IVF/ICSI Support Group

Thank you. I believe my laoshi just hand itch law. Really testing my patience.

I sent an email to Dr Tan HH to check with him. He replied to me this morning ask me to go blood test
Hope, dr loh is a v frank dr. He will tell u the truth BUT he is v experienced! U r in good hands. Yesterday, I was v worried when I saw him coz I only put on 1kg in 3 wks.. I was concerned of my bb put on enough coz I m at the stage where weight gain shld be the faster.. One look at my tummy (b4 scan), he told me bb shld hv put on weight.. After I lie on the bed, he pressed on my tummy n said again bb is of gd size! After that he scanned n confirmed that she put on 500g! That means, the 1kg I put on all goes to her, amonic fluid, etc.

Dr loh knows what he is doing... He said I hv come so far, fr now, he will closely monitor me n bb n pray that this round all will be smooth for me.. I feel really assured after seeing him...
I1BB, but dr tan has better bed side manners.. Wun hv mood swing like dr loh.. I saw him a few times when he was covering dr loh.. U ask him qns, he will sure response n wun pass sarcastic remarks.. So, if he is too fast, maybe can request him to go slower n explain.. He wun get angry or agitated like dr loh one...

Dr tan has v gd stitching skills too..
Good to hear that Dr Tan is not bad too. Initially wondering if should transfer to Dr Sadhana too. Any comments between the two choices, ladies?

I'm now treating myself to ice blended mocha. Trying hard to look on bright side.
Thanks hazel for your info on both dr Loh n dr tan.
LuvNhope, yeah u go girl! Let go Abit and indulge in some "sinful" indulgence. U deserve it.
I super like dr Loh, I knw he's super experienced n he knows what he's doing. He's never shown his temper to me at all. Mayb I'm lucky didnt bump into his moody days ba... Too bad I cnt follow him to TMC (unless I bfp)... I knw I'm gonna super miss him... Sigh
LuvNhope, dr Sadhana shld be the next ivf head coz she is the next senior dr ard in the department... Well, depending on wat are your criteria for choosing a dr. experience n seniority, of course dr Sadhana has more than dr tan.. But dr Sadhana has her own style of doing things n patients hv to follow her style. E.g, she plans n controls her own patients schedule. Eg, if u r a clinic d patient, seeing her on wed, 9am every time, if u wan to change timing, is not going to be easy coz will mess up her planned schedule. When The previous head before sf loh, dr Sheila loh left for raffles hospital, dr loh took over most of Sheila loh's atients when he got promoted to head... Is it the case now? No... So far, I hv not heard of dr loh's patients being transferred to dr Sadhana unless patients request.. That also subject to her agreement.. Dr Sadhana will not work that kind of hrs like dr loh one.. Dr loh though can be temperamental, he nv reject patients' requests unless he has no choice..

The folks that really get a taste of dr loh's temper are the nurses.. But I don't blame him for such short fuse.. His day starts as early as 7am.. Doing his rounds at the wards to see his patients, do ER, ET, other surgeries, in the morning n he has to run clinic D too which start at 830am... His clinic is all the way to 530pm, some days, where he has night clinic, to 8-9pm.. In between, he may be called away for emergency deliveries... He is a human,.. He will get agitated too.. He wun blow at patients, just pass sarcastic remarks at most.. But all his nurses are scared of him....
Despite my hcg jabs, I can feel "my af coming" feel... Not cramps though, just feel Abit "heavy" in the womb area like every month Af arriving kind of feel.... Tmr my last jab Liao... I hope my AF stays away!
Hazel, I really salute dr Loh. To me, or at least it seems to me, that he really goes all out for his patients.. 尽心尽力 妙手仁心
Hazel, thanks for the info. Think I wld prefer a more flexible doc too, tho experience n skills r of course impt. Hope Dr Tan has all three elements!
Karen, Hope,
Failure to implant isn't necessary due to quality of egg. I had the best quality egg .. Grade 5 ... but still no implantation. Dr Loh already expected it cuz he said my uterus' filled with adenomyosis.

In fact, I think the doctors are just saying what's the easier way out for people like us ... adoption, donor eggs & surrogacy. In fact Dr Loh himself said it to me twice too. Once b4 IVF, another after. Was I upset? Sure I was. My first thought was why can't you be more encouraging? If I wanna go for adoption or surrogacy, I won't be sitting in the clinic already right? I am troubled by what he said. Am still in fact. But I guessed they are just trying to manage our expectation, so that if we fall, the pain won't be that great. But pushing that aside, we must still try ... because there's this thing called the 'miracle'. As long as time, money & health permits, we mustn't give up on any glimmer of hope. And I'm certainly grateful to Dr Loh for being willing to allow me to go thru IVF & to operate on me. That to me, is his silent way of encouraging me & giving me hope.

And last Sunday on CNA, there's a program called 'womb for rent'... talking abt surrogacy in India. India's the place where most couple's worldwide flocked to for surrogacy. The surrogate mothers get paid like US$4k to US$5k. Not sure about medical costs there. Can't believed I actually sat through the whole program & attempted to write down the IVF doctor's name. And the Indian women who became surrogates were actually very committed & dedicated to the care of their pregnancy journey ... which is quite a comfort to read abt.
Thanks Dee for your enlightenment. I guess what I read on the net cannot b 100% trusted. Luckily got this forum whereby we can "exchange" knowledge..(I think I learn more than I exchange) hahaha...
I1BB, sf cancelled his dec Xmas leave coz of his ivf patients! That is why the lab which is supposed to be closed for cleaning next wk, has changed to cny period to be closed instead... He can dun bother at all .. Anyway, these patients are not following to tmc also.. Why does he hv to slog so hard right? KKH is not going thank him for this.. Patients just hv to wait longer to start ivf cycle.

