IVF/ICSI Support Group

i have tummy pulling feeling on and off and constantly hungry nowadays.ever since end oct i've been taking liquid iron tonic called floriadix and by early dec went for checkup at ivf centre for lining and dr loh approved me for fet,so grateful.hope that everything goes well for everyone.

I wish u the best jasmine and of cos all the sisters here....
Jasmine don't worry. Dr Loh has been a santas for this Xmas. Think positive. Can be late implantation that y cannot detect pregnancy by HPT.
although i'm worried but i wont give up till BT,i've come so far and not going to let it upset me by 1 HPT.thanks for all your care and concern.
Good to hear that you're hanging in there, Jasmine! I heard that embies from FETs can implant later than fresh embies. Hope that's what happened in your case.
Heard that KK ivf lab will be closed in Jan 2012. Can any sisters here confirm? Feel like starting med FET, but scared clash with the closure.
Yes, kk ivf will be closed for some time during the later half of jan for CNY and lab cleaning. Sorry can't remember exact date.
I just receive a letter from KK indicating that Dr Lim May Li will take over my case when Dr Loh leaves end Dec. I have never heard of this Dr in this forum, and she or he also not from reproductive medicine when I check KK site.
Any of you heard of this Dr? Really worried..
Just Had my first malay massage tonite. She seems good n i hear they can help to postition our womb better. She massage my tummy n said i got alot of wind inside...
She helped her sil massage, got pregnant thru ivf but too bad miscarriage due to dun knw wat bacteria infection...
65 per session. additional 20 for the candle at naval to gwt rid of the wind in tummy. if no wind then no need this step.no package to sign as she feels tat.its flexible for client n herself
hi dollgal, can u share with me what foods you ate and what food u avoid during 2wk and then you got pregnant. Mine ivf treatment failed 2x as embryos failed to implant on my womb. Dun know y also. I also climb up the staircase during 2wk so not sure if the embryo drops as i climb staircase?
Hi mmfeen

i m not pregnant yet. had 3 failed ivf cycle too.gg 4th round in jan hence i m doing preparation now. i m tired of needles hence i decide to try for massage instead of accunpuncture. at least the lady come to my hse instead i travel ard.
I boil dried longan , red dates w ginger water n drink alternate days hoping to kp my womb warm.
On the other hand i m aso seeing tcm taking their medication too..
oic. sori that i hve mistaken tat u r pregnant.
I took brazil nuts, chick essence and fish n veggies during 2wwk but still not successful. Dun know y.
There are many factors i guess which my gynae cant explain as well.
Wat we can do is tiao our body during the break n in earlier post i ve mentioned i change gynae but still under the same ivf clinic (care).
Dr Yu from SGH shared with me before that ever if we are in sleeping position the whole day, if the implatation cannot make it to the linning mean cannot liao... it's nothing to do with the body movement or sleeping positions....
Read somewhere that if implantation don't happen, very likely is the quality of the egg not very good. Nothing much to do with womb or whether we walked alot or what
of cos Singapore law cannot surragate la, she said maybe i can go India.... and then she also asked me to try for one more time.

this dr said my womb is too big and weak to hold the implatation.

See Dr Loh last week in TMC, he will treat me with 6 months lucrin and Dr Zou is helping me TCM too. both of them are very positive about my case ( maybe i always have tears hanging on my eyes sides, they felt painful for me too and so they say possitive thing to calm me down...)

Ya I agree with dolly gal. There must b a remedy other than surrogate. N y India?! Alamak.. Hope, hang in there, I'm sure dr Loh n dr Zou can help. Must have faith ok
Hope..don't b sad..I think yr previous gynae is really insensitive..we went through so much..but not a single positive word from her..I believe you are fine..perhaps just too stress up with her..

Now you had decided to proceed with dr loh..i believe everything will be different..many frenx here got preggy thru him..he had gone thru much more complicated stuff..though I am jot his patients but I believe his expertise....jia you...
Yes JY JY sistas.
i met Dr Loh last week in TMC, i hold his hand so tight and said "you must help me!" then he said come come we check your womb, and after the scan he also said womb not good, but we can start something to improve it. (he said i am not his worst case....zzZZZ)

i bought the scan to Dr Zou too, and she will changes her treatment abit to me also.

so JY la.

Jiayou ok, how can a doc say such news to the patient in such an insensitive manner. Are you going to lodge a complaint?

This IVF journey is tough and depressing; we all work harder! Later, I am going to see Dr Zou to try again. Every mth is a new chance.
Usagi, aiyo how to complaint? they are doctor leh, they know how to protect their right.

i guess my hubby and me like to move on and to deal with them anymore....
LuvNhope, hugs. I dnt wanna say too much except I have confidence in you that you will pick yourself up and cheong again. As long as we have faith and never give up trying, one day we will succeed.
Thanks all for your concern! Really appreciate it.

Glad hubby happened to b on leave today. So at least I din have to face it alone.

I've made appt to see Dr Tan for review. Will take things from there then.
I've sort of decided I wanna change my doc to Dr Tan too. Those sisters with him, is he a very patient doctor? Cos last time dr Loh Abit too bz so whenever I c him, he's always in a rush and cldnt talk much. No chance to ask much also.
I1bb: he is also very busy man. But is he will take time to explain to you when u have question for him. He also replied my email.
LuvNhope, he will reply whatever question u ask or doubt with smile. But really looks very young till i dunno i have confident towards him or not.

Dr Tan also v biz... To me, he scans even faster than dr loh! At least dr loh will explain to me... Will say.. See this is bb's nose, her eyes, etc.. Dr tan nv wor... He is not that young.. Already in late 30s. When dr loh is at his age, he is already a senior consultant.. The age diff b/w the 2 of them is just 6-7 yrs old.
