IVF/ICSI Support Group

Dear all, thanks for your congrats! Congrats too to Amelia and Linda for their BFPs too! Am still amazed myself...and now bit worried cos I actually transferred 3 !

Sugary - I didn't really experience much symptons at all. Only saw wee bleeding/spotting (red discharge) on DPT10 which lasted abt 5 days? Most days the bleeding can't be seen on the pad, just when I wipe. As it looks more like menses (implantation bleeding I read is more brown or pinkish discharge) so thought maybe it's inadequate support. I got extra Duphaston support from the nurse today and she told me I can just take this after my cyclogest runs out.

Jade - The TCM Physician said acupuncture can start when menses are dried up/ almost gone. So about Day 5? I only did about 5 sessions...till a day before my ET. I think this helped in building up my lining. I started longan & red date drink around the time when I started acupuncture too. Initially just drank about 2x a week then increased more closer to ET and during 2ww. Usually would boil a whole pot then drink it throughout the day. I think this helped to increase lining and warm the womb too...although must be careful not to drink too much together with other heaty stuff you are eating this period. When I was seeing the TCM Physician, she was able to take my pulse and assess my condition for me...

Oh..one more thing. I used to be an avid coffee lover too, usually down 2 cups a day. I cut down to a cup a day over last 2 mths....then once I started the FET procedures I cut out coffee entirely...and all other things containing caffeine e.g.chocolates my other love.

Hazel, the doc looks ard 30+, her name is Dr Teo SY. If i hv to clear the polyps, how long do i hv to rest b4 i can start ivf? In this case, think i will miss the chance to do ivf w Dr Loh.
Babyjourney, long hair lady n pretty? I did SIS 4x in 1.5 yrs. The Nurses all know my history n can recognise me. First 3x by Assiciate prof n 4th time by dr teo who is better. Dr teo understands what i hv been thru n she showed me the scans n explain to me while she scans. If just Polyps removal, is a simple day surgery. Take 2-3 mths to recover. Dr loh will check again to make sure womb has recovered b4 he will do Ivf for u. My 1st SIS I got polyps. 2nd & 3rd SIS were to check if my womb scar from the d&c procedure. Coz if hv, dr loh will fix it before I can do Ivf. 2nd I cleared so I did FET. 3rd SIS I failed coz I had a 5cm ovary cysts n was bleeding non stop. Lining was uneven too. Dr loh said most likely due to hormones imbalance from the 2 m/c I went thru in 1 yr. Asked me to be patient n wait for body to recover. It was sp haywire until medicine didn't works I waited n 2 mths later I did 4th SIS n all went bk to normal. So I started 2nd fresh after that, bfp n here I m..

I was very depressed then coz my journey to having kids is so full of obstacles. I asked myself why I need to keep doing SIS. But now I understand dr loh's efforts. He is trying to smoothen out my road to pregnancy by clearing all these obstacles for me so that I hv a healthy n good womb to get pregnant. I really thank him for his detailedness n carefulness. So dun fret. Just rectify all these issues n after that ur path to motherhood will be easier!
Baby journey,

Me hv polyps too. Just went for removal last Friday. I din even see dr Loh, only emailed him for my SIS result as he can chk result from his computer. Everything happen so fast! Email him last tue and he asked me on my menses cycle and if no intercourse activity he said can operate immediately. So thu I went down sign consent for procedure on Friday le. Only get to see him just before my procedure. Is better to clear before ivf as polyps might cause miscarriage. I bfp last FET but miscarried at 7wks.
Congrates, maybe u one short kena triplets, Wah

When is ur 1st heartbeat scan?

Hugs, rest well n try again
Thanks Linda! What's your beta reading? My first heartbeat scan is on 28th Oct. How about you? Keeping fingers crossed now. Are there any things to watch out for these 2 weeks?

Chelchel: Lotsa hugs too..have a good rest and treat yourself to the best meal ever. You deserve it!
Linda - just saw that u are under Dr loh as well
Would you be following him to Thomson? Am pondering whether to do that or find a new gynae e.g. Dr HH Tan. Does anyone have any experience under Dr HH Tan and can share with me? Thanks.
Actually I tot folic acid take 500micrograms should b sufficient. 5mg is only for those at high risk of having babies with spinal defects
My beta hcg 1733.6 on oct 6, scan will be oct 21, that means i will be exactly 1week earlier than u

Me still consider the pros n cons... Think might stick to kk n maybe follow dr Tan HH. Anyway I will have my 1st Appt with dr tan right after my scan as dr Loh is away.

