IVF/ICSI Support Group

my auntie not blant lah, last time never have all these dots mah, so if one day see someone and suddenly on her face got these dots that she never used to have, of course will ask why lor, i think it is the change of hormones, it is not easy to change back your hormones once it is disturb lor


Imagine my hubby saw my face and even say how come so horrible!
Think tis is one of the price to pay for to have bb...

Yvonne, i spoke to nurse sara from KKIVF jus now. She say by tis weekend if my menses still no come then call then on monday then they may prescribe medicine to me. Oso ask her IVF patient when MC is it have to wait longer for AF to come since our process is so call artificial, cos two other girls i knew oso MC around same period as me but their AF has since reported ard 3 weeks from D&C. But she told me no be it natural conceive or IVF all will be the same. So i guess maybe i am one of the unlucky one as hormones may go siao liao so till now no come yet. Hiaz,,was telling Renee hope my outbreak is due to 'arrival' of AF symptons.

me the sway type too, menses dun come after MC, then when it comes, it is over 50 days, till now after the failed cycles, it is like 40 over days lor, the only consolation thing is that at least still got menses w/o taking pills, so hope to make it better.

BB is the lucky one, she got better and clearer skin when she does IVF, opposite from me :)
'knock knock'....anybody there??? This thread getting quite these days....

PP, how are u, feeling good? Shiok siah, going for holiday soon. Hey me waiting for u to sprinke bb dust ya!

BB...where are u? Getting ready for ur xmas party???
...Guess me gotta spend a boring xmas eve with hubby...

Blur/ Renee, How's the little fellows...think they be kicking mummies soon.

Yvonne, U rifle polish liao??? Getting ready to fired tat idiot boss???

..Yipee..long weekend coming....
ya our thread has been very quiet.....

how are you doing?

bb wont start kicking so early one lah. me too will spend xmas eve wtout hb. he got to work. back on xmas day. so may spend xmas wt my boyfrens instead. hehe...

me ok lor, just waiting for AF to come...so at times feel very pissed...but still ok lar..but oni poor blur must listen to my nags...hehe...

awy, ur MS over liao??? How's ur appetite now? Me long time no eat penang laksa liao..
don get stresses out becos of menses not due.... i told you before, it's bad for you. pls take care.

ya, ms more or less over. appetite quite good. but at time especially at night, i will still sick if i eat too quickly or eat too late. my digest system kind of no good at night.

my appetite now is more to vege. i cannot eat my meals wtout vege. like today, i cooked myself sweet and aour pork. i use very small portion of pork, and lots of tomatoes and capsicums. yet at the end of the meal, it left wt a lot of meat, and i ate most of the vege. then tonight dinner i will hv to cook another plate of green to go wt the pork. the only meat i'd crave for is beef. me no more crazy abt penang laksa liao.
hi gals...... bad new for me tested negative again....

now waiting for my menses to come and try again lor...... is it good to restart so fast?

I need more "you".... getting flat now.....

Take care. Just put aside everything and enjoy the festive season.

Thanks for your email advise. Can contact you again if have questions?

rifle long time polish clean and shiny, just wanna to make sure I take my AWS, then shoot but bad new leh, today HR told me that maybe this mth salary abit late, shit, cannot wait to shoot mah else wait spider web all over the rifle again, anyway on leave on 26th to enjoy longer rest and then on 27th, take out rifle to wipe and wait for pay check :) hope to shoot before new year, then i can enjoy new year too he he he.
Thanks for yr posting, very pretty, i feel x,mas mood liao! Ya this thread so quite recently, I miss those days when we are all in action, so many rubbish can come out. Ha Ha. OK 2007 will be crowded again! Dont spend boring x,mas eve with hb la, go out for x,mas meal or for a drink to feel the ambience. Last time you crave for vodka orange right? Find yr drinking kaki to go clubbing.
Hi gals, seems that all of you are getting ready for Xmas ?

Renee, you are having a boy too
me having two little bfs
good can trade notes in future....
hi gals...

I am back heee... ok lah now all ready for my japan trip....

thanks stacy.

Blessed all the children we have here and God bring them safely to this wonderful earth....

Will try FET again Feb....


Yeah, let add 'you' for each other, maybe u, me, yvonne & BB can do FET & fresh at the same time...look at my stage now definetly after CNY then can proceed.

Hiaz...lao tian ya...kwai dian rang wo da-yi-ma lai zhao wo ba....yi-ma wo ha xiang ni woh....

actually my m/c taught me a very good lesson..nvr take things for granted...so till now me have not touch any alcohol yet...hoping can endure thru the festive season......I am playing kiasu now...these days me eating more healthy (cut down on maggie mee and snacks) and resuming back my routine jog hoping to get my body ready for BB next year.

hey, me got program liao for xmas eve, having BBQ with my sis family....


Make sure u aim and shoot his chest till he 'bao xue guan'..hahaha..me so bad huh! It will be a xmas 'bomb' for him to see ur resign letter...
Awy, I having my AWS tml..so can go have a superb good weekend shopping spree....Me also has booked a trip to taipei early feb, hope by then timing can be 'zhun' then hor can 'make in taiwan'!


