IVF/ICSI Support Group

Tks Yvonne....U gals have been a great boosters for me thru out this IVF process...hope 2007 will be a better year for all of us who are still in TTC process.

Happy holidays everyone!

today i had korean food at suntec city. find it so so. but the soon doboo soup was nice. wanted to try the one at Furama Hotel at china town. but forgot to make reservation. had a lot of kimchi todya. nice. may be one day we should go together to a better korean rest.

both suntec one and furama hotel never tried before, I like korean rest that serve nice kimchi, that's a must for me, I judge them by their kimchi :) if their kimchi is not nice, then I am not surprise that their food is not nice too, at least their kimchi chige will not be nice :)
Thanks again for the invitation last saturday. The restaurant at furama hotel is not bad, i love their pickles. Is quite poplular but the rest. is never packed. You collect salary liao?

Happy happy la. Can do FET in Feb liao lor. Hope yr sis is back home.

Will know this Friday when i go for scanning. How you feel with yr injections? No too bad right? Good luck good luck!

Tks, my sis back hom liao and on 2 wk MC. Awy, me think will try natural for a few cycles then if really dun have will do FET lor maybe in April or May...well see how first...

Hey Ladies, any advice when shld i start to use the ovulation kit? Last time before m/c my cycle used to be 30 to 35 days....so when shld i start to use it huh? Day 14 or day 16?
Hi Ladies!
I just had my ER yesterday and retrieved 20 eggs.Need to find out from all the senior here
Did anyone done the daily HCG jab before? Can share more with me how is it like??Is it as painful as the pregynl jab we took 36 hrs before ER??The nurse said I have to start tomolo. So Scary!

No worry lah, u will get use to the jabs. Is just another needle...yes think is similar to the pregynl jab but not as painful. U can opt to have it inject on ur butt if u wan. Actually we have been thru so many jab thru out the process so I think u will find it 'chicken' subsequently. Personally I am really immune to all these jabs stuffs. They wan to inject just let them inject....as long as u can get preggie...so watever pain just endure...Good luck!!!! No fear!!!
Hi Stacy,

congrats on the good no of eggs

I was on the daily HCG jabs too...it is abt the same as pregynl jab...oil-based...u can do it on thigh or butts.

Have to alternative the jab location or it will be quite bad...not to scare you but I have bruise towards the last few jabs. Then again not all pple are the same...dun worry.

You will be fine, okie.
Hi Gals,
how's everyone doing?

pp must be enjoying herself in japan now. How envy!!!the sashimi, ramen,..... yumm yumm!!

the korean rest at furama you tried before? did you try the rice cake? was it nice? how abt the boolgogi? the one i had at suntec was too sweet. not so nice. but their chili paste is good.

good no. of eggs. all the best for ET ya.

when will be another makan feast huh? hehe....

i feel like eating char siew. when your mom make , give me a call ya. eeeh, not shy.
Thanks Renee and Blurblur. I read thru your postings and realize more than 15 eggs retrieved, need to do bld test on ET, but I was not told. Just called them at KKIVF and they said tomolo then decide. So strange! I hope everything will be completed quickly. My ER waited for more than an hour plus. So anxious Me!

I've not decided how many to put in yet. Tomolo will make decision on the spot when the result of fertilization is revealed. Very excited now.
I had dinner there a few times. rice cake? Dont know if i had it before, is it same as pan cake? boolgogi is beef? Sorry without menu i cannot tell. I don't eat beef but the chicken was good and all my friends like the bbq beef there but the raw beef was not gd as i was told. It seems that this is a very popular rest cos many of my friends incl korean and japanese go there but to my taste, i do not feel it is the best i had but the price is reasonable. I prefer the one at specialist shoppingt centre, wonder if they are still there?
no the rice cake is like tang yuan in tube shape and it's white in color. they cook in kimchi soup. yes, boolgogi is the bbq beef. now a days i dont like to eat chicken. i think it's due to preg. oh, i din know korean eat raw beef. May be i should go try one day.

Yes, i think i'm getting HUNGRY again. but dinner still no good for me. as in, i cant eat much at night.

you want makan feast? okay wait till I resigned and after BB comes back from her trip then we have makan feast again.

btw, can I have the receipt of the thai salad that you made, I roughly know how to make but just wanna confirm again just in case I miss out anything, I need the sauce only, the rest is just cooked plainly right. Below is the ingredient that I need for the sauce right?

