IVF/ICSI Support Group

Was that to check on ur tubes whether they are blocked? Anyway, dun worry too much. Good luck to u and 开工大吉!
Are u doing any accu at this moment? It's good to tiao ur body at the time being too! Jia you!
Why dun u try emailing dr Loh n see wat he says? I guess dec is dr Loh's last month so he may have some handing over to do.
My LH is slowly going up, from 8.8 - 13.8, and yesterday evening 14.5. Hopefully it will reach 20 today then I can stop the blood test. ET will be 2 to 3 days later.
I'm doing my natural cycle FET at SGH which requires us to do twice daily LH bt to detect the surge. Once it pass 20, then they'll calculate when ovulation will take place and proceed to thaw embies for ET.
Hi, was wondering if any of you feel bloated during the Lucrin phase. I'm into Day 6 of my jabs now and tend to feel quite bloated especially at night. Not sure if it's due to the coming period as well but I'm monitoring it and trying to up my protein intake.

Do share if you had the same
Hi girls
I did my medicated fet and ET on 8th Nov(same as babypenguin). I start test hpt on day 11 and saw light positive line. On last Sunday(dpt12), i walk alot and end of day, i feel crampy and start dark brown spotting. I was very worry and hate myself for walking too much.. So monday i email doc Loh and he asks me to go down for early bt. So i did my test on dpt 14 and get a progestrone injection at the same time.
When i rest at home, there is no spotting..but when i working, slight spotting when i wipe.. My reading is 519 on day 14. And
Doc Loh want me to inject one wk of progestrone and stop when reading is good , maybe due to my last sad experience so he is very cautious this time. He wants me to decide whethet to go for 2nd bt aftet 2 days and i decided to do it again which is yesterday @ dpt16. My reading is 1380.1 at day 16. I hv collect my medicine and hv an appointment to go for scanning on 8th dec..

After i told Doc Loh abt my 2nd reading, he say EXCELLENT and say want me to go down today for instruction.. I was blur as too last min so am not able to take leave.. Then i asks him what instruction and he say may want me to take utrogest and continue injection... Hmm..

I blur so i request him to give me the prescription and i can go down to collect the medicine tomorow.. But no reply fr him..

Thks all for ur advise and i really hv to be cautious this time..

I go with collegues to indian restaurant today and sadly, i took abit of curry and later realise there is this star anise spice in it.. Hv a shock as i remember last time got pp say cannot take soup cook with star anise spice in it if bfp.. End up i was so worry the whole night..;( can anyone advise whether can i take the gravy with this spice in it?

I notice my progestrone is 50mg and going to inject for 1wk, wonder is it ok for long term injection? Any advise?

Any gals hv the same support as me and know what instruction actually doc Loh want to give? As i remember insert the utrogest in virginally last fresh cycle during 2ww.. Wonder why am i suppose to use it again this time after bfp? Hv been insert cyclogest for the past 2wks too..

Thank you Hazel, miracle, zion And adeline for ur kInd advise... Sorry for the long post..;) it has really been an eventful week for me this wk...
Joanne, congratz on ur bfp~! grabbing babydusts~!
i guess Dr Loh wanted to make sure tht u have sufficient support since u r bleeding.. Im not too sure abt it too..Mine is fresh 1st cycle
Hi miracle
*touchwood* me not bleeding.. Just bit of dark brown discharge when wipe.. Hv stop two days ago..;) shd be due to me walk too much n doc zou oso tell me off..;p

Utrogest wun give false hpt result.. U test hpt n positive too?

Oh ya, sprinkle bb dust here...
Ya, i just did hpt @ 3:30pm, it showed positive. My last insert was 7:30am, & i made sure i hve not pee for 4hrs before i did the hpt.
So the positive is not false positive right??

I dun wan to be happy for nothing....
I called kkivf & told the nurse. She said most likely is pregnant, but the bt will give more accurate results than hpt.
Hi Sue, is this ur first cycle? Mine too! I dun really have bloatedness from Lucrin but think it varies for individuals. Check wif doc if not sure? Eating egg white n drinking 100plus seems to help some ladies too.

Do u mean short/long cycle or short/long protocol?
LuvNhope - Yes it's my first cycle!
Good luck to us! I called the centre and they said it should be normal as some people get it. I haven't started on my egg white. Will be doing it this weekend as its a bit too rushed in the mornings.

Is there a difference between the two? :p
Hi Sue, long protocol includes suppression stage whereas short protocol doesn't n goes straight to stimulation stage. Cycle cld mean IVF cycle or natural menstrual cycle, so wasn't sure which u were referring to.
happy for you joanne, i guess dr loh was trying to tell you to go kkh and get more support. Both cyclogest and utrogest are progestrone support. He probably just want to give you more than normal patients had due to your previous incident.

Miracle, very high chance bpn! should go do early bt ya!
Congrats to joanne. Hope to catch your baby dust too!

