IVF/ICSI Support Group

Dear ladies, I am currently in my 2ww and today is D14 post 3dt. I have some brown discharge since this morning and I am currently on hcg jab. Last jab was 2 days ago. Tried calling KKIVF but the nurses told me to wait.

This is my second fresh cycle and I previously successfully conceived my son through FET last year.

This is my first time having HCG jab as progesterone inserts were given to me instead for my first fresh cycle in 2009. By right, HCG jab should delay AF right?

i1BB, she said wait and see if the discharge becomes heavier or red. Told her I wanted to do early BT but she said D14 is still too early as I am on HCG jabs and last jab was on Wed.
Starbabies, I think the nurse got a point there cos your last jab was Wednesday, yr system will still have the hcg thus the result wnt b accurate. Meanwhile monitor closely and try not to move ard too much. How many pregnly jabs they gave u in total?
Early days of 2ww, they say dnt lift heavy things. U carried your son early stage? Yesterday was 8dp2dt for me... I also carried my friend's cuuuute son... Couldn't resist...
i1bb, initially, did not dare to carry him. But, finally yesterday, I could not resist anymore, missed carrying him so much. And this morning, I'm starting to have brown discharge.
Yeah, I guess I'll just have to do that. I'm quite discouraged now as the pregnancy-like symptoms from the hcg jabs are slowly wearing off.
Starbabies - I bled eventhough was on the final pregnyl jab (i m not from KK). If AF want to come, it will come, shouldn't be due to you carrying your little boy. Hoping for the best for you.
292.48. Yours?. My boobs has been slightly bigger since stim days leh.. N shd b due to the hcg jabs. I'm not optimistic at all really. I dnt have faith in myself. I same as u, 4 hcg jabs in total. Today my last jab
Can't remember exact figure but the nurse mentioned over 300+.

You must hv faith in ur embbies.
Next thurs. Fwah! 300+! That's very high! I have faith in my embbies but no faith in my womb... Cnt help thinking negatively leh...I think later I shd watch some comedy to cheer myself up. Agonizing indeed... Damn
i'm contemplating transferring my embies to tmc for fet also.... when do u intend to do ur next fet? i just had a failed fet a couple of wks ago... and dr loh told me to see him after cny for fet if i wanna do it in tmc with him.
I1bb, dun feel discouraged as I believe there will b miracles afterall. For my last FET where I conceived my son, my lining wasn't good at all and my doc had then wanted me to abort the cycle but I insisted and now I have my son

I believe our little ones are fighting very hard inside us. Let us stay positive for them ya
Can anyone tell me how I can get in contact with Dr Loh, apart from emailing him? Is there anyway I can call him at his private clinic?
Eskimo, thks for the comfort. Yeah, thinking of doing FET maybe after 1 or 2 cycles. You know, I wish there was a way to know whether implantation did happen or not, even if it might have failed eventually. Did Dr Loh say anything abt this?

Can anyone advise the protocol n timeline for FET? Both natural n medicated. Thks in advance!
Starbabies, I believe in miracles but cnt help but think it just don't happen for me... Paisei I can't help u on dr loh's contact. Only got his email. He usually replies.

LuvNhope, tat question was on my mind too when I failed my first fresh n FET and nope, dr Loh told me when the embryos r in us, it's all in god's hands and he cnt do and cannot explain if implantation dnt take place... He say beyond his control... Tats Wat he told me
Luvnhope: u can ask Dr Tan HH. What is your beta test reading. If below a certain level no implant. He will be able to tell u. And whether is there a need to take aspirin to help.

These is what I learn thru my 2 fresh and 2 FET failure cycle
Thks i1bb.. It's frustrating isn't it to not know wat went wrong n wat can b done to solve the problem.. But u still r in the running, so dun say no hope yet yeah!
LuvNhope, I did two rounds of medicated FET and succeded in my 2nd round. This was the protocol:

When ur menses come, call KKIVF, they will ask you to go and collect ur medication (progynova). Do u have cyst prob? As my understanding is that if u hv cyst, they will ask u to go for an u/s scan to check on the cyst development. After which, you will be prescribed with some contraceptives to control the growth of the cyst.

U will then start on the Progynova on D3 of ur menses, they consider this as D1 (the day u start taking Progynova) and they will schedule u to go for scan on D10 or D11 to see the growth of the lining. Minimum they want to see is 8mm with trilaminar pattern. I have heard that 12-13mm is the optimal thickness. If ur lining is still not ready, they will keep increasing ur dosage of Progynova and u will need to return every other day to check on the growth of the lining. Once it reaches 8mm, they will arrange for ET about two days later.

