IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hazel, thank you. I will do as you suggested. You are a great help to me. I was very depressed and lost after the test yesterday. Cry last night too. Luckily, i have you and the other sisters here giving me support and suggestions. Big Hugs to you!!!

Babyjourney, dun be sad. Some ladies got pregnantly naturally after polyps were removed. I waited 6 mths for tt to happen then. But, I no such luck. :p. Also dun hv to be bothered abt the pre Ivf blood tests too much. I hv good results for all. But also hv few eggs, only have 8 eggs retrieved though I am on high gonal-f dosage. You will get bfp once ur womb is cleared of all these obtiscals. Jia You!

actually im with another tcm, Dr Tan Kian Seng..he is very famous for fertility..but not many ivf patients go to him..he is more specialised in helping couples strike naturally..i find his accu much much better than dr zou's (no offence to other ladies).. his accu is not just poking into our skin, but he 'screw' the needle further in..after 5 mins, u feel numb on your womb area..i couldnt feel this under dr zou..i just felt my skin being electrocuted , thats why i didnt go dr zou after that..but dr zou's med is gd ...many many couples strike under dr tan naturally after some months of accu plus med..
wat i did is to pre book all friday evening the last time..can book for 2 mths slots..then when i cant go due to menses, i will call 2-3 days earlier to cancel..
they wont scold u cos usually once cancel, the waiting list will take over.. very fast..
but now i have lots of leave to clear, so i can afford to go during day time..weekday he has slots, weeknite , if u wan, gota prebook much much earlier..
i like him, very nice dr..but then too busy until u can hate the waiting time
Sugary, i tried to book lunch time slots coz i work nearby but the lady always ask me to go after 2pm (which i cant). Evening slot, i cant coz i stay FAR FAR away :p....
how about 1130? u tell ur boss u go early lunch, come back early..
rather go day slots than evening..evening slots is terrible, unless its 7pm..
Sugary, r u planning for a fresh cycle? If so, r u following dr loh or staying at kkh?

Joynfaith, don't worry too much, just relax n wait for next fri
Ocean, your status is updated in the following spreadsheet in the weblink. You can update your future status there.


Zion, if you bleed at your injection area, you could have injected to your veins since we can't see them. When you see the blood after you withdraw your syringe after jab, use alcohol swap to press on (Act a little pressure) until the bleed stop.

Jaded, thanks. This morning went for a short 20 mins scroll to breathe in fresh air, felt good after that. Do you feel a layer of something at the abdominal? I felt that during my morning scroll, so weird feel. Keke... fats? Tummy from previous cycle? Was in dilemma whether to purchase HPT online for testing. So tempting to do so now but too early.
Joynfaith, I sure feel something at my tummy area n it's definitely fats Ahah.., maybe yours is something else
well, if u r unsure whether to do hpt, perhaps u shdnt. Coz I was sure I wanted to do hpt n find out ASAP, and I'm sure as the sun will rise tmr that it's not too early for me. But I'll still go for the bt cuz I don't Want to upset dr loh in case he does..now I really got to figure out if I shd stay at kkh n which dr shd I switch to...
Sugary, I will discuss with him too...but I'm Very likely going for a fresh cycle next yr, just a matter of where n with which dr...
Hi ladies, sorry but I need to rant...I'm actually feeling very down right now, esp when I hear my hub saying why is it that others can get a kid so easily n we just can't...my sil also went thru ivf but she succeeded the 1st n 2nd time with just a snap of the finger...dr loh nvr really told us or me what's fundamentally wrong, he just classified us as unexplained..that's doesnt seem to be gd enough coz if there's nothing fundamentally wrong, then why can't we succeed? Something somewhere must be wrong n I'm going to ask him lotsa qns the next time I see him...I don't know how long I'll go on trying for a kid..but if ivf can't even work for us, I really doubt any other ways can, least of all the natural way...maybe I shd just resign to the fact that I'm not fated to have one...
Oh well, to make myself feel better, I need to go shopping!
Thks to all for reading my crap...
Jaded, the BT date is just near the corner and will only tell you the result. Why are you feeling so upset right now? Go for shopping if that you make you feel good. Remember to stop for rest if you feel tired.
Joy, becoz I already know the results. Its the same situation n feeling n symptoms just like my fresh cycle. bt result won't show any different..
BT will tell you whether you are pregnant or any implantation occur. Some people don't experience symtoms and still get BFP. Don't worry now although say is easy. When I see new symtom on me, I also panic a while and feedback here to seek some advice. Always tell myself to think more positive since can't do much now until BT. Just do something that make you happy. Sugary and you are very sensitive and understand your own symtom. Hope to like both of you some day.
Keep your spirits up & stay positive! Life's full of ups an downs. Life's never fair. It's super easy for some- u still hear of pole who didn't want and still get it. But it's not easy for all of us here. But don't give up hope. We just have to keep trying!
Hi all, do anybody know how to help increase the estradiol count? This is my second round as the first round my estradiol is low and my follicules did not grow much.