For his patients that r following him, ie informed him, his assistant will take copies of our key reports n scans before n after ivf for him to bring to tmc.. Moreover, he also takes notes in his memo key history of these patients. Thus, no matter how long the q is always, I will wait... Though hubs will complain n complain... Is nv easily to come across an experienced dr who has the patients' welfare at heart.
Dee, during ET for my 2nd fresh cycle, dr loh also told me abt adoption though I hv no major issues other than went thru 2 miscarriages.. I dun think he is trying to discourage us or anything.. He is just sharing with us the other alternatives we hv.. He told me, his favorite niece is adopted & doesn't look pure Chinese... I think he is trying to tell me, relations are not that impt if we love a child...
Ya hazel, I'm aware of his "sacrifice" for us ie. that he cancelled his dec Xmas & I totally agree that he don't really have to do that for us especially since some (like me) not following him to TMC. He is really a big hearted great doctor and I am very happy and honored that he is (was) my doctor
Hi ladies,

I'm not new to the thread cos I conceived my 2nd girl thru FET last yr. I'm thinking of trying for a 3rd one soon. Anyone here with CARE?

The pulling effect is a good sign I think. My first IVF attempt. I totally have no feeling whatsoever and obviously it didn't work out. My 2nd attempt, I think I rem having such pulling effect on ard day 6 onwards. So be positive k.. It might be implantation taking place.

mmfeen2011 (mmfeen)
The last time when I did FET, during 2ww, I use heat pack to warm up my tummy. Not sure if it helps thou. I took a balance diet with fish, veg and also soup and I lie down most of the time. I didnt really climb the stairs too. Maybe can try heat packs? Oh, then try not to take liang things.
Don't worry, I know Dr Loh is giving us alternatives and those alternatives may not be that scary after all. I know he's not being completely disapproving because if he is, he would have rejected the IVF for people like us with bad case of adenomyosis. It's all about setting & managing one's expectation.

Just that when anyone who first hears that will be despaired ... and one needs to be really wise, strong & decisive about what she wants. Which is good at the end of it all because it forces us to cling on to whatever hope that is left & give it our best shot when we still can, and hopefully to prove science wrong.
Hi LuvNhope, jia you!!! But you have not had your BT yet, right?

I've started my first "needle exercise" today with Dr. Zou and she said I've to do it twice a week (hope I can manage with my tight schedule). Is with electric & I think my leg move whenever the electric passed to me, funny feeling.
LuvNHope, Hugzzz... I will be going to remove my polyp tomorrow under Dr Tan.. hope his skill is good...lol..well I think he does looks young.

Noy, if the current too strong, you can ask Dr Zou to reduce it. You should not feel pain.
okok.. finally saw someone with care. Care still uses Dr Paul Tseng is it? I think if I start again, I'll probably stick with Dr Ann Tan. She did my last IVF and FET for me last year.

Oh, like that arh.. erm, then I'm not sure already. Cos I rem that my 1st failed attempt, I didnt feel anything. But my FET, I started having the pulling feeling ard day 6 or 7 of my 2ww. For that FET I strike with 1 girl. I transferred 3 eggs that time. Anyway, must be positive. I rem that someone told me that when you are positive, your body will produce progestrone or something that will help in your level of success for the IVF. Sorry, I can't really rem what the substance is already. But my point is to remain positive k.
Hi ladies,

I am not new here as well. I delivered to a girl this year through FET. Prior to FET, I had 1 failed fresh cycle.

I am seeing Dr Loh in KKH & Dr Zou for TCM
Hi LuvNhope,

After my failed fresh cycle, I tried FET 6 months later. Meanwhile, I went to Dr Zou for accu twice weekly and took her medicine without fail. I also took Conceive Well Gold and red dates with wolf berries drink everyday.
Next senior drs in the line are dr Sadhana and dr tan Heng Hao. Dr Sadhana will most likely be next head.. We wait n see..
Ladies, what r the factors that made u all decide between medicated or natural FET? Is there a queue for FET like fresh cycle or no need to queue?

Also, for a second fresh cycle, what's the admin needed prior to it?

All these questions weighing on my mind... Any advice appreciated.
Yo LuvNhope, for me, dr Loh just told me since I ovulate on my own, can do natural. Natural cheaper cos no meds but must monitor ovulation date closely. Medicated can sort of be in control....Mmmm as for my 2nd fresh, not much admin leh. When u c dr, they will arrange for u lor. This applies in my case la... Other sisters here may b different
Hi LuvNhope,

For 2nd fresh, maybe you ask the nurse what tests you need to do again . In my case, I got to redo the HIV test (coz valid 6 mths only) but I am pushing my IVF to May. So 1 mth b4 IVF, you need to do those tests.
Luvnhope, ur dr will decide for u whether to go for fresh or medicated. The charges for Medicated n natural shld not be different much coz for medicated normally will only take progynova n the med is less than $50 for the whole cycle. For fet no need q. Dr will write a memo n u bring to kkivf n they will explain to u the process for fet. U just need to decide when u ready to start fet then call kk 1st day of menses (full flow). Hope is clear for u....
Luvnhope, sorry, I mean ur dr will decide for u whether natural or medicated fet. Sometime if dr choose natural fet but u can request for medicated. Or u may ask for the reason etc.... I ask n dr tan hh explain.

FET monitoring n scanning is done at clinic by doc or at IVF centre like the ones for fresh? Is timing also limited to mornings? Very worried it'll b hard to take frequent time off work again.
