IVF/ICSI Support Group

Luvnhope, for 2nd fresh cycle, no admin like counselling etc needed other than bt for hep, HIV, vdrl test if more than 6 mths for husband n urself.

Daphne, mayb late ovulation? Try again if this mth no success. I'm also trying naturally... "working very hard".... Hope got miracle happen.

Dun go into a rush. get urself prepared. i regret agreeinh wgny gynae gg into 2nd fresh after i failed fet. Was inmediately after tat, i knw she wants to.do.it before govt imply the rule 2 embroyos.now when i tik back i shd request a break for my body n pocket as well.
Dollygal, appreciate ur advice. I wonder how I'll know whether I'm ready tho...

I understand how we keep looking back n wondering if we cld have done things differently to ensure success. I'm trying hard not to over analyze every action I made during my 2ww, but it's not easy.
LuvNhope, hug hug... Is normal to keep thinking what went wrong. Take ur time... slowly you'll be okie and move on. Stay positive, stay strong and stay hopeful. Take good care yeah.
Luvnhope, I still plan n plan. Shld be Feb. But cant take leave for too long. For my case, my TCM ask me to give him atleast 3 mths to tiao before i go for FET. So I just listen loh. Normally after failed fresh, the menses for following mth not so accurate. u may 1 2 monitor for 1 cycle 1st then decide?
Ya. Want to try for #3 and then officially close shop. You started seeing Dr Zou already? I've yet to see her. Should be starting soon. So long never poke liao. Now the tot of it a bit scary. Haha! How old is your girl now? My younger one is 13m old. Very naughty. Haha!

You can start your FET anytime as long as you feel you are ready. I failed my fresh cycle in Dec and I did my FET in Feb. I took that break to go TCM and tiao my body to prepare it for the FET.

Whether natural or medicated. The best person to advise you is the doc. They will know your status best. For mine, I let my doc decide and plan for me, I just follow. I went along with natural.

Ic. How come u decided to transfer under Dr Tseng instead?
If u look back at the thread inaug. many advises tat i shdnt b under my previous gynae. she is nice bt fertility wise mayb not as good yet.
Hi LuvNhope, that time when I failed my natural FET, I go fresh cycle immediately. I didn't see doctor as I've made the request before I start my natural FET tt if failed, will do fresh. So just informed the nurse when they info me on the result.

But maybe you wanna check with KK again... in case of any chances... ...
Yes. I'm working during FET. I was given hopistalisation leave. I think I took 1 week and went back to work.

icic... No wonder you wanted to change. My 2nd girl is conceived with the help of CARE and Dr Ann Tan. So, I most probably will stick back with Dr Tan.
If i look back my luck w her wasnt good. first time i c her, detect fibroid. 2nd time i c her was in operati.on theatre.then i kana allergy w the painkiller, whee alrdy specify i allergy .
My face was swollen n heart beat went vy fast 4 hrs later.wasnt exactly her fault bt i shdnt stick her after.1-2 failed cycle.
Sorry to hear abt ur Bfn. You are strong to look ahead. Hope u have ur bfp soon. We will jia you

Hi sisters,
May I know how long to rest before my next FET? In the meanwhile, I will be seeing Tan Siew Boey who only prescribe medicine and no acupuncture. Thinking of Dr Zou or Dr Tan (clementi) for acupunture. Can I see 2 TCM concurrently? Will there be clashes?
No wonder I managed to book appt with Dr Loh next week. So kind of him to cancel his Christmas holiday.

I am thinking of transferring my frozen embryos to TMC. However, if failed FET (touch wood*), can I come back to KKH for fresh cycle so that to enjoy last time of govt subsidy?
Luvnhope: For my FET, normally KKH nurse give MC, HL has request from Dr. They mention that under FET we will no have OHSS so not need to issue HL.

You may want to rest about 1 to 2 month before you embark on you FET. During this point of time, you may want to TTC naturally. Can check with Dr Tan HH, is there anything or medication, that will help during this period of time.

Continue to take folic acid and you vitamins. This will help.
Thanks Ocean! Slowly picking myself up... Like many ladies here have done. Including u! Glad to have u all to inspire n motivate me.
Thanks all sistas here.
this forum really help me alot.
let's JY JY in 2012.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all sistas.
Luvnhope: yes yes is fun. HeeHee. keep yourself positive. Who know may be you strike naturally before your next FET. Go enjoy your christmas and continue to take all your medication and continue your TCM.

Get your hubby to take vitmains as well. It's take 2 hands to clap.
Luvnhope: I little kaisoh. I taking folic acid, concieve well and royal jelly + my TCM medication.

My Hubby: KKH Dr recommend vigro ace (multi-minerals) for men sell at KKH pharmacy and TCM medication as well.
Luvnhope: then as he to continue to take. Must take long terms to see the effect.

Both is multi minerals. But I personally felt the vigor ace should be better as recommended by hospital dr.
LuvNhope, I'm feeling much better now. I was like a walking zombie for past few days..

I've started my acupuncture with Dr. Zou and went for my 1st healing session yesterday. Hoping for miracle to happen too. We JY together.. Btw, my hubby is also taking Vigor Ace.

tanny_angelbaby: Thank you for recommending Mdm Tan to us. Appreciate it very much. I felt so much better after the session. It helps in lighten up my body and mood.
Hiya ladies! Good morning! Yawnz....

Yo LuvNhope, I only managed to fall asleep ard 1+ last night, woke up at 6am this morning and went back to sleep at 8am till now... Hee
KKH Pharmacy told me vigor ace has v high anti oxidants which r gd for men's sperms. I was old cancer patients also taking cozof high anti oxidants. U can't get it else where other than KKH pharmacy. My hubs is taking it too.. I buy n let him take as a form of supplement coz of it's anti oxidants contents.
My hubby took for at least 6 mths liao. Really burning a hole in our pockets. Wonder if there r cheaper alternatives. Used to buy from my previous doc's clinic in tmc too.
Dandelion, good to hear u r feeling better.
I also have cried it out. Eyes r ugly n puffy today, heh...

Other than red date drink n chicken essence, what other foods can we take to help during ttc?

I think I already inside? Coz I fix 4pm but i waited till at least 415-420pm I think. By the time i finished, already near 530. Just nice for me to go gym class at 630.
Luvnhope - so sorry to hear about it. Rest well and be positive! I just had my ER yesterday. Now battling pains
no one ever tells you how bad OHSS can be! Hoping can recover in time for ET!
Hi Babygalore, I'm not sure if it's ok to have Abit of wine during 2ww. I heard wine helps circulate blood. Hope other sisters can enlighten u

Hi Babysmurf, thx! Is there a brand I can look for at pharmacy? I also remember someone here stated a website on sales of royal jelly but I can't find the thread.
