IVF/ICSI Support Group


i am doing hysterscopy on monday at 3pm :) this time is to put in a scope and see if any cysts, condition of uterus, polycysts ovaries or not, so i guess, this will be the last time I am doing this kind of test, last mth one to see tube and uterus linning, this one dun see tube but more detail on the uterus condition lor, then after that, at least i know my own chances...
yes. is Ah Boy. Dr showed me the birdie. yeah, i guess hb prefer boy. I will try my best to stay happy. sure hope to see my happy BB.
delivery date around mid june.

12 weeks can see birdie liao? wow, most of the time need to wait till 5th mth then can tell sex of bb.

most ivf will get boy hor cos i heard ppl saying that when you do nearest to O day, the chances of boy is bigger than girl. boy easier to take care in terms of wiping backside, girl very complicated to wipe backside or change diaper :) i like girl but i know for japanese boy is more useful, girl is really like throw out water in japanese society, change surname lah, quit job after marriage lah, waste all effort spent on the girl man, one year see parent one time lah, aiyoh, very heart pain leh, so boy better for japanese society :)

singapore society girl better cos boy will eventually listen to wife :) girl will take better care of parent he he he
Yr test sounds very similar as mine except that if polys are seens inside uterus, hysteroscope can remove them duirng the procedure. Sounds good. Ya this should be your last test, even if you want doc also dont know what to test liao.
ya, we were suprised to know can see niao niao so early. but my mom said boy can see faster. better stil if the bb's legs open big big. for my mom, she knew she was having a boy during her 4th month.

very similar lah but they mentioned no balloon to put in, maybe some saline solution lor, the polys is to be seen around the ovaries not uterus lah, uterus one will be cyst liao, HSG is base on x-ray type whereas this one put scope inside to see 3D lor, though dr loh said no need to do both but I still feel better to double check again for the last time.
PP, can i check with you, if tested positive, can fly? me also planning to fly 2-3 days after test date, but don't dare to book tickets. huby said test positive also fly.... but i thought first trimester cannot fly... anyone can advise?

PP bought the tour becos she does not want to keep on waiting and deferring her plan for travel, that's why she do not want to think so much about it, just go and instead of trying to accomodate for our ttc journey cos we dunno when we really get preggy and do not wanna miss out good times too.

Assuming that we are conceiving naturally and when you test your blood, it is D16, that means you only miss your menses for 2 days or so, normal ppl would not bother or know yet that they are pregnant if they are, they just assume that menses coming in the next few days, by the time you are back from holiday and menses still dun come, then maybe suspect preggy and test urine right? so as long as you are not going for those hectic or tough trip where you need to run about alot, i think short trip is safe at this early stage as long as your are comfortable and also depending on your own condition too.

good if tested positive, but if negative, can take the opportunity to take your mind off it for a couple of days lor. Personally find that becos of all these treatment, our hands and legs are always tied up and restriction for other plans :-( so really depend on how comfortable your feel, you dun wanna miss out festive season to fly,you go, you prefer to wait and see the result, you wait and if really positive, then wait for 1st trimeter to be over, then fly lor but of cos, now festival season so dun expect to be able to book tickets when really wanna go after tested blood lah, that's the dilemma you got to face :)
MSH when is yr test date?

Hv not touch my golf clubs for the last 5 years!! You dare to play with me? You start to make your Tai Tai plan liao? Maybe i can caddie for you to make some extra bucks. What about our badminton session? You dont 3 days wind 4 days rain lei, I feel like playing. Looks like i will be your best kaki.

no lah, me also very long never touch, the last time I learned but learn half plus six only, thought of going to driving range to try to hit the balls lah, sometime cannot hit leh after so long liao, badminton still on, but cannot everyday play badminton mah, must find lots of different activities, bowling lah, badminton lah, driving range lah, try the indoor one that no need to be under sun type.

yes, last day shd be 29 dec, 99%! so you must plan your schedule with inclusive of me, like 1, 3 , 5 we go out and play, 2, 4, 6,7 own stuff, okay?
I stop golf due to some injury on my shoulder, so if i want to start again must do lots of stretching, aiyo after warm out tired liao! OK we start badminton first if not both of us preggie in the next few mths cannot play anymore! You sounds excited so perhaps qutting the job is a right decision. But no need to worry about being bored cos you will definetly find things to do one. Like me, almost everyday busy here busy there!

