IVF/ICSI Support Group

Thanks eskimobaby!

Thanks miracle and eskimobaby. I didn't go down since my scheduled BT is tomorrow and there isn't any real flow. But after I inserted the progesterone pill and wiped my finger with tissue, the stains looked light brown/pink. Still hoping and praying for the best.
LuvNhope - Yes I have. Waiting for my scan on 9 Dec to get the all clear to move on to Stage 2! Though I hear its more painful, I'm quite excited to move closer to our goal
I still have 2 frozen embryos.. Now pending for an appointment with Dr Loh.. Think his schedule is really tight..

I started spotting on Day 11 after my embryos transfer & it continued so Dr Loh asked me to go down for hcg test today.. & true enough it was negative..

After i discovered that i had spotting & light bleeding, i was already v worried and cried at night..

Though i was mentally prepared for the negative news just now, i still broke down & cried just now.
going back to work tmr.. so i won't stay at home & keep thinking about it..

Think i should start drinking chicken essence again.

Let's jia you together!
Sorry to hear abt ur results. Take ur time to cry... Go out indulge urself... Then prepare for the next try

I cross my fingers n toes for u too
Hi Sue,

I have 2 boxes of Immunocal to let go. Bought 3 boxes and finished only 1 + 8 satchets. Each box comes with $30 satchets and they are selling for slightly more than $100 a box... I am willing to let go of my 22 satchets at $50 and the new box at $80. They were useful during my stimulation and after ET. PM at 84480792 if you are interested.

Hi Fuyutsuki: sorry for not replying earlier. I am feeling alot better although my body took almost 2 months to recover the Red Blood count after the hypovolemic shock.
Hi Sue

Mdm Tan package of 6 healing session. She did throw something like free 6 yoga or distant healing session. Her studio inside very clean and homely. But outside at night very quiet.
Hi Sue, no problem.. think about it
I actually bought my first box at OG and subsequently ordered the others directly from the distributors. The expiry date is better in 2013. I had my IVF cycle #1 in September which went well such that i had 2 blastocysts transferred. However 6dp5dt, i started bleeding heavily and it went on throughout the day such that i went into at least i would say Stage 3 of Hypovolemic shock. My blood bp went down to about 50 which was rather dangerous and I had a EUA (examination under anaesthesia) but they could not find anything.. strange.. then was on strict bed rest for 2 months before my life regain some normalcy.. Thank God.. Are you doing your first cycle? Positive thinking helps a big deal during this journey. It helps for sure that all the sisters are so supportive and encouraging here.
Hey Enigmaysl - Thanks, I actually messaged you
So sorry to hear what you went through...I hope you're feeling better now. Yes, its my first fresh cycle and sometimes it feels extra hard cos my Hubs is actually not here, he works in a different country. So there's the added stress of trying to make sure his tickets are booked to be back at the right time when flights are so full at this time of the year.

Yes, am definitely encouraged here. Thanks to all the lovely sisters here
Hi Strawberry, 'hugz'...

Pinkdoll, i'm with Dr Yong, I remember you are with Dr Yu right? When is your BT? Baby dust to us and all mummies wanna be...
Thanks strawberry and eskimobaby. I really find a lot if encouragement to be positive and not to give up here. When I read of the different stories and experience I find strength to believe and wanna try again.

My brown discharge has just become light pink discharge. And seems more. But actually not feeling heavy anymore.

Strawberry, at least u still have frozen. I had 30eggs, 8 fertilized but only 2 good ones to put in. None left. So for me to try again is from the beginning. But nonetheless, I believe the disappointment that we have are the same no matter fresh or frozen. Let's jiayou!
Sue : I don't think it's too late to start - In my own opinion, it's still ok.... If I were u, I will start now..- for fresh again, i will ask for my eggs to grow better, more quality and stronger..better if 100% usuable rate (hehehe, greedy hor, but I will take whatever it is - last time my rate only 30%. v poor right?)

If u r v unwell, u can let her know and she can do a distance healing to make you feel better... This is my personal view only. The choice is yours ya?

Yes, I signed up for the 6 sessions and had it renewed another time.

Piglet : The ah ma there v flexible right? Very pei fu them. Unbelivable. One of them has a daughter as old as me.... Think my shifu is here on a divine mission to help pple conceive.

Hmm,I hope she still has time for me - still going to see her regularly for healing sessions to an tai... But still hope those keen can benefit like me and bfp soonest!
Hi Ladies,
Just had my ER today. Had 37 eggs retrieved and now having cramp like feeling... Can't even walk straight. How long will this take to go away?
Tanny: u are her first baby. She can sense that yours is a boy. Enjoy your pregnancy. I am her 2nd case. She wants to study our case. She also encourage me to try naturally first this few months. Heehee
Tricia, lie down. Drink water, go toilet. Eat light. Don't eat oily. If vomit and in great pain, go 24 hr clinic in KKH. Some of the gals here suggested drinking H20. U can try. I think the doc should have given u a medicine to reduce bloatedness (can't remember the name). But if you hv gastric issues, it may cause you to have gastric pain and vomit. Tat was what happened to me. Just relax. By tomorrow you should feel better. Rest early!
Tanny, Piglet, Sue & Babyjourney,
I went to Mdm.Tan's healing session just now. Before the session start, we had a quick talk on my planning and schedule for my ivf cycle. She needs to know like when is the ER, ET and etc.

