IVF/ICSI Support Group

Just came back from tanny's shifu place. Went for the yoga. Enjoyed it. Now considering whether to take up the healing package or yoga package.

Hi tanny: let me know whether your shifu prediction is correct.

Eskimobaby....thank u...apple juice at room temperature sounds better than hot or warm plain water...I dunoe what's with warm plain water...it's just the aftertaste tt makes me wanna puke n it also dries up my throat...each time I drink lain water, it must be the cold one...hmm, but will definitely try to restrain cold drinks....room temperature juices for me I guess...
Piglet02: glad u like it
if u wan to try but don't want to commit, then take up the small package first - 4 times.. I did that too. Everyone is quite slim there hor? Some v flexible.. U like the place? V clean n homely to me..
Hope: no clinical treatment. U just close yr eyes just like facial and u keep yourself comfy and relax. U scroll up to read my blog posted earlier.
Hi Tanny
Her yoga class very small abt max 8 pple only. There is grandma so skinny and with her 8yrs already. They are super flexible. Very paiseh delay their lesson. I super slow and not flexible.

I trying her healing session next week. You going back this thurs. anything to prepare for healing session. I am her 2nd baby.
Hi Ching

If you want to do some stretching execerise, can try her yoga. Cos it also consist of relaxing mind at the end of the session. you can try 1 yoga session at $28. Insterested that take up her package.

The place is clean and homely.
I might not want to take the yoga as I will be starting my fresh cycle very soon. Can still do yoga during the cycle? Will see how's my session with her then decide.
Dear all, I'm officially in my 2ww now. Had ER last fri and ET yesterday. Doc retrieved 15 eggs. 8 fertilized. 2 transferred and freezed 2. The other 4 they said quality not so good didn't freeze. I was quite puzzled when they only retrieved 15 eggs from one ovary and told me they can't locate any on other side. When I went for v scan they said both sides have more than 10 eggs. Weird. Anyway I'm glad that everything else have been ok and I'm finally joining u gals in 2ww.
Ching, we can still do execise during the cycle, including the yoga, but not after the ET... i was told by the SGH nurses while i was having my first cycle with them.
pinkdoll, good for you! Rest well and wait for good news.

Ladies, what's the optimal follicle size for ER? Going for my first scan this Fri. What shld the ideal size and number of follicles be then?
BabyJourney, i am actually very keen to see Dr Loh in TMC; with my Uterus' weaknesses and problems i think not many doctors out there can help me. although i have not see Dr loh yet; but with sistas' sharing in this forum, i think i should see him. what about you BabyJourney? if you are keen maybe we can be a cycle buddies.
Babyjourney, thks!! I'm under Dr Yu

LovenHope, thks! I think follicles above 16mm considered ok. In fact nurse told me anything above 15mm they will extract. You may like to check with the nurses again.
hi, may i know if i should put the cyclogest insert (1 pessary) into my rectum in the morning before doing ET for frozen embryo transfer? Pls advice. i was told to start the cyclogest insert 2 days before ET.
Mrs Ching & Tanny - good to know we can do yoga during the cycle. I may go try her lesson on Fri and maybe the healing. Having trouble sleeping at night, perhaps too much on my mind.

I'm still having a lot of trouble downing the egg whites (am taking 2 a day for now in Stage 1). Are fried/boiled egg whites ok? I think they're easier to eat! How many egg whites did you take during each stage? Also, where can we find Immonucal?
Sue, u can get immunocal at OG. Bought mine there. For alternative protein intake, u can take almond, or quinoa too.
Piglet: nothing much to prepare actually. U hv to trust and have faith - important. (Last time someone went with all negative thoughts, and keep asking why no success, my shifu ask her to go home and think abt it, and if ready then come back. Later she went back to shifuand shortly conceived.

If u going at night like 7pm like me, rem to hv dinner if not hungry later as session may stretch to 2 hrs..

Ching: It's up to you actually. Are you exercising regularly now? If u r, perhaps it's not necessary to attend yoga. I went for yoga cos I'm din hv any form of exercise at that time. I went for mon n fri classes. Mdm tan slows down her classes for newbies so no worries abt catching up. Hope this helps. Let me know if any queries
Hi, tomorrow is my bHCG test. But I just realized that my pantyliner has light brown watery stains. But when I wipe after urine, no stains. If I have more discharge, should I go do my blood test? I feel "heavy" just like mense is about to come. Sometimes before my mense, I will have brown watery discharge too.
Ching : can do yoga during fresh cycle as long as it's before Er. I asked dr loh before... As long it's not hot yoga. Hot yoga can increase yr body temp so it's not good. General yoga is ok - mild ones lah... inversion onesi dunno. After Er straightly can't do. I guess if near to Er if u feel bloated discomfort better stop yr exercise.. I was doing stretching during my fresh cycle too, right up to just before Er..

Any questions on my shifu, can ask/ pm me..

Thanks for your reply. Was lucky that the nurses said doesn't matter for the late lucrin jab and things went smoothly. Just had my ER and have 20 follicles.

May I know when will I know how many eggs usable and the grading. Will KKH call me?
Ocean, u can ask them just now after ER before discharged how many eggs were retrieved. 20 follicles do not mean 20 eggs. On ET day, u ask the embyrologist how many are matured usable eggs, how many of these are matured ones r fertilized to get embyro n the grading of the embyro. U will be given an embyro report after ET. KKH wun call n inform prior to ET day.
Congrats to all BFP mummies, hv a smooth 9 mths ahead
I've just done my FET and transferred 2 embies. No cyclogest at SGH, give only duphaston and 3 pregyl jabs for 2ww.
Thanks Hope

One thing to check with you gals... Do you sleep on your back or on your side during this 2ww? Toss and turn as usual? I normally hug my bloster and sleep on my stomach or sides. Not used to sleeping on my back. Had a hard time last night. Scare my tossing and turning will affect embbies.
Pinkdoll, i think we can't control much about the sleeping movement if we fell asleep. i was once asked Dr Yu whether the sleeping positions will affect the implatation, she said No. ( anyway, i failed my 1st cycle with SGH because of some other factors "bad uterus", nothing to do with Dr Yu, she is a very good doctor)
dun stress urself.... if u can't sleep well, ur body is not in optimum condition to receive your baby
i also have the habit of sleeping with bolster... i still sleep on my sides and toss around... i'm only cautious when i wanna get out of bed :p

u can go down now to get your BT done... but it's already afternoon, most likely u won't get the results until tomorrow...

ehhh the more follicles the merrier hehehe... just kidding... i think 8-12 is a nice number... most important is the follicles all grow together and be ready at ER together... also lining thickness have to coincide with the growth of the follicles so that by the time u have your ER/ET, the lining is just rite to receive your embies.... lining have to be above 8mm by ER/ET but also cannot be too thick..
Ching: I just prepare myself for my 3rd fresh cycle. Hope can conceive naturally with Mdm Tan's help. I felt fresh today after yesterday yoga.

Tanny: I will fall always during my facial. Wait snooze. Heehee
Babyjournery & Ching.

You can tell Mdm Tan that when u staring ur cycle. She very cute even ask me when I am ovulating n plan for me healing session.

U can go for the trial session if u like that. Then take up the 4 session for $100.
Piglet02, Babyjourney. Tanny & Ching,

Mdm Tan mentioned her healing sessions has a package of 6. Is that the one you are planning to take? I was thinking of seeing her tomorrow to take a look at her studio before I sign up. I'm midway through Stage 1 of my fresh cycle already. Not sure if its too late to start...
