IVF/ICSI Support Group

Congrats, babyme! I know wat u mean... When I had my ET done during my 1st cycle... Dr Loh said good luck n smiled at me. At that time he was not known to be friendly n was a man of few words so his words really meant a lot to me then

Baby penguin, congrats too! Be positive n talk to ur embies n tell them that mummy wants them to stick n grow healthily

I'm getting quite restless today. Tomorrow my snow babies r going to be thawed n cultured. Pray that they will survive the thaw n continue to grow healthily

i dig out some old information. should be ok to add them as additional tab under the spreadsheet for everyone's infor right?
Hi Piglet02, what is AMH, dr loh say it is due to lurcin?

Hi Piglet and chrisl, I dare not take royal jelly because 4 yrs ago i took royal jelly and 1 more cant remember what in the end has cyst so no idea which one causes it, so i am scared now not suitable to my body condition and cyst will be back

Hi baby_me, Baby Penguin, congrats
Looking forward, I was sharing about 2 wks ago that AF did not stop for more than 15 days and did not stop. I got to know that there was a water cyst after a scan on day 15 of AF. I suspect could be the royal jelly...

Now AF stopped already. I hope I will ovulate this cycle before the next AF visits.

Piglet, are you waiting for the 2nd AF after the last FET? My 2nd AF lasted for more than 15 days and resulted in a cyst. Now I don't know how big is it... my tummy looked so preggy!

I have already started my puregon jabs and next scan is this Thurs. What ginseng are you taking? I asked my TCM and gave approval for ginseng but I haven't start. Mine is Korea ginseng.
sunstillshines, did you take the royal jelly before you started the IVF Cycle or during the cycle? How long have you been taking it? read somewhere that this cannot be taken upon commencement of IVF Cycle...? I am actually thinking of getting Kordel's royal jelly and for hubby as well before starting the second cycle, but not sure of its effectiveness..any other sisters have taken and have any comments?

Thanks for sharing.
Ocean..we're cycle buddies then
my scan is this friday .. im not sure whether it's american or korean leh..it just states 花棋渗片..any difference you know?
on royal jelly, someone mentioned b4 that with cysts cannot take.. but else im still taking for my jab cycle (2nd stage)...can or not?
yeah i didn't know that too..until i experienced myself..made me so worried..fingers cross 4 you!
Hi! Yes I was very active on the TTC thread in 2008-2009. Saw so many success cases. Still have some of them on my FB.

Hihi! Yes I remember you! Glad you remember me too. You still keep in contact with the rest?

Hihi! Brazil nuts are good? Any specific brand or where to buy? Thanks in advance!

I have updated my data on the spreadsheet. Really comprehensive list! Thx for compiling for all of us! I did something similar before, it's hard work. Thx once again!

hi! What is SIS? I also went thu a procedure at NUH where they pumped water in to do a scan. My uterus is enlarged due to adenomyosis, they had to pump a lot. They couldn't find any cysts through the normal scans so they did this, still no cysts found though. Thus I went ahead with my first IVF with prof Wong at NUH in June. But it failed.

ALL THE BEST for your BT on wed!!! Looking forward to catching bb dust from you!!!

Congrats on your BFP!!! Thx for all the tips and bb dust you gave! I'm on 2nd cycle of IVF with dr Loh at KK. BT on 5 dec. what a long wait!!! It's more than 2 weeks from ET on 18 nov.

Read somewhere,can only can take before start of IVF, as it will affect the effectiveness of Lucrin injection which is supposed to suppress the hormones..
Sue & ABBaby, both of you are added to the online spreadsheet. Do help yourself to fill in your status if you want to share.

Tanny, I've added 3 news tabs in the online spreadsheet. I thought you can add new tabs, do try and let me know. You can use the 3 new tabs to add extra information that you want to share and do rename them.

Sashamama, thanks and you are welcome. I'm not sure how long I can help to update. If no response from me, I hope anyone can help to maintain it since everyone here has edit access.
I took royal jelly a few yrs back n it was the raw type which I bought from Taiwan... Then I kept having recurring polyps got it removed 3 times n the 3rd time was by dr Loh before i start on my ivf. After I read that it causes cysts to grow I stopped taking it... even tho polyps n cysts r different but I just stopped taking it... Remember someone mentioned very long ago during the time that I did my ivf in 2009 not advisable to take royal jelly during ivf or even during pregnancy.

All the best for ur BT!
Brazil nuts can be bought at Jasons supermarket at city hall or those counters that sell nuts by weight. It has selenium which is good for implantation.
I was on menopur. Ya have to create the mixture ourselves. Remember how to mix with correct number of bottles, dont b like me miss out 1 bottle of powder twice end up have to inject 2 times for menopur for that 2 days

Ya, we are cycle buddies. Do you have any abdominal distension? I have abit and it is causing me discomfort. Afraid that I will have ohss like my 1st cycle. So miserable.