Sue & LuvNhope, I also just started my 1st cycle. When I collected lucrin, the pharmacist told me some may experience bloatedness or nausea. Intend to start taking egg white soon. Good luck to us!
Hi Sarah
I did medicated FET.. Hv been doing accupunture for pass 3-4 mths. But didnt do any accu for that cycle when go for fet as going for a short trip before et.
After et, take brazil nuts, immouncal and 2 half boil egg daily for around 10 days.. Take durian fr day 3 to day 10 as it helps implantation too..
On leave and rest for one week and back to work on 2nd wk..;) oh ya, drink chicken essence daily except on days when i boil my own chicken essence (3 days once)..

Thats abt all...;)
Hello all sisters.

Just returned home. My second BT is 287 today.

There*** sprinkle baby dusts to everyone***.

I hardly check PMs and only realised that some of you had pmed me when its mentioned here.

I have done up a simple blog. I know its probably not very well done. Din put any pictures, just wordy wordy stuff. Pls close one eye ok?

Just wanna share my feelings and experience of this fet cycle in particular. I strongly believe that the holistic healings that I went for helped me regain confidence and also Bfp. If it helped me, it will also happen for you.

My shifu is my yoga teacher. She also conducts healing sessions. This is her website.


Yoga-Inn is located at :
261 Waterloo Street
#02-16 Waterloo Centre
Singapore 180261

Tel: 6336 1295
Mobile: 9670 0261 (Mdm Valencia Tan)

Oh by the way, some of the promos stated on the website is outdated.. Better contact her to enquire.
miracle happens: waiting for your good news! i dont think i can tahan the weekend wait... are u gg next monday?

today i seen tcm and my tcm says aspirin is "huo xue" so will cause spotting/ bleeding, so better stop it. anyone encounter this before? dr loh gave me a choice whether to eat it a not. dilemna now...
CONGRATS to Joanne, Tanny & Miracle!!!

*catching bb dust*

Hey gals,

The hospital called me to inform me my BT to check my hormonal level after the pregnyll jabs is good. Above 60 can Liao, mine is near to 400.

And she said ohss is for those who had 20, 30, 40 follicles/eggs. And severe breathlessness and vomiting. I only had 7 eggs retrieved. And my discomfort is from bloatedness which is probably side effect of pregnyll. nurse even said feel bloatedness is good.

It's my day 8 after ET, whats the earliest time to test with pregnancy test strip huh? I bought a lot of those last time, no use for them. Blood test on 5 dec, that is day 18 already! Hard to wait.

I also feel that my sense of smell Is more sensitive. And I'm feeling nausea. Is this side effect from pregnyll? My first time, so needing some advise.

My previous IVF cycle with NUH only 1 egg retrieved from 6 follicles extracted. I had 15 follicles NOT extracted!! and end up the 1 egg did not turn into embryo so I didn't even have ET.
Glad to have fellow first timers like you around.
Are you in stage 1? Which hospital and doc r u with?

Would really appreciate your advice!!
I did my first Menopur jab tonight. Hope i did it correctly! There're so many steps involved, I hope i didn't get anything wrong. I realise i forgot to make sure all the liquid is in the bottom half of the bottle before breaking it, sigh...
Do you find that there seems to be a lot of resistance (and maybe therefore more painful!) when you push the plunger in? Very different from the Lucrin jab. Or is it just me???
I had such a big air bubble in my syringe after mixing all the powder that I had to expel so many drops of the liquid that I'm worried there won't be sufficient dosage. On the other hand, I don't wanna inject air into myself either. Arghh...
Hope it got easier for you with practice? Wld love to hear any tips from you on how to make this easier. Thanks much!!!
U got to make sure the solution all come down to the bottom of the bottle.
For me also have to drop more than 1 drop to get rid of the air. I didn't bother that much.
The jab is painful I agree. That is why i hate it when I forgot 1 bottle of powder to mix.
Miracle happens
Ur bt on Monday and u already tested positive today in Hpt . I'm quite sure it's accurate, since it's already day16 now. don't doubt bout it.
if u want early bt , not difficult. Just tell the nurse u tested positive and u need more support . Usually after day14 , they allow u to do bt, won't chase u home.

What is this menopur you're taking? Is it like Lucrin? Due to my adenomyosis, I had the 10-week Lucrin depot before starting this 2nd cycle.
Dear Tanny,

I just finished reading your blog. Can see your shifu really helped you a lot throughout this journey! Am very happy for you
Sashamama, u r on pregnyl support. Cannot test hpt so early coz these jabs are hcg. Can give false positive on hpt which is testing for hcg. U hv to wait until last jab is cleared from ur system. Earliest u can test is d14,

Just came back from the hospital today..doing well with the follicles..ok number..will do ER next tuesday
Pregynl jab this sunday...not looking forward to the jab...

hey CONGRATS! Joanne & Miracle! Seems like what i have said...more and more good news coming!!!