1. fish sauce
2. lemon juice
3. chilli padi,
4. shallot
5. sugar
6.chinese parley

if your menses is 30 days cycle, your ovulation is around day 16 but to test on day 16 is too late, you need to start testing on day 13 or day 14 to catch the ovulation day. if it is 35 days cycle, then your ovulation is day 21 so similarly try testing on day 19 onwards. usually in a cycle for normal women, was told to test for 5 strips but ppl like me, usually test and test and take forever to ovulate, (luckily for the cheap strip that we bought :)) that's why I dun mind to waste it, I used it together with basal temp that i took every morning, especially when there is a drop in the temp, so I can be more sure

have not resign yet cos this mth salary will be late, was updated today that most likely only can take after the new year holiday, how ridiculous right? but tmr will try to check with the HR again if I tender tmr, will it affect my AWS, if not, then I resign tmr if will, will only tender on the 4 or 5 Jan, really unlucky hor, nothing goes smoothly for me recently leh.

So this mth i have to start on D14 lor since I oledy lost track on my cycle...so i test every alternate day or must test everyday from D14 till I ovulate? I nvr take temp leh, if i start tml AM hope is not too late as my menses just stop today.

The OPT i oso a bit blur on how to use as the instruction manual is all in black and white and no clear picture illustration. Dunno if we have brought the same OPT, so when got two dark purple line than O liao rite? SO when test +ve we ML immediately or the next day? Sorry huh, cos me first time using and not very sure on how to go abt.

Yvonne, try to endure till 4th or 5th when AWS reach ur pocket better......sometimes these bosses are just too practial and though ur HR say will not affected, but who knows rite? In case ur boss is those petty type then he may just hold ur AWS somemore u have not sign their appt letter so maybe a bit tricky here.
yup that's all the ingredients for the sauce.

now must think of what to make for our next makan feast already. hheheh.........

when you do the ovulation kit, you do it everyday if you start from D14, do until you see the two lines of equal darkness and when you see that, it means that you are gonna ovulate the next 24 to 36 hours and you ML on that day and then the next or alternate but just be kia su and do it everyday for 3 days after you see the two lines of equal darkness, that's how you see the ovulation kit, read it carefully the instruction paper again, it will state the negative result and positive result readings, if it is one dark and one light, my instruction says negative, if no lines at all, my instruction says invalid result and positive is only when 2 lines of the same darkness. and Pls remember to urinate into a container so that you can dip the strip into it, cannot use it and hold it when you urinate like our normal clear blue pregnancy kit, this is strip form and not cartridge type.

Actually you can still take your temp now as your menses just stop, just remember to take it first thing in the morning before you get up at the same time every day and leave your thermometer at your bedside so that the min you open you eyes, you poke it into your mouth to take and record it down.

another relax and hack care method.

1. just ML whenever you like it as long as you ML like every 2 or 3 days.

2. But look out for your discharge, when you get more discharge in the middle of the cycle, pay more attention to the form of discharge, the clearer the discharge becomes (like egg white), the nearer to ovulate and have sex more frequent then. And when you start to see the egg white like discharge, do the ovulation kit, shd become positive over the next couple of days to double confirm ovulation.

Remember to take it positively and have fun, that's most impt for conceiving, the more stress you are, the more tense your muscle become and then you will have more difficulty to conceive.
If you are still blur with charting maybe can go to this website to register for free : Is helpful for beginners.they even advise you when to ML if you enter yr data daily (tempreture). They gv you free lessons on ovulation.


Actually i used to try gauging the 'discharge' method but unsucessful lor... tat why eventually end up with IVF.

Awy, thanks for the input! Hope really can hit it naturally tis time....really wish wat people say is true, after m/c more fertile!
No need to wait for me to come back before we can go for a good feast. We should go when you gv yr letter, is a celebration. You must "ren ren" until u take yr salary + AWS ok? Know is not easy but why waste it?

Aiya talking abt my FET, my next appt is 3/1. I do not know what to say abt my doc. Each time he tells me diff thing and each time can't gv me an explanation. I was so fedup today, no mood to talk abt this now.

when are you leaving? yes I ren and ren, really hope on 4th or 5th can take salary, my hb said my co. is terrible, how can they delay our salary especially year end, we shd charge them interest. Since it is gonna be Jan then the day I take salary will be the day I tender, no need to wait till next day liao.