American ginseng is consider liang type, don't take too much as we need to keep our uterus warm.
Anybody have any idea can take raspberry tea leaves at puregon stage?

And my hubby report is back with his morphology is 0%. Anyone has the same experience and able to strike? I am afraid the embryologist can find a suitable sperm to fertilise my embryos and everything will go in vain. Haiz, IVF journey is really not easy
thanks gals (zion/abbaby/ocean)...i didn't know that..i think i'll stop royal jelly and the ginseng lah..to be safe..and just stick to longan dates wolfberry drink and warm water instead..

No i don't feel anything on my tummy (touchwood) but i do feel a little pulling on my uterus..pulling on my right thigh..I drink much water everyday..say at least 1 liter...you got drink enough water not? it's esp impt after the pregnyl injection to mature the follicles/eggs b4 ER and after ET..

My Hb swimmers are also not too good, and very low count. But recent tests revealed that they have increased! I attributed that hb takes omega 3 fish oils over months and also almond nuts..You might want to let your hb try..don't loose hope yet..there's still some chance
jia you ok!
Joynfaith : done. added the tabs "Do/Donts", "Increase Sperm count" and "Chicken Essence recipe". Hope its useful. Got it from an old spreadsheet.

Congrats to both Baby_me and Baby penguin!! Grab dusts!

Ocean : 0% is just a percentage, doesn't mean dont have any good sperms right? just that your percentage is very very low only? mine was 0-1% range and kkh did icsi - sure can select a few sperms to use.

anyone eats gnc triple fish oil with coq10? we both eat it - i feel okay but my hubby says its always makes his heart beat v fast. i called gnc and they said not possible. really? but i dont take it now cos im in 2ww.
Moo3Moo : How are you feeling? BT tmrw - all the best hor!!!!

Hmmmm.. until now I have no feelings, no symptoms..

After moo3moo will be our BT on same day 28 Nov -Dee, Miracle-happens and me. Then coolcool - wish all the best of luck for all of us.

oh, on royal jelly : my TCM says can't take if you have cyst cos it makes your cysts grow bigger. not sure during injection stage can take a not. i did ask dr loh for my case on my health supplements eg. vitc, etc - he said ok to take

Good to hear from someone who has experience with Menopur. Thanks for the reminder! I'll bear in mind not to miss out any bottle.

Do u know what the difference is between Menopur and the rest of the meds? Wonder why the doc gave me Menopur. I saw on the prescription that they originally wanted to give me Puregon, then they cancelled that out and changed to Menopur. Hmm...

How have you been during your 2ww? Excited for you. Hope to hear good news from you soon!


You're in Stage 1 or Stage 2 now?
I started my stage 2 with Gonal F 575 only. After the 2nd scan, I only had 5 follicles & the biggest 2 was only 14.5 & 9.5, still below ideal. I happened to bump into Dr Loh after the scan review with another doc & he immediately changed my prescription to Gonal F 375 + Menopur 125.

I asked the nurse what's the difference and was told that Gonal has FSH & stimulate the follicles. Where as Menopur has LH (50% FSH + 50% LH) in it which helps with improving the egg quality & aiding the development of the eggs. 

Because of the change, by my 3rd scan, my biggest grew to 19mm & 17mm. I was relieved because I can go ahead with the ER, else gotta abort.

Have u had your 1st scan yet? How's your follicles size?
Luvnhope, u r on fresh cycle right? Meopur is usually used together with Puregon, as a 3rd injection. Ie, Lucrin, Puregon n menopur which is to improve egg quality n stimulate more follicles growth faster hopefully. My gf is starting this mth also is prescribed menopur on top of Puregon.

Luveris is used usually together with gonal-f instead though menopur also can be used. Similar to menopur. My 2nd cycle u had 3rd injection, luveris.
Hi Dee,

Thanks for sharing! I'm only starting my Menopur jabs this Friday and first scan's on 2 Dec.

Was wondering what the difference was between Menopur and Puregon/Gonal-F which I see most ladies here are taking.

Good to know that Menopur worked well for you! Hopefully it'll help me get good follicles and eggs too.

Wow, so you had to do THREE jabs near the end of your stage 2??? Must have been tough.
Hi Hazel,

Yes, I'm on fresh cycle. I wasn't given Puregon. Only Menopur. But then again, they might change the meds after the first scan results?

Is there any written report given after the scan btw? Or can we request?
So my 2nd cycle, at one stage I had 3 injections! But my follicles grew v faster. 7 days of gonal-f, I was ready for ER. Previously, with gonal-f alone, it took me 12 days.
First scan is on d7 usu after 6-7 days of puregon jabs. The senior sonographer will write down all the follicles n their sizes n lining thickness on a pc of paper in your file. After which, a dr will go thru with you. take a PC of paper n write down If u want.
Yeah, I had to jab 3x each day then but my hubby helped me. Think he enjoyed it. I thought it was pretty fun in a way. Lol .... Infact, I was given HCG jab during this 2WW too.