As for the healing, it's very relaxing just like a facial. I was lying on the bed and covered by towels, with two crystals on my palms. Then she put some crystals ( i think ) on my upper body and she started the healing. The session took about 1hr.

She only accepts cash, so I will only sign up for the package on this coming friday when I see her again
Thanks lovetohavekids. Actually after I posted my last message, I vomited out my dinner and egg whites.. I guess it must be the sedative. Not sure if all the medicine that I took have been absorbed or puked out.
Hope, Lovenhope, Eskimobaby... Thks for the reassurance. I will rest well these 2 weeks and stay as stressfree as possible.

All the best to all the sisters in 2ww.
Tricia, u will be fine after a day of rest. I also puked after my ER. Initially I felt quite ok and was hungry so I finished off the Milo and biscuits given by the nurse. Greedy me. After that vomitted everything. Went home sleep a while and was ok after the sedation wore off. Do take care
Tricia, I think a little vomiting is fine. Unless you kept vomiting non-stop. I vomited like 1 hour till nothing was left to come out except some yellowish/greenish substance which I believe is gastric juice. My gastric hurts for a week after that. You just drink lots of water and rest. Sleep early tonight. You will be fine.
piglet : yes, mdm tan tells me the gender during my 2ww... im waiting for the day that the doc confirm the gender..

also i had s surprise, my mom told me that my auntie told her that she had a dream, dreamt that i was carrying a baby boy to visit her. so my mom ask if i was preggy.. i said yes, but i asked when my auntie dreamt of it.. the answer was on a previous sat, which was even before i test hpt!! guess i don't think so much... keeping crossed fingers n toes, wait day by day, week by week...how i wish can fast forward to 9th month.. and pop out comes my baby...

im not really her first.. but first ivf i must say..

did she tell u that her the v first customer - she sensed that it will be a ceaseran. the mom wanted natural. in the end, it was really ceaseran..

i also funny - i keep asking her why i got no symptoms.. she tells me it will come next week - vomitting feeling... on the other hand, i wished i hadn't asked - i wanna to b preggy without any symptoms.

my colleague is now 7 months and she tells me she dun hv MS, no smell issue, no food cravings, everything no, and best, did not put on weight! no wonder she look the same, except just a bigger tummy (not those huge tummy).... she said she followed her mom - her mom also no symptoms for all her 3 children. good right?
ching : i believe she puts crystals on the 7 chakras points..

piglet : ya, later u conceive even before u embark on injections. heeheee.

strawberry : take a rest and maybe start some exercise, if u have not. or tcm to tiao the body for a while first. i know its a difficult time, i been through it. that time, i din even wan to log into SHM.. take care.. hugssz..

lovetohavekids : are you better? all the best ok... sprinkle baby dusts!
Tanny: yap yap that 41yrs Mrs Tan. She told me that she will be trying her nos.2 next yrs at 43yrs. Very encouraging.

Since like Mdm Tan has also help u to plan your nos.2 right.
pinkdoll : during my 2ww, i slept side way, face up and even face down. i dont think it makes a difference. i bfp, so okay one lar... dont worry so much...(but i know easier said than done)

piglet02: ya, she also tell u this.. keke..

mamaleen : your question same as mine. i also feel like nothing to drink, since i stay off tea, kopi and cold drinks. i still drink chinese tea a bit, and mostly milo in the office. now i also drink office skimmed milk, which they use in the coffee machine to make cacuppino. else, its plain warm water. other times, i use my hot water flask to make LRD drink..
Tanny, my spotting is more now. Still light pink and watery. Not exactly mense. I don't dare to go toilet since 2 hours ago. Actually, i should still continue with the insertion right?
lovetohavekids: yes continue with your inserts. dont stop it. last time i had spotting, i was told by dr loh to continue with inserts and if possible, go down for an early BT. if bfp, they will give you additional support like a jab to save your baby. u see how, maybe go tomorrow morning? if cannot wait, then can go now to 24 hr O&G. watery seems ok la.. mine was like menses and for me was bfn back then.

piglet : wah, u all can meet liao.. i miss the classes..tmrw im gg healing.
I will be going for the healing and will be signing for the package. Think I will not join the yoga lesson.
How abt u? U decide to take up the yoga package?

Stay strong..understand what u went thru...at least u still ve 2 embryos..i ve none and just failed my ist fresh recently...

Dear Sistas

I just saw Dr Loh and he advised that I go for short protocol in 2nd fresh..which will only start in Apr 2012.

I was on the long protocol in Ist cycle but ends up with less than desirable response in terms of follicle stimulation...total of 8 follicles but only retrieved 4 eggs.

Anyone has tried both protocols before? If so, could you share its effectiveness?

Many thanks!