The last time i told you one of our friend only found out she is preggie at 5 mths. You know why? She actually hv menses during her pregnancy, so scary!
Yvonne, i guess i'm just alittle careful cos afterall, all these are precious pregnancies, inlike those accident type. so really precious if positive, don't want to take chance.

BB my test date is coming thu.
Can understand your concern. Not everyone can be cool about it but is true if we are worry is better not to do it. Think i am also the worry type. Hope to hear gd news from you this Thur. Good luck.
hehehe... hubby very tempted to book the tickets. i guess shuold be ok, since we are going to visit his father who had an accident last week. his whole left leg is in plaster cast. if i can't go, then hubby will go on his own.
hi gals,
i had a mis-miscarriage this week. My baby has stopped growing and there is no more heartbeat when i went to scan on wed. Did a d n c on friday and resting at home now.
sayang my dear. Please take care of your health and eat more nourishment food. Have a good rest and dunt think too much.

sorry to hear that and I guess no amount of consolation can ease your pain so hope that time will pass faster for you and work will take your mind off it.

Remember we always say what is yours is yours, what is not will not be and there is always a reason for things to happen this way or that way, reason only god knows and good things always follow behind so this time proved that you can be preggy, i have confident that it is only a matter of time, so look forward, do not dwell on the past.

do whatever you want, do not keep it inside, we are all here to support and lend you ears, take good care and prepare your health for the next one, jia you, jia you! you can make it one!!!

yes, heard that during pregnancy you can still have menses, one of the reason is etopic pregnancy, you will have menses cos the foetus is not implanted at the lining but in the tube so your body will discharge the lining as menses.

all kind of complications during pregnancy lor, that's why I always find that if it is meant to be yours, the bb will survive thru, heard of so many stories that pregnant women tried all types of way to let herself miscarry as they do not want the bb but in the end, bb still survive, my own sis was taking some drugs for her insomnia and depression every night before she found out that she was pregnant for 8 weeks, bb okay leh and plus her whole pregnancy she was taking medicine for her puking (of course prescribe by doctors lah) we were all worried about her cos she dun eat much, no apetite at all during her whole pregnancy but bb though born underweight but still very strong lor. Not trying to say that no need to take care but sometimes really cannot dun give in to destiny lor. wat to do, (kan kai yi dian) and be happier lor. Still got plenty of good things for us too right, every thing also got 2 sides, there are always pros and cons for everything :) HAPPY ALSO ONE DAY, NOT HAPPY ALSO ONE DAY! Which one do you chose to live :)

Sorry to know abt your loss, take good care of yourself. Do a mini confinement to boost up your health.

We are all here to support.


Don't know y as the IVF date comes nearer, I become less excited, I dun know whether I am normal, but may be the good thing is at the same time I am less worry too.

Ya, if the baby is yours, it would come to you anyway, fully agreed. So now, I try my best to make myself happy everyday.

Thanks, sister.
me too leh, suppose to start in Jan when the menses come but I think I will hit the CNY period so might change it to feb, I also now thinking twice on the IVF, should I go ahead as schedule or leave it as it is first and try naturally again for a couple more mths :)

is this your first? this will be my second fresh ivf, done 1 fresh and 1 FET. That's why I got this feeling, usually if this is your first, you shd be more excited so I guess this is not your first?

ya lor, if you think thru again and accept the fact that childless is not that scary as you think, maybe one will then turn focus on other things and be happier lor. Keep on focusing on 1 thing and plan and plan and keep failing can be miserable (already start to realise the fact that when ttc is concern, no amt of planning can be enough, uncontrollable :)

For once, jump out of the circle and look elsewhere, happiness are everywhere, no need to circle inside the circle and in the end make ourselves dizzy and miserable. Thing always happen when you least expect it. Whether you tested positive or negative, dun give up, dun despair and be happy!

It is festive month, enjoy for the time being, throw all the troubles aside first and let god worrys for you, who know some of us might be preggy during this festive season, Merry christmas and happy new year!

for those who want to buy nice and cheap christmas tree, go to concourse, they have lots of nice christmas tree and decorations for sale, very tempted to get one but hate to take it down and keep it away when the season is gone. I have got lazy bones :)
Sorry to hear yr story. Pls take gd care. Hope this holiday season can cheer you up. Hv you seen the x,mas lighting in Orchard Road, is very pretty this year. If you are in the mood go jalan jalan with huby

Officially this is my first one, as the last cycle I just took 7 days of suprefect then drop it as I was preggie. After I m/c, I have been thinking to give up ttc, as I think I have force the way to get a bb..