Actually, these few days, I already spent more than my AWS liao :)

okay, tell me about it when you got mood to talk about your condition :)
kinda of miss PP hor, these few days, my life like so quiet, with PP around, more bubbly leh, think she coming back today hor
the Sales is everywhere now. once you get your pay go spend another round ya. hahah.......

I also think your com is redicuious. where got hold on staffs' salary for so long one. some more now is yr end like your hb said. can you go make big complaint huh?( i also another terrible one)heheh......

But Sick..... heee.. having a bad cold now... thank goodness.. lucky FET not successful.. the trip will be too tough if successful..

Haha you know what.... gals i went to the temple and draw the lots..... and ALL BAD!!!!! dunno that i dunno how to talk or what.. the first one indicates i am now confuse and should clear my mind and be more stable before FET and dun think too much... the second one... draw together with my hubby worst..... dun really understand what the lot was saying... think too many voices heeee.

This is a good trip....bought a lots of stuff but the tour food is lousy.. bring us to those lousy chinese food and the jap food they provide is really sigh.......

you know the shabu shabu become what??? seoul garden type of BBQ LOUSY!!!!!!! but think next trip will be Free and Easy.

enjoy the lunches with stalls on the street.

Makan????? ME ONz!!!!!k will be back once i am getting better.....

welcome back and nurse your cold well. Poor thing, first time I heard someone complained about the food in japan. he he he. Usually only complained that stuff is expensive but food.....

due to the exchange rate, things should be much affordable right? and with their new year coming, supermarket sure got lots of sale too.
welcome back!! glad that you enjoy the trip (except the food) you must have shop until shiok shiok hor? how nice.

now you know it's no joke to go holiday wt tour group hor. I told you the same thing when i saw you at KKIVF on your FET day right? see??!! Cos i went on my won free and easy also find it quite CHAUN already. the more if you were preg lagi cannot go trip like this. hahah..... now good lah. you can start another round of FET soon. all the best for year 2007.

May all sisters here be able to be saw in time.

Happy New Year.
Happy New Year to all!! May all Our baby wishes come true soon...

Do you still have lobang to buy the pregnancy tesy strips?
Ladies, Happy New Year!!! Hope 2007 will be a much better year than all the good years we already had.

joan, thank you for your wishes! Yes i hope all of us will be pregnant in 2007, that will be so exciting!
You are most welcome..We are just all praying very hard for the baby dust to be bestow upon us very very soon...

baby fairy...do your job!!

All ladies..jia you!!
hi gals..

you know where i spend my new year day???? SGH!!!!! the fever did not come down so cannot help... but now feel so much better..
Yvonne, is not i dun like the food.. is the tour provided food that i dun like.....

I love the food when we have our free and easy ahahahah ate lots sushi and heeeeee BELLY Salmon......

Renee, agree... so learn my lesson... when i think back... i am pretty relieve.... heee so next time will ensure if doing FET or Fresh Cycle will not arrange anything on that month ahahhaha...

Yvonne,BB you gals going to TSB tomorrow? Think i can only do my final FET on feb... this month with the fever i dun think i am fit for that.... hee yvonne....

Anyone FEB???? heee


se you gals around...... heeeee
Hi girls,

I am thinking of going for ivf in kkh in feb. anyone got nice word about there? I am currently seeing dr Sheila. I am scared of the whole process.
Welcome. Just like you, a few months back, I was also very scared of the process. This is my 1st attempt, currently seeing DR SF Loh,KKH. I've completed my procedures and now in 2ww waiting for result. I find the process is not as "scary" as what I thought first. Just follow instruction & experience the whole thing. Along the way, you will meet many friends completing the journey 2gether with you. KKIVF has a very experienced team of staff, most of the thing are in placed, so they carry out quite systematically. Dun Worry! You can drop by here and I believe our seniors will try to help you

I see Dr Sheila as well, she is a good doc so i guess this part you do not need to worry. I was previously fr Gleneagles and i must say i prefer the doc and nurses from KK. IVF is not scary, the injections and ER are not as painful as some ppl think. You wrote " I am thinking" so meaning you have not booked? KKIVF is very crowded especially in Feb due to PH, you might want to book ASAP.

Stacy, Hope this new year will bring you good luck!

hi stacy,

when you inject your lucrin, how long was that? as per normal or you need to extend becos of Dr Loh's holiday? wonder if there is any different in extending lucrin injection or not cos my will be in jan but might hit CNY so might need to extend lucrin.