Then u must be those 'beautiful mum'...cos u dun eat alot and some more prefer veg, so u must be those slim preggie mum lor...
da yi ma lai tou tong, bu lai ye tou tong hor! ML with hb, sometime after bang bang will come period
Happens to me few times like last Sat bang liao sunday come AF. U very gd girl lai, me still drink occasionally, this cannot eat that cannot drink life will be so boring for me

keke...so over the long wkend must ML everyday hor..to bang & activate the system...

I gd girl now but now want to negotiate with myself so tat i can 'pop' tequila or volka when i go rendezvous with hubby in taipei...cos me and hubby whenever overseas sure drink wan, actually on plane we will start with wine liao.. holiday must relax relax and happy mah rite...hehe finding excuse for myself
Too much alcohol is of course not gd for us but occasional drinking to chill out should be ok. The chinese doc my hb is seeing now even allowed him to hv 2 glass of wine per week but beer is a NO NO cos is very liang. We only started to drink again recently, being childless can be a little boring sometime so we decided to enjoy our life a bit and join friends for drinking session. If you forbid me to drink i will crave for it but as far as i am allowed to drink, i actually dont drink much. Sometime i even hv orange juice for the whole night. Jian or not?
Gals... mine also not coming yet leh...

hmm then must bang today ahahahah cos must come fast then i can enjoy my last few days of the trip... heee

hmm me calculate liao if everything ok... then i can do FET on the week before CNY..... anyone joining me???

must go and draw lot see whether that month good for jan good heee
Yours is how many days cycle? Yes u r right should bang to come before you leave for holiday if not when u r in Japan cannot honeymoon. So is a gd deal for u lor, before and during holiday, scarly Feb no need to FET cos yrs is made in japan.

never heard that ML with hb is to have menses, I thought is to have bb?????

I recently quite sway lor, do what also got hicupps, every mth salary pay us on 26, 27 but this mth will be late cos HQ till now has not approve operating expenses for SG so will be quite late, shit!
you are most welcome. anytime, if i can help i would. but the prob is i dont check my email very often. anyway, just post here i come in more often then checking email. hope you are doing ok.
unfortunately i'm not pretty mommy at all. cos my face is full of cloged pores and can see dots dots all ove my face. sad sad!! vege cant help my face leh.
You "Ren" for another few mths, later will be pretty mummy with baby. Pregnant women can mask right? Use deep cleansing mask twice a week if it is not to dry for you, can help with cloged pores. I do this very often cos my skin is very oily.
Hi Gals....

BB, mine is abt 30-32days... hmm cannot make in japan cos that week is menses week hee my temp dropped to 36.3 so think menses will come today.

my heavy flow only last few days so hope by then is gone..

last night went to st james power station to party.... tot i am over with the failure.... i was still joking with my colleague that lucky is failure if nto cannot party tonight... and when i was driving home alone...... and i starts to think about it.... I BROKE DOWN...... so think i am still not that strong though..

Tot the lousy feeling is gone... but hmm is still there is just thati dun dare to touch it until last night.

But is good... think is time to get over it and moved on....

so we shall have a merry merry Xmas....

Heeeee look forward to Sat

OK, i will try to make it! Want to meet u all up too! My brunch start at 11am so think i will just show up, shake shake pigu then run off...will ctc Yvonne b4 going over. Btw, wat time u gals be there?
You hv not come again this time , zhen de bu yao gen ni hao le. Will be very fun one, better than your brunch plus you will ta bao ko fu?

You are very strong girl so dont let yr chin down. Usually after the break down, we will feel better. You better be in good mood now if not the food you cook will not be good. Tomoorow we will hv fun and you promised to cook GOOD food right?

My face very very oily! even when i am home alone, i cannot stand it. No need to see mirror also can feel it. So one day must use a few pcs of bloater.

gals, my boss went back liao but he just went off w/o saying anything, so all of us still stuck at work and no one knows whether where he goes and whether he is coming back or not sigh.... see you gals tmr, can come as early as 1130am.

we have got the following:

chicken by bb
icecream by blur
thai salad and cake by renee
sausages and some appetizer and fruits or green salad by yvonne
good food by pinpanter
dunno what food by nanz :)

see ya.

Actually i have intended to join u gals for ppp-luck after my company brunch, but end up me oso nvr turn up for my co brunch...As I have sms Yvonne on Friday nite, my sister who is 27 weeks preggie suddenly have a stomach run down during dinner time...then she go to a woman clinic where the dr say tat she have signs of contraction, so was told to rush down to KKH immediately. We stay at KKH tat night till her condition stable, then i have to help her look after the 2 elder children and her maid for tat nite since my BIL oso stay with her in the delivery suite to standby jus in case she really give birth....initially we thought she can be discharge after conditon stable, but who know dr say need to stay for another night for observation then can be discharge. So finally she was only allow to go home on sunday afternoon. Oh ya, dr say her contraction is likely to be trigger by stomach flu as she also have symptons of diarrhoea...awy, all of us cannot sleep well tat two nites worrying if the baby will really be born premature and worst her two childrens were crying for mummy and daddy asking me 'why mummy go hospital'..see liao me so heart pain pain. So all MTBS take note dun play play when u have stomach pain better to seek for medical attention as we nvr know wat is happening...
Hi gals,

Forget to share my 'great news'....my AF come liao!!!! Yes, can TTC soon...Hooray!!!! First time in my life, AF come me so happy...keke...