Agreed, thing always happen when you least expect it. so may be we will be getting a micrale during this christmas??

Ya, same here, mine also might be crash with CNY, that day when I see Dr Loh, forgot to ask him if he is around and the lab is open during CNY.

If really crash, I was thinking if can get preggie then is a BIG angpow, if not,then for the subsequent CNY, I will carry this memory, a bit scary, although we always try to be positive...

Is KKH allows us to dealy for 1 cycle? U called them and checked?

we have to call them when our menses come in jan and the nurse will then base on the calculation if it is okay to proceed if not, then will inform us to postphone to feb, this shd be the case but did not call them to confirm yet.

Me still waiting for AF to come....I give myself until 8 weeks after D&C, if still no come will call KKH to get medicine to make it come. Now want to try 'natural' oso dun dare as DR say 'safe sex' to prevent any complications! But I heed ur advice lor, now dun plan here and there first just do watever i feel like doing and wat i can't do during 'preggie'...So, me now planning for a trip to 'taipei' around the CNY period!
hello gals.... hahaha me appear again... hee.

MSH, as what Yvonne has explain.. I dun want to stop all my activities becos of of IVF. I have been postponing the trip and other stuffs becos of this.... dun even dare to but new dress clothe etc...

But after much consideration, i decided to go ahead and do what i want to do and if it comes it comes if not at least i am not wasting my time.

Yvonne, i suppose to start my golf lesson Nov. but becos of the FET, again cancel. So if this time fail i will go ahead and sign up.

Renee.. sooo cute what kind od machine is that? the 3D one? is it only available for the private suite?

you gals will never believe how sway i am today, first my bloody boss refused to approve my leave on 26th, then i went in the morning to insert tablet to make the cervic wall softer for the hysterscopy at 3pm, was having cramps during to the pill, arrived at 3pm, waited till 4:30 pm, (in a rush liao cos got to rush back to office to do some reports for HQ and boss wanted to see me about the leave application, was ready to neg hard for it) but then after I checked with nurse how long more i need to wait, she said another 10 mins will call me, another patient was inside and according to what i know after one patient finished the procedure, they got to sterilize the equipment for 30mins before next patient can use, so I kinda of impatient liao. Then a Doctor called my name and guess what he said: " I am sorry but we need to re-schedule your procedure to another day as our equipment has got some technicial fault" shit! I told him cannot wait for another day cos then that will be next mth liao but no choice lor, I even asked the dr innocently :" whole hospital only 1 equipment?" he laughed and then blushed and said yes cos they only do this once a week thing.

so sway leh! the last mth do HSG, cannot do also becos never take antibiotics, this mth, equipment break down when it is my turn, what's wrong har????????

got a feeling that next mth do IVF, sure kanna CNY lab close, better wait for FEB hor.......

did not resign today cos checked with HR and she said I got pro-rated AWS so decided to throw letter the next day after I take pay check :) will be on 28th dec :)
Sorry Wed hv lunch appt liao. So you will do the test again next mth right. You not sway la, god just want to tell you that you do not need further test! But very sian hor, run 2 trips to NUH.So you confirm to go KL 22 Dec?

Ur boss really damn idiot. Just take one day leave oso so kang kor..dun he know tat annual leave is an entitlement to staff...tis type of boss better fired early...Hey if u tender the resign letter one day after pay check, can u imagine the pumpkin look on ur boss face!!!! Lucky ur HR tell u got pro-rates AWS if not really loogie...

Are u the one who tell me eating mutlti-vit will have out-break on face? My face now very terok got terrible out-break and is not pimples but big acnes...my face like 'pizza' now

your pizza face is also due to your MC lah, after all the treatment and MC, my body hormones changed like anything, so whatever dots that I never had in my youth all come out.......

today, saw my auntie, she asked me if i got chicken pox (becos of the acne marks on my face)really dunno how to answer her :-(

Yr auntie so blant. Yr last IVF was quite long ago, do you still think is due to those medication? Or is it simply stress?