I am on short protocol and today went for my day 5 BT.. estradiol is only 200+ with 4 days of 112.5 gonal f. now have to increase to 150 instead.

Any idea what to eat or do to boost it? Thanks in advance.

may i ask if u and ur hb have any problems? so u are perfectly ok? and ur hb no sperm problems? have u tried TCM before? tcm without ivf..
piglet, joynfaith

Ya at the injected area... tomorrow will choose more carefully on the spot... scary....

You have polyps? where? uterine wall?
Doc said is minor surgery, don't worry. If you have medical insurance, can claim from there else claim from company also can.
ET done. I only hv 2 to trf. 1 grade 4 & the other 1 grade 3. Nothing to freeze. Doc only prescribed 4 injections to support during these 2 weeks but I asked him for aspirin since lining at 3rd scan not so gd. He says ok thou not necessary.
My aspirin dosage is 100mg so is this bb aspirin as they did not indicate the word bb aspirin.
Sugary, my pre-ivf blood test result was normal n ovarian reserve is good. Wanted to chk my tubes but xray procedure was unsuccessful. Dr loh didnt highlight any problems with mg womb when he scanned me. I think my problem is I don't ovulate regularly so natural is a challenge. My hub, his sperm has poor morphology n motility is a bit poor too. But he has sufficient volume hence dr loh is not so worried abt him. I have nvr tried tcm before ivf, but I find the medication given by the tcm dr currently is too heaty for me... I keep having breakouts....
Jaded, i can understand how u feel...i hv 2 failed iui, plus 1 abandoned ivf convert to iui also failed..when i know i cant even start ivf, i am so sad...anyway, i hope i hv better luck with kkh..
Babyjourney, I nv pay any single cent for day surgery for polyps and all other non Ivf procedures such as SIS or d&c. I claim from my own hospitalization plan insurance. Polyps day surgery will cost 1k plus.
hi sugary, can I get the contact details of dr tan kian seng? I am planning of taking accu before I embark on my next ivf, just afraid of needles.

does he require to drink tcm medicines?

can you share to me his consultation and fees to prepare my budget.

Hi, I am new to this tread. I went for BT today result was negative. Expected cos done HPT yest and was negative.

I went to a new TCM today. She commented for a 33 yr old, to retrieve only 9 egg and fertilized 3 is very little.

Anybody here with similar experience? Wondering if I'm really abnormal.

think i post here ba..

Dr Tan Kian Sing
Blk 433 Clementi Ave 3 #01-266 S(120433)
Tel: 6872 3237
Only rem that they're closed on Public hols, Sun and Wed.

recently i call to make appt, they told me they shifted a few unit away. Suggest you call to check.

heres the thread discussion on him

now im not sure how much he charges, cos i only just make an appt to see him 2 wks later.. last time he charges $28 for consultation plus accupunture 20mins. med ranging $7-$8 per pack per day. his med quite gd too.. he prefers both hb and wife to see him together for treatment.
Hi ladies

I just called up thong chai medical. They said Dr Tan siew buoy is no longer with them. Any recommendation for tcm at thong chai?
Hi all,

After a disappointing 1st fresh cycle at KKH, where not a single embryo was fertilised, I am going for another cycle early next year! Meanwhile, I am on TCM herbs to improve my hormonal levels..I so very much wish I will conceive before the year is up, so no need to poke myself anymore! To all of u, jia you and don't give up.
Oh, can't they still proceed with ivf if u insist? Transfer one or two also good chance rite? I also tried iui natural cycle b4 but no luck. So here I am!
Angels&Dec i think..i think..i might i know what you're referring to...i have a friend who tried many years without a 2nd child and she told me she went to this guy who deals with the occult and instructed her to do this and that and after that she strike(which i believe it was pure coincidence)..But as a believer of Christ, i strictly forbids myself doing this..i firmly believe God has His own plans for me...but even so(even you may or may not be a Christian--which is not the main thing here), the occult thingy is very scary and dangerous de...but well, it's just my thoughts lah...but if what im thinking is not what you're into, when forget what i said hehehe...but anyway, waiting for your good news in dec then ;P

Bbhopeful i am 32 and also, my body responded not that well to my 1st treatment, was like 13 retrived but then only 4 good ones&fertilized, 2 were the best as they separated into zygotes..so this time round im getting myself more ready and going to eat better
Congrats Meryl!!

Here to spread baby dusts to all of you too!!!! Today is 15dpt, bhcg is 583. Waiting to hear heartbeats on 2 nov!!!! Pray pray pray !!
hi May

Your et was also on 29 sep? Mine was a day 2 transfer.. Maybe our bb will have same bday!

Thanks bbhopeful and luvhope, jiayou jiayou!