I suspect it is triplet,based on your super high reading hcg and now confirm no wonder you transfer 3. You must have listened to Dr loh that time for suggesting 3 transfer,eh?
This is your first FET right? If so, I wonder why you agree with transfer 3 instead of 2.

Now you have to relax and look forward to your first scan. be happy!
Linda, dr tan's assistant called me today asked if can rearrange my appt at tps next to wk to be 1 days earlier as dr tan's appt is quite packed.. Seems tt only dr loh is willing to work like a dog! :p
Hi Babyjourney, I had polyps too, and removed 9 polyps. It's alot. Surgery done by Dr Loh. Some more got the photos for me to keep. It was removed in Apr, proceed with IVF in July, bfp, but lost it in 7wks. Will do my 1st FET after my Oct menses come, so most likely will be early Nov for ET.

Hi Amelia, Linda, Cocoapops and all the sisters who have BFP. Congrats to you all!

To those sisters in 2ww & everybody in this IVF journey, jia you all!
Hi ladies,
But now they do not allow 3 embryos transfer WEF 24 Oct 2011. Unless:
1) The wife is at least 37 years old, AND
2) The wife had undergone at least 1 previous failed stimulated assisted reproductive cycle or there is no good quality embryo available.

Dr Loh said cannot transfer 3 for me. Less embryos less hope ...
Hi ladies

Actually not trying to explain or speak for Dr Tan HH. Just gather the most Dr Loh's patients are now transfer to Dr Tan. Dr Tan has his own existing patients to take care also. Can see that he is now more busier. Slowly getting more difficult to get appt with Dr Tan already and longer waiting time.
I think dr tan HH will soon ended up no life like dr Loh...

Sometimes I reali think dr Loh reali super... He can worked the whole day time plus need to on call at night, cos when I delivered my boy last yr, it was a Tuesday 12noon after I saw dr Loh n he asked me to admit to delivery suite, then he reassured me he will sure deliver me no mAtter wat time, ag the end I delivered on next day 0709am by him.
Hi cocoa, congrats! And I agree with what you said, that being able to conceive is about luck n faith, and god's blessings. Not so much abt what u do..I did whatever I wish in my 1st cycle n I failed. This time I tried to keep to the dos n donts, albeit not very strictly but strict enough from my perspective, n I still failed. It seems I'm not fated to have a kid, yet..though I've only tried twice but I feel kinda drained..so kudos to all those ladies who persevered for so long and to those who are still keeping the faith.
Linda, dr loh's lunch is as late as 4pm! I ever saw him on a Sunday morning, 9am buying breakfast in McDonald. As long as he is not on leave or conference call, he is at KKH..

Piglet, dr loh has not passed over his patients to dr tan yet. I am seeing dr tan next wk coz dr loh is away n I insisted that the gap to wait till he come bk is too long. So in b/w, he scheduled me to see dr tan. Anyway, I am not changing the date next wk as I hv already taken leave. His assistant said nvmind.

Even, dr sadhana, the next snr consultant is not takinguch O&G cases now. She is focusing on Ivf. Once her patients get pregnant, she asked them to look for another gynae.

Well, no one will be as accommodating as dr loh. He nv turn a patient away no matter how fully booked he is. As long as patients walk in, he will see them. On holidays, he will reply emails too. When I bfp from the BT, I asked the team of drs at Ivf centre to give me another 1 day mc to rest over the wkend. Talk until the cow comes home no own will give me. I walked to tps, told the registration nurse that I wan to request mc from dr loh but I dun wan to queue for hrs to see him. Requested the nurse to go to his room n tell him my request. Within 5 mins, the nurse came out n passed me the mc. These days I just go to dr loh direct if i require anything. As long as it is a working day, n he has clinics, I know where to find him. :p

Once he leave, the queue to do Ivf at KKH will even be longer, incl Non pregnant, non urgent cases visit to see Ivf dr. Only Pregnant ladies cannot delay.
Babyjourney, he will read his emails for sure. But usa is >12 hrs behind SG. KKH records I m not sure. That is why I propose u to see him the moment he is bk. But u will hv to q v long coz usually when he is bk from overseas, the first few days his schedule is super packed.
Linda yours sound like twins, congrats!
Do keep us posted on your progress!

my little joy & happiness - I thought about it then and Dr Loh asked if I wanted to transfer 2 or 3 and informed that after Oct I would not have that option anymore. I thought that was a sign to me then..plus I didn't think that my chances this time would be that high due to lower success rate of FET and plus my non menses syndrome post first IVF cycle, so I just thought to give it a try since it's quite rare to get triplets (rate v low at KKH) but chance of getting 1 pregnancy is higher....Now have mixed feelings of happiness, scared and worry..funny right? I know I still need to 'thong' through the next 2 weeks for the heartbeat scan to be conclusive, so trying not to worry so much now...

