Wendy n Ching, rest assure I will definitely update here after seeing dr jin. My apt is in the pm. Not sure if I can do accu or not cos I still got Abit if af spottings...

Hi jmamee, u definitely have to tell yr superior n boss abt yr intention to do IVF cos during the course, stim jabs time, u have to make trips to hospital every few days to scan the growth of your follicles. If u take leave n pretend to b on holiday, then what happens when u need to take hospitalization leave after ET? Unless u tell yr boss u gg Europe for a month... Cos if u take 1 week leave for scanning n then follow by 2 wks HL, its 3weeks! Haha
no .. if HL, than pretend to be 'sick'?? .. kekeke, i m tinking of doing all possible to avoid telling pple here. Even if i tell 1, i tink soon all will know :S
Ching, I think what saggiegirl means is on 29 feb she's gonna go KK and c them for the first time thus embarking on IVF journey...

Saggiegirl, all the best to u be it naturally conceiving or IVF! Best is natural lah! Save money. Meanwhile, dnt care got chance no chance, just rape yr DH now n then! Try! U never know *wink wink*
Jmamee, up to u dear. That is, in my opinion, if u r a very good liar lah!! Lolx... Cos constantly need to take time off go scanning n then 2 weeks HL, the HL chit will state kkivf (I think).... Lolx
I also think you can't use vacation as an excuse. Cos the scans on alternate days can take 1 week or 1 plus weeks. Then you'd have 2 procedures, ER and ET, then the HL for 2-3 weeks.

If u only tell your superiors, they will tell your colleagues huh? I don't bother about looks from people. If fail really bo bian. Try again. Baby is forever. Company and colleagues are not. So must prioritise baby is number one.
I think nowadays, IVF or IUI are very common. And it is nothing to be super embarrassed about. Those who give you weird looks or ask you sensitive questions are kaypoh people that you know you don't need to entertain. Those who genuinely care for you will support you and help you take the stress of your work. Can see people's true colours!!!
ok sashamama/ i1bb, i will tink tink & decide how. thanx. But can u all share for the folicles scan on alternate days, is it a lengthy process or only need 1-2hrs?
Depends on how early you go. If super early like 730am, I think you can leave by 9am. If you go at 9am, I think you leave at 11 or later.
Totally agree with sashamama, number one priority is baby. Boss n colleague heck care. If they r understanding they shd support u. If those kaypo ask Tis n that, u dnt have to reply them. Jia yo jmamee

U r very welcome ganie! Jia yo ah!

Why dun when you start the program you see how long you can get away with not telling your superior? Do you value your job and prospects very much? If you do, then of cos its best and only right to tell your superior. If not, then just see how long you get away with excuses. When it becomes super obvious, then come clean with superior. Then suggest you tell your superior to keep it confidential. If it still goes ard to your colleagues, then just deny it if they ask you? Tell them you not feeling well, they are just thinking to much. Only need to be honest with your superior.

Try not to get too emo when you start, if not really will be a rollar coaster ride, with all the hormonal jabs and stuff.

IVF is not as scary and challeging as it seems, its just a means for us to become mummies.
my advise, skip all the thoughts. Dun think whether will succeed or not cos i strongly believe if we dun give up we defn will. Its just a matter of when babies will be due thats all.
sashamama, not the embrassment actually. it's those insensitive comments pple might make. also dun wan to become pple's lunch time topic. hehe. tink pple who go thru' or ttc-ing will ustand. Those young ones might not. dats why i appreciate the support here :-D
thanks everyone....

actually i told my boss about the IVF and potentially long MC/HL. He looks OK. but I am not sure how my colleagues....probably the single guys wun think so much ba...
Just to share: For me my working enviroment mostly ladies or aunties. Male boss is okie only need to pre-M that. Usually is your fellow colleagues is the Kaypoh ones. When I went on long HL, they are the ones to talk behind me especially those who are mothers concieve naturally one. They don't understand a single thing. They like hen laying eggs. ZZZZ
for me i really dun concern of what my colleagues think of me or my long MC/HL. i ask myself, are those kpoh comments important to me and will it affect me the next 5 or 10 years.... the answer is NO. so i move on and do my job. so the only person i tell is my boss and some very very close and understanding staff.
actually my company's juicy news can be hottest than IVF, ie, pregnant before married or suddenly gave birth before married...
bbsmurf, its also these 三姑六婆 dat i m scared of lo. lolz. All the whys tis why dat .. ..grrrr ..

ganie & all, thanx for the advises. i will wait after my next dr visit end Feb than decide when i see my condition
Hi =) Sorry to jump in.. got a qns =)

I am preparing for my procedure to start in early April. I saw alot of posting to drink red date+wolfberry, any idea what is the benefit of drinking that? And can I just drink wolfberry drink? Or is it a must to add red date?
Angelxuan, thanks. Saw dr loh, thou he remember me but he abit blur. :p he said lining n ovary looks good and started me on 225iu. Injected e meds liao, nw i still at tmc waiting for my mc n next appt timing. Everything happen so fast!!!
Wow baby journey, good progress wor. Yeah

Babylew, the drink is for better blood circulation n suppose to help in lining. This drink is heaty so it depends on the nature of your body. I dnt knw the nature of my body lah but I just drink lor cos I like the taste. Hahaha
babyjourney, actually i also dun expect Dr loh to remember me ... he got so many IVFs.... as long as he safe keeps my file and read my file i am more than happy already....
Thanks i1BB =) Not too sure whether my body is liang or heaty type as I did not see TCM.. Guess will just start drinking and if body show heatiness then cut down =)

Ching, my next scan is supposed to be this sunday but sunday clinic not open, so hv to go on sat.

jmamee, 225iu meaning the dosage of my jab. I m on Gonal F. expensive pens... the hole in my pocket is getting bigger.

Dear Sisters,
Can I continue with the Conceive Well, Spirulina, Rasphberry tea once i started the jab???
