IVF/ICSI Support Group

Tks Sarah and Ceo38

Maybe I'll try to get one to try

Ceo, you were saying the podwer form to mix with cold water.... err... must we mix it with cold water? room temperature can? as i think we should avoid cold drink too...
Ordered test strips and tot they'd come yesterday. Sigh... but they didn't. So gonna wait till tmw to test. Hopefully the strips come today!
Ceo38, you might want to refer to the status online spreadsheet.

Tanny, still in dilemma whether to see your LS. $$$ is one issue and time is another. Currently, I'm doing yoga everyday except on the day I'm going for brisk walk that I've started few weeks ago. Still not yet recover fully from fresh cycle. Fresh cycle really weaken my body and guess my body is weak and didn't know that I could strengthen before the procedure. That could be why I take so long to recover fully. I'm also seeing TCM and can see improvement such as my core temperature rise. Hope I can recover completely before my next fresh.

Ladies, feel free to add others/ your status in the online spreadsheet. I'll be out of town for a week and might not have access to internet.

Merry Christmas and A Fruitful 2012 to all of you!
Daphne, you're Piglet right? How come can change username one?? For a moment, tot u were someone else.

According to the ladies here, reliable date is 11days after a D3 transfer, and 9 days after a D5 transfer.
Hahahha... what an apt nick, Ceo! Or shld i say, i1BB!
Oh, so u can't test any earlier than that. How long does it take for the hCG from the jab to clear?
Hey ladies, anyone is seeing Dr Tan Heng Hao? My doc is or was Dr Loh but since he is leaving, kk assign Dr Tan to me? Appreciate any comments. Thks
Muahahahahahahaha. I tot for awhile Wat nick shd I come out with... Suddenly "inspired" by iPhone! Bo Liao me.. Too bored Liao... Gg Siao anytime... I also dnt knw Hw soon can do HPT leh & I'm scared of the results.... At least now I still can "carry a line of hope" (translate from Chinese)...keke
Hi kalaferns, I also dnt knw which doctor I will be transferred to. However heard from nurses there saying both Dr Tan and Dr Matthew Lau are good
I1bb: the time u can do HPT will be abt the same time as your blood test.

Luvnhope: hand itchy don't whether want to do HPT. Cos my men's irregular. Abt 2 months then come once. Last one 22 nov.
Daphne, hahah... looks like we're both fighting the urge to become POAS addicts! Tot i read that your Laoshi asked u to test nearer the end of the year? Cannot tahan liao? ;p
Kalaferns: I am under Dr Tan HH. He is one of the few male Dr's who have a small hand. He is also very handsome and gentle. But he is also very busy when I consult him at IVF centre. Friendly guy.
Daphne, it's been almost a month since your last AF, y dnt u test Hpt and if it's positive, at least u can get some supports ma...

LuvNhope, ya man! Damn the 2ww roller coaster ride! No fun no fun
Daphne, i've never seen Dr Tan HH in person but i saw his photo online. Think I'll be too shy in front of such a good looking male doctor, hahah...
Luvnhope: opoos you remember that. She count based on my last cycle. Just c whether can give my hubby a Christmas present + having pulling pain on my abdomen.
Yes yes Dr Tan HH is a young and handsome promising Dr.

If test positive how to ask for support? Mine will be naturally. Heehee. Then ask my laoshi for support.
Daphne, just go to any gynae and ask for support! Or at least check if support's needed. Well, most ladies who conceive naturally will make first appt in Week 5 or 6 anyway. So no need to paiseh.
Daphne, if u r pregnant, u shdnt take conceive well anymore... U shd take pregnancy gold or alternatively what ur Gynae gives u. Tats y I think u shd test to find out early if u r preg
Kaypoh a bit, what's the essential diff between Conceive Well and Pregnancy Gold? So far, I've only taken Blackmores' folic acid. Haven't tried Conceive Well.
I think convcieve well can continue. I left abt 2 strips and half a bottle of royal jelly. Don't waste money.

Concieve well is a muti mineral. Also contain folic acid. I took extra cos the folic acid contain in the concieve well is low.

These few months very siong. Money spend on all these vitamins, tcm and now + healings.
Jasmine, you're PUPO (pregnant until proven otherwise), and the only test that can prove otherwise for sure is the BT. So don't rule yourself out yet till the BT results are out.
thanks piglet02,luvnhope and karentey for comforting me.i had a m/c at 5th week in end oct and fet in early dec its risky for me and i really hope that i can make it.