Jaded - yes I know what you mean. I admire all the gals here who have persistently tried and persevered as well. However, must try hard not to blame yourself and think of the what ifs....JIA YOU!
Hazel : I was turned away leh. I arrived late and he nurse say dr Loh will not see him. I pleaded with nurse also cant. He say dr Loh will not see anymore.
Linda, my first Ivf in 2099, I messed up my injections. On the day of trigger b4 ER I started to bleed. I freaked out. It was a Sunday, early morning. Email dr loh n called 24hrs hot line. Asked them to page for dr loh n sought advice. the nurse called me bk n told me dr loh ordered a series of BTs before I do hcg trigger shot. If I hv ovulated, then cycle is aborted. Dr loh also replied my email subsequently n said he had been told of my predicament. That night I arrived at 24hrs for the trigger shot, the nurses there have received his instructions n prepared the necessary BTs for me. Luckily BTs turn out well n I can proceed to ER. Some sisters said kk services not as gd n hard to contact the dr. But for me, I nv have this issue with dr loh. Just need to do the right thing to get hold of him.
cocoapops congrats!!!

Chel.. hugz..stay strong!!!

Babyjourney, don't be upset..

LuvNhope: My first appt with Dr Marianne only on 28 Oct.. haha.. i also want to know how is she... I like coffee too.. die die mus drink 1 cup in the morning.. now trying at half a cup.. And I am taking tons of vitamins.. folic, b complex, multi-vitamin, primerose oil prior ovulation, etc etc.. so kaisu.. lol
Jaded, the blood test will only tell the truth. My pulls came back this afternoon. In addition, I can feel slight tender on my breasts... gosh... wonder if it's AF coming cos' use to be my PMS.

Chelchel, big hugs! Take care.
Your menses problem also my same problem! But see, count your blessings la
So Don't worry too much and start preparing now to welcome your babies the next year. Cheers!
AngelS&dec, when was that? I nv have this problem. Some other sisters who bfp also walked in at times. He always tell me anything just walk in. The other sister, hope who bfp a few wks bk, also posted here she walked into his clinic when she was spotting n she saw him too. Of course we dun walk in for everything, only when need to. My 3rd SIS when dr at DI department said I had a 5cm cyst i freaked out. Coz the cyst was not there a mth before the SIS check. I told dr to write the report for me quickly so that it will be in the system for dr loh to retrieve. Even the SIS dr was accomodating. I walked to tps immediately n requested for a same day appointment in the evening. I told the nurse I just did SIS n dr told me I hv a 5cm cyst n I wan to see dr immediately to review. N they arranged the same day evening for me.
Hi Angela&Dec

R u still able to make appt with Dr Loh? Or email to him and check whether u can start your next cycle with another Dr and get him to do the transfer.
Hazel : my apptm was 4:55 and due to unforseen circumstances I was late and arrived 1hr late at clinic d and the nurse won't register me say dr Loh already set the cut off. I dunno why thy won't let me since everyone is still waiting, why dont just let me in and let me be the last one. I had an apptm but was late- I din just walk in. But the nurse say cannot, if let me will be scolded by the nurse. Another senior nurse ( one that wears a blue dark jacket, short hair) also say cannot when I pleaded with her. She say doc has a limit of patients to see and dr loh says cannot accept new patients. Im not new walk in buy was just late... End up I got to re fix another apptm with clinic d like 1 mth later.... So does this mean he turn away patients?
If u have triplets, u must really take care. We have a few triplets previously.. The mummies actually quit their jobs to really rest well during their pregnancies. So u must take care k.

U taken Hpt also? My menses will come on Monday , so will skip bt haha.
Angel, sounds like a tues appointment. I dunno wat to say coz is really my first time hearing this. But, is not dr loh who turns u away。Like wat u said, u can be the last patient of the day. These nurses r scared of dr loh n scared of him scolding them ESP when he has given instructions. Dr loh will most likely not turn u away if u get to speak to him directly n explain to him. He is not unreasonsble one.