Don't think there's any report but I just got a pen & book & asked the doc to tell me the results eg no of follicles, size of follicles, cysts, lining thickness etc etc
Hazel, thanks for the info on the scan procedure. Will take note to copy down the results from the sonographer.

Btw, do u know if the docs actually go through our bloodtest and baseline scan results before deciding what med to give us for Stage 2?
Just started my jab yesterday. Hb did a good job! no pain! I just pinched myself real hard when he was jabbing.

Congrats to baby and baby penguin!
Baby penguin, dun read too much into the numbers yet. Think of it this way, ladies who got pregnant naturally dun even go for blood test and they won't know the numbers either. So just wait it out and stay positive.

I also started the red dates wolfberry drink yesterday! Tastes so yummy! But I wonder if it's to heart to drink everyday?

Also, what are the vit we can take now?
can take selenium, royal jelly, vit e, calcium, b12?
I hope i am not being insensitive to post this here. I graduated from this forum too and now
I have a good confinement lady to let go for Nov '11 - Jan'12. She is supposed to be my CL during my EDD 20/12/2011 however bb was born premature n is now still in Special Care, unable to go home due to underweight. And the cost in Special Care is killing me n I dun think I can afford to get an CL, also, I am clueless as to when bb can be discharged.
I hope to find a "replacement" for the CL as she is a nice lady. She is my ex -colleague's mum n is a good n reliable CL. Will anyone be interested and fit into the timing? If yes, pls Email me [email protected]


hi sistas,

<jia-you> to all the sistas in the journey now whether it's your #1, #2 or #3

I just wanted share that be a bit careful of all the supplements you take. Most supplements are good but we should only take what we need (due to our own body lacking). Take if you think your body condition needs the help (ie is lacking) instead of what everyone says.

Our bodies have a way of naturally balancing itself. If we take too much of what we dont actually need, that makes the body "unbalanced" . I know it's tough to know what we need and dun need (and it's usually trial and error) but do take some caution.

In addition to the supplements, a good way to imrpove the body is to eat well. For us in SG, sometimes it's so common to just eat out esp for lunch and take a fishball noodle, or a pan mian. Most of the have little fresh veg and low nutrition value. If you only have fishball noodle at your office, try to supplement with a top-up bowl of veg. It will make our lunch a little more costly but it's a small price to pay for the next few months.

Do try to get lots of fresh veg daily (min 2 servings - the basic logic is greener the leaves the better, so kailan, brocolli etc is good, iceberg lettuce have not much value, etc), lots of water (1-2L), fresh fruits daily, proteins, fish &amp; meats (for proteins), cut down caffiene (can take a cup or two if u want to just reduce). Many believe normal chicken have residual hormone from the growth jabs, so can try mix/change to kampung chicken. Some TCM believe "liang" bodies should avoid "liang" food. If you believe in chinese soups, some food/soups also help to <bu> the body. Can go library to check out natural super foods, etc.

I'm not saying don't take the supplements (I even made dh take Cq10 &amp; Immunocal with me for it's anti-oxidant benefits since we are both not young!) but do make sure that we eat well as that is the cheapest, safest and most direct &amp; natural way to help the body. Supplements are just that - supplementing what we lack in our natural diet. Don't just take just becoz it's good. It may have lots of benefits - but the question is "is it good for me/us (you and DH)?".

Tub - I love the red dates and wolfberry drink too! If too heaty, boil w/out the seeds, or less dates.

Suggest don't take RJ during cycle stage. My reasoning is as follows:
1. It prob does help the body but there is no known research on how RJ reacts with the drugs (given how "potent" good RJ is supposed to be)
2. The quality of RJ varies greatly and most of us lay consumer have no idea what is good vs poor quality RJ.
3. If you haven't been taking it before, no point taking it now to risk the cycle.

Good luck everyone.
I'm still waiting for this mth menses, 6 days late but the menses feeling very strong..Haiz..
Likely to go as i'm 35 next year.
I dun want to regret when i gets older.

So T.E.A, Be brave! Injection = H.O.P.E
LuvNhope, tks tks. i really scared that i will chicken out..

btw, besides the ART co-funding scheme in govt hospitals. What's the diff between pte and govt in term of price?
Can I check anyone did fet with blastocyst? This morning they r thawing my embies n already I rcv call to be on standby for tomorrow. my hubby was saying it's a protocol to just give a call when they start thawing... Is this true??

Brazil nuts helps with implantation due to selenium? So, do you think eating the selenium supplement can substitude?

Hi Ron,

Thank you for your comprehensive feedback.

Hi eskimobaby, .

when was the duration between your 2nd scan and 3rd? My first scan's biggest follicle is only 11mm
my next scan 2 more days later. I wonder how much will it grow. But I am already on the other injection to stop ovulation already.
