IVF/ICSI Support Group

Not a lot, just see a patch like the palm size.. But also sounds like a lot! Aiyooo.. How how ?

I feel bloate yet also got sore throat.. Temp is 37.1 a bit feverish..

If positive, then who give support? I'm at O&G clinic now. See Dr at O&G or I can walk over to TPS to see Dr Loh? Will entertain me? I'm clinic D patient.
Ron, thanks again

Tanny, U can go down to the 24 hrs clinic if u dun wan to wait till tomorrow. Meantime, take care!
Here already. Today I ate fish soup inside got bittergourd. Dunno if it's due to that. I din eat it but drank the soup. Anyway now waiting... Pray for positive news.

Kkivf v jia lat . They ask me Why u want to do today? So early? I Say got bleeding, they still ask the same question. Do today also not accurate? Y u wan to do? We r closed. I went at 5pm. Anyway beta result out only tmrw. I say I go to 24 Hr clinic then she say "also not sure if they will do for u a not". So mad. Then later 24 Hr clinic nurses say the same thing! Crazy.. Anyway have taken my blood so now is waiting time..
Hi BabyPenguin: Congrate collecting your BBdust.

Tanny_angelbaby: relax. collecting your bbdust also. Jiayou. Don't stress yourself up.
Have you been on progesterone inserts during this 2WW? Or HCG jab? Will progesterone inserts affect the beta reading & hpt if tested too early?

I bought the HPT but cannot test yet because my last HCG jab was on Monday.

All the best to you!! Good luck!! Please walk slowly and rest more ya.

Zion: TPS is THe Private Suite (at KKH)

Miracle happens, u r my 2ww buddy. Any symptoms?

Tell u something pei sei today.. I pass gas when I was chattig with my boss and when I was walking with my colleagues. The inserts are making me vey gassy inside.
Whoa.. Thts a total of 800mg everyday. Mine only 600mg.
I dun hve much symptoms..sore boobs since ET.. No bloating in 2nd week, pass gas often(think its becoz of the inserts), no constipation, no implantation bleeding, mild cramps on 6-8 days after ET. But having insomnia
I guess I'm bfn.. Heh heh. So tempted to do hpt
Not much symptoms at all .... just occasional abdominal pulling 2 to 3 times a day and these 2 days just a little bloated. Breast no longer sore. Infact yesterday morning, my cramp and bloatednness quite bad .... but I think it's because .... we made out the night b4. Fightened me man ... quickly call KKIVF and ask them if ok to have sex and she said ok. Whew .....

How about you guys?
Hi sisters, for those who failed ivf, do you all encounter the below mention experience?
Pain on the right, full mense for first 5 days, following by spotting from Day 6 - 8 days, if intercourse there are pain during the act and later part bleeding or mense?
My beta is 102! That's fast! What's next? Guess I will wait till 10pm to see dr loh today...

Mine is frozen cycle, I have no cramps at all and v little bloat actually.

I just failed my icsi a few days ago. Period like Bleeding started two days before blood test. Cramps got so bad n feel different from usual and it is at centre of lower abdomen that I went to o & g coz it's on a sat. Gynae says that is not menses bleeding n suspected one or two embryos did not make it. True enu, both did not make it. Still bleeding n yest had cramps as well n quite clotty. Today is my fifth day. Was told that real menses will only come in 4-6 weeks' time n this bleeding will continue. It may even last to 2 weeks for some with spotting. Sigh..
Baby penguin, Tanny, congratulations! Wishing u a smooth pregnancy ahead.

My test is negative today, less than 1.2. No more frozen embryos. Think I'll rest a while before starting new cycle.

All the best to those in the 2ww, so many positive results this month.
Congrats Tanny & Babypenguin!!
So happy & excited abt your upcoming new journey towards motherhood!!

Moo3moo. AbBaby,
Don't give up k .... Press on ... preserve on .....
Congrat to bb penguin n Tanny
Hi Tanny
When is ur last ET? Rest well and keep us posted on wht Doc Loh say..

Hugz to moo3moo , lookingforward n AbBaby.. Jiayou on ur next cycle n dun give up k..

Hi Dee n Miraclehappen
When is ur ET?
Baby penguin & Tanny, congratulations! Grabbing ur baby dust!

Moo3moo & ABBaby, take a break and try again when ur body n mentally ready! Jia you!
Hi miracle happen,
U can test hpt tomorow morning.. As for singleton, shd be able detect on day 13 onwards.. All the best..

Hi Dee
I think you can test tomorow morning too..;) gambatte!!
Hi miracle
Tomorow is day 13 after ur et on 11th nov.. Not 15.. But u still can test.. Shd be able to detect liao.. See tt tanny already hv hcg level at day 12 today..;)
Finished seeing doc loh - he gave me a jab and prescribed duphaston 2 tabs twice a day and progovana 2 tabs twice a day for 3 days. Initially I'm taking prog 2 tabs once a day. Says to monitor and he will see me this Fri for another beta test - should increase twice.
I'm tempted to test tmr but no point because I'm on HCG jabs for luteul support. My last HCG jab was on Monday only. So there shd still be HCG in me. So will not be accurate.

Anyone with HCG jabs who managed to test earlier?

Wow Dr Loh still in the hospital? he's such a dedicated doctor. You take good care now k .... Dont anyhow eat k .... Congrats again!
Hi Dee
Oh i see.. Maybe u can test on coming weekend.. By then shd be correct le..

Hi Tanny
Did he say how many days should you go down for injection? Or only today? Are u ok? Hope bleeding had stop.. Btw, u does medicated fet huh?
But dunno how to eat them. Both duphaston and progovana can eat together with baby aspirin altogether? Or need to space out like 1hr apart? V funny the pharmacy also dunno how I should eat them...Ask me I know a not. I say dunno; i only know take twice a day. Then they say nvm since u only take for 3 days. The children clinic that pharmacy. Weird right?

Joanne : yes I'm on medicated fet. And only took 1 injection today at the thigh. Nurse says v pain ask me to tahan. But not pain leh.. The most painful is the HCG jab..
Dee, The pregnyl jab support u took on Monday will take 48 hrs to clear. But give it another day. D14 u test. I tested on d14 too. Good luck!

Tanny, take all at one go. No need to Space out.
Baby penguin, that's wonderful news.

Moo3moo, let's jia you again.

Thanks to all sisters for your comforting note..

To all those in 2ww, all the best n hope to hear your good news soon.
Hi hazel,
Thanks for the info! My D14 is on sat! That's another 3 days!! Arggghh .... You were on HCG jabs too? When u said u tested on D14, it's on hpt?
Dee, yes to both your qns.

The hcg support u had on Monday is just 1000iu. The high dosage one is the 10,000iu hcg trigger shot u did before ER. That one will take at least a wk to clear.. So, dun test too esrly. d14 will be good coz ur BT for pregnancy is on D17/18.

Hazel : Alemark,, so the pain will be today.. I asked for the butt but nurse say thigh twice.. I din know can insist Pon the butt. Btw what injection is this? Hydroxyprogesterone caproate 250mg/mlinj. Is this also called HCG support?

As of overnight till now, no more bleeding.

Joanne : Today thurs no injection. Dr ask me to return on Friday for another beta test. Maybe see the result then determine what to do next.

Miracle happens : Try testing. Wish u luck!!!!

Now hoping that my hcg will increase over passing rate on Friday.

Thanks everybody.

Dr Marianne saw me first and told me the bleeding is implantation. I said so big like a palm and she say possible as womb is full of blood vessels so some will drop when implanted. Implantation happen so late? Yesterday is day 12 after ET.