Like the earlier incident I shared of trying to get a mc dr the team of dr at Ivf centre, but no one is willing to give me. I told them to ask dr loh but no one dares! One nurse said dr loh wun scold patient but will scold them so they dun wan to be scolded.

I wld hv walked over to his room, knocked on his door n wait for his assistant to come out. Explain to her why i m late n tell her to imform dr loh n the 2 nurses name who refused to register me if I were u. Some times I m sick of talking to these nurses. They r not helpful, just scared of being scolded. I go straight to look for dr or his assistant
The nurses are all scared of dr loh.. But he is really fierce to them.. But I hate those nurses , I always challenge them.. Wat u can do now is to call the appt hotline every 3-4 hours to see if someone cancels any appt , so u can get an earlier slot.. I did that for the past few days and managed to bring forward my appt 2 wks earlier.
Sugary, how do u know ur menses will arrive on mon? My qn is if we don't go for BT, will it affect our next cycle I.e. Will they let us proceed?

Can I be added on the list. My Lucrin injection should be on 19 Oct, 2nd fresh cycle by Dr SF Loh.

May I know SIS is requested by you or Dr? And how to do SIS? Dr Loh didn't arrange me to do but due to my previous failed FET and miscarriage, I'm wondering is it good for me to go for SIS? Any symptoms for polyps, cysts. And are these detect only via SIS? Sorry, so many questions asked.
Hazel : thanks!

Sugary : yes I heard him scold once. hmmm, how do u know the nurses all scared of him? one nurse got scolded by doc in front of patient. I also scared if my boss scold me in front of customer.
Piglet02 : Im now waiting for day 1 of my menses before I call nurse for my fet. No need to see doc. So should I book another apptm in dec in case I fail n doc can review me, see him one last time...

I used to see but v sianz of long hours, so stopped. Here nobody see tan siew buoy

U know girls, I wanna recommend someone ( not dr and not Tcm) to u all but I don't dare to say cos I haven't succeed yet... So dunno works a not and I believe in it. Come dec, I will let u all know when it happens for me!!!
Hi angels&dec

Just my suggestion. U can email to Dr Loh first regarding ur concern. Otherwise if u r comfortable just proceed to do fet and get them to ensure is Dr Loh doing.

Btw any comment regarding thong chai medical? I got my own TCM but DH insisted to go there.
Hi piglet

I checked out from other thread before. Thong chai requires very long waiting time and meds are the brew type.

Today started lucrin, bleeds a lot... Dunno y... Hope I really injected into my body
Good morning ladies.

Hi Hazel n Peko n BabyMe, i hv called to make appt w Dr Loh. But earliest appt is at 10Nov. I will call them every 3-4hours as suggested to check is there any cancellation.

MC, thanks. Cant help feeling sad coz y i hv so many obstacles one... Haiz...

Ocean, Dr Loh arrange for me to go for the SIS coz when he scan me, he said i hv thick lining. So he wants to check my uterus.
Ocean, all requested by dr loh. He saw polyps from V scan in his room so he WANs to hv a more detailed view of the interior. Polyps may cause bleeding but I dun hv these symptoms. I scar easily so he will order SiS whenever I went thru a d&c. If womb scar n he does not fix it b4 Ivf, it will affect the chance of success.
Cos mine is natural fet, I did bbt and Opk to track ovulation .. My luteal phase is always 14 days, so 14 days after ovulation, I will get AF on 15th day. I ever asked one of the nurse if I can opt out bt if my AF reported and tested negative. She told me they encourage us to take to Make sure there is no sign of viable pregnancy.. But they can't force us if we don't do. I only scare dr loh will scold during the next visit. Then I would just tell him that AF came for a few days, where got mood to take bt..

I saw him scold nurses a few times. And I always feel the nurses doesnt talk to him much unless work related. Actually from their behaviour u can tell they scared of him.
Hi ocean
Perhaps u can email dr Loh ur concern ? So he can advise u fr there

Yes dr Loh is a very dedicated dr. He Will accomodate All The relevant request via emsil. Even my workplace dr also agreed. When my workplace dr found out my gynae is dr Loh his1st reaction is : oh he very good towards his patients but very fierce towards his nurses.

Babyjourney, later call again. Tell receptionist dr loh asked to slot u into his schedule coz u Need to see him at the soonest after he is bk as u hv growths in the womb. I always use all type of tactics on these nurses who always go by the books n cannot bent! If I am freaking out (of course freak out coz of gd reasons lah) n need to see him, I will request same day appointment when I call. I will tell them how serious it is! Even if it is a white lie.