Hope this helps
my reading was 7.2 on 15dp3dt. according to dr loh, my embie did implant but it wasn't healthy enough to continue its journey... sigh.... i guess as much cos 1st wk of 2ww i was feeling bloated and having very sore breasts but after 1st wk everything just die down.... actually i did test positive on the hpt... but it was just not meant to be... 1 day after i stop the cyclogest inserts and my mense came... it was just spotting for the first 2 days then after that it was full blown like my usual mense...

but 1st pregnancy, i didn't have any symptoms at all, only on the day of my BT i was super bloated, bloated stiff... couldn't bend or turn... caused by ohss due to bfp...

less than 2 i think is no implantation.... u can check with dr tan the next time u see him...

but as to why there's no implantation or couldn't get preg even if the embies grade are good, this is something that we can only leave to nature.... no doc will be able to tell us why... that's why ivf is never 100% guaranteed
LuvNhope, I can understand how you feel.

I did two rounds of medicated FET and succeded in my 2nd round. For my first FET, I only had 1.2 HCG and someone mentioned to me that the embbies did implant but did not manage to grow. Irony was I put in 3 embbies and none was successful.

This was my protocol for medicated FET:

When ur menses come, call KKIVF, they will ask you to go and collect ur medication (progynova). Do u have cyst prob? As my understanding is that if u hv cyst, they will ask u to go for an u/s scan to check on the cyst development. After which, you will be prescribed with some contraceptives to control the growth of the cyst.

U will then start on the Progynova on D3 of ur menses, they consider this as D1 (the day u start taking Progynova) and they will schedule u to go for scan on D10 or D11 to see the growth of the lining. Minimum they want to see is 8mm with trilaminar pattern. I have heard that 12-13mm is the optimal thickness. If ur lining is still not ready, they will keep increasing ur dosage of Progynova and u will need to return every other day to check on the growth of the lining. Once it reaches 8mm, they will arrange for ET about two days later.

Hope this helps
for natural fet, just need to call kkivf on the 1st day of ur mense and u'll go for ur first scan on day 10. will continue to scan every other day (i did 4 scans as my cycle is long but if ur cycle is normal 28-30 days most likely u'll only need 2 or 3 scans) until ur lining and follicle are ready and u test positive on the ovulation kit.... then they will arrange for u to do the ET in abt 3-4 days time.
Thks Eskimo n StarBabies for sharing! Looks like mine barely implanted if at all. Dunno whether that's more comforting or more cruel..

How do u all manage to take time off work for the scans? That's one of my main concerns now. Any idea wat's the latest timeslot for scans? I recall waiting till twelve plus still got ladies doing scans. How abt early afternoon, any idea?
luvNhope, my bosses knew I'm on the IVF programme and I have informed them on the need to take time-off during work for the scans. I usually go very early for the scans so that there is lesser disruptions to my work.

I remembered there was once I missed the scans in the morning and I had to call KKIVF and they arranged for a scan for me in the afternoon. If you are not able to make it for the scan, it will be good to inform the nurse about it so that they can help you to make alternative arrangements.
Thanks starbabies for your well wishes.

LuvNhope, I Kiasu de, I start testing on day 10 on my own cos I very scared miss the ovulation date. Hehe.
I1bb, yeah, if natural I oso scared will miss timing. Conflicted... Guess I shall see wat the doc recommends la.

Btw, is the IVF centre closed for entire Jan? No scans or ETs then?
Thks StarBabies. Good to know they can make alternate arrangement for scan. Do u recall seeing anyone else waiting for scan then? Wat time was it if u dun mind recalling?
LuvNhope, yes, there will be other patients waitng for the scan, as usual. The timings given to me were around 9am but I usually go earlier than than as no matter what, you will still need to wait. Don't think they go by timing anyway.
Star babies, thks. I actually meant ur afternoon scan cos I wonder if their scans go on till afternoon anyway on most days. Might b easier for me to go by then.
For opk, when u go for day 10 scan they will give u 2 sticks. U can also buy ur own at pharmacies so not a problem. If test everyday u won't miss it

For scans, wat I do is to go as early ad possible before 730 even so u'll be the first few to scan but the doc for review dun come in until around 830-9am but since u r the first few by 930 should be done then can go off to work.

I did let my boss know abt it so it's easier for me to take time off but fet really much simpler than fresh cycle.
LuvNhope, for the afternoon scan which KKIVF arranged for me as I missed the scan in the morning, it was somewhere in the afternoon around 12pm, no other patient in queue. However, I don't think they have scans in the afternoon all the time as they will need to specially arrange for the sonographer to be around. After that, I rememebered I had to wait till 2pm to see the doctor to review the results as it happened to be lunchtime for the doctors. So all in all, did not save much time as time was wasted away waiting to see the doctor. But I managed to do some pedicure while waiting to see the doc

Agree with eskimobaby that the best is to go earlier than the timing given to you for the scans. I usually reached before 8am too for the scans. Don't plan for the afternoon scans as I don't think afternoon scans are available all the time, don't take the risk.
